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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 50

by Billy Miner

  Amelia put on her jacket and ran into the direction where she had seen the soldiers disappear. She was back on track and saw them with Decimus. After following them for some time, she hid around the corner of a back wall and watched as they threw her husband in a prison cell. There was a window with bars, so that she could still go there and talk to him, but cautious as she was, she waited for the soldiers to leave first.

  “Pssst…” she said when she came closer.

  “Amelia,” Decimus said excitedly.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “I am not going to stay, but I will get help, now that I know where they are keeping you. I love you. Don’t let them do anything to you, okay? I will send someone to get you out.”

  They kissed each other through the bars of the prison cell and Amelia hurried back to the city. She was aware of the curfew as well. Silently, she tiptoed through the obscure streets, making sure that no patrol would run into her as well. After several streets, she arrived at a friend’s house. She knocked on the door and her friend opened up.

  “Amelia,” she said. “You shouldn’t be here. There are soldiers everywhere. If they find out you are not obeying the curfew rule, they will lock you up.”

  “That’s exactly why I am here,” Amelia said. “They put my husband into prison. I need your help. Please… anything to get him out.”

  Her friend’s husband came to the door. “What’s going on? Did you say Decimus is in prison?”

  “Yes. It’s terrible, and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Don’t worry, Amelia,” he said. “You have always been there for us. We’ll help your husband.”

  Moments later, the man, whose name was Augustus, followed Amelia to the castle prison with a crowbar. They snuck through the streets and arrived at Decimus’ cell, who was happy to see them.

  “Just hold on,” Augustus said. “You have a courageous wife. If it wasn’t for her, I would have never found you. Here, let me show you a little trick I learned when I was uhm… taking care of things at my job.”

  He put the crowbar in the right position and applied some quick trick to turn the leverage of his pulling power into breaking the bars one by one.

  “Wow,” Decimus admitted. “That’s very impressive.”

  “Let’s go home before anyone sees us,” Amelia said.

  “No,” Decimus decided. “I love you, Amelia, but this has to stop. Augustus, get the other ones from the meeting again. We will end this evil reign of terror this evening. When I sat here in my cell, I got a brilliant idea. We have to carry it out tonight, or they will come looking for me.”

  Chapter 7: Treasury Takeover

  The same people from the previous meeting had arrived at the secret cellar.

  “You better have a good reason to risk our freedom this time,” Devius said. “I almost got caught by a bunch of patrolling ender soldiers.”

  “That is my point exactly,” Decimus said. “Men, these soldiers are roaming the streets at night. Why are they doing that?”

  “Because they don’t want anyone to break the curfew,” one of them said.

  “Wrong,” Decimus said. “They don’t care. They have better things to do. What is the real reason?”

  “Because they are racist?” another one said.

  “Maybe some of them, but not all. Come on, men, think. What is fueling this outrageous movement the king is leading? What can’t they do without in order to function? What will break the system if it is gone?”

  “Courage,” one of them said.

  “Mwa… I am looking for something else, guys. Come on.”

  Then somebody said it, “Money.”

  “Ha! Good one,” Decimus said.

  “Money?” they all said, looking at each other surprised.

  “Yes, money. Of course!” Decimus said. “Why would you be on patrol if you don’t even get paid for it? Why would you do anything you don’t want to unless you get a reward in return? The king relies on it as much as anyone else. If he cannot pay his men, they will leave him. If he cannot support his goals financially, they will discontinue. Make the money disappear and all his promises will be in vain. Get it?”

  “Got it,” Laxus said. “But how do you suggest to rob him of his money?”

  “That, my good friends… is the big challenge. Who knows where the treasury is located?”

  One of them raised his hand.

  Plans were being made. Roles were discussed. Estimates were being calculated. They needed men… lots of men… to take care of the king’s treasury. The sixteen men split up into groups and knocked on various doors in the city. Within hours, the men were joined by 100 other natives, all with a desire to overthrow the evil dictator.

  It was 3:00 a.m. And although the citizens of the Enderlands were all vast asleep, the 116 brave men who plotted against the king were busy little bees.

  “Let’s head that way,” Decimus suggested. “We cannot alarm any of the royal guards.”

  The men were all hiding in the bushes near the castle walls, waiting for the opportune moment. Two men snuck to the castle, one of which was going to distract the one guard standing in front of the treasury gate. He walked up to the guard, whistling an innocent tune with his hands in his pockets.

  “Hey you, get away from here,” the guard said. “You are not supposed to be here.”

  “Oh, but I was just going to give you a tip,” the native said.

  “Tip? What tip? You mean money?”

  Then the other man came from behind and banged him on the head. The guard fell down instantly and lay unconscious on the ground.

  “The tip is to always watch your back,” the native said while smiling and stealing the guard’s key to the entrance. Then he turned around, put his two fingers in his mouth, and whistled to the men in the bushes, waving with one hand and signaling that the coast was clear.

  The door, unlocked by the guard’s key, led to a staircase leading to the castle wall.

  “Okay,” Decimus said. “Twenty of us will go upstairs. Ten of those twenty will go inside the treasury and pass on the bags of gold to the ten standing on the wall. The ten on the wall will then throw the bags down, while the others take the bags of gold to the forest, the streets, etc. Does that sound good?”

  “Sounds like a plan, Decimus,” Laxus said. “You’re the man.”

  While Decimus and a handful of other men went upstairs and took the gold from the treasury, the other men carried the bags away and distributed them quickly. With that many men, the job was easily done within a couple of hours. Decimus didn’t realize the king had so much gold, but now that it was all gone, it had to be a sign that he couldn’t live up to his promises. He was hoping that this would cause the miracle he had been desiring to see for years.

  Chapter 8: Mixed

  The next day, the whole country was in commotion. In the city, people were running around and looking for security, since the king had disappeared. Decimus was curious as ever to see what was happening at the royal castle. Endermen were everywhere, but they paid no attention to Decimus or anyone else.

  “What’s going on here?” Decimus asked.

  One of the endermen, who didn’t seem to mind talking to him like a regular person, responded, “The king hasn’t paid any of his servants. It’s like there is some big rebellion. Nobody is content. They are all looking for him. They are wanting a different king.”

  “Thanks for the info,” Decimus said. “What was your name?”

  “Enker,” the enderman said.

  “Sounds good. See you later,” Decimus said.

  He went inside the castle. The hallways were full with endermen running around and looking to avenge their unpaid bills. Now that king Entro was broke, they didn’t care about him at all. They just wanted their money.

  Decimus decided that, since everyone was going one way, he would just go the other way. He snuck into a hallway opposite of the ones everyone was searching in. Then he walked through it and came to a door leading to a bas
ement. After opening the door, he grabbed a torch and looked into the eyes of the ender king.

  “You!” Entro said angrily. “You and your people have done this!”

  He started beating Decimus immediately after saying those words, making him drop his torch and fall to the floor. Decimus blocked some of his attacks.

  “You brought this upon yourself, Entro,” he said while fighting off his punches. “If you had you been a bit more lenient, your subjects wouldn’t have rebelled against you.”

  After that, he elbowed the king in the face, who lost consciousness. Decimus was relieved. He panted and looked at his body to see if he had been bruised in the process. Nothing.

  He picked up the king and snuck out of the castle, heading for the grand plaza. Taking the back alleys, he had the luck to run into only one person.

  “Hey, is that the ender king?” the hobo who saw him asked.

  “What? No. That would be ridiculous. This is just some fan who dressed up as the king.”

  “But why is he knocked out?”

  “Too much to drink,” Decimus lied. “Thank you for your concerned thoughts. Now, as you’ll excuse me, I have to take this drunkard home to his family.”

  That was close. He had almost been discovered. He thought for a moment and made a plan to turn the popular opinion around. Behind the screens, he went up the stairs to the balcony in front of the city square. There he laid down the king behind a curtain, so nobody could discover him. He went back to the castle and looked for Enker, the honest, sincere, friendly enderman he had just met. He grabbed him by the arm and took him to the balcony.

  “What are we doing here? Could you please explain?” Enker asked.

  “Just play along, please,” Decimus whispered.

  Then he jumped on the balcony railing and addressed the crowd.

  “People of the Enderlands!” he started. “Your king has failed you. See?”

  He took the king and showed him to the people. Everybody was shocked. The king had been knocked out after trying to escape the chaos due to the financial disaster.

  “He tried to flee. He has not lived up to his promises,” Decimus continued. “His rules were far-fetched, and his tyranny has come to an end. No more racism. No more discrimination. No more force. This country shall be a free country. There is no rightful heir to the throne anymore, only this corrupt king. Therefore, we shall have elections. You, the people, will have the power to rule the country by choosing your leaders. And as the one who holds the power by holding the ender king in my hands, I am telling you that we will always have ten people ruling the country, five of which will be endermen and five of which will be natives. This is the only way. Can you support me in that?!”

  The people were quiet. They had never heard such reasonable suggestion before. The racist mindset had crept into their minds for decades. But for some reason, they felt good about this new reign, this new era of equality. Many of them were mumbling. Decimus looked at them. He wasn’t going to wait for their stupid responses. He simply took initiative and expected the rest of the people to follow him like sheep. It’s human nature anyway. He jumped back behind the railing and introduced Enker.

  “This is my friend!” he said. “He will help me with the elections.”

  After saying that, he shook Enker’s hand and embraced him like his own brother.

  “I can get into this,” Enker said with a smile. “Thank you for getting me involved. I always wanted to be in politics.”

  “You’re very welcome,” Decimus said.

  The people cheered. Natives and endermen were all happy. They had seen the union between two different skin colors. They had seen the openheartedness and respect Decimus and Enker were showing each other. It was as if the symbol had immediately changed their way of thinking. The duo was leading by example. Everybody celebrated. Endermen and natives were shaking hands all across the plaza.

  Decimus and Enker walked down after commanding the soldiers to cuff Entro, the previous and dethroned dictator. When they came downstairs, Decimus’ family greeted him. His wife hugged him and kissed him with tears of happiness on her cheeks.

  “Dad,” Livia said.

  “Yes, what is it?” Decimus said as he squatted down to her level and smiled at her.

  “I think I will vote for you.”

  “Thanks, sweetie,” Decimus said.

  “Me too, dad,” Valentina said.

  “Me too,” Felicia added.

  “That gives me at least three votes,” he said as he looked at Enker.

  Enker laughed.


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  Minecraft Ender Dragon

  Diary of a Minecraft Ender Dragon

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

  Do you want a free audiobook? Contact me at [email protected]. I will send you a promo code so you can get the Audible version for FREE. Don’t wait too long, because I only have a limited amount of audible codes.

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  Entry 1: Lost

  Entry 2: Ender Acid

  Entry 3: Humans

  Entry 4: A Bond

  Entry 5: Enemies

  Entry 6: Eggs Back

  Entry 7: Saying Goodbye


  This is the diary of a dragon… but not just any dragon; an acid-spitting, black and purple ender dragon. It’s about a dragon who lost his eggs and is looking for a way to retrieve them. Along the way, he defeats vicious enemies and gets in touch with another mysterious creature: A human.

  The humans are strange to him, but after finding out more about them, he discovers just how interesting they can be.

  Quickly keep going and get into the story of a Minecraft ender dragon and his companion, a mere boy who is trying to prove his courage.

  Entry 1: Lost

  My name is Nerith. I am an ender dragon. Each day I fly through the air, soaring above the clouds and looking down on the earth beneath me.


  I flap my wings, snarl, growl, and land on the ground, seeking to devour my next prey. I hunt for rabbits, frogs, cats, and tiny birds, all of which make a deli
cious meal for my taste buds. Sometimes a fish, but that’s when I feel like it. It’s more of an exception.

  But I got lost.

  Not just me, but something precious to me.

  I lost my eggs.

  I had three of them, and somebody or something snatched them away. I have a nest, high on the mountain top, on the steep side of the mountain, the rocky surface that no one dares to climb. This is why it’s such a mystery to me who took my eggs. Did they just fall down? I don’t think so. I checked everywhere at the bottom of the gorge. There was nothing.

  I am frustrated. I am angry. And I am flying through these territories to find out where my eggs are. Whoever took them, is going to pay.

  So there you go. This is my mission. I am searching for them, those black and purple things that have cost me so much time so far.

  I recently found myself searching the highlands of the region, a snowy area with numerous pine trees, as far as the eye could see. It was breathtaking, but also very… very… cold.

  I don’t like the cold, but I had a feeling that I hadn’t been there yet. And since I had searched everywhere else, it made sense to me to check this particular part of the land out. The ice cold wind blew in my face as I sped through the air, hoping for a sign of my beloved eggs.

  Then I saw movement. I didn’t know what it was yet, but I was going to find out soon. Without thinking, I descended to the tiny dots I saw moving in front of me.

  They were wolves.

  They were running after a deer, which was trying to escape their pack. And since I was dying to learn where my eggs went, I was going to crash this little party and make them work harder for their food.

  Entry 2: Ender Acid


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