The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

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by Alexia C. Praks

  The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

  An Intended Murder

  Alexia C. Praks

  Copyright © 2018 by Alexia C. Praks

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without agreement and written permission of the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


  The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

  About The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

  1. Birth of an Abomination

  2. An Intended Murder

  3. The Attempted Assassination

  4. The Interrogation

  5. Romano House

  6. Hasting House

  7. A Friendly Brawl

  8. A Dark Encounter

  9. An Uninvited Visitation

  Characters Introduction


  Also by Alexia C. Praks

  About the Author

  The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

  An Intended Murder

  * * *

  Alexia C. Praks

  About The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

  * * *

  When seventeen-year-old Daniella Romano masquerades as the son of a low-ranked Chinese lord, and waltzes with her comrades into the earl of Middlemarch’s birthday party in order to assassinate a high demon, her revenge plans turn sour. There, Daniella meets Zach—a Greek god if she ever saw one—who suspects she is an imposter and will not let her escape his sight. Amidst the exuberant atmosphere, a man shoots the powerful king of Darnia, Daniella incidentally witnesses another influential lord slaying the culprit, and her friends are captured, ultimately becoming the prime suspects in the case of treason.

  Now it is up to Daniella to use her wit, wiles, and skills as a blood alchemist—an inherited ability to control and transmute blood into powerful weapons—to save her friends.

  Set in an alternative world of Britannia during the reign of Queen Victoria, The Blood Alchemist Chronicles is a mashup of fantasy, mystery, and romance.

  Birth of an Abomination

  Blood Scientist: Individual who studies blood, its form, and function.

  Dr. William Claymore, Blood Scientist

  * * *

  For seven years, she had been their prisoner. For seven years, they had performed countless experiments using her cursed blood. For seven years, they had failed.

  Until today.

  Iron chains clattered noisily against the concrete floor as a pair of willowy feet moved. Jiu, slender and pale, gritted her teeth in pain at the thick metal cuffs that bit into her severely anemic, bruised skin. Her body ached from the many hours of crouching in the confined space. These cuffs, too, did not help, as they were designed to prevent her from escaping. The more she moved, the more the metal gnawed into her delicate skin.

  If only she had all her strength and power, then she’d be able to break the chains and the barrier imprisoning her in this iron cage. She wanted to shift into her fox form to help relieve her sore body, but she was too exhausted to do so. Besides, she would never give those bastards who called themselves blood scientists the luxury of seeing her beautiful thick, glossy white fur, eyes the color of pure gold, and tails—nine in total—that held her demonic power.

  Tears burned her eyes as she wondered how much longer she could endure this. But endure she must, if she wanted to get out of here alive. Endure she must, if she ever wanted to see her beloved daughter again.

  “At last, it’s finally done,” the male voice echoed in the huge shambles of a makeshift laboratory.

  Jiu lifted her head; a sickening feeling rose in the pit of her stomach.

  These humans, she thought. How foolish they were. They had no idea what they’d done. If the experiment worked this time, then a new war would begin. Humans would no longer be human. They’d be immortal, yes, but they’d be like the living dead.

  The blood scientist, a madman of about forty years, with dark-brown hair and eyes the color of brass, came over to her, laughing merrily, mocking her with his seemingly successful experiment. In his hand, he held the glass test tube containing the red elixir, his eyes intent on her face.

  “What do you think, my pretty?” he asked, his other hand pushed between the bars of the cage, stroking her long, pale hair as if she were his beloved child.

  Jiu felt sick to her stomach. She backed away from his disgusting touch.

  He laughed at her reaction, amused. Grabbing a handful of her silver tresses, he yanked her face toward his. With his lips close to her ear, he said, “Thanks to you, my dearest, humans can now live forever.”

  Jiu sneered at him, her eyes glowing, changing from dark brown to a golden red, her demonic power radiating in a golden halo around her. But it could never reach its full potential because this enchanted cage prevented it from doing so.

  “Indeed.” He chuckled. “Indeed, my dear, why don’t you change for me? Change for me. I would love to see your nine tails. Utterly white and soft and beautiful.” He gently moved his fingers down her pale, bruised legs, caressing her.

  She growled in disgust and kicked his hand away.

  He chuckled again. “Feisty, are we not? I don’t know what that man saw in you, my sweet. But you are dead to him, none the less, seven years ago in that horrible fire.” He chuckled in amusement, and then said in a low sardonic tone, “As if a nine-tailed fox demon could die in a fire.” He turned his attention back to the precious potion he had just created. “I will be the first immortal human to ever exist,” he whispered softly, joyfully, as his eyes feasted upon the glowing liquid.

  Jiu watched as he stared mindlessly at the elixir. The longer he gazed at that wonderful potion, the more he was drawn to it; his heart pounded in his chest, his mind raced with the thoughts of endless possibilities.

  He’d be the first immortal person. He’d have all the time in the world. He could conquer the world.

  He was so excited at the thought that he laughed out insanely.

  “Now, then,” he said, and brought the tip of the test tube to his lips. Slowly, he drank it, that scarlet liquid, pouring it down his throat as she watched.

  Once he was done, he threw the tube against the wall with so much excitement the glass smashed into pieces. He couldn’t believe it. He had drunk the potion. It was in his body, and very soon, he’d be invincible.

  He gave out another maniacal laugh. Then it happened. His heart pounded even harder and faster in his chest. He felt the rush of the beautiful red liquid coursing through his body, through his veins, to every nerve of his being. The pain. It was excruciatingly unbearable, torturing him to the brink of insanity, threatening to kill him. He screamed, long and loud. He felt as though he were burning from the inside. His body was on fire.

  “Ah!” He pulled at his hair and staggered back, his body trembling and quaking in shock. He stumbled, swaying from side to side, smashing laboratory equipment—flasks, test tubes, brass clockwork centrifuges, and microscopes were swiped off the workbench. He screamed louder, in agony and torture, begging to be released. But it was too late. His body steamed with white smoke. He collapsed onto the floor, his limbs contorting as the poison took him.

  Jiu stared. He was dead; that much she knew. Soon, however, he would be alive again. Though, he would no longer be the same man.
br />   It was only moments later when she saw him lift his head. He was different now. She could sense him.

  No! Not him. It.

  She could sense it. She could smell it. The inhuman blood flowing through that body. The scent made her sick to her stomach. She involuntarily scurried away from the awakening monster. She noted his eyes were red, his skin pale, and he looked... hungry.

  Aye, the monster had a sudden craving. Not for just anything. He craved blood and flesh. He needed blood. Not just any blood. He needed human blood.

  * * *

  An Intended Murder

  Blood Alchemist: Individual with the Claymore trait, who has the ability to manipulate and transmute blood into powerful weapons.

  Dr. Adam Claymore, Blood Alchemist

  * * *

  London, Britannia

  Reign Of Queen Victoria

  Today, the 17th of May, was an important date for Daniella Romano. It not only marked the beginning of her outrageously daring escapade into the famous, lavish world of Mayfair, but also, it was her seventeenth birthday. A sense of dread lurched into the pit of her stomach as she studied herself in the mirror. She noted her face was pale, though her eyes, the color of chestnut, were bright with excitement and anticipation.

  “Oh, bother!” she muttered under her breath. She realized she didn’t look one bit like a Chinese nobleman about town, despite her best efforts. She thought in dissatisfaction she looked too young and feminine. Dear Lord! Why was it so hard for a girl to pass off as a boy?

  She caught her lower lip between her small, white teeth as she cocked her head to one side, scrutinizing her own reflection in the mirror. She considered cutting her raven hair shorter, as it was resting snuggly against the nape of her slender neck.

  No, no, she told herself. She looked just fine. After all, she didn’t want to look like a peacock, and attract attention to herself. Tonight, she needed to blend in.

  Blend in? She wanted to laugh at the word. She, Daniella Romano, had never been able to blend in anywhere, especially not at a party packed with English socialites. She stuck out like a sore thumb. She was a half-cast, a mixed race of the East and West, a hunxuer, an in-between child society despised, especially one who had the Claymore trait. Humanity considered her utterly abnormal, fully armed, and highly dangerous—a treacherous, threatening being to civilization—and she’d be executed mercilessly upon capture.

  Once again, the thought of impersonating a Chinese lord and stepping into the limelight of a famous earl’s birthday party made her more than a little nervous. She felt a pang of uncertainty, and those unanswered questions popped into her head.

  What if something goes wrong? What if we get caught?

  “Darn it!” she swore under her breath, irritated with herself for being such a ninny. She closed her eyes and took a few slow, deep breaths to calm down.

  In her mind’s eye, she was back there again, in that dark, dead alley with Louisa, her best friend. They had just returned from the New Year celebration when the demons appeared out of nowhere, high on the rooftop. Their skin was pale against the moonlight, and she knew immediately she and Louisa were their dinner.

  They had come charging, their fit and powerful bodies expertly somersaulting in the air and landing mere inches from them. In the blink of an eye, one had caught Louisa in his firm grasp, ready to devour her. Daniella had tried her best to fight them off, but she had been too weak and inexperienced, and they killed Louisa, taking her corpse with them.

  Daniella frowned darkly and fisted her hands at the reminder of that night. Louisa. Oh, Louisa. Why did they have to kill her? She had been such an innocent girl.

  Why, indeed? They were monsters, these demons. They certainly didn’t have the morality to think it was wrong to slaughter another breathing, living being. To those otherworldly creatures, the act of killing was simply sport, an entertainment for them to enjoy. Second, of course, to the simple fact that human life’s qi sustained their strength, was food for their survival.

  Tears welled in Daniella’s eyes as she commanded herself to take control, to stop the emotional pain from overwhelming her. The pain of losing someone she had loved so dearly, so unconditionally.

  Now that she had tracked those bastards down, there was simply no way she would back out. This plan of hers was ludicrous, to say the least, but she had to do it. Louisa’s death would not be in vain. Those life-sucking creatures had to pay for what they had done, no matter that they were nobles.

  And what better way to get the job done than to waltz into Hasting House while there was a party on in full swing?

  Shuffling her own, undoubtedly smashing, birthday fete to one side, which she knew her friends had planned to throw for her, she must now ready herself to attend that of the earl of Middlemarch.

  She returned her attention to her attire and touched the silky black cravat about her neck, the one she had spent at least fifteen minutes tying into the perfect knot. She carefully straightened the dark-blue, double-breasted coat about her slender frame, very glad indeed it hid her femininity well. She, however, couldn’t say the same of the tight, gray trousers.

  Damn the devil’s tooth! They fit her too perfectly, showing her slender legs and, dear Lord, a very feminine backside. She sighed in frustration. Surely she had asked Shin to get her a bigger size? Ones that didn’t draw attention to her feminine attributes? Not that she had much of those since she was considered a walking stick by most of her peers.

  “Shin. Shin. Shin,” she muttered.

  On cue, Saito Shin appeared at the doorway. Daniella noticed the surprised look in his ebony eyes once he had a good look at her.

  “Whoa! You look like one of those pompous lords,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “Not bad. Not bad at all. Just don’t get too close to those old lords who prefer pretty boys, eh?”

  Daniella couldn’t help herself and boxed his ear. If anyone were to worry about being snapped up by old lords with an appetite for pretty boys, it would be Shin. He was by far one of the most gorgeous lads she had ever known. Second, of course, to his older brother Ren, whose aquiline features and dark demeanor set most of the females’ hearts fluttering with ardor.

  Instead of getting upset with her, Shin laughed. That was Shin all right. He was completely different from Ren, who was more serious in nature. Daniella was sure that happy-go-lucky attitude was going to get him into trouble one day.

  She finally let his ear go, which she noted with guilt was now burning red. It must be quite painful, and she was glad indeed that he was simply being Shin. He was carefree, forgiving her occasional mistreatment of him, and most of all, supportive. That was why he was her other best friend. And he was also one of her accomplices tonight.

  “You’re not going to take that off?” he asked, eyeing the gleaming of an earring in her left ear.

  Daniella absentmindedly touched the cool metal, her fingers and thumb caressing the deep-green stone dangling beside her delicate neck.

  “No,” she replied. She knew it was unconventional of her to wear one earring, especially now that she was masquerading as a noble lad, but she had always worn it. It was a part of her. Without it, she felt empty. With it, she felt she had a past, of which she knew nothing. It was as if the ten years of her life before she had been saved by her two foster fathers, Marco Romano and Zhang Li, seven years ago, had been wiped from her mind. It was as if she had never had a past, a childhood.

  “We’re going to get into trouble,” Shin said, folding his arms across his impressive chest.

  His ominous statement drew Daniella’s attention from her thoughts of her empty past. She cocked her head to one side. “Then don’t tell,” she said pointedly.

  “Ren’s going to find out anyway,” he replied stubbornly. “He’s going to beat us good.” He sounded nervous.

  Daniella couldn’t help herself and chuckled in amusement. She could already see the aftermath of Shin being beaten by his older brother, his person in a disheveled mess, as he
usually was after their daily battle exercises. Ren, with his blood katana—the powerful, infamous Murasame—and Shin, with his two double-edged blood swords, Twin Sabers.

  “Not us. He’ll beat you. Ren would never beat me,” she said confidently.

  He snorted indignantly. “I’m his brother, yet you get the special treatment.”

  Daniella smiled and slapped his shoulder to ease his wounded pride. “Dear, dear,” she said.

  Shin sighed. “Just let’s get this over and done with.”

  Suddenly, Daniella felt her stomach knot in dread again. “All right, shall we, then?” she stated, not so confident now.

  Shin nodded, rather unenthusiastically.

  “But first, my trousers,” Daniella said.

  Shin frowned. “What of them?”

  “I need a bigger size.”

  “What for?” Shin cocked his head to one side. “Those fit you just fine, no?”

  She harrumphed. “No, they do not. These are too tight on me. I surely cannot fight in these things.”

  Shin rolled his eyes. “You and your tomboy ways,” he said in exasperation. “How will you ever find yourself a husband when you’re always fighting with demons?”

  Daniella raised a brow. “I’m not interested in finding myself a husband just yet, dear Shin. Now, the trousers, if you please.”

  Shin turned on his heel and said, “Follow me. There’re plenty of dull, black trousers in Tristan’s costume closet.”

  “Is that where you got these?” she asked incredulously. “I thought you went out and bought them.”


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