The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

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The Blood Alchemist Chronicles Page 18

by Alexia C. Praks

Zach said, “Then who is the culprit? The man who shot Mr. Turner dead?”

  Daniella shook her head. “I’m not about to release important information until you agree to my proposition.”

  Zach moved and crossed one leg over the other as he chuckled. “Very clever, young Master Dan.” He cocked his head to one side. “Allow me to guess your age. Sixteen?”

  Daniella frowned. “What does my age have anything to do with us negotiating? It’s seventeen, by the way, since three days ago. The same birthdate as your father.” She cast her eyes downward. “Well, at least I think so.”

  “Ah, so a sixteen-year-old boy is here to negotiate with me, I see.”

  Daniella felt her temper was about to erupt again at any moment now because she knew he was arrogantly teasing her. She told herself to calm down but found it a little hard. Honest to God, why this man always vexed her was beyond her understanding.

  Ren said, “You like to tease Dan, don’t you?”

  Zach flicked his eyes to Ren and gave the other man a pleasant smile. He nodded. “I find Master Dan entertaining.”

  Ren folded his arms across his chest as he said, “Currently, I find your true personality to be completely opposite from the rumors in the streets.”

  Zach cocked his head to one side. “Oh? Would you mind enlightening me as to what these rumors about me are?”

  Ren, his eyes dark, said, “They say you’re a stern young man whose intelligence and abilities are beyond his age. A prodigy of the Militia. They say you are not the type one should get on the wrong side of and certainly not the type to enjoy teasing or partying, as opposed to your younger brother, Lord Connor Hasting. They say you are cold-blooded and cunning.”

  Zach couldn’t help but snort at the rumors of his character. Indeed, society must have thought him a cold, calculating man. Of course, he would agree that most of those traits used to label his personality were accurate. He was the firstborn of a powerful earl, after all, the man who controlled the queen’s guard dog, the Militia, the formidable entity that dealt with supernatural disaster and indeed commanded the country’s respect. Zach would one day inherit that responsibility, along with many others, and thus had learnt to be stern, cold, and calculating, as taught by his father and many tutors since he had been a boy.

  He was forced to agree also that up until very recently, teasing and toying with another person was not part of his character. But that night during his father’s birthday party had changed that side of him.

  “I see.” He turned to Daniella and asked, “What do you think? After meeting me, do you believe I have those traits?”

  Daniella blinked, wondering why he asked her that particular question all of a sudden. She licked her lips and frowned. “Well, we’ve only just met, so I have no idea.”

  Suddenly, Zach laughed. He couldn’t help himself. Good Lord, but he came to realize that he laughed quite a bit when Master Dan was around.

  Once he managed to stop, he said, “That is true.” Suddenly, his eyes twinkled. He leaned forward and gave Daniella a handsome smile. “You did say we are friends, didn’t you?”

  Daniella blushed that he should bring that up here of all places. After all, it had been a lie at the time. She had wanted him to take her to see his father the earl, and not knowing who he was back then, she had lied to him that she was friends with Lord Zachary Hasting.

  She felt Ren’s eyes on her, waiting for her answer, which of course made her nervous. She licked her lips again and said, “I made that up. You know that.”

  Zach dismissed her statement and said, “Friends should get to know one another very well.” He extended his hand in an offer. “Friends?”

  Daniella stared at his large, strong hand in the air in front of her for a moment. “But we’re here to negotiate, aren’t we?”

  Zach, his hand still in the air insistently, said, “I don’t negotiate with strangers. I only negotiate with friends.”

  Daniella raised her eyes to his and noted the relentless, intense gaze that made her heart skip a beat. “So once we’re friends, we can negotiate?”

  Zach nodded his head. “That’s right.”

  Daniella glanced at Ren, who gave her a blank expression. She returned her gaze to her own hands, which were resting on her lap, flipping ideas through her head for a moment.

  Suddenly, she raised her head and smiled brightly. “If I am to be your friend, Lord Zachary Hasting, it also means all my friends and family members will be your friends.”

  Zach stiffened for a moment, understanding what she was implying. How cunning indeed, he thought, impressed.

  Daniella said, “If you can’t accept that, then we can’t be friends, my lord.”

  Zach said, “You do realize if I do not accept your strange terms, then there will be no negotiation?”

  Daniella frowned. “I understand fully, my lord. But of course, my friends and I will certainly find another solution to deal with our current dilemma without negotiating with you.”

  Zach chuckled at her positive attitude. “There’s no need to find another solution for a negotiation. I accept your terms. Let’s shake hands to seal our friendship.”

  Daniella hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward and extended her hand. Zach grabbed her hand tightly and shook, which made Daniella blush.

  Once Zach released her, Daniella turned to Ren and said, “Now it’s your turn.”

  Ren raised a brow at her. “Why must I shake hands with Lord Zachary Hasting?”

  She grinned and said, “Because you two are friends now as well. Now shake hands or I will be very upset.”

  Ren reluctantly extended his hand for Zach to shake.

  When they settled down again, Zach said, “Now, about our negotiation.”

  Daniella nodded. “It’s more like a proposition.”

  Zach nodded. “I can make a guess that it’s about the release of Maiko-dono and Mr. O’Neill?”

  Daniella nodded. “That’s correct. I mean… one wouldn’t simply stand by and watch his friends wrongly accused and be put in prison, correct?”

  Zach burst out laughing. He couldn’t help himself. He knew the youth would bring that up and found it both amusing and impressive. When he calmed down again, he said, “That is correct.”

  “After all, you are the only one who has the power to release both Maiko-dono and John,” she said.

  “If I do that,” Zach said, looking at Daniella and then Ren, “will you tell me of the man who shot Mr. Turner dead?”

  “Yes,” she said, nodding. “Not only that, but we will offer to help you in whatever plans you have to save your father as well. We have quite a talent, you know.”

  “Talent?” Zach cocked his head to one side, one shapely brow rising.

  “Searching,” Daniella said. “We are like detectives. Only it won’t cost you a penny. Not that you don’t have a penny to spare, of course. But we are willing to offer our help. We are friends, after all.” She grinned prettily.

  That infectious smile affected Zach, and he had to clear his throat to compose himself. “Ah, so my new friends have that sort of talent.”

  Ren asked, “You don’t appreciate our abilities?”

  Zach shook his head. “No, that’s not it. It’s just that I already have my own team of experts in that area.”

  Daniella said, “Then why didn’t you say so? And here I was going on about how talented Tristan and his team are.”

  Zach said, “I truly appreciate Mr. Kensington and his team’s talents, very much so, but that is not the area I would like them, and you two, to help.”

  Ren cocked her head to side. “Then in what area do wish us to aid you?”

  Zach smiled and said, “But first, please tell me who is the culprit that shot Mr. Turner.”

  Daniella said, “You know this man, or should I say high demon. Any idea about the Golden West Shipping Company?”

  He looked at her in surprise. “The company my father and I are planning to go into partnership with
… from Darnia. What do you know of them?”

  “Did I not tell you that Tristan and his wonderful team are like detectives?” she said, smiling. “The De Luca family is arriving this weekend, are they not?”

  “Yes.” He narrowed his eyes, and everything became clear to him.

  Ren said, “You and your father must have a lot of enemies out there, a powerful high demon included.”

  Daniella asked, “You know many things about your family’s business?”

  Zach smiled. “Many assume I am nothing more than a young military man who serves Queen Victoria.”

  He did not say anything further, but what he had just said told them a great deal. That, in fact, he was a man with a shrewd mind, not only in the Militia, but in business as well. No man who managed to abuse him and his family would ever get away with it.

  “I have a plan,” he said. “I will need all the help I can get.”

  Ren said, “We already agreed that we’d help.”

  There was a knock at the door, interrupting them at that moment, and then Connor entered the room. As he made his way toward them, Daniella noted that the man’s complexion was not naturally pale as she had previously thought. It looked as though he had on some white powder to make him look pale and sickly. His eyes, too, were not dull from the use of opium, but rather clear and twinkling, just like his brother’s.

  He bowed low at Daniella. “Master Dan,” he said in greeting. “Nice to meet you again.” He turned to Ren. “Saito-sama. We must do it again, you know, the dueling with those gangs.” He was referring to Theo and his gang members, of course. “We make a wonderful team, don’t you agree?”

  Daniella frowned at Connor and asked, “What is the meaning of this? What happened to Tristan and everyone else?”

  Connor said, winking at Daniella, “We had a lovely time getting to know each other.” He turned to the door and said loudly, “Bring them in.”

  The door opened again, and Tristan, Michael, Jude, and Shin all appeared at the door. They were not alone, however. Men—big, mean-looking men with pistols in their hands—were behind them.

  Daniella stared accusingly at Zach. “What is this?”

  Ren narrowed his eyes and said, “It looks as though we fell right into Lord Zachary’s hands.”

  Zach said, “I needed a plan to get you to come to me, Dan.” He turned to his men. “Release them.”

  The men nodded and lowered their weapons.

  Tristan straightened himself and said, looking at Zach, “We thought we were the only ones with good plans.”

  “It appears we are not,” Shin said sourly.

  “Have you told him about our proposition?” Tristan asked Daniella, in which case she nodded in reply.

  “Let me introduce my men,” Zach said. “This is Lieutenant Jeremy Anderson, our cousin. That’s Craig Thompson and David Smith from the Militia.”

  Daniella looked at him with narrowed eyes and clamped her lips together. Zach couldn’t help but smile at the way she was glaring at him.

  “Sorry about the high-handedness,” Jeremy said, looking at Michael.

  “We are used to it,” Michael said, waving aside his concern. “This is nothing.”

  “How’s the negotiation so far?” Connor asked his brother.

  “We’ve agreed to help each other,” Zach said. “After all, we’re all friends now.” He eyed Daniella with amusement.

  “Oh?” Connor said in surprise. “We’re all friends now?” He turned his eyes to Shin and grinned in delight. “Hmm, does that mean we will be able to spend more quality time together, Shin?”

  Shin narrowed his eyes at Connor and said, “Why would I want to spend any time with you? You skirt-chasing rake.”

  The outrageous statement made Connor chuckle. “I don’t only chase skirts, Shin. I chase trousers, too.”

  “Such vile talk,” Shin said sourly. “Why would I want to be friends with a man like you?”

  “Vile talk indeed,” Connor said. Then he remembered his manners and turned to Daniella. “Sorry you had to hear that, Dan. Why don’t you pretend you didn’t hear anything?”

  Daniella asked, “What do you mean by skirt chasing? And trouser chasing?”

  Ren interrupted and said, “You don’t need to know all that nonsense.”

  Tristan said, “It’s men’s things. Young rabbits like you don’t need to know.”

  “Oh, I see,” Daniella said. “And I’m not a rabbit, Tristan.”

  Zach said, “You are a little rabbit, Dan. The youngest and most tender here. Since we’re friends now, if you want to know anything about skirt chasing, you can certainly ask me.”

  Daniella saw the glint in his eyes and knew he was teasing her again.

  Ren said darkly, “Dan does not need your advice on such matters.”

  Daniella nodded in agreement. “If I need any advice, Maiko-dono is always the best person to go to, even about skirt chasing and trouser chasing.”

  That made Tristan, Jude, and Michael burst out laughing in mirth.

  Zach asked, “Why would you go to Maiko-dono for advice in that area?”

  Daniella said, “Because she’s very wise and knowledgeable.”

  Ren cleared his throat and asked instead, changing the subject, “So what is the plan you have in mind, Lord Zachary? Because I have a feeling you already have a few in the pipeline.”

  That got Zach smiling; his military nature came to the surface, which showed clearly on his face. He said, “We attack the enemy on all sides without them noticing where it has come from.”

  “How do we do that?” Shin asked.

  Zach said at large, “There will be a play for all of London to see. A reality play to be precise.” He turned to Tristan. “You and your team are the Masters of Disguise.” At Tristan’s nod, he continued. “You and your team will pretend to be the De Luca family.”

  “The Darnian tycoon?” Michael asked.

  Zach nodded. “My enemies wanted to destroy my father. They will no doubt come out and snatch this important contract that Father and Mr. De Luca are about to make.”

  “And what about the real De Luca family?” Jude asked.

  “They will be safe and kept quiet for the time being. I will, of course, tell them the truth. We will provide them with the best of hospitality while they’re here.”

  “When will this start?” Daniella asked.

  “This Saturday,” Zach said, grinning. “Once Maiko-dono and Mr. O’Neill are released from prison, we’ll have a meeting and make preparations.”

  Daniella said, “Sounds like fun.”

  Tristan nodded. “I will have to brush up on my Darnian accent.”

  Connor asked, “The De Luca family has three sons. Who will play their characters?”

  Zach eyed Daniella while Tristan eyed Shin.

  Daniella said, “Me?”

  Zach nodded. “You’re the perfect age. Mr. De Luca’s youngest is sixteen years old.”

  “And their middle one is seventeen,” Tristan said, his eyes still on Shin. “You’re perfect, Shin.”

  Shin said, “But Dan and I look nothing alike.”

  Connor said, “We can always make you half siblings.”

  Jude said, “Actually, if Chris’s information was accurate, then the current Mrs. De Luca is eastern.”

  Michael nodded. “That would make Dan the perfect third son.”

  Tristan said, “And Ren and Shin the other two sons from the woman’s previous marriage.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement at that.

  Ren said, “I didn’t know I was having a part in the play.”

  Daniella said, “We get to be siblings, Ren. That’s fun, right?”

  Ren petted her head and said quietly under his breath, “I’m not so sure about that.”

  Zach, being a good listener, overheard Ren’s comment and frowned.

  Jude asked at large, “So Tristan is going to play Mr. De Luca, and who’s going to take the part of Mrs. De Luca?”
/>   It was Jeremy who answered that question. “I believe Maiko-dono would fit the part perfectly.”

  Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with that idea.

  * * *


  Thank you so much for reading The Blood Alchemist Chronicles: An Intended Murder. I hope you’ve enjoyed the story so far. If you do and would like to continue the tale of rookie blood alchemist Daniella and her band of awesome friends, please don’t forget to check out the second book in the series The Blood Alchemist Chronicles: Master of Disguise, which is coming soon. To get notification of when Master of Disguise is coming out, please join my young adult books mailing list here.


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  Characters Introduction

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  Daniella Romano

  Gender: Female

  Age: 17

  Height: 5’4” (165cm)

  Nationality: Unknown, mixed race of the East and West

  Background Information: Adopted daughter of Marco Romano and Zhang Li. A rookie blood alchemist and holder of the Divine Saber and Black-Death Pistol.

  Zachary Stephen Hasting

  Gender: Male

  Age: 21

  Height: 6’1” (185cm)

  Nationality: British

  Background Information: Heir to the Earldom of Middlemarch and the catch of the season. A noblesse, veteran blood alchemist, and notorious master strategist. Older brother of Connor Hasting and firstborn son of Stephen Hasting.

  Connor William Hasting

  Gender: Male

  Age: 20

  Height: 6’0” (180cm)

  Nationality: British

  Background Information: Younger brother of Zach Hasting and second son of Stephen Hasting. A noblesse, veteran blood alchemist, and notorious charmer.

  Saito Ren

  Gender: Male

  Age: 19


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