Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken

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Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken Page 22

by Michelle Hardin

  Mickey said nothing … not a word. Simply because he couldn’t.

  “It’s Mama. Io sono la tua mamma, bambino. I-I’m back.” The sound of a passing car filled the phone before the hysterical woman spoke again. “The doctor let me leave the hospital now,” she continued, speaking a bit louder over the traffic behind her. “I’m not sick anymore, and I miss you. Do you miss me? I … I need you, bambino. I need your help. I want to come see you … It’s just like I promised, baby. Do you remember? I told you I’d come back for you. That I’d make up …” she wept softly, “That I would make up for all the bad things I’ve done. I’m ready now. Ready to see you.”


  She sniffled softly. “Please … talk to me, Kyle.”

  Still, Mickey remained silent.

  “Kyle … please, bambino,” the woman cried. “Please. I’m in trouble. I need help. They’re going to hurt me … before I even get a chance to see you. They want to kill me, your father. Mi aiuti per favore, Kyle. Mama needs you to protect her now, just like she protected you from them.” Her sobs became more desperate. “Kyle, please, speak to me. You know I …” He heard the phone slam against the receiver before she brought it to her ear again. “You know I hate it when you ignore me, baby. It h-hurts Mama when you treat her like this … I’m sorry. Is that what you want. For Mama to apologize to you?”

  No, that wasn’t what Kyle wanted. Mickey knew that for a fact.

  “I’m sorry, bambino. I never meant … I wanted to be a good mommy to you, but they made me hurt you. Your papa, Anastacia, they made me hurt you like that, they told me to—”

  That was enough. Mickey hung up the phone, feeling thoroughly shaken.

  “What the fuck?” he whispered, just as the haze that had surrounded him during that call began to fade. He was in shock. That had to be it because he still couldn’t move, still couldn’t speak even as his brothers continuously called his name.


  It was Nathan’s call that effectively pulled him out of his daze.

  “Mikilo,” he called again.

  This time, Mickey answered by turning his head and meeting Nathan’s gaze.

  “What is wrong with you?” he asked, furrowing his brow in deep confusion. “Did you not hear us?”

  No, Mickey thought, I didn’t.

  “Who the hell was it, Mick?” Lucca asked, his confusion just as evident. “Who was on the phone?”

  Still shocked and disturbed out of his fucking mind, Mickey looked over to his brother, and pointed in the direction of the phone. “I think …” He shook his head. “I think I just spoke to Kyle’s mother.”

  Chapter 14: The Getaway

  ‘Pack a bag, colomba. We’re going away for the weekend.’

  Words that had packed so much freaking power, they made Reanna want to jump for joy and run for the hills all at the same time.

  ‘Pack light, dress warm; don’t forget a pair of boots, baby … it’s supposed to snow.’

  Where? Reanna had thought as she’d done every single thing Kyle had told her to do. She’d looked at the forecast for New York, and though temperatures were dropping, there was not any chance of snow … except in the mountains.

  That was when Reanna had guessed where they were going. And she’d been right.

  It looked cold outside as they drove farther and farther up north, like the temperature was dropping lower and lower with each mile they drove, but in the car, the heat was blasting something fierce. And despite her warm wear of a large purple sweater, a simple pair of light blue jeans, and a pair of very cute white snow boots that she loved to pieces, Reanna was comfortable in the warm temperature, cuddled up to her seriously sexy—apparent—boyfriend. Kyle also had on a sweater, a blue one of course. He’d paired it with the sexiest pair of black dress pants, and extremely expensive looking Italian leather shoes. Seriously, they were like night and day, she and him, like male model and … well, photographer. And everyone who laid eyes on them seemed to notice just how different they were from one another.

  But surprisingly, it didn’t bother Reanna. She didn’t care that they looked like an odd couple, like GQ model and soccer mom. It didn’t faze her. She was more nervous about what was to come …

  They were on a trip together. Like an actual trip with just the two of them … well, and every man in Kyle’s security detail.

  That included two men, who sat in the front, one driving of course, and the other occupying the passenger seat, and three SUV’s behind them. Reanna assumed they were full of men, but for what reason, she had no idea. All she knew was that, one, they were scary, two, most of them were covered in ink, and three, according to Kyle, getting him to where he needed to be, making sure he had everything he needed, and keeping both him and her safe from … whatever, was their job, and to act as if they weren’t even there. Reanna had just shrugged and said, “Whatever.” She wasn’t exactly used to being driven around or ‘protected’ but she was down for anything. Really all she could focus on anyway was what the hell was going on between her and Kyle.

  They’d been driving for about an hour, and the longer they drove, the more curious Reanna was becoming. Yes, she knew they were headed north, but what were they going to do when they got there? Were they staying in a hotel? A ski lodge? It was cold, but there wasn’t actually any snow yet, so that was probably out.

  She couldn’t exactly understand his intentions here either. Was he whisking her away to be romantic? Because she had to admit, this was really romantic. The whole ‘surprise trip’ aspect of it all was really doing it for her. It was kind of turning her on, making her want to do naughty things she wouldn’t normally do at home, or ever.


  Reanna immediately chided herself for all of the dirty images she allowed to flash through her mind. Jesus lord. What had gotten into her? It was like a constant abandoning of good sense over and over again today. She needed to get ahold of herself and fast. This … this thing between them was still new. It didn’t even have a label on it yet. Reanna didn’t know what was happening, if he loved her like she loved him. hell, she didn’t even know if Kyle still had feelings for his current girlfriend or not.

  She frowned at that.

  Did he still have feelings for Aniyah? She hadn’t really asked him that yet. He hadn’t said anything about her today. Plus, he was with Reanna right now, and he had called himself her boyfriend. All of his actions thus far had pointed to him not having feelings for Aniyah Clark, but still, Reanna couldn’t trust herself enough in her observing to know whether or not it was wishful thinking—ignoring certain facts. Though she wanted Kyle to be in love with her, and only her, she had to remember he’d been in a relationship with Aniyah for nearly two years, and seriously, there was no way a man could date a woman that long without feeling something … Right?

  Ugh. She didn’t know!

  This was too much thinking, so much it was beginning to make her head hurt. She needed to relax. Maybe enjoy the ride, then let all that other stuff annoy her later once they finally got to wherever they were going.

  Looking up at Kyle, Reanna smiled, deciding it better to just focus on him and being here with him, rather than all the pesky worry she kept letting take hold of her thoughts.

  He was still on his phone speaking in rapid Italian as he had been for the last twenty or so minutes. She didn’t want to interrupt him, but she could have used some company, maybe some reassurance that this was a romantic trip, and not a trip for say a … mistress and her billionaire lover.

  If he wanted to proclaim himself her boyfriend, then she was going to need him to act like it, and perhaps pay some attention to her.

  Biting her bottom lip, she timidly tapped on his leg. “Kyle,” she whispered.

  Of course he didn’t respond at first, just captured her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. In her head she heard his voice say ‘hold on, baby’, because she knew that was exactly what he would say.

  Sighing and feelin
g impatient, Reanna tried again, this time giving his hand a squeeze in return. “Kyle,” she whispered again. “Honey … are you almost done?” The endearment ‘honey’ felt so natural for her to say to him, Reanna didn’t even think much of it.

  This time he spared her a glance as if to say ‘Give it a rest, woman. I’ll be done when I’m done.’

  Reanna rolled her eyes. Typical Kyle answer. Always with his caveman ‘Me man. You woman. You listen’ talk. He was such a monster, a loveable one, but a monster nonetheless.

  Feeling totally and completely ignored, Reanna decided it best to turn it up a notch this time. She usually wasn’t like this—she normally wasn’t one for attention seeking behavior—but it had always been different with Kyle. All throughout their friendship. He had this … amazing way of ignoring her so well that she could never help but do every childish thing she could think of to get and keep his attention.

  It was a game they’d played, far too often throughout their friendship for it to have been okay, and was one of the reasons why Reanna had often labeled their friendship inappropriate. Because they acted like a couple. But now since they’d sort of taken their relationship to another level, it wouldn’t have been so bad to play with him a little … would it?

  Reanna smiled.

  No. It wouldn’t, would it?

  Deciding to have a bit of fun, Reanna turned her head, pressing her face into his sweater-covered bicep. She laughed softly when his arm flexed, knowing that though he wasn’t looking at her, she had his attention. And that was all she needed to get the results she wanted; a fun, sexy, playful Kyle.

  “Babe,” she sang, smiling against his shoulder and holding on to his arm tightly, “are you almost finished?”

  He palmed her thigh, giving it a light squeeze that made her chuckle softly.

  “Kyle,” she sang again, this time placing her chin on his shoulder. She smiled when he shot her a look from the corner of his eye. “Don’t you want to play with me?” She tapped his shoulder again. “I’m a lot more fun than that stupid phone call …”

  This time he lightly smacked her inner thigh.

  “Ow,” she whined, loving how well she played the role of the clingy mistress slash girlfriend. “Kyle, pay attention to me.” She closed her legs tightly, trapping his hand between them. “Kyle …”

  Okay, she could admit that that move was a tad bit naughty, but she’d be crazy if she didn’t indulge in the newly set limits of their friendship just a little bit. Besides, it was just a little harmless flirting, and nothing compared to all of the things they’d done to each other the night before. Plus, Reanna kind of wanted to test his limits a little. See how far he’d let her go before he gave in and did what she asked.

  Releasing his hand from between her legs, Reanna laced her fingers with his, then placed her free hand on his leg. “Will you listen to me now?” she asked teasingly, before slowly sliding her hand up his thigh. “How about now?” she whispered.

  Spying him biting his lip, she smiled. She didn’t understand why he didn’t just give up when it was so obvious she was going to win.

  She inched her hand a bit higher, this time laughing softly when she felt him tense under her touch. “I bet you’re paying attention now, huh?” she taunted. “I win, Valente—”

  Her words cut off with a gasp when Kyle unlaced their fingers, gripped the hand she had resting on his thigh, and put it right on his … his …

  Yep, she was touching his penis.

  Not only was she touching it, but he was getting hard—so incredibly hard under her touch. And her body definitely hadn’t hesitated in its response to his arousal …

  Oh my God. Her heart sped up. “Kyle …”

  Tugging her closer until they were face-to-face, Kyle dropped the phone from his ear and a sinfully sexy smile pulled at his lips. “Let me make something clear to you, colomba …” His eyes fell to her parted lips. “You will cease this taunting, or I will have this car pulled over, I will tell my men to exit it, and then I will fuck you.”

  Her mouth dropped.

  “Yes,” he nodded as if to confirm her unspoken question, “I said I’ll fuck you. And I mean it.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks. Yep, it was just like Kyle to state something so plainly. No big production, no fancy talk, no chance for confusion, no regard for the two men in front listening to this. Just a flat out ‘I’ll fuck you’.

  Please fuck me.

  “Are we understood, colomba?”

  Unable to speak due to the fact she was so impossibly turned on by his behavior, Reanna nodded her response.

  He smiled … such a perfect smile. “Yes,” he said as if to get her to confirm once more that she understood his words.

  “Yes,” Reanna breathed. “I understand.”

  Seemingly exaggeratedly satisfied with her answer, he smiled wide, released her hand, leaned forward, and kissed her. Too freaking well. Seriously, Reanna felt lightheaded when he pulled away from her, and Kyle seemed all too happy that he had such an affect on her.


  He opened his arms wide, beckoning her to sit at his side. And conceding, Reanna did exactly that.

  Lifting his phone, he gave it a light wave in her line of sight.

  “Do you mind, baby?” he asked, the amusement obvious in his tone. “I promise I’ll be finished before we get to the cabin.”

  Still pathetically out of it and way too aroused for comfort, Reanna just nodded her head and cleared her throat. “Please,” she whispered, pressing her thighs tightly together as she rested her face on his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Go ahead.”

  Kyle let out an exaggerated moan of delight. “Thank you, baby.”

  He gave her one last kiss on her forehead, then rested his arm over her, placing his large, possessive hand right on her ass. He gave it a light slap right before she swore she heard him chuckle, “I win,” softly under his breath.

  Reanna smiled, turning her face to hide it against his chest. How was it possible that she could hate and love his arrogant ass all at the same time?


  This was definitely a romantic trip …

  Okay, when one thought the word cabin the picture that would surely pop into their mind would be, of course, a beautiful house made of logs. Small, quaint, with a chimney, and maybe a few quilts and faux bear skin rugs. But this … this was not a freaking cabin. Well, technically it was, but it was definitely unlike any cabin Reanna had ever seen before.

  It was a freaking mansion with two large Jacuzzis and an indoor pool.

  Luxurious, extravagant, pretty much every fancy word in the English language, Kyle’s cabin was that. It was built sturdy with Red Cedar wood, and the most stunning floor to ceiling windows Reanna had ever seen in her life.

  The inside of the home was filled with gorgeous, bright tan and brown, cozy home-style furnishings, hard wood floors, and plush, fluffy carpets that Reanna longed to just collapse on. The ceilings were high and adorned with more windows, the lights were big, round, clear balls hanging from the high ceilings like Christmas ornaments. The halls, they were wide and long. Reanna felt as if she were walking the halls of a castle as Kyle showed her around enthusiastically gushing about his house, and how he had a slight obsession with acquiring property and real estate. He’d actually bought the cabin a year ago as a fixer upper project, and after working with an architect and personally designing his dream cabin, he’d had the place renovated from the inside out. Landscaping and everything, Kyle had had the property restored to perfection.

  Listening to him talk about it was … incredible. He had so much passion for purchasing undesirable property and bringing it back to life. She imagined that if he weren’t in the criminal world that this—home restoration, architecture—was what he’d be doing for a living.

  She smiled at the thought.

  He’d probably hate it to. The life of an architect couldn’t possibly be as exciting as the life he lived as a powerful consig
liere. It wasn’t in a man like Kyle’s nature to do something so … legal. Kyle thrived when he had power, Reanna could tell. She actually hadn’t known what a big deal he was until tonight.

  The men with him, and the men that were already at the house when they arrived were highly protective of him. She was talking security on all areas of the property. They even had a nice sized house right next to the massive cabin called a ‘safe house’. Purely out of curiosity, she had asked Kyle when they’d first arrived if it all was necessary. The guns, the Fort Knox worthy security, the insane amount of men surrounding the vulnerable parts of the property.

  She’d expected him to say no—that it was just for show, or maybe a formality of Mafia culture. Instead, he’d simply answered with a quick “Yes,” then continued showing her around the beautiful home. Reanna assumed the obvious brushing off of her question had only been him wanting to avoid either lying to her with a bullshit answer, or telling her the truth and scaring her, but honestly, the one word answer he gave her only piqued her interest on the matter even more.

  Of course she realized over the course of their friendship that there were some things Kyle couldn’t tell her, but still, she wouldn’t be able to tolerate being brushed off like a child every time she asked him a question he didn’t want to answer. If there were a subject that he didn’t want pressed, she preferred he took the small amount of time it would take to at least tell her.

  But she wouldn’t dwell on that right now. That was a talk for later.

  Right now, she was too fascinated with his home to think about anything else. She also adored how charming Kyle was being while he gave a tour through his latest purchase.

  “So what do you think?” he asked, taking her hand as they continued to make their way down the long hallway.

  Reanna admired the stunning art covering the high walls. “Your house is incredible, Kyle. Really.” She looked back in his direction with a smile. “You did an amazing job.”

  “It’s only a hobby, but I’m pretty pleased of the work I’ve done here.” He flashed her a proud smile that made her chuckle.


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