The Biker's Dirty Little Secret

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The Biker's Dirty Little Secret Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “All of it. You lied.”

  Brick frowned. “When the fuck did I lie?”

  “You lie about everything. You lie all the time. Isn’t this what you do? Find women, sleep with them, and then get rid of them?” she asked.

  “Wait one second, I never said anything like that. Has one of the guys said anything?” he asked.

  “No. I just … I know … okay. I get it.”

  “For fuck’s sake, I don’t do that. First of all, I don’t have to. Open your eyes and you’d see there’s a lot of willing pussy around wanting me. Second, I have never in all of my years told another woman that I loved them. I never even told my mom, Callie. You are the woman I’m in love with. I had club business to attend to last night.” He cupped her face, tilting her head back.

  “Club business?”

  “Yes. It ran on longer than it needed to.” He pressed his head against hers. “I’m not going to lie to you. The truth is … I didn’t want to have this conversation with you, talking about our pasts, so I put off going to the lake.”

  “Oh,” Callie said. Guilt filled her. “You didn’t have to do this. We don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to.” She touched his hands where they held her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.”

  She felt ever so guilty. He slammed his lips down on her, and this time, she cupped his face. His tongue traced across her bottom lip, and she released a moan as he pulled her close to him. The hardness of his body was such a turn-on.

  Brick let go of her face to run his hands down her back, going to her ass, drawing her close, and deepening the kiss as he plundered her mouth. He broke the kiss to trail his lips to her neck, biting down before sucking on the flesh beneath her ear.

  She arched up, feeling an answering pull between her legs. She didn’t want him to stop. His name was a moan spilling from her lips.

  “I don’t want you to ever leave me, Callie.” The hands on her ass moved up to cup her tits.

  “I won’t leave you. This was a mistake.”

  He smiled. “Are you sore?”

  “No. I need you.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. I know you, Brick. I want you. Please. I’m not as soft as you think. I can take you.” She wanted to feel him deep inside her, fucking her, claiming her, making her forget everything.

  Brick moved her back toward the bed, and she went willingly.

  He dropped her down and she tugged at his leather cut. Then he stepped back, removing his leather cut and letting it drop to the floor before grabbing his shirt and tugging it over his head.

  She ran her hands over his chest, loving the tight muscles and the ink that covered him. In her haste this morning, she’d only put on a pair of sweatpants and a large shirt. He stripped them off her within seconds.

  Releasing a chuckle that quickly turned to a moan, he placed his hand directly between her spread thighs. “This pussy is all mine.”

  “Yours,” she said.

  “Good.” He grabbed her knees, spreading them open, and then his tongue glided between her slit. The single touch made her arch up and gasp. She never wanted him to stop as he teased her pussy. “So fucking tasty. I want to spend hours eating this pretty cunt.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes. Yes, Brick.”

  “Then be a good girl and come for me. I want to swallow you, and then you’ll get my dick.”

  He flicked her clit, holding her ass still as he ravished her pussy. She was so close, and when she came, Brick didn’t stop. He continued to taste her, licking and sucking at her cunt until he sent her hurtling into a second orgasm.

  Her body was no longer her own.

  The pleasure filled her veins as he moved between her thighs. He placed the tip of his cock against her core, but slid through her slit, bumping her clit as he did.

  Brick repeated this action a couple of times, making her gasp and moan for more.

  “Yeah, fuck, baby, that’s it. I can’t wait anymore. I’ve got to have you.” He put the tip of his cock at her entrance and slowly slid inside her. At first, there was a bit of pain, not like before. This was different. With each inch he plunged inside her, the fuller and needier she became. “I love how wet you get for me.”

  She grabbed his waist, watching as his cock filled her until with a long hard thrust, he was deep inside her.

  He took hold of her hands, pressing them above her head and locking their fingers together.

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked.


  “You’re going to get my name inked on your body, and you’re never going to have any doubt that you’re mine.”

  Before she could say anything, he slammed his lips down on hers, and she melted. Brick wasn’t taking no for an answer, and part of her liked that. She wasn’t afraid of him. For once in her life, she finally felt loved. Some women might not want to be with a man like Brick, she wasn’t one of them.

  All of her life, she’d been pushed aside, unloved, unwanted, but with Brick, he made her feel cherished, and the truth was, she saw a future with him. The real question was if he saw a future with her.

  Chapter Nine

  “I found something. You said you wanted me to come to you before going to Lord.”

  Brick already had a headache from all the shit going down lately, but this could be a ray of hope. “Go on,” he told Copper.

  “I built a signal detector. Something I noticed when I tried it out this morning is that it goes on and off when the boys ride out.”

  So, it was an inside rat. Brick still hoped it was something simple like a hacked cell phone, but when was anything easy for the club?

  “We’ve got a lot of riders. Have you been able to narrow it down?”

  He nodded.

  Brick scrubbed a hand down his face. “Give it to me.”

  “I’ve got it narrowed down to seven.”

  He exhaled. “Give me the list. I’ll deal with it.”

  All his focus needed to be on the Skull Nation drama unfolding, but now he had to add a possible rat to the mix. He’d thought Lord had exaggerated. The prez was always paranoid. But the threat was real.

  He made his way to Lord’s office. They got some good intel from Jeff yesterday, but it was only so useful when someone in their own club was selling secrets to the Skull Nation. It was fucking dangerous.

  The door was partway open. Lord had Ally sitting on his desk as he stood between her legs. They were kissing and didn’t hear him knock. He knocked louder, clearing his throat for good measure.

  “Come in, Brick.”

  Lord smacked Ally on the ass as she scampered out.

  He waited until she was gone before entering, then closed the door behind him.

  “I’m guessing this is serious.” Lord rounded the desk and sat in his oversized chair.

  Brick slapped the list of names on the desk in front of the prez.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  “One of those is your rat,” Brick said.

  Lord sat straighter and checked out the seven names. He shook his head. “Not possible.”

  “Best-case scenario, they’ve got a bug on their phone.”

  “That has to be it. These are some of my best fucking men,” said Lord. He appeared visibly distraught, leaning back in his chair, both arms behind his head. As he stared off into space, Brick stood on the sidelines and waited for direction.

  He checked his watch.

  “Get them all in my office. Now.”

  Brick didn’t say a word. Lord was fucking pissed off. He left the clubhouse and whistled for the nearest prospect, telling him to round up the seven brothers.

  His mind was fractured, thinking of a future with Callie while wondering what the Skull Nation was up to this time. If they didn’t have some semblance of peace, she wouldn’t be safe. He also had to open up to her if he wanted to keep her, and that w
asn’t an easy task. Brick had big plans for Callie. She wasn’t a whore he planned to dump once he had his fill. She was the real deal, and he planned to make her his old lady one day. First, he wanted to get that girl registered in college, make her dreams come true. She deserved it all, including a man better than him—only he wasn’t optional.

  All the men but two were present. As they all filed into Lord’s office, Brick was on his cell phone, calling in Tank and Whisky. He couldn’t help that his mind went right to the gutter. They weren’t at the club, so what the fuck were they up to? Whisky had only been living at the clubhouse for about a year, so Brick still wasn’t sure of his loyalties even though he’d been patched in years ago. He’d been living up north, watching over some of their other properties. Tank, well, that would be a stab to the heart if that motherfucker betrayed the Straight to Hell MC. That bastard had saved their asses too many times to count.

  “Cell phones on the desk,” Lord said. He didn’t leave it open to discussion. His tone was eerily calm.

  Copper stepped forward with whatever contraption he’d put together and scanned their phones. Brick held his breath, hoping this was an easy fix.

  “All clear,” Copper said.

  “Where are the other two?” Lord asked.

  “On their way home, boss.” Brick tucked his phone into his pocket.

  “You know why you’re in here?”

  Most of the men shook their heads.

  “A rat.”

  An invisible chill passed through the room—even Brick felt it. They’d all witnessed Lord torture and kill his own men if they were unfaithful. News of a rat in the mix was no joke.

  Tarmac put up both hands at the elbow. “I swear to God, Lord—”

  “Don’t,” Lord interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it. Until I find out who it is, this club isn’t secure.”

  “Get out,” said Brick.

  Once they were alone again, he began to pace.

  “You think it’s Whisky, don’t you?” Lord asked.

  He shrugged. “No. Yes. I don’t fucking know.”

  “I’m not going to crucify a man based on a hunch.”

  Brick glared at Lord. “I’m an animal now? I just trust Tank over Whisky.”

  “Don’t trust anyone.”

  “When they get home, I’ll have them sent in here immediately. No time to hide their shit. I’ll get Copper to scan them straight away before they know what’s up.”

  “You called them home. If one of them’s guilty, they’re already suspicious,” Lord said.

  “Whatever. This ends today. We have enough on our plates without having to deal with this bullshit.”

  Lord opened a drawer and pulled up a 9mm. He checked the clip. “If Tank’s the one, you going to put a bullet in his head?”

  They held eye contact. “I’ll do what I have to do.”

  Did Lord think he’d gone soft because he loved Callie? Did love equal weakness in Lord’s eyes? He wouldn’t think twice about doing his job as VP.

  “Ally’s pregnant.”


  They had a new baby and they were already having another.

  Lord chuckled. “I like her pregnant. And I like being a father even more.”

  “It doesn’t worry you? I mean, kids in this mess?”

  “We’ll get everything handled. Don’t forget, there will always be drama, always a rival knocking at our doors. What matters is loyalty. That’s what keeps us safe. If we have each other’s backs, no one can stop us.”

  He nodded. “You’re right.”

  The distant echo of motorcycles captured his attention. He headed out to the yard to round up the last two potential rats. Nobody was off the hook just yet.

  Brick watched as Tank rolled in, parking in the yard. The man was a brick shithouse, the biggest guy in the club. He was treasurer and kept track of their finances. By the time he walked in his direction, Whisky rode through the gates.

  “Were you together?”

  “Together with who?” Tank asked.

  “Never mind. Where were you?”

  “I was tracking down the lead you got from Jeff. I’ve been dealing with shit all day.”


  “I know where they’re holing up.”

  Once Whisky was heading their way, he led them back to Lord’s office. He stood to the side as the boys entered and faced off with the prez.

  “Phones on the desk.” Lord scratched his temple with the barrel of his gun.

  Copper immediately scanned the phones.


  Lord set his gun down hard on the table. “Fuck.”

  The room got too damn quiet—until Copper spoke up. “Lord.”

  The prez looked up.

  “The sensor went off a few minutes ago. The guy you want recently rode in.”

  Brick and Lord made eye contact.

  “The phones are clean. Check their bodies,” Lord said.

  Copper scanned both men, but they were clean.

  “What’s this about?” asked Tank.

  This time, Lord stood up, both hands on the desk. “We’re searching for a fucking club rat, and I’m looking at him right now. Odds say it’s one of you two.”

  “Fuck no!” Tank shouted.

  “Don’t look at me,” Whisky said.

  Lord glanced at Copper. The resident tech wiz was inked to the nine. A reclusive but deadly motherfucker. “The bikes.”

  “Right. Let’s head outside, boys.”

  The bright light of the afternoon sun glistened off the chrome. Before Copper even finished scanning, his sensor was going off. He got down on his back, reaching up under the fender. When he sat back up, he had a small device in his hand.

  He’d taken it off Tank’s bike.

  Even though Tank was bigger than Lord, the prez grabbed him by the shirt and practically dragged him back to his office. He shoved him inside, and Tank barely kept his footing.

  Brick slammed the door shut, leaving just the three of them.

  “I trusted you,” Lord said. He turned and punched him in the jaw, a spray of blood coating his white t-shirt. He shook out his fist.

  “I’m not a rat.” Tank held out a hand. “I know what this has to be about.”

  “Then let’s hear it before I get really angry.”

  “I went out last night looking for the Skull Nation hideout. There was this slut at the gas station, so I took her to a hotel for the night. I fucked her three times and she left first thing in the morning.”

  “I don’t need to hear about who you fuck,” Lord said. “You keep that shit to yourself.”

  Tank scrubbed a hand down his face. “When I looked out the window, I saw her get on the back of a Skull Nation bike. There were three of them, so I didn’t want to act alone.”

  “So you were targeted?”

  “I can’t say for sure, but if there was a tracker on my bike, I’m thinking yes.”

  Lord paced. “You’re a fucking idiot.”

  “I know. I know.”

  “You have plenty of pussy around here, for fuck’s sake.” Lord ran a hand through his hair. Brick could tell the tension was easing.

  “You didn’t think to tell me?”

  “I followed them at a distance. They wanted the upper hand, but I found out where they’re staying.”

  Brick put two and two together. “If the bitch put the tracker on him today, then we still have a rat. Someone gave Skull Nation information when you first brought Ally here. It’s more than a tracker and going on longer than one day.”

  Lord ordered them both out.

  He knew something had upset his prez, but he did as asked and left his office. They’d definitely be paying the Skull Nation a visit soon.


  “Why the rush?” Callie asked.

  “I don’t have a lot of time. If I know him at all, Lord will call a meeting tonight.”

  She didn’t even want to know. Life in a motorcycle club was constant chaos,
but somehow, they always handled things. Even though she’d been around for a while now, she still appreciated all the little things, from having all she could eat to not smelling piss in the stairwells. She expected the worst, but this place was worlds better than where she’d come from. Most of all, she felt safe with Brick. Loved. This was where she belonged, and just imagining going back to her old life gave her chills.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist as they drove off on his Harley. His abs were hard and ripped with muscle, so she couldn’t help but slip her hands under his shirt as they drove. His skin felt warm.

  Callie rested her head against Brick’s back, so in love with him. She just needed to get used to him coming and going at odd hours and heading off on dangerous rides every now and then. He said he was loyal to her, so she needed to trust him. It was a challenge to keep her jealousy and nerves at bay, but she was trying her best.

  They slowed down near the small town. She used to walk there from work when she didn’t have cab money. It was only a blip on the map but the only place she ever frequented. They passed the restaurant Brick had taken her to on their first date. He was replacing all her bad memories with new, happy ones.

  He entered the mall and parked his bike. Once he cut the engine, she immediately asked why they were there.

  “There must be a list a mile long you keep telling me about. This is your chance to get everything you need. There’s a good chance we’ll be on lockdown soon, so I want you comfortable.”

  She didn’t ask any questions because she didn’t want to hear the answers. Instead, she just took the offer at face value. What could be wrong with shopping?

  “I don’t like spending your money, Brick.”

  “You’re mine. Don’t think that way. Besides, I’m the one who didn’t let you go back to work, so blame me.”

  It was odd not needing to work anymore. She used to sell her soul for a paycheck.

  They entered the market where they had a grocery store in back and fresh farm produce in the front. She usually couldn’t afford any of the good stuff, but Brick took a cart and told her to add whatever she wanted. When he grabbed a can of whip cream and winked, her body immediately reacted. The man was sinfully delicious and knew how to tease her.


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