Chase:: A Bad Boy Romance

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Chase:: A Bad Boy Romance Page 12

by Kylie Walker

  He must have felt it because he whispered, “I’m going to come with you this time.” He dug his fingers into her hips and she felt the swell of his already massive cock just before he began to grunt and shake. That put her over the top and she felt her second orgasm wash out over his bare cock just as he unloaded into her.

  He rocked into her several times before putting his hands over her breasts, pressing his mouth against her ear and saying, “Being with you is the closest I will probably ever get to heaven.”

  Chapter 18


  Chase hated tuxedos. He was never fond of suits and ties at all. He forced himself to wear them at the office because who was going to take him seriously in jeans and a t-shirt with his tattoo sleeves showing? On his days off he never wore them. He stood now in front of the mirror in his penthouse with the tuxedo on that his mother wanted him to wear. It was choking the life out of him. He smirked as he tied the tie but finally told himself to get over it. It was one day and his mom deserved her happiness. He was walking her down the aisle today and if this was what she wanted him to wear then so be it.

  Once he was ready he sent Jordan a text asking if she was ready. While he waited, his thoughts drifted to the night before. All through the rehearsal dinner, he was smiling so hard that his cheeks actually hurt. He couldn’t stop thinking about how sexy she had been in that closet and at one point dull Cecil even asked him, “Did you get some before you got here tonight or what man?”

  Chase just laughed. He wasn’t going to talk about his sex life with him or anyone, especially about Jordan. Besides, she was much more than sex to him and he wouldn’t have any idea how to put what he felt for her into words even if he wanted to tell someone. He was content with the way he and Jordan seemed to communicate on a chemical level. She told him more than once that she “felt” what he was feeling, and he had “felt” her since the day they met. It was phenomenal.

  ‘I’m ready,’ was the text he got back.

  He took the Jaguar over to pick her up. When he knocked on the door he was anticipating seeing her dressed up in the dress that she had thus far refused to let him see. She dressed nice for work and cute on her days off, but Chase had yet to see her in any kind of formal wear. When she pulled open the door of her apartment, he wasn’t sure that his heart had been prepared. He felt it jump in his chest and begin pounding against his ribs.

  “Hi,” she said, smiling. He couldn’t smile back. He couldn’t breathe and he could barely swallow. He was about to drool all over her right there in the doorway. He finally mustered a hoarse, “Hi.”

  “You okay?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said as he reached out to touch her. He put his hand on her waist and the silk of the champagne colored dress she was wearing felt cool against his hot hand. The dress had a conservative neckline in the front but from there it was like a showground for the hottest woman on the planet. It fell to the tops of her knees and hugged every one of her sexy curves. Those long, sexy legs were bare and ended in a pair of champagne strappy sandals. Chase slid his hand around and touched her butt and then slid it up and met bare skin. “Turn around,” he told her. She smiled wickedly and turned. The front was conservative, but the back of the dress plunged down to the top of her round ass cheeks, leaving her skin bare. “Jesus. You’re so fucking hot.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to her bare back and slipped a hand around to cup a breast. “Do you have on a bra?” he asked as he kneaded and massaged. She moaned but then quickly pulled away.

  “We’ll never get there if you don’t stop that. And no bra, just nipple covers.”

  She picked up her coat and purse as he growled, “Jesus woman, you’re going to kill me!”

  She smiled slyly and as she brushed past him to step out the door he got a whiff of her fresh, clean scent. It went straight to his already growing cock. “Absolutely not,” she whispered in a low, sexy voice. “If I was trying to kill you I would have told you I was going commando.”

  He stood rooted to his spot and watched her bare back and round ass sashay across the hallway toward the elevator. He wished they were in his building. Her apartment was only two floors up, not enough time to ravage her before they got downstairs. She pushed the down button and looked over her shoulder. Her long hair had been twisted into different sized pieces and pinned up so that most of it was on her head, but there were five or six long strands left hanging on their own, twisted into sexy curls that brushed against the back of her neck. His eyes fell from one of those back down to that smooth, creamy skin on her back. Chase had no idea how he would make it through the wedding without attacking her.

  He sucked it up and followed her into the elevator. He waited for the doors to close before putting his arm around her and trying to sneak another kiss. Jordan laughed and pulled back slightly. “You’re going to mess me all up.”

  “You would still be the most beautiful woman in the room,” he said. She smiled again but kept her distance. It was a short ride to the hotel where the ceremony and reception were being held. Chase checked them in so they could go to their room later when the festivities were over. He wanted to take her there and skip the wedding but his mother would never forgive him. He sucked up his lust for now and taking Jordan’s hand he led her out to the gardens where the ceremony was being held. Neither his mom nor Troy was interested in a church wedding. Troy wanted to get married outside on the beach and his mother didn’t want any part of it. What would it do to her hair? How would she walk across the sand in her designer shoes? They compromised, according to Chase’s mother. They would get married in the gardens of this beautiful old hotel and then use the ballroom for the reception. What she had meant by ‘compromise’ was that she had gotten her way. Chase just smiled and shook his head. He supposed after so many years of having no say about anything she deserved to finally be in charge.

  They found the lavish gardens where chairs draped with fine white linens were set up in row after row. His mother and Troy invited over 300 people and it looked like most of them had already arrived. Chase noticed how not only the men in the gathering were looking at the beautiful woman on his arm, but even the women sat up and took notice when Jordan walked by. He chuckled to himself as he thought about the marathon of sex they’d had in different places all week. He bet that none of them looking at her right now would ever believe it. She’s such a lady and she exuded class, but he found it so sexy how willing and able she was to turn into the bad girl that he needed at just the right time.

  He found their seats and once Jordan was settled he went back to find his mother. He passed Troy on the way.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Chase asked him.

  “I’m a nervous wreck.”

  Chase smiled. “I’ve never been married, but I can imagine. It’ll be okay, though. You two have been great together for two years, it’ll only get better.”

  Troy smiled and then suddenly wrapped Chase in a hug. Chase wasn’t all that comfortable with physical contact unless the contact was with a soft, curvy woman like Jordan. He tried not to stiffen up and patted Troy on the back before they separated. He really did like the man and today was his wedding day. Chase wasn’t going to spoil that for him.

  “I think you’re right,” Troy said, “But thanks for saying it. It helps to hear it out loud. I better get up there so they can get this show started.”

  Chase laughed. “Well good luck and if I might offer you a tip…don’t let Mother hear you calling her wedding a “show.”

  He left Troy laughing and continued on to find the bride’s dressing room. On the way there he thought about the conversation he’d had with Troy the night before. Troy had quite a bit of champagne and Chase wondered if that’s what prompted him to want to talk to him more than he had in the past two years combined. Troy suddenly seemed to want Chase to know everything about his past and proceeded to tell him about it.

  He told Chase that when Cecil’s mother died twenty years ago his whole lif
e fell apart. Cecil had only been six years old at the time and Troy had just been getting his business up and running. He was traveling too much to take the boy with him so he tried doing the long-distance parent thing by leaving nannies in charge of his son. He admitted that his son was what he called a ‘wild child’ and because of his behaviors his nannies kept leaving. Finally when Cecil was eight years old Troy had to go to Singapore for a year while they built one of his plants there and got it up and running. He was worried about leaving Cecil with a nanny that might just walk out. He felt like he would be better off with family so he sent him to the west coast to live with his grandparents.

  That hadn’t quite gone as planned either. By the time Cecil was eleven his grandparents couldn’t control him. He was running wild on the streets and they even thought he might be using drugs. Troy went out to get him and Cecil ran away. He spent another year looking for his son who he eventually found running with a gang in L.A. He took him home to New York and into therapy. The therapist had not been optimistic but Troy felt so guilty for what the boy had been through that he didn’t want to hear it. He fired her and began just writing off Cecil’s troubles to adolescence. When he was seventeen he wanted a motorcycle and Troy bought him one. He didn’t find out until a year later that Cecil was running with an outlaw biker gang. He was eighteen by then so there was nothing he could do about it other than cut him off. He didn’t go into detail about what that was like, but he hinted that it had been traumatic. Cecil finally stopped coming around all together for the next seven years and Troy only got calls from him when he was in jail and needed a lawyer or bail money. Then suddenly about six years ago Cecil had shown up on his doorstep out of the blue promising that he was ready to turn his life around. Troy said he was skeptical at first but he felt like he had to give him a chance. Cecil hadn’t been in any trouble since…that Troy knew of anyways and the man almost broke down in tears when he told Chase how proud he was going to be at the wedding with his boy as his best man at his side. Chase was glad to see his mother marrying a man that cared so much about his family. He had obviously made mistakes as a parent, but who hadn’t? At least he wasn’t an abusive asshole like Chase’s father.

  Chase’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his mother’s voice. “Chase! Thank God! I didn’t think you were going to show up.”

  He went over to the door his mother had her pretty blonde hair stuck out of. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mother.” She pulled the door open and when he saw her in her wedding dress he let out a little whistle. “You look gorgeous.”

  She smiled. She looked radiant and happy. “Thank you,” she said. “Look at you in your tuxedo. You’re so handsome it makes my heart hurt.”

  He kissed her cheek and said, “Thanks, Mom. I’m glad you’re so happy.”

  She got a faraway look in her green eyes then and then looked up at her son’s face and said, “I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you. You’re the best son a mother could have ever asked for. I will never forgive myself for taking almost ten years of your life…”

  “Nope. Stop. You’re tearing up. Your make-up will run and you’ll blame me.” She smacked him on the arm. He gently took both of her upper arms in his hands and said, “Listen…I know you feel guilty about all of that, but we handled it the best way that we could. You and I could stand here and argue about who’s guiltier than who but we both know that he was the only guilty party. We were his victims and the best revenge we can offer was for both of us to have a fabulous life.” She once again went up on her toes and she kissed her son on the cheek. Wiping a stray tear from her cheek she said,

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too Mom.”

  Chapter 19


  The setting for the wedding was gorgeous. The arch was covered with roses and rose bushes with flowers of every color imaginable lined the aisle. There were huge trees that towered above it all on either side of the garden as well and they were decorated with twinkling fairy lights. The day was gorgeous, about 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Jordan was happy for Chase’s mother although she hadn’t yet had the opportunity to meet her. She felt a sort of strange bond with her since Chase told her about his father. She also had a lot of respect for her simply based on the fact that in spite of all the adversity she had raised such a good man.

  She inhaled the scent of the flowers and settled back into her chair when she saw the minister and the groom step out underneath the arch. The groom was a handsome older man, Jordan thought. His hair was mostly gray but it looked shiny and healthy. He had a small mustache and goatee that gave him kind of a sophisticated look and when he glanced out over the guests Jordan could see that he had a pair of really light blue eyes. She shuddered before she even realized why. His eyes looked eerily like Axel’s eyes. She shook her head to clear those thoughts and focused her attention on the happy occasion before her.

  Beautiful harp music began to play as a lovely middle-aged woman in a pale green dress began walking up the aisle. She was being escorted by a huge man that looked like he could almost swallow her up. Jordan couldn’t see his face clearly but he had to be at least an inch taller than Chase and his shoulders looked like he played professional football. She wondered how they found a tux to fit him. As the couple got closer the man’s profile came into view and suddenly Jordan’s world came to a screeching halt. It can’t be. It’s my imagination. That’s the best man. His name is Cecil. She squinted as he passed with the elegant woman on his arm and just before they reached the altar he turned his head to whisper something to the woman and Jordan saw those pale blue eyes. Fuck! It’s Axel. Suddenly it was like no time had passed between them. She felt the blood drain out of her face and her stomach rolled. That deep-seated fear that she hadn’t felt for so long was nestled back into her bones.

  She stood up and ignored the looks of the people around her as she made her way down the aisle of chairs and then along the one that lined the wall. Before she made it to the exit the wedding march began to play. As soon as she burst through the double doors that led back into the lobby she saw the back of Chase’s head as he escorted his mother up the aisle and that was when reality hit her. This wasn’t about her. It wasn’t about Axel…or Cecil, or whatever he called himself these days. This day was about a woman that had suffered under the hands of an evil man for years. It was about her finally finding happiness with a man that treats her the way she has always deserved to be treated. Jordan took several deep breaths and willed her fears away. Axel couldn’t hurt her here and if she ran and hid then once again, he won. She smoothed down her dress and swallowed hard as she pulled the door she just came out of back open and went inside.

  Chase and his mother were just reaching the altar. Jordan told herself to concentrate on Chase. Chase took her fears away. He had never let anyone hurt her and Axel would be crazy to even try when Chase was around. She watched as the music died down and Chase stopped just before the altar and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. She had her face turned to the side and even from where she stood at the back of the room Jordan could see what a brilliant, beautiful smile she had. She was happy and Jordan would be damned if she would be any part of ruining that.

  She quietly made her way back up to the front where her seat was. Chase had just gone to take his and he had a confused look on his face when he saw her. She smiled and took his hand and they both sat down. He leaned into her ear and asked, “Is everything okay?”

  She nodded and when he pulled back she looked up at him and said, “Everything is fine now.”

  He still looked concerned but he let it go as they listened to the minister begin the ceremony. Jordan tried to control her breathing and she tried hard to keep her eyes off of Axel. Every time she got a glimpse of him those horrible memories wanted to flood her brain. She had worked for six years to bury all of that and she was not going to let them consume her again. She clutched tightly to Chase’s hand and reminded
herself that Chase’s mother found happiness after her horror and she had too. Axel can go to hell if he thinks he can keep her down. Suddenly the idea of looking him in the eyes was appealing to her. Imagine what he would think when he saw her. He left her for dead. He threw her away. He had lived his life for six years believing he killed her. She almost smiled at the thought of him seeing her and thinking that he was finally being haunted for what he had done. She squeezed Chase’s hand again. He had no idea, but right now he was giving her the strength she needed to not be afraid of that monster.

  The ceremony was beautiful, or at least as much as Jordan could concentrate on. When it was over and the wedding party walked back out, Jordan made sure to turn her head slightly so that Axel wouldn’t see her just yet. Once they were all back in the lobby the guests all headed for the ballroom. Jordan clutched Chase’s hand tightly as they passed from the gardens into the hotel lobby and that was where she stopped him. “Hey, we need to talk before we go in there.”

  He frowned. “Are you alright? I thought you looked pale. Where did you go earlier?”

  She took a deep breath and said, “I was going to leave, but I changed my mind.”

  “You were going to leave?” He asked, incredulously.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t.”

  “Thank you?” he said with a question at the end.

  “Your mother’s groom’s son…his name is Cecil?”

  “Yes, why? Do you know him?”


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