His Chosen Mate

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His Chosen Mate Page 5

by Maya Carnage

  Almost six months have passed since I was abducted, Gran would be getting ready to start prepping her garden for the spring and Mom, hopefully, is doing all right. I know that it couldn't have been easy for them after my disappearing, especially for my mom. We were close, and I know that it had to be hard for her not having any idea what happened to her daughter.

  But I don't like dwelling on the that, so I get out of bed and go into the kitchen. Kate is up and already sipping on a cup of tea.

  "Good morning," I said. I reach up into one of the cabinets, taking down a mug, and pour some hot water into it over one of the tea bags.

  "You're up early. Usually, you sleep in when you don't have to work," said Kate.

  "Karen woke me up."

  "Yeah, she got back late last night."

  "Did she say anything about Fiona?" I asked.

  "Nope, she rushed in here for some clothes and left before I had the chance to ask her anything."

  "I'll ask her later. What are your plans for today?"

  "Well, I think it is time, we started fixing this place up. It has been over three weeks since we mentioned the idea and we need to to get at it."

  "You're probably right." I still can't believe it has been over three weeks since Lorth and started the first trial. It hasn't been an easy time, though. The fallas is barely surviving. We underestimated how difficult it would be. We thought, that since we are good at working in the garden that this would have been a breeze. We were wrong. The fallas looks like it is about to croak.

  "I thought we could give it a good cleaning, and then start in on the outside. Give it a new coat of paint, inside and out." Kate said.

  "That's cool, just let me deal with my troublesome child and then we can get started," I said.

  "Is it still dying?"

  Sighing, I plop down on the one stool that we have. "Yes. I don't know what to do! We tried everything. Watering less, watering it more. We put some shade around it than we removed the shade, but still, nothing."

  "You'll figure it out I've seen you two out in the garden and you're good at what you do. You guys make a good team. It'll be fine," said Kate. She sets down her empty mug. "I'm going to go borrow some cleaning supplies from Jess."

  I finish sipping my tea after Kate leaves. Before I head outside, I stop by the bowl we keep on the counter, filled with fruit, and grab one. I bite into it as I walk.

  With a sigh, I look down at the limp fallas. Blowing out a breath of air, I grab the bucket next to it and take it over to the well. I fill it up with enough water to thoroughly soak the plant. Lorth and I have learned one thing of importance during these last few weeks, that bastard of a plant loves its water. Walking back over, I dump the bucket out onto the roots of the plant. Hopefully, that will help the thing perk up. If not, I don't know what else to do. I'm about at my wit's end with the thing, Lorth and I should have gone with a baby animal. Because this thing is probably going to die and now the tribe won't let us have children. I don't see that being good for our future matehood. It would be lonely with just the two of us. We'll probably have to get some fvisiks like Sheila and Teris.

  I wipe my brow, it's already warm out, though not as hot as it used to be. Lorth said we are going into the colder season now, though he did say that there isn't that much of a difference during the day. You'll feel it at night because the temperatures will drop.

  With nothing else to do for the fallas, I head inside to change into a clean shirt. After I put on a purple tunic without sleeves, I go in search of Kate, that way we can go ahead and get started on the house.

  While walking to Helencia's, I notice that some of the villagers have added new plants and decorations to their homes. I have been occupied with the fallas and working in the garden that I haven't found the time to walk around the tribe or meet up with the other women. It's not like I did it that often before but I have been a bit more recluse like lately. I think that once we get the fallas situation under control, maybe I should try and get out more. Try to socialize with the tribe, maybe even make some friends, or at least meet Lorth's family.

  I have been avoiding them because I don't know what to say. I mean I have met some of my past boyfriends' families, but with Lorth, it is different. He is this great guy, who is so sweet and kind, and I just don't want to disappoint him. I know eventually I have to gather up the courage to do so, but I think I might put it off for a little while longer.

  I wave to Quentah, who is outside sitting with her baby. I've only talked to her once since getting here, and it was right after Fiona and Graviel left. Lucia is closer to her than I am. Now that I think of it, even Karen has made some friends in the tribe. Only Kate and I haven't. We tend to stick to ourselves. I work in the garden practically all day, and Kate, if she isn't home than she is out with Jessa or helping out with the kids at the school. The school is a tiny, one-room house near the training field. Sometimes she goes off by herself, disappearing for a few hours. I have my suspicions. I think she is meeting a guy, but I don't know who. I've never seen her talk to any of the men around here, and I haven't seen any of them check her out, so I haven't figured out who it is. But I will.

  The other women's door is wide open, and their raised voices drift out. Honestly, you'd think we aren't capable of getting along.

  "Honey, I'm home," I said as I walked through the door. "What's going on?"

  "She's done something stupid!" Jessa shouted, pointing at Helencia.

  I look over to Kate, who is leaning against the table in the kitchen area. I raise my eyebrows in question.

  She shrugs. "I just got here, and so far they have just been screaming back and force. I don't know what is going on."

  "Jessa!" I screamed, trying to get her attention. "What's the matter?"

  "Helencia went off last night to celebrate with the hunters after they got back." Jessa takes a deep breath and continues. "She came in, early this morning, with some drunk dude! He's back there asleep, and he's too fucking big to move. What the hell do we do? He smells like stale liquor, and I want him out of the house."

  I look over to Kate. "What do we do?"

  "Let's see if we can wake him up, and if that doesn't work, we'll get one of the men to help." She pushes away from the table and heads for the bedroom. Jessa, Helencia, and I follow behind. In Helecia's bed, lies a tall alien with shiny gold skin. He looks familiar. Kate walks discreetly up to him and nudges his shoulder. He doesn't wake-up.

  "He's out cold. We've met him before haven't we?" Kate asked, looking over at us with a perplexed frown.

  "Yes, it's Gallan. He was on the ship with us," Helencia whispered.

  That's right he helped drag the sleds filled with the crates on them. I don't remember Helencia ever talking with him, but I'm certain she wasn't with him because she wanted to catch up. "Did you want me to go and flag down one of the guys to come and get him?"

  "Yeah, I don't think we could manage to lift the heavy looking bastard, and they'll know where to take him," said Kate.

  "All right, I'll be back." Heading for the front door, Helencia grabs my arm.

  "Hey, could I talk to you real quick?"

  "Yeah, but can we walk and talk?" I asked, edging my way out of the room.

  "Sure," she said, walking by my side.

  She doesn't say anything until the house is out of our sight. I wonder what it is she wants to talk about.

  "Umm, I was hoping you could do me a favor. I met Lorth's younger brother the other day at one of the villages bonfires, and we seemed to hit it off. I was kind of hoping you could put in a good word for me. He didn't seem that interested in me," she said.

  I sigh mentally. Well, if there's one thing you could say about Helencia, is that she ain't shy. I don't know that much about Havrick, except for the stuff Lorth has told me. Though from what I've heard from him, his brother is a man whore.

  "I don't talk that much with Havrick, but I can mention it to Lorth. If that is okay?"

  "That's fine. I have to m
eet with the guy who has been doing the fabrics for us. I'll talk to you later." Helencia jogs off in the direction of Quentah's house. I don't get the chance to remind her of the unconscious man in her bed.

  Not knowing where to look for help, I head in the direction of where the hunter's train. I pass by several tribe members, all older women and men, they wave hello and comment on the random events going on in the tribe at the moment. I smile and wave back to them, but not having a clue about what they are talking about. It's probably a sign that I need to get out more, but right now I am enjoying my reclusiveness too much to ruin it.

  Before they come into sight, I can hear the rambunctious noise of the hunters all sparring with each other and training with their weapons. When I do see them, I notice something interesting. Ducking behind one of the oversized crates in this area, I peek my head over the top, spying on Karen.

  Karen is holding a wooden spear in her hands, but that isn't what caused my interest. No, it's the person who is behind her with his arms wrapped around her, showing her how to hold the weapon. It's Gher.

  For constantly complaining about him, she sure doesn't mind having him snuggled up close to her. Gher grips Karen's hand, rearranging them on the spear to give her more mobility in using it. After he makes sure her grip is correct, he takes a step back, giving her room to throw. Karen brings her arm back and launches the spear at a sack about a hundred feet away. The spear lodges into the middle of the target. Karen jumps with excitement and Gher leans in for a hug. Right when he is about to wrap his arms around her, Karen jerks back, and says something to Gher, causing him to frown.

  Karen leaves Gher's side, heading for the target. I consider chasing after Karen, to see what all that was. But I need to help Jessa, and so I head toward the group of hunters off to the side.

  "Hey, guys!" I said, cheerfully when I am standing in front of their group. "What are you doing?"

  "We are talking about our latest hunt." One of the red-scaled aliens answered.

  Someone, from the back of the group, pushes their way forward.

  It's Harvin.

  Damn, if I knew he was among the hunters, I wouldn't have come over here. Right after the pirates saved all of us from the auction, Harvin was one of the first few that I met. He's nice but he likes me, a lot, and that makes it awkward. I tried to let him know that I wasn't interested, I was subtle at first, but the man didn't get the hint. So after a while, around the first few days of being here, I told him straight out that I didn't like him romantically. He was hurt by it, but he said he understood.

  Since then, things have been weird between the two of us. He doesn't flirt with me anymore. I sometimes think that he still likes me, but it's hard to tell since he avoids me most of the time. Lorth said not to worry about it, that it is normal for Harvin. He told me to give Harvin some time, and that everything will be all right. Since then, things have been weird between Harvin and me.

  "Hello, Tracy," said Harvin. "How have you been?"

  "Good, I've been spending most of my time in the garden," I said. "Actually, I was wondering if one of you could help me out? There's an unconscious tribe member in Helencia's house. He's too big for us to carry and we don't know where to take him. Harvin, do you think you could give us a hand?"

  He and several of the other hunters look down at their hands. Confused. "I don't know if I can... umm... why would that be necessary?"

  "I didn't mean it literally. I meant, could you help me get him home. You know, you carry him back to his place, so that he's not in their way."

  "Ah, that I can do," said Harvin. He turns, and tells the other hunters he will be right back, then he walks with me back to Helencia's.

  Several times on the way there he opens his mouth as if to start a conversation, but he doesn't say anything. After a few more tries, I say something. "Harvin, is everything all right?"

  "Yes. Well, actually, no. I heard that you and Lorth started the mating trials. He's very excited about it." He clears his throat. "I wanted you to know that I am fine. I have moved on, and there are no hard feelings between the two of us."

  I'm glad that Lorth is able to talk to Harvin. Though it doesn't surprise me, he's one laid back dude. I don't really think anything gets to him.

  "I'm glad that you're cool with this. If you don't mind my asking, which one of the human women did you talk to?" I asked.

  "What do you mean?" He looks uneasy.

  "The way you phrased your words, it's a popular human saying. I figured you talked to one of the women."

  I know that he talked to one of them. Harvin is one of the aliens in the tribe that isn't that familiar with the human language. That's because he is relatively new to Graviel's pirate crew. The abduction rescue was his second time on the ship.

  "You are right." He sighs. "I wasn't all right at first, I was quite upset, but Karen helped me through it. She made me realize that there are more fish in the sea. Which I still do not understand all that well."

  Karen. I seriously think she is turning into an entirely different person.

  "It's great she was able to help you out," I said.

  Jessa is waiting out on the doorstep, and when she sees us, she jumps to her feet. "Finally I thought you had gotten lost, you were taking so long." She frowns. "Where's Helencia?"

  I shrug, "She said she had to go to Quentah's."

  Huffing out an exasperated breath, Jessa walks into her house. Harvin and I follow her. When we are inside, Jessa points toward the back room where the alien is still lying on the bed. "He's still knocked out. Do you think you can handle him by yourself?"

  Harvin doesn't answer at first. "Oh, yes, I will be fine." He answered after a pause.

  "All right, have at it," she said, heading into the kitchen to sit down at the table with Kate.

  I show Harvin to the unconscious man.

  "That's Gallan. He lives with Druxen and me."

  "Did you need my help?" I asked.

  He shakes his head. "I've got it. He tends to do this a lot, it's not the first nor will it be the last."

  Harvin bends down and shakes the man's shoulders, roughly. He rouses slightly, and it's enough for him to help Harvin get him to his feet. Harvin slings Gallan's arm across his shoulders and helps him walk out of the house. I walk beside them until they make it down the two front steps. I ask once more if he is sure he doesn't need my help. He says he is sure and heads toward the training grounds. That's where the hunters live.

  I head back inside and find Kate and Jessa playing cards. "Where did you two get those?"

  "I made them. I asked around for some thick paper, and it took a while to find some, but once I did, well, now we have cards," said Jessa.

  "Are you ready? Jessa has volunteered to help clean the place," Kate said, placing her cards facedown on the table.

  "Yeah, are you sure, Jessa? I think Kate and I have it if you didn't want to help."

  "Nah, I'm fine. I have nothing else to do today." She gets up from the table, also placing her cards down, and heads for the tall shelf in the corner. She takes a bucket filled with cleaning supplies from it, and then we head home.

  "It's not that bad in here." Jessa looks around the place, nodding her head as she goes. "I'm guessing, that you've already cleaned the place from top to bottom before?"

  "Yeah, a few weeks ago." Kate goes around the house, opening the shutters to air the place out.

  "So, where do you think we need to start?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. Glancing around the room noticing where all the dirt and dust has accumulated over the weeks.

  "Two of us can scrub the outside while the other cleans in here," said Jessa.

  I look over at Kate. "In or out?"

  "Inside. I tried scrubbing the outside last time. It's a lot of work."

  "All right, Jessa, let's get to work." I pick up a scrubbing brush and bucket, heading outside.

  It takes us the rest of the day, but eventually, we manage to get it all clean. Now, all we have to
do is start painting the place, which I think we'll start tomorrow. Right now, I need a break this was too much activity for me. It's different than the garden. Jessa wipes at her face with a wet cloth, her red curls sticking to her neck.

  "Damn, that was tough. Did you two need my help with the painting?" Jessa asked.

  "No, we've got that. Karen's back from the hunting trip, so she'll help out with the rest of the work," said Kate. "Thanks, Jessa. It was easier having an extra set of hands."

  "Okay. I'm gonna head home, see you later."

  Moving over to the steps, I take a seat, catching my breath. "What color did you want to paint the place? I know Karen said she didn't care, neither do I, but what about you?"

  "I was thinking a light green. I haven't seen that many of those," said Kate.

  I nod.

  "You seeing Lorth tonight?"

  "Yeah, I'm meeting him at the garden when he's done with his work." I was thinking about arriving early, to surprise him, but I don't want to help out in the garden. If I did show up early, I would feel obligated to offer my help, but I'm too damn tired for that. So my ass will be showing up later than expected. Sorry, Lorth.

  "I'm going to eat at Helencia's tonight. Did you want me to save you a plate?"

  "Nah, I'll have something from here." I reluctantly get up from my seat and head inside after Kate leaves. I grab a blue fruit, that is slightly bitter, and some dried meat. I eat it on my way to Lorth.

  The night isn't as chilly as it has been, which is a relief. I enjoy the slight breeze cooling my heated skin, and listen to the sound of the nocturnal animals in the forest.

  Leaning up against a tree, I watch Lorth mutter to himself. He must have had a bad day. He's almost done with watering the plants after he is done, he puts away all of his tools. He grumbles to himself the whole time, occasionally throwing his hands into the air in exasperation.


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