A Future Next to You

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A Future Next to You Page 6

by Stefania Gil

  So they continued. They forgot Juan Carlos and concentrated on Francisco.

  As luck was finally on their side, they began to receive clues from some elite warriors who resided in other countries.

  Enough leads to take them directly to Caserío Peña. One morning, when the sun was just beginning to emerge, a drone captured the image of an unknown man in the area who matched all the characteristics detailed by those who could give a physical description before meeting their death by the hands of Francisco. So useful was the society’s forensic portraitist. He drew a portrait of the man who looked like an exact copy of the man now drying off with a towel at the edge of the pool.

  Marcos smiled.

  He was fortunate that at last, at last! Life rewarded him with something tangible to give to the commanders thus avenging the death of his ancestor, the Inquisitor General.

  He captured the image as clear as possible with the drone and sent an urgent encrypted mail to the society’s commanders.

  In minutes he was ordered to watch him until they could come up with a good plan.


  “Didn’t I tell you in my message not to go near that place?” Isabel chided Natalia while she gasp for air, still in shock from the incident an hour earlier.

  It was true; Isabel left a voice message on her cell phone, telling her not to go to the estate because there was an armed man. However, Natalia being stubborn thought the order seemed like a charming challenge.

  Her initial plan was to talk to the man whom Isabel feared so much, she understood why, now. According to her plan, she would return to the office inflated with pride, smiling and proving to Isa she could subdue a man with a gun.

  Her plan couldn’t have gone any worst.

  What a scare she received that morning!

  Isabel was still talking but Natalia could not stop going over everything that happened over and over again.

  The truth was she didn’t spend much time at the residence. She arrived, parked the car and got out. Instantly a small square door, in the center of the main door opened and Natalia didn’t like what she saw at all. A pair of hateful eyes watched her.

  “Good morning,” she said gently, not receiving a reply. “My name is—”

  “Go to hell! You and the other woman!” Replied the man in a bitter voice.

  “Sir, don’t be rude, we just want to know if you own this property.” Natalia smirked in satisfaction as the man closed the window to open the front door.

  She thought she had his attention and he would be willing to talk.

  Once the door was wide open, Natalia saw the shotgun barrel. Anticipating the man's face, she understood there was nothing more to talk about.

  Her legs began to tremble and as soon as she heard the first shot she wanted to run. Of course she wanted to, but her limbs wouldn’t respond.

  Just as words failed her too.

  She was terrified.

  Another shot.

  “I won’t waste the next one. I will shoot you, young lady. Get out of here!”

  Natalia still didn’t remember how, but her body responded to the old man's words. She ran to her car, got in, started the engine and raised a good cloud of dust speeding away.

  She clung to the steering wheel as her gaze was fixed on the rearview mirror, watching the movements of the mad man. She couldn’t stop due to the man keeping her in his sights.

  Suddenly, a horse that looked like it stepped off an old western movie crossed her path. Natalia was forced to slam on brakes.

  The horse carried a rider on its back. He couldn’t look away from Natalia as soon as their eyes made contact.

  She was relieved when she saw the man on the horse was taking the gun. Due to the abnormal treatment, she was still clinging to the wheel unable to move or say nothing. She was only able to keep an eye on those men. She was certain, she began to pray and cry.

  She thought about thanking the man from the horse for defending her, but changed her mind as soon as his eyes locked on hers again. Scowling and pulling the gun out of the old man's hands he began to stalk toward her.

  He was not going to help her and she wouldn’t stay around waiting for those two to kill her or do something worse.

  She floored the gas pedal, making the car slide over the dirt. She fled the terrifying scene.

  It didn’t occur to her to get out of the car and ask the horse man for help. At that moment, she probably would regret it.

  “Natalia Castañeda! I’m talking to you!” Isabel was more terrified than she was. “What were you thinking?”

  Natalia blinked a couple of times.

  “The lone ranger's horse was beautiful.”

  Natalia was always attracted to horses. Probably resulting from the fact she rode until she was almost twenty years old. Her grandfather had allowed her to take care of the horses on his farm.

  Isabel looked at her in surprise.


  “Natalia, by God! Did you just tell me a story where you hardly survived and the only thing you can think about is the horse?”

  Natalia smiled.

  “Of course, you aren’t still thinking about investigating the estate in City Hall. Right?”

  Isabel looked shocked with her amused smile.

  “It’s not the same.”

  “Did I tell you about the Lone Ranger?”

  Isabel smiled again.

  “Twice. Looks like he affected you.”

  “I do not remember much about him only the intense way he watched me.”

  “I'd say go back and see who owns Silver, but I do not want you to go back there alone, is that clear?”


  “What?” Asked Isabel, confused.

  “Scout was Tonto’s horse. The Lone Ranger’s companion. It was like Scout. I like those more than the white ones like Silver.” She smiled at Isabel's expression. She couldn’t be more confused so Natalia decided to add, “Well, you know you can’t tell me not to go back because I'm going back.”

  “What the hell?”

  “I've never seen that residence before, and the truth is, it’s worth restoring. So I'm going to convince the man to talk to me.”

  “Oh God! Why am I always surrounded by crazy? My sister uncovers coffins and you go on suicide missions.”

  “Does Carlota uncover coffins? Where?” Natalia peered at Isabel with a confused look of disgust on her face.

  Isabel wanted the earth to swallow her at that moment. Why did she say that?

  “Carlota is willing to do anything to find a good story.”

  “She is very brave.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  Natalia rolled her eyes in amusement.

  “I just have to come up with a plan to win over the grumpy old man. I'm going to let a few days pass while I investigate the property in Town Hall. Then I'll give the grouchy old gun toter another visit.

  “Nat, really, leave it. If anything happens to you, I swear I will not forgive myself.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me, Isa. That man will be easy to win over with food and alcohol. You’ll see.”


  Francisco woke up suddenly with choppy breath.

  He was drenched in sweat and trembling with fear.

  Nonetheless, he just had another nightmare involving the accursed inquisitor who tortured him continuously. In the nightmare he was being tortured when suddenly a blinding light appeared and the lady from a few days ago appeared. The one Manuel frightened away with his shotgun.

  He lay back on the bed, trying to calm his breathing. He was very thirsty.

  He got up to get a bottle of water from the small refrigerator in his room. He went out onto the terrace.

  By the time he finished drinking the water, he was calmer. The sun was rising. Some workers were already beginning to wander around the estate, starting their work day. The pool water invited him to swim as it did every morning.

  He could feel the season’s typical temperatur
e change, but it didn’t bother Francisco. He knew nothing was going to happen to him by entering the pool. During the winter, he wore neoprene suits for his employees who scrutinized him respectfully but with an expression that indicated what they thought: that he was crazy to go swimming in the winter.

  He went back into his room and entered the bathroom. He took a quick shower, put on his neoprene suit, cap, picked up his swimming goggles and went down.

  He was grateful not to find anyone on his way. He did not feel like being sociable this morning.

  He dove into the pool and swam for almost an hour. He would have swam a little longer but in a bit the house would have employees coming and going and he shouldn’t be so exposed.

  He thought of Manuel, since the day of the incident, he had not visited him. He thought it would be nice to have breakfast with the man. He liked to sit and talk with Manuel. They spoke of past times, wars, and famines. Even though he was an old grouch, Francisco had a special affection for him.

  On the day of the incident with the woman, he stayed a little longer with him hardly speaking a word. The man knew when Francisco only wanted a little company. He liked his discretion and above all, he liked the solitude surrounding the man. He was like him, only Manuel had the advantage he could never have: Death.

  Today, Francisco could not stop thinking about the woman and what she wanted.

  Manuel told him the other day, another woman showed up. He also shooed her with his shotgun. It was the only way old Manuel had to drive people away. What’s more, after the orders given by Francisco, it was the first time he had to scare someone.

  Francisco snorted amusedly at the thought of Manuel being a serious threat with the weapon. He would have to be a bit more specific as to whom he aimed at.

  When he entered his room again, breakfast was already served on the terrace. He ate a piece of bread immediately and then called the kitchen using the house phone. He wanted them to collect his breakfast and pack an extra while he was showering.

  It was not the first time they did this. The woman, who would take care of his request, would put everything in plastic containers inside a canvas bag and give it to Rodrigo. Rodrigo would have everything ready for Francisco to leave. The horse would be saddled and the canvas bag ready to go.

  Rodrigo was the only one who knew where Francisco went with the meal.

  “Good morning,” the foreman greeted him, and Francisco answered in kind.

  “I don’t know what time I'll return. I feel like riding and talking to Manuel.”

  Rodrigo nodded.

  “Have a good day, sir.”

  “You too, Rodrigo.”

  Francisco stroked Scout before spurring him. The animal took his order with care and rode at a steady pace to the path leading to Manuel's house. He knew he would find him pouring a second cup of coffee. Old Manuel hardly slept and got up long before dawn.

  Upon arriving at the ruined property, he saw the car that belonged to the woman Manuel shot at was parked a few meters from the house.

  “Whoa!” He whispered to Scout. The animal slowed to a halt.

  Francisco led him into the small forest separating the estate from Manuel’s house and decided to tether the animal to one of the trees. With urgency, he covertly approached the run down house to be able to observe closer what had called her attention.

  He feared Manuel coming out again with his gun and this time actually shooting the young woman. However, from her position, she could see the old man at the back of the property, pulling the weeds growing between his aromatic plants.

  A bad memory of the time he had to do the same, among other horrendous things to get rid of the inquisitors, invaded his mind. Damn memories would never leave him in peace.

  The woman left a basket with something inside.

  She checked her surroundings to make sure she was not being watched.

  She approached one of the windows to try to look inside but considering her frustrated expression, Francisco deduced she couldn’t see anything.

  She was beautiful.

  He couldn’t see her clearly due to being some distance from her, but he didn’t have to inspect her with a magnifying glass to see she was a beautiful woman.

  She wore jeans, a white cotton shirt and canvas shoes. Francisco smiled at the woman’s intelligence. She was dressed with precaution. She didn’t carry her purse, and her car keys were at the ready if necessary.

  A clever girl.

  She knew if the situation changed and Manuel came out with his shotgun, she would have to run to save her life.

  What did the woman want with his property? Why the insistent visiting?

  Without realizing it, he stepped on a dry branch that snapped immediately alerting the woman who, without thinking, focused in to where Francisco was hiding.

  He crouched more, just like felines when they made a mistake and alerted their prey. He stood there in the shadows, wanting to surprise and interrogate her.

  However, he knew if he left his hiding place, the lady would flee in terror and he wouldn’t get any information from her.

  The woman took a deep breath and continued to look around. She hurried to where she left her car.

  When he heard the engine start, he went to the door of the property to see what she had left.

  He heard Scout’s protest for leaving him tied to the tree.

  “I'm going now, my friend,” he said in a voice almost like a whisper.

  He was surprised when he reached the door and looked on the porch. He smiled at the basket’s contents.

  A bottle of good scotch, cigars and a whole range of chocolates.

  Few things piqued Francisco’s curiosity, with his years or rather, centuries lived, and he had lost the capacity to be curious about human actions.

  However, this woman managed to light that spark and it made him smile. Something he hadn’t done in centuries.

  What was she up to? And how had she managed to get Manuel’s three favorite things right?


  Natalia was happy. She couldn’t believe her luck so far.

  After the man on the ruined property frightened her and in spite of all Isabel’s threats to not return alone to that residence, her determination made her return.

  It occurred to her if she returned with her hands full, in absolute silence, she could win the man with the shotgun over, and perhaps she could get some information about the property. She still didn’t know much more than the brief note she was given in Town Hall stating 'Non-existent Property'.

  They didn’t even have the history from the previous century explaining where the property came from, which today was falling apart and nobody was complaining.

  Natalia thought maybe the old man was the owner and did not have enough money to restore the residence.

  Natalia wanted to investigate the property more though she was afraid of being discovered. There were no separation barriers on the land, and the trail would have to be explored on foot due to the property having only one path with which a car could travel. The rest was a labyrinth of trees that for the area, was very rare. So Natalia could not determine at first glance how far the property’s land reached.

  She hoped she could talk to the man very soon. It was the second time in a week she was leaving what she decided to call a 'peace basket'.

  The first one was full of fruit. She left it in the morning before arriving at the office. In the afternoon, before going home, she passed by the ruined house and found the basket in the same place, the contents intact and a note that read “What are you looking for?”

  She smiled at the note. It was a step.

  “I need information about the property. My name is Natalia Castañeda and I want to know if this house could be for sale. Is it yours?”

  The next morning, before going to the office, she went back to find out if there was a response.

  It was like that.

  “What do you think you can coax out of me with fruits?” the note rea

  Natalia looked around and noticed a man peering through one of the windows. She didn’t care about him, though it didn’t stop her from being cautious and keeping an eye on his movements.

  Yes, it was difficult to please the gentleman.

  She went to the central market that cloudy morning and filled the basket with, meat, cheese, and fish. She hoped the old man had a place to refrigerate what she was going to leave.

  After sending a message to Isabel that her plan was working, she returned to the property.

  She left the basket in the same place as before. She could see through the rearview mirror when the man opened the door and took the basket.

  That same afternoon she returned and found the empty basket with a note.

  “Stop spending money on food and bring me some good scotch, cigars and lots of chocolate. Dark chocolate. If you bring me a damn bonbon I swear I won’t miss the shot.”

  She almost burst out laughing.

  The old man was making jokes. She hoped all this would give her what Isabel wanted: the blessed house in ruins.

  She went to the store without wasting time and bought a good scotch and dark chocolate. Then she stopped by the tobacco shop, where she begged in vain for them not to close the doors in her face. She even had the luxury of inventing the request was for her poor dying grandfather.

  Sorry grandfather, it's for a good cause, she thought smiling as her grandfather would agree.

  They refused her request and she had to wait an entire night before taking the old man the basket with what he requested, to see if it would get some information out of him.

  The next morning, she didn’t waste a second. She was the first customer to enter the tobacco store.

  “You don’t know what grandfather puts me through when I come home empty-handed.”

  Natalia made the funny comment, but the clerk who attended her, showed little interest, if any, in what she said. The clerk just asked if she needed anything else before Natalia left for the abandoned property.


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