A Future Next to You

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A Future Next to You Page 9

by Stefania Gil

  She knocked on the door again.

  “Mr. Manuel, I know you're in there, please. Open the door.”

  There was a murmur inside.

  She listened to steps approaching the door.

  Manuel gave in and opened it.

  “Can I come in?” Natalia asked cautiously. She was afraid the old man would repent and shut the door in her face.

  “Why since I wasn’t going to open the door for you? Come on! Come in before I change my mind!”

  Natalia smiled and entered without saying another word.

  It took her eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness inside the house. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as soon as she entered. Moisture completely surrounded her, making her colder than she actually was.

  In a rectangular space, she supposed had been the house’s main hall, there was a bed, a fireplace near the bed and a square wooden table under the only window facing the back of the house.

  A tiny door gave a glimpse of a bathroom. Natalia thought it was smaller than the one in her dollhouse she had as a child. In front of it was another door indicating a space a little larger than the bathroom. She saw a small electric oven and assumed it was the kitchen.

  “So are you going to stand there or are you going to tell me what you want?”

  Natalia smiled at the old man.

  “I'd like some coffee. Thank you.”

  Manuel frowned at her and slowly went to the kitchen.

  He returned to the living room with two cups of steaming coffee.

  “Thank you,” Natalia said, then took a sip of her coffee. “You didn’t say what you thought of my grandmother's cooking. That is to say,” Natalia clarified, “it has a few days and I was curious to know.”

  The man looked at her suspiciously.

  “Don’t play games with me, Ms. Castaneda.”

  “Call me Natalia, please.”

  “Very well, Natalia. I do not want you to beat around the bush, I know very well you want to persuade me to leave this property and the good Francisco will hire you to do the remodeling.”

  A chill swept through her when she heard Francisco's name. Many days had passed without hearing anything from him. The last thing she heard was what Isabel told her about his good impression of her and Isa’s company.

  The truth was she was so busy those days she did not have much time to think about the masculine and mysterious human being.

  “Listen! Where did you go?”

  Natalia smiled, Manuel waved a hand in front of her eyes pulling her out of her thoughts.

  “I am sorry. I was thinking.”

  “Yes, I see.”

  “Mr. Manuel, it’s true I wanted to come up with a plan that would not fail to make you see you are living in very poor conditions. I thought about it without having entered the house, but now, seeing how precarious the living conditions are, it seems like you are punishing yourself for something.” Manuel’s frown grew. Natalia knew she had to change the conversation before she got kicked out. “So, I told my grandmother about your situation and she suggested I bring you food you couldn’t resist.”

  The man smiled for the first time relieving her.

  “I see her plan worked, but now I do not know how to use to explain to you that you should be living in a better place.”

  “Why do you think that, Natalia?”

  “I wouldn’t want my grandfather to live this way.”

  The man adverted his gaze.

  “I do not have anyone to look after me.”

  “That is not true because although I have spoken very little with Mr. Peña, he made it clear you are important to him, otherwise you would not be here, don’t you think?”

  The man nodded.

  “You're good at analyzing people.”

  She smiled at him sincerely.

  “It fits me well and let's just say I'm a bit stubborn, too.”

  “Did you tell your grandmother I shot at you twice in the air the first time you came?”

  “And threatened me with a third, too.”

  They both laughed.

  “How come your grandmother doesn’t want to poison me?”

  “You know I would be very angry with her if you were taken away from here too soon and without the slightest effort. She knows I am like my late grandfather and my stubbornness won’t let me yield until I fulfill my objective.”

  Natalia realized as soon as she mentioned her grandmother was a widow; Manuel began to pay more attention to what she was saying.

  “How long ago did your grandfather die?”

  She smiled regretfully.

  “Several years.”

  “Do you miss him?”

  “Very much.”

  They were silent for a while.

  “What do you think of Francisco?”

  She was surprised by the question.

  “Come on, don’t tell me, or haven’t you noticed the young man is quite handsome?”

  “He’s mysterious.”

  “Why do you think so?” Manuel sat down beside her and Natalia got comfortable.

  “He seems lonely to me. In addition he would perish on his property considering everyone was afraid of him.”

  Manuel nodded.

  “I also analyze people and Francisco, comes from a past that tortures him. He doesn’t talk about it and I do not get into other people's affairs, but I assure you he is a good man. I've already told him to be a gentleman with you if he's going to come around here more often.”

  A jolt sliced through Natalia. She didn’t know if it was due to the old man having told Peña to behave like a gentleman with her or because he was implying he was going to leave that miserable house he lived in.

  “Why do you think I'm going to be here more often?” She played dumb. The man looked at her with mischief.

  “You're no fool, Natalia, and you know, eventually, I will leave so Francisco can have more time with you.”

  She tilted her head.

  “You are the only woman who has approached him in all the years I have known him.” She wondered how many that was. He seemed to read the question in her eyes. “Almost ten years.”

  “How come you don’t know him a little better in ten years?” She asked in surprise.

  “We share only what we want. It's a tip I’ll give you, don’t push him. What he has to tell you, he’ll do so in due time.”

  Natalia smiled shamefully.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Manuel, but you’re talking to me as if Francisco and I were really starting to date very soon.”

  “I wish, I wouldn’t like anything more for him, and I think you would do a man like him good.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He told me you like horses, and besides, I can see for myself you are a good woman. You speak well of your grandmother, continue to remember your grandfather with love, and while it is true that your interest in me is that I leave the property, I realize you really are upset about my living conditions. Yes, they are a self-imposed punishment for being a fool and not fighting for the woman I loved.”

  Natalia sat rooted to her spot by surprise.

  “He told you about me?”

  “Of course. He hasn’t stop talking about you and how much he would like to invite you to dinner at her house. I already told him it would be better in a restaurant. I don’t think it would be right for you to go to Francisco's house on your first date.”

  “I've been for work stuff.”

  “It's different.” He winked.

  She smiled at him.

  “You would like my grandmother.”

  “I think she would like me very well. What if you tell me a little more about her and if she would be willing to teach me how to cook those delicacies while you remodel my house?”

  Natalia smiled with satisfaction. She had succeeded.


  Marcos was anxious.

  After having shown the images to his superiors and waiting for them to make decisions, he was orde
red to keep watch over the Alcalá Orange Grove estate and in turn, the man he had seen with the drone in Peña Village. At the time, Marcos didn’t know, with his Caserío research he discovered Francisco Peña was the same man he captured in the image. What the site owner did to him.

  He thoroughly investigated the Caserío and did not come up with anything in particular because, apparently, the estate passed to the next generation as an inheritance. He didn’t find any photographic record of Francisco’s ancestors. None.

  Which made him suspect there was something wrong.

  He finished tying up the loose ends when he discovered the man and his ancestors had little contact with his employees and the outside world.

  He wondered why all the estate owners behaved the same way. He was tempted to ask some questions in the social circles around him but was afraid to raise suspicion that would alert the immortal. Surely he would disappear again.

  He was sure if he asked Francisco Peña's employees, to describe their boss, none would know how to respond as a result of man not allowing himself to be seen because he hid something. He hid from them, of course.

  Which brought Marcos to despair. He wanted to let his murderous instincts dominate and go looking for the immortal, in order to squeeze the immortality formula out of him in such a way to make him pay for his crimes.

  At last, he could see his dreams and those of his predecessors in the Secret Society being fulfilled.

  They would have eternal life and power forever.

  He smiled wickedly.

  He watched Caserío Peña with caution. Little flew over the property whereas not to raise suspicion.

  The surveillance had to be very discreet both there and at the Alcalá Orange Grove estate. They came to the conclusion it was a matter of time before both brothers were united again and with that, they could kidnap the mortal again to manipulate the immortal.

  It was the best plan they had so far considering Francisco had no family or anyone else he cared about. His brother was the best card they had.

  Marcos felt like skipping the rules but he had to obey orders if not, the punishment would be very painful.

  He had to wait until the entire elite society arrived. Then surprise Francisco at home, subdue him, and take him to the dungeon prepared especially for him. And finally go after his brother.

  He couldn’t confront Francisco with the warriors in the city at the moment. The immortal would destroy them all. No. He had to be patient and wait.

  He took a deep breath and shifted the drone’s control he kept at Caserío Peña’s entrance.

  He would fly over the area briefly and then return to the main doors as he did every day hoping he would have the opportunity to see Francisco leave the property. Then he would send a couple of warriors to watch him more closely.

  That would bring him closer to his chance of apprehending him, regardless of skipping the rules.


  Natalia arrived at Caserío Peña happy as well as slightly hungover.

  She was at Isabel's house the previous night, helping with the whole Halloween party business. They would be celebrating there so they took advantage of it to celebrate finally closing the deal with Mr. Peña in order to remodel the dilapidated house.

  Francisco was a tough man according to business gossip, although the deals were not made directly with him. His trusted employee Pilar, seemed to know what Francisco Peña thought and did not make it easy for Isabel.

  They would remodel the house and then, he would see what he wanted to do with it. Isabel was not very happy over the outcome. She wanted to buy the property since she couldn’t, she settled for what Peña offered her.

  Natalia would help with relocating Manuel as promised. From the first time they spoke inside the house, Manuel seemed to have taken to her. He always invited her to coffee when she brought him some of her grandmother's delicacies. She had to beg her grandmother to teach Manuel how to cook a dark roast among other entrees.

  Her grandmother had been scolding her for almost a week for acceding to the man's request for that recipe. Among others, they were inherited family secrets.

  Natalia exploded into laughter and then introduced her grandmother to Google. The woman, who knew next to nothing about technology, was shocked to see there was not one, but several recipes very similar to the one she prepared.

  However, she insisted on telling her granddaughter the recipe she had was learned from her dear friend Luisa many years ago when they were on vacation in Latin America and she had a special ingredient.

  Natalia could do nothing more than laugh lovingly. She knew her grandmother, even if she protested, would please her. She would show Manuel some things.

  She thought of Manuel's intentions. He was a good man and Natalia realized her grandmother was interested in him much more than she let on. She thought her childhood dreams were coming true.

  As a child, she always believed her Grandma's kitchen was magical and she knew how to remove all ailments with her rich dishes. That's what her grandfather always assured her. Natalia believed chocolate cake cured all love affairs, and cold chicken soup and pasta brought joy to one’s soul.

  She smiled remembering those times.

  “Good Morning.”

  Francisco's voice surprised her. She didn’t expect to find him here. She was accustomed to seeing him from afar during her visits to the main house.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. It seems you were deep in thought.”

  “Good memories.” She smiled at him and watched his eyes brighten. “Good Morning.”

  “There's nothing better than disappearing into good memories. Would you like to have breakfast with me?”

  “I just had breakfast and I'd like to start helping Manuel with his things.”

  Francisco smiled amusingly.

  “Manuel has nothing to move except his personal belongings. This morning I told him as he took some things out he would disappear. He is accustomed to living in misery.”

  “Yes, he told me about it.”

  Francisco put his hands on his hips.

  “Do you want to ride a horse?”

  Natalia gave him a lopsided smile as her cheeks reddened.

  She hadn’t ridden in years.

  “I’d love to.”

  Francisco immediately gave orders for Rodrigo to saddle Azabache.

  “Let's go to the stables,” he said, leading the way. Manuel will be delighted for us to collect him on horseback.”

  She smiled again. Lately she smiled more than usual.

  “Has anyone told you, you have a beautiful smile?”

  She peered directly in his eyes, even though she wanted to die of embarrassment at his recent compliment.

  “Yes, to your bad luck, I've already been told.”

  He laughed and she shuddered. He sounded awkward as if he didn’t know how to laugh or it had been years since he laughed.

  “A big ego.”

  “And I know how to use it,” she said sarcastically.

  “I don’t doubt it,” he said, and it was the first time he winked at her.

  She hadn't even seen her horse, and Natalia was already regretting she had agreed to ride with Francisco.

  Rodrigo arrived with two spectacular animals. Natalia approached Scout, which she knew, to greet him. The animal swayed its tail in response.

  Francisco shook his head.

  “I tell you, he's like a damned dog.”

  Natalia burst into laughter and then walked to the mare Rodrigo brought for her.

  “I had trouble taming her. She was wild when she came to the estate. Now she and Pinto are my favorites.”

  Natalia stroked her forehead and the mare did not move. She was still.

  Her fur was wonderful. Shiny black and well cared for. The animal watched her studying every movement. Natalia knew and that was why she was careful. She allowed her to sniff her hand and then buried it in Azabache's mane. Two minutes later, the animal was already relaxing.
br />   “It seems that I liked to Azabache,” she said happily to Francisco while climbing onto the animal as he admired her.

  “And is not the only one who likes you,” he said, staring into her eyes.

  Natalia wanted to spur the animal to get out sight of the man who was becoming sexier the more she gazed at him.

  That was what she did.

  After rising on two legs, Azabache galloped across the field.

  Before getting lost in the wind and the wonderful sense of freedom she always got when riding a horse, she heard Francisco say:

  “Damn! She’s perfect.”

  She didn’t know how to interpret it, but she did know it caused an unknown emotion that she couldn’t resist.

  She turned her head and watched as Francisco struggled to catch up. She loved to watch a man ride as he was at the present. She was tempted to make a truce just to recapture this moment but her pride won out and instead of stopping, she spurred Azabache to run faster.

  She could see Francisco ride another time.

  She was beginning to suspect it was only the first time they would go horseback riding.


  Francisco was dazzled how Natalia climbed on the horse without assistance, with plenty of experience and safely undertook a cavalcade that was more than clear he was going to lose.

  That morning she came dressed in skinny jeans and a cotton turtleneck. He wondered if it might give her a cold as she rode inland. The morning was very fresh and the wind was blowing intensely.

  He surveyed her in the distance enjoying the ride.

  She seemed to be fused with the mare. Azabache was perfect for her and although the mare showed her 'serious' side when she met her, Natalia knew how to gain her trust. Not everyone could do that. Azabache was more suspicious than Pinto.

  Francisco could not help smiling, thinking he wanted to know more about her.

  Her hair fluttered in the wind as she rode like a pro with her butt slightly lifted making Francisco salivate at the sight.

  He was very surprised when he realized his body craved Natalia. He had a profound desire for her. Ever since he was locked in the cabin and forced to do terrible things to the women who didn’t want to be with him, Francisco had lost any kind of carnal desire for a woman.


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