Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2)

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Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  “I—I don’t…” I can’t finish my words. I shake my head in confusion. Bates shifts his forehead off of mine and captures my lips with his.

  I fist his shirt with my hands and pull him closer to me when his tongue slides between my lips. He consumes me, as he always does, tasting me and tempting me all at the same time. I moan when his hands roughly squeeze my ass as he grinds his hard cock against my belly. I want him again. I’m still sore from last night, but that doesn’t stop my body from craving more.

  “Tonight, baby,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “Okay, tonight,” I agree.

  I can’t deny I want him. I couldn’t even if I tried. It’s always been him, just as he says it’s always been me. We’re like magnets drawn to each other. I’m just not sure how we will end up.

  Most likely, it will be in complete ruins.


  Brentlee is so fuckin’ adorable as her mind races with about a million different thoughts. I want to fuck her to the point of exhaustion again just so she’ll stop whatever bullshit she has going through that head of hers. But I don’t have time. I have a meeting with Drifter in about thirty minutes, and then I have to go straight to the club.

  I hate that I won’t be able to drop her off for work tonight, but I’ll be picking her up. Then, I’ll be fucking her until she begs me to stop. I feel like an addict; I can’t stop thinking about that sweet fuckin’ pussy of hers.

  “I gotta head out, babe. I’ll pick you up at the clubhouse tonight, so don’t leave with anybody else,” I warn as I release her perfect ass and take a step back from her.

  “Who’s going to take me there?” she asks, chewing on her bottom lip.

  “LeeLee is going to drop you off after you’re done here,” I inform her. She nods once.

  “Okay, Bates,” she murmurs. I nod once before I turn my back to her. I hear her exhale loudly and it makes me turn around and take two long strides toward her.

  I grip my hands around her hips and lift her to my height before I kiss her soft lips, fast and hard. She squeaks with her surprise, but soon her arms are wrapped round my neck.

  “Now I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” I ask after I’ve kissed her.

  “Yeah,” she sighs.

  I place her back on her feet and press my lips against her neck, needing one more taste of her delicious skin as I swipe my tongue under her ear.

  “Good god, you two are just the cutest couple I have ever seen,” Kentlee says. We freeze before I turn to her.

  “LeeLee, you shouldn’t sneak up on me,” I frown. She ignores me and smiles.

  “I saw Buck outside, he’s on full protection duty. I had to sneak in and see the two of you in action. I was honestly scared after Fury came home last night. I wasn’t sure all of this would happen,” she says, waving her hand around toward us.

  “I’m out of here, ladies. Have a good afternoon,” I say as I begin to walk toward the front door.

  “You know I’m going to get all the details, right?” LeeLee calls out. I stop and turn to her before I smile widely.

  “Anything Brent tells you isn’t nearly as much as you’ve already seen,” I tell her.

  “You’re disgusting,” Kentlee cries. I can’t help myself, I laugh.

  In the living room Stella and Bear are seated and Bear is showing her some new toy of his. She’s totally into it and doesn’t even hear me walk up next to her. I sink to my knees and tug on one of her little blonde, braided pigtails. Those little fuckers were not easy to do. I hadn’t braided hair since Mary-Anne was a kid, and it took me a few tries to remember how.

  “Bye, malyshka. You be a good girl for your mama now, okay?”

  “I will, Bates,” she says as she looks up at me with her pretty blue eyes, and her mother’s perfect smile.

  “Take care of your cousin, Bear. You’re the man of the house,” I say before I ruffle his hair and stand.

  “Yeah, I will, Uncle Bates,” he says, trying to sound bigger with his little boy voice, his chest puffed out. Such a big man, he is.

  I leave the women and kids, nodding to Buck as I pass by him on my way to my bike. I take a good look around, making sure there are no signs of Scotty or whoever-in-the-fuck he has had watching Fury and Kentlee’s place. It looks clear, and I know Buck will keep an eye on the girls and kids. He’s a good guy with kids of his own; he knows the importance of protection.

  I take a deep breath and then smile as I start my bike.

  Tonight, Brentlee will be on the back, holding me close to her, her sweet tits pressed against my back as we ride from the club to here—our home. My dreams are finally coming true, dreams that I didn’t even know I wanted anymore. I thought they were long gone, buried and forgotten, but they aren’t. Nope. They’re alive and right in front of me, ripe for the taking. I’m going to take them, too.

  My girls.

  They’re mine.

  All fucking mine.

  And if that prick Scotty thinks for one goddamn minute he’s going to get them away from me, he’s got another thing coming. I killed for LeeLee without hesitation. But for Brentlee and Stella, I’ll fucking torture, and I’ll do it with a fucking smile on my face.


  I pull up to the Devils Club and see that Drifter is already waiting for me. Today isn’t so much a meeting about the club as it is about Brentlee and that fuck face Scotty Corbin. I need information, and Drifter has it.

  I give him a nod as I take my keys out and open up the club. Once we’re inside, I lock the door behind him and grab him a beer from behind the bar, along with one for myself. I have a feeling I’m gonna need this shit.

  “It’s ugly, brother,” he murmurs as he slides the manila envelope toward me. I take a pull from my beer and open it up, sliding the papers out carefully and setting them in front of me.

  Medical records. Pictures. Notes. They are all stacked neatly. They are all undocumented but kept by the family physician Brentlee said the Corbin’s sent to her after the horrific beatings Scotty gave her. Things that she didn’t have to be admitted into the hospital for.

  “Yeah, I heard some of the shit,” I admit, taking another pull before I open the file.

  “Hearin’ it and seein’ it. Totally different, brother,” he grunts as he drinks his own beer.

  I open the first page and see a younger version of Brentlee. The date says she’s nineteen, one month after their marriage. She’s got a black eye, swollen shut, and bruising on her neck. Choked. I close my eyes. No wonder she freaked out on me last night. I’m surprised she didn’t go into a full blown panic attack.

  The report says she fell. Don’t they always?

  I scan the document and at the bottom in fine print it says that there’s vaginal tearing and bleeding after a complete physical. It makes my stomach turn. Rape. He raped her. One month after their marriage, it had already begun.

  I flip through the pictures, watching them like watching a movie, each one more brutal than the one before. Bloody noses and lips. Swollen eyes, concussions, vaginal and anal bleeding and tearing. All photographic evidence of her hellish nightmare of a life. I also notice the light leaving her eyes more and more as each year passes. In the last picture, her honey-brown eyes look completely dead—void of all emotion.

  “How’d you get them?” I demand.

  “Snuck in when the fuck was sleeping. Held a gun to his head,” Drifter chuckles.

  What I asked him to do is definitely below his pay grade, since he’s the vice president of the club, but he’s the best at sneaking in and getting shit handled.

  “Retaliation?” I ask, finishing off my beer in one gulp.

  “He couldn’t get that shit to me quick enough. Said the Corbin’s are an entire family of sick fucks and anything he could do to help, he would. He can’t, of course, go against him in court, seeing as he’d be thrown in the pen for hiding it the way he did. But he said he’d cooperate with us anyway we want him to,” Drift explains. I nod.

“Thanks, brother. I appreciate it,” I mutter, my eyes focused on a picture of my beautiful Brentlee looking so fuckin’ broken.

  “He would have killed her, had she stayed any longer,” Drifter says. I nod.

  I know he would have.

  Drifter leaves and I can’t help my thoughts from being consumed by my own past. Instead of Brentlee’s beautiful battered face, I see my mother’s. Blood and bruises littering her face, arms, neck, and legs. I can’t remember how many times my dad brought her to near death with his fists, let alone when he would use his feet and other objects around the house.

  My mind takes me back to one horrible night in particular. I was seventeen, almost finished with high school. Already bigger than my old man, I had decided enough was enough. He walked in on me begging my mom to just pack her shit and go. I was almost through with high school, I could work and take care of her and Mary-Anne. We didn’t need him anymore. Once he heard me say that, he started to wail on me. He wasn’t as big as I was, but the old fucker was strong. Once the shock wore off, I was able to stop him. I screamed at my mom to go while I held him down. The old man just smiled and winked.

  “She ain’t goin’ nowhere, boy,” he sneered.

  “Mom… go,” I yelled.

  “I… I can’t, Bates. I love him,” she whispered.

  That was the moment I lost all hope for my mom. She loved him. Loved him so much she’d let her kids get beat by him; she’d let herself get beat by him. Nothing else mattered but her sick and twisted love for an abuser. I stayed until it was time to leave for boot camp. I stayed for only one reason. Mary-Anne. My baby sister. I didn’t want to leave, but I needed to get the fuck out. I needed a good career so that I could take care of myself.

  In the end, it didn’t matter.

  My career didn’t fuckin’ matter. Killing dozens of people in the name of country didn’t matter. Not in the end, not when it consumed me and fucked me up and made it impossible to go back. The nightmares that plague me are sometimes more than I can bear. I’ve buried myself in weed, and booze, and pussy to try and forget, but I always remember—I’ll always be haunted.

  I put all the papers back in the envelope before I grab another beer and go into my office. I take a swig and shove the envelope into my desk drawer. I could live my whole life and never see it again. I can’t, though. Scotty Corbin needs to be taken down. Brentlee can’t live holed up in my house or the clubhouse her whole life. She needs to have her freedoms.

  I pick up the phone and call the attorney.

  “Bates Lukin, I was just getting ready to call you, myself,” Stan says.

  “Got a file I ain’t supposed to have, Mr. Jones,” I confess. He chuckles.

  “Lay it out for me, then.”

  I do. I tell him everything in detail. He asks me to make copies and forward them to his office. He can’t use them, of course, but what I love about Mr. Jones is he isn’t afraid to scare the piss out of people.

  “He is being served with the intent to divorce this evening. Make sure you keep a close watch on Brentlee and Stella in the next few days. You never know when guys like that are going to strike,” he warns. I nod.

  He doesn’t know that I fully comprehend what he’s saying. My father drug me out of bed once, by my ankle, because I didn’t put a dish in the sink. I set it next to the sink. He beat the shit out of me for twenty minutes straight before he made me go back to bed. I was nine at the time. I never left a dish on the edge of the sink again. This is probably why my housekeeping skills leave something to be desired.

  “I got a man on the house at all times when I’m not home. They’re safe,” I assure Stan. He hums.

  “Honestly, I don’t think the divorce will be much of a problem. He might turn into a bit of an asshole, but I have proof of his extracurricular activities, and Brentlee isn’t asking for anything, so he won’t really have much of a say in the matter. Custody, however, that is what I’m concerned with.”

  I agree.

  I wholeheartedly agree.

  Scotty might accept Brentlee leaving him, he won’t like it, but he might be able to deal with it—but having his child taken away—he won’t accept. Whether he cares about her or not, it won’t matter. He’ll do whatever he can to win. He’ll do whatever he can to hurt Brent. My poor tigritsa is going to have to fight.


  “You had s-e-x with him, didn’t you?” Kent asks as she plates the sandwiches she brought with her for the kids.

  “I’m not talking about this right now,” I say as I widen my eyes and look down at Bear and Stella who are watching with rapt anticipation as Kentlee loads their plates with chips.

  “They are more concerned with these chips then what you’re saying,” she shrugs before handing them each a plate. “Go into the living room. You guys can camp out in front of the T.V.”

  I roll my eyes at my sister.

  “Now, tell me,” she orders as she sits down. I watch her take Ellie and place her onto her little portable high chair.

  Ellie is beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes, she looks like the perfect combination of both Fury and Kentlee. I see a little bit of Stella in her as well. I know she’s going to be gorgeous, and I can only hope that she is brave enough to stand up to her father, or the poor thing will never date, ever.

  “We slept together last night,” I confess as I watch Kentlee place some goldfish snacks in front of Ellie on the little tray.

  “Ha! I knew it. I could tell,” she says with a huge smile on her face.

  “What do you mean by that?” I ask, plating our sandwiches.

  “I mean, you look happier. Less stressed, and freshly laid,” she grins. I roll my eyes.

  “Shut up,” I mumble.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about the kids and playing with the kids. Luckily, she doesn’t ask any real details about Bates and me—or our reunion. I leave her to watch the kids while I get ready for work, and I can’t hide my smile once I walk inside of the bedroom. I look around at Bates and my comingled things, and it makes me feel at peace. How on earth I can leave one tyrannical crazy person and practically hop into another man’s bed and be happy about it is beyond me. But I am. I’m so happy.

  If Bates was expecting me to carry that Old Lady status he speaks of, I don’t think I would be feeling quite as peaceful as I do. It would come with all kinds of emotions. But the way it is now, a physical exclusivity with nothing more—that, I’m okay with.

  “Brent!” Kentlee yells. I open the door with a towel wrapped around my body, in pure panic.

  “What,” I cry as I run into the living room.

  “I forgot to give you this.” She hands me a bag of clothes and my heart slowly chills the hell out.

  “First off, you scared the crap out of me. Secondly, what’s in here?”

  “I’m sorry, Brent, I just didn’t want you to get dressed without it. Its stuff you can wear down to the clubhouse. Things my fat ass will never be able to wear again,” she grunts. I roll my eyes.

  My sister is curvier than I am, but she’s incredibly gorgeous. I wish I had all those curves she’s got going on. Boys and men have always admired her body over my more stick-figure-ish one. That’s just one more reason why I threw myself at so many boys after Bates left—validation. I wanted to be the one all the boys looked at, not my beautiful sister. I was young, and jealous, and hurt, and so very dumb. I shake my head of the past and thank Kent for the bag before I go back into the bedroom and finish getting dressed for the clubhouse.

  I slide on a pair of Kentlee’s skin tight leggings, they keep everything exactly where it needs to be and come up past my belly button. I put on a bralette top and sigh at my stomach. Not as flat as it used to be, but good enough for a room of hard-assed bikers. On my feet I slide on a pair of wedge booties. I keep my hair long and straight, and my make-up dark. I smirk after I’ve painted my lips red with lipstick. Scotty would really hate, I mean truly despise, what I’m wearing. I feel a wave of vict
ory at that thought. I can do and wear what I want now—I love it.

  “Hot mama,” Kentlee says as I walk out of the bedroom.

  I roll my eyes but it doesn’t stop the smile on my lips. I haven’t felt hot in a long time, so I happily accept the compliment.

  A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. Buck announces that its Tammy to watch Stella for the night. Kentlee opens the door without hesitation and wraps Tammy in her arms. We spend the next few minutes talking as I help Kentlee pack up the kid’s toys and then kiss and hug my sweet Stella goodnight.

  “You’ll be good?” I ask.

  “I aways good, mommy,” she says with a smile. I shake my head and hug her one last time, inhaling her sweet little girl scent, and then I leave.

  I thank Tammy and tell her I’ll be home much later.

  “I got nothin’ else going on, honey. You just do your job; providing for your family is what’s most important.” I smile sadly and nod. I’m not really providing for Stella, yet.

  I hope that one day I will be. I hope to be a woman she can be proud of. But, for now, I’m going to keep going, keep working, and keep us both safe. Keeping us both happy and safe is all I really care about right now. Everything else will eventually work itself out.

  Kentlee drives me straight to the clubhouse. I’m lost in my own thoughts and not very talkative. When she pulls up in front, I tell her thank you. Before I can leave, she wraps her hand around my forearm.

  “I’m so proud of you, Brent,” she announces.

  “Not much to be proud of, but thank you,” I say sadly.

  “You’re getting out. You’re taking care of yourself and Stella. I’m so proud,” she whispers.

  “I’m just so thankful and lucky to have you and Fury and the club,” I say.

  “Those other people, our biological family, they can kick rocks, babe. This family, this family is the one that’s going to help you, be there for you, and, in the end, have your back.”


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