Overhaul: (Boneyard Brotherhood MC Romance Book 1)

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Overhaul: (Boneyard Brotherhood MC Romance Book 1) Page 22

by Amber Burns

“Hey, we have cake!” Tommy interrupted and jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

  They sat in silence and waited. Cade hoped that Cindy would not look at him differently now, like so many had before.

  After the dinner, they both stood on the front porch and told their two friends good night. They looked at each other and he placed an arm around her waist. She leaned against him and he felt her rest her weight against him.

  “I am sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean…. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s ok,” Cade assured as he stroked her hair. “I will tell you about my family, just not tonight, ok?”

  He rested his bearded cheek against her head and felt her nod. They made their way down the steps to his bike. He wrapped his jacket around her and placed his helmet on her head. They rumbled down the street towards her condo. At the curb, she held his hand and looked at him, the sadness was no longer in her eyes. A heat had filled those bright blues and he felt that same desire began to throb as he looked at her in that tight little red dress.

  “Would you like to come up tonight?” Her husky voice practically purred.

  “Yes,” was his instant reply.

  He followed her up the stone steps and through the large navy door. Inside, the condo was huge and very well polished. Her décor was clean and crisp and he was slightly overwhelmed by the prosperity of it all. While he had been distracted soaking in his surroundings, he had not even noticed she was standing on the steps waiting for him to join her. He followed her up to the second floor, where a large king bed invited him to curl up in its soft sheets.

  “Would you like anything to drink?” Her bright eyes seemed nervous, as if this was not their second time but their first.

  “Maybe later.”

  He walked towards her and pulled her in close, kissing her and stealing the breath right from her. She tasted warm and sweet tonight, hints of wine on her tongue. She stepped back and turned so he could slowly unzip her little red dress, allowing it to fall to the ground. Her black strapless bra and red underwear enticing him as he unclasped the back of her bra and allowed her breasts to fall free from their confinement. He reached around and caressed the soft skin, lightly pinching her hard and inviting nipple. She sucked in a breath as he moved down to pull her red underwear down. She turned and surprised him as she pressed against him, kissing him and pulling his shirt up in a fevered attempt to undress him faster.

  Her hands fussed with the button of his jeans and he helped her unsteady hands as he stripped the rest of the way down. Then he pulled her in close, feeling the warmth of her naked skin against his own and relishing their closeness. His hard cock throbbing against her thigh, he was trying hard not to bend her over and pound her from behind. He wanted to take his time, but he was also aching to be inside her.

  Before he even knew what she was doing, she bent down on her knees and took him in her mouth. Her tongue licking his large head as she wrapped her hands around his shaft. She squeezed and sucked at the same time. He thought he was going to lose his mind from the ripples of pleasure that shot up and down his body and he felt his legs grow weak. He reached down and pulled her up to stand against him again and he kissed her as he guided her down on her large bed. She had teased him, it was his turn. He kissed her neck and moved down the length of her body only stopping to flick his tongue against her hard nipples and then finding her perfect pink center, glistening with desire.

  He spread her legs and kissed her as he plunged his tongue inside, licking and tasting her. She tasted so good and her moans drove him wild. Finally, feeling her tightening, he moved back up to her and kissed her as he thrust between her legs. She cried out as his large raw cock filled her completely. He felt her naturally ribbed and soft center wrap tight around him and with each buck of his hips, she tightened until she screamed out and waves of pulsating pleasure radiated from deep within.

  “How do you want me?” Her husky voice whispered and panted in his ear as she nibbled softly. He groaned and could barely think straight, her orgasm nearly sending him over the edge.

  “Bend over.”

  He rolled away as she got into position, her perfect round bottom and wide hips inviting him to come inside. She was on all fours but he got a good glimpse of her breast as they rested against the bed and her dreamy, pleasure filled eyes watched him. He got behind her and ran his hands over her smooth hips, she moaned. He felt between her legs, ensuring she was wet and ready for him as he thrust deep from behind. Every penetration she cried out and squeezed the sheets. She was so tight that around him. He reached around and played with her nipples, as he thrust his large throbbing member as far into her as possible. Her body shook and he felt another wave of tightening and pulsating as she went completely liquid on him.

  He sat back, his legs burning from the work and she climbed on top of him straddling him and grinding her hips down on him. He moaned as she sent him over the edge, filling her with his own hot orgasm, he throbbed inside of her as she collapsed on him, never wanting to leave that warm pulsing wet center. They were both out of breath as they lying back on the pillows. She rolled over to rest her head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her.

  “That was wonderful,” she moaned and kissed his chest.

  “Mmm,” was his response.


  “Hmm?” He answered, again without words.

  “I want more.”

  He turned his head to her and smiled. His eyes flush with lust.

  “I will give you more tonight, don’t worry.”

  She grinned and rolled on top of him, meaning she wanted more right then. He was surprised that within a few minutes he was just as hard as the first time and ready to go. They made love again, but this time they both passed out after, a tangled mess of sweaty bodies and sheets.


  Cade and Cindy were awoken from their slumber by a horrified gasp. Cindy sat up terrified, and pulled the sheets nearly above her head. Cade had also bolted upright and covered himself with a pillow. Cindy’s mother stood in her daughter’s bedroom and gawked at her. Without a word, her pale mother left the room and rushed down the stairs. Cindy groaned and Cade sat there with his mouth wide open in shock.

  “Was that?” He started.

  “Yes, my mother,” she groaned again and climbed out of bed.

  “You would think I was some teenager the way they coddled me, not a grown woman,” she sighed and began dressing herself.

  “I suppose meeting your family is going to go over far worse than I had already assumed,” Cade chuckled.

  “Quite possibly. Now that she has seen my boyfriend naked, I guess I should formally introduce you to her… them.” She smiled mischievously at him, but pulled up short as she realized she had just called him her boyfriend. “Oh, I am sorry. I can’t believe I just said that.”

  She blushed and turned to go make morning coffee.

  “Don’t be, I like the sound of it,” he purred to her as he walked up behind her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “I will see if we can have dinner with them soon, so you can meet them.”

  She smiled. He half smiled back. They had breakfast, which Cade left after. She ignored her mother’s texts and calls all day; letting the woman stew for a while. Cindy wanted to teach her that she shouldn’t come barging into her grown daughter’s condo. Though Cindy knew she would eventually have to acknowledge her and she wanted them to meet Cade. She was falling pretty fast for him and she would want their approval. She was worried they would have a hard time with his profession and his tattoos, but if they could get to know him, she was sure they would love him like she did.

  Cade wasn’t sure how to repair the damage from that morning with Cindy’s mom. Their first meeting had gone over so splendid. He shook his head. He didn’t know if that was how normal parent’s behaved or not. He felt like they may be a little overbearing, but then again, he had never experienced overbearing parents. He needed to clear his head though, so he made his wa
y to the shop and quickly distracted himself with his art. A few requests were sent in and he started their designs, sketching out the first few.

  He read the text from Cindy and felt his heart hit his stomach. She had apparently made plans for a family dinner and introduction to her new boyfriend this weekend. This would be interesting. When he woke up from the sudden horrified gasp that morning, he was shocked to see an older blonde with the same bright blue eyes as Cindy staring at him. They could have passed as sisters. Now he was invited to meet the same woman, face to face, and he was scared as hell at what she would think of him. Then again, why should he be scared? She was a grown woman, surely her mother knew she wasn’t an innocent virginal woman, holding out till her wedding night.

  His mind was so distracted he hadn’t heard the bell over the door ring, until a thin, pale-skinned girl stood at the front counter. Her hair was bright green and her face held multiple piercings, from the snake bites under her lip, to her septum, to a row of rings lining her eyebrows. Those blue eyes stared at Cade, unblinking. He was felt a chill at those empty brown dots.

  “Can I help you?” Cade inquired.

  “Are you Cade?” Her voice was empty of any emotion.

  “Who’s asking?”

  “Spencer has been going crazy after you kicked his ass dude.”


  “At the night club. Anyways, I was supposed to deliver you a message.”

  She pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and handed it over to him. Her tiny hands were filthy and her nails had clumps of maybe dirt or other foreign matter under them. She was about as grunge as she could be. Cade uncrumpled the paper and looked at the random symbols, not able to make any sense of them.

  “Hey what does this…mean?” Cade began to ask, but a ring from the bell over the door signaled that she had left.

  Alone with the obscure message, he balled it up and tossed it in the garbage. This was all so bizarre. After he had dinner with Cindy and her parents this weekend, he would have to head down to the club and hope this “Spencer” would be there.

  “We are heading out, don’t stay too late boss,” Cadence called as she and Alex arrived at the lobby of the shop.

  She reached over tousling his shaggy brown hair and then took Alex by the arm as they left the shop. He saw her steal a quick kiss from Alex once outside and wondered when the two had started dating. They were a perfect fit and he wondered what had taken them so long in the first place. He looked at his phone and messaged Cindy that he would come with her to her parents this weekend.

  Looking at the clock, he hadn’t realized how late it was, so he shut off all of the lights and locked the doors for the night. He considered taking a ride through town, but was more exhausted than he realized.

  Probably the long night of love making with Cindy. He concluded.

  She had drained him last night and he smiled at the thought of it. Climbing onto his bike, his heart raced and he brought the loud engine to life and sped down the road, and away from the city.

  Lou Lou’s lights were blinking as usual and the lineup of bikes was familiar and inviting. Cade parked his bike in the usual spot and walked into the bar. At the bar, he saw the same little bartender that he had rescued a couple months back, serving drinks. Her clothes were more modest than before and he didn’t see her flirting with the customers. He took a seat at the bar and waited for her to take his order. Recognition sparked in her eyes when she came to him and she smiled at him.

  “Hey, you haven’t been in here for a little minute.” She smiled and poured him a cold draft of pale ale, he was surprised she remembered.

  “I have been busy.”

  He hadn’t been in a relationship in a long time, but the way the little bartender still looked at him made him feel guilty for even coming to Lou Lou’s. Just then, a hand tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to find Jimmy.

  “Hey man, I just wanted to say thank you.” Jimmy tucked his hands in his pockets and looked at his toes. “Also, that I am sorry.”

  “It’s ok Jimmy, but did you ever apologize to the lady?” He turned his head toward the bartender.

  “Oh, yes I did. I felt real bad for the way I acted.”

  “Just mind how much you drink,” Cade chided.

  “Oh, I do now.”

  “Good to hear. See you around Jimmy, take care now.”

  He turned back to his beer and the little bartender had moved on down the line. He finished his beer and decided that Lou Lou’s wasn’t where he wanted to spend his time. Cindy was where he wanted to be and he felt wrong having another woman eye him the way the little lady serving drinks had. Stepping outside he realized he hadn’t smoked in weeks, at least not since before the fight.

  Have I been so distracted that I haven’t needed a cigarette?

  Inside the pouch on his bike, he pulled out a pack of smokes and pulled one smoke out, fingering it in his hand. No craving or desire filled him like it had once. Crumpling the pack, he walked to the trashcan outside the club and threw the box away. He had considered breaking the habit on many occasions, but had never found the motivation. Cindy made him want to be better. He climbed on his bike and left behind Lou Lou’s. Sad that he was not satisfied with his old hangout, but excited to see where things would go with Cindy. He rode back into the city and made his way to his apartment.


  That weekend he met Cindy at her condo and they rode to her parents. Once again he found himself in wine country, not far from the winery that Tommy and Heather were married. When he turned on the driveway to her parent’s estate, they had to punch in a code at the large wrought iron gates that held a huge gold embossed ‘W’ in the center. His bike rattled across the cobble stone drive way and he stared at the huge mansion before him. He wondered just how much money these people had. Their land stretched for miles in each direction and he saw stables in the distance and hurdles set up for jumping show horses.

  They stopped in front of the miniature castle, at least that is what he equated it to, and he parked his bike. Suddenly, Cade felt very under dressed to even set foot in such an estate. Her parents stepped out on the large porch and welcomed them between the giant marble columns that lined the front of the house. Cade shook her father’s hand and her mother’s. Her mother’s lips were pinched tight in disapproval, but she shook his hand nonetheless. Her father’s face also shone with disapproval, and something else. Cindy hugged her mother and kissed her father on the cheek.

  Her and her mother looked almost identical, but her father looked nothing like her. His salt and pepper hair was kept short and neat and his face was clean shaven. His stony face was sharp and angular and he clearly took care of his physical health as well as his financial. Mr. Watkins had an arrogant and over confident air to him, much like that youthful doctor at the hospital.

  They moved inside the mansion and just as he had felt overwhelmed by the elegance of Cindy’s condo, the interior of her family home was even more extravagant. A wide mouthed stairwell greeted them when they entered and ran up to the second floor, narrowing in the middle and widening again at the top just as it did at the bottom. A huge shimmery chandelier hung above them as they walked across the marbled floors. Cindy and her other moved down one hallway and she signaled for him to follow her father. They moved into the study and Cindy’s father took out two glasses and poured some dark, expensive looking liquid in them. Handing one to Cade, he raised the glass to his upper lip and breathed in the strong scent of the liquor. Swirling it in the glass he brought it to his mouth and sipped.

  Cade looked down at the glass and copied Mr. Watkins. It burned as it hit his throat and his taste buds picked up the smoke and cherry notes of the strong drink. A large fireplace with an ornate mantle sat in the center of the room. Cade held the glass in his hands and wondered when someone would break the silence.

  “So, I hear you and my daughter are dating.” Mr. Watkins voice was higher in pitch than Cade had expected.

��I, yes. We met at our mutual friend’s wedding a few weeks back. I have enjoyed her company.” He took another small sip of the harsh liquid, burning his throat again.

  “I bet.” Her father’s face showed no hint of humor.

  “Your estate is lovely. What is it that you do, sir?” He wasn’t sure how to ask such a question, but the man was evidently wealthy. He was genuinely curious as to how he made his fortune.

  “What I ‘do’, is many things. I own several large companies and a few franchises. That mixed with my savvy investing, I have been able to build quite the fortune for my children and hopefully one day my grandchildren.”

  Cade almost choked as he processed the last part. Grandchildren? He hadn’t even thought about having children. Well, he had, but never any serious thoughts.

  “And what is it, that you do, Mr...?”

  Cade realized they had not been introduced. Everything was going so horribly wrong he thought.


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