Overhaul: (Boneyard Brotherhood MC Romance Book 1)

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Overhaul: (Boneyard Brotherhood MC Romance Book 1) Page 30

by Amber Burns

  “Yea, I am glad I do not have to deal with that drama,” Cindy chuckled.

  “Time to start plannin’ that weddin’,” Annie declared. Cindy looked at her incredulously. “What?” Annie defended herself. “It’s never too early to weddin’ plan!”

  Cindy could already see the wheels turning and knew that if she didn’t escape now, Annie would have her trying on wedding dresses down the street while they were supposed to be working. Luckily a call light warned her that she was needed and she used it to get away.

  A blur of people rushed through the emergency room doors as the EMT’s handed their patient off to the hospital staff. Cindy rushed to join them and an alarm went off in her chest when a familiar mop of red was wheeled in on a gurney.

  “We pulled a middle-aged Jane Doe from a wreck. We think she is pregnant, her pulse is thread,” the EMT called out as everyone rushed down the hall.

  They were busy working on her as Cindy grew closer and was able to get a better look. Her heart sank when Cindy saw her best friend was stretched out on the gurney. Her face was bruised and broken.

  “The red-head, was she the driver?” Cindy inquired of the EMT following closely behind.

  “Uh, no,” he responded. “No she wasn’t the driver, but the driver was DOA so we moved to rescue her. Their car was flipped on top of itself and crushed. She will be lucky if she survives.”

  Cindy turned away from the kid, he had no idea that throwing out that simple abbreviation had just shattered her world. DOA. Dead on arrival. Sensitivity is taught to the medical professionals, but he most likely had no idea he just delivered earth shattering news to basically family in a nonchalant way. Cindy excused herself for a moment and ducked into a nearby bathroom. She held her stomach and heaved; nausea and terror ripping her insides as she just hoped that somehow it wasn’t Tommy driving. She knew it was though. Of course it was Tommy driving.

  They brought his lifeless body in a bag after they had delivered those that needed medical immediate medical care. Cindy was not allowed to work on Heather. She had walked into the room, blurry eyed and flushed. As soon as they knew it was her best friend, they made her take a seat in the lobby.

  “Call their next of kin Cindy. Call someone for you. We will keep you posted on her status as we know more.” They said the same things that Cindy said to her patients, every single day.

  Numbness set in and she wanted to call Cade, but was terrified of sharing such crushing news with him. Opening up their last text message, she thought she could at least handle that over talking.

  Her: Can you get away to come visit at the hospital?

  Him: Sure. I just have to wrap up things with this half sleeve and I will be on my way.

  She wondered how she would tell him that his best friend and only thing close to family was dead, while his pregnant wife fought for her life in one of these rooms. Next she called Mr. and Mrs. Lane and then Heather’s parents. Trying to stay as calm as possible, she just explained to them that there had been an accident and that it was best if they came on to the hospital. Thirty minutes later, the two sets of parents were standing in the same lobby with Cindy when Cade walked in.

  He took one look at her red puffy eyes and saw Tommy’s parents and Heather’s. She could see the anguish and fear that flashed into those deep greens.

  “Cindy, what, what’s going on?” Cade asked franticly.

  At that moment two doctors walked out and took the sets of parents in different rooms. Cindy sat back down and patted the seat next to her. Thankful she didn’t have to tell Tommy’s parent’s but her heart was weighed with grief as she prepared herself to tell Cade.

  “Cade, there was an accident. Tommy…Tommy passed away. They have Heather in the back now, but it doesn’t look good. I think they were talking about possibly delivering the baby. She is twenty-eight weeks, so it is possible that the baby will survive. It is also possible that Heather will not.”

  A sob escaped her lips and she fought back the tears that threatened to overflow again. Cade sat there motionless. Tommy and Heather’s parents each stepped out of the rooms, faces full of sadness and sorrow as they held each other for comfort.

  “Cindy sweetie,” Heather’s mom managed. “Have… have they said anything else about the baby?”

  “No ma’am, just what they told you,” Cindy responded.


  Heather’s mom was holding Tommy’s mother in her arms. She patted her, consoling her for the loss of her son and trying to provide her any bit of strength she could as she fretted for her own child. Tommy’s and Heather’s dads sat solemn, two stoic and silent figures who were holding themselves together as their wives broke down in tears.

  Hours passed, and Cade still sat in silence. His face was hard, but Cindy could see the pain in those eyes. She just held his hand and rubbed his arm as she watched the clock tick by. Finally, a doctor came out to talk to them.

  “We were able to deliver the baby, and she is so strong. We are expecting a full recovery for her. As for Heather, we cannot say until some of the swelling on her brain goes down. I am so sorry, she may wake up or she may never wake up. We have done everything that we can for her now and we will just keep monitoring her and the swelling.”

  Heather’s mother trembled and a soft wail poured out from her. Tommy’s mother was now the one to hold her as she cried. Cindy’s heart hurt at the sound of a broken mother. She had heard it more than once, but never from someone she had spent years getting know and love. Her own heart ached with pain and for the first time since he heard about his best friend’s sudden death, Cade wrapped his arm around Cindy and pulled her in close.

  They held a funeral for Tommy days after his passing. It had to be closed casket due to the damage to his face in the wreckage. Heather’s condition did not seem to improve and they were afraid they may have to take her off life support in the next couple of weeks. At this point, they were afraid that she would be a vegetable if she ever did wake. Cade looked down at the mahogany casket that held his friend. It seemed so small. Just a few months ago, they had played pool and Cade found out they were expecting a baby.

  How can he be dead?

  Tommy’s baby was fighting in the neonatal intensive care unit. Cade would go and visit the little beauty and he was even able to let her wrap her tiny hand around his finger. She was so small that she could have fit in his hand. So many wires and ports were connected to her small body. He was almost thankful that Tommy and Heather were not there to see her like that. She didn’t even have a name. They had talked about a few names but never settled on one. For now, baby Lane, was all that her read on her name plate.

  Cade watched as they lowered Tommy’s coffin into the ground and poured the dirt over the top. Cindy was there, holding a sobbing Mrs. Lane. Cade sighed and looked to the sky above. He spoke, unsure if he was trying to speak to Tommy or himself.

  “I can’t believe you’re gone man. I won’t see your smug face on the news anymore. That little girl of yours is a fighter, you would be so proud. I am not sure what happens when we die or where we go, but I know that if Heather has to join you soon, you will be happy and your little girl will be cared for. Don’t you worry. I will make sure she gets to school on time and that little boys leave her alone; even if I have to use a baseball bat to run them off. I am going to drink one for you tonight. Tonight is on me, so don’t you dare try anything.”

  His eyes filled with tears and he felt their cool stream slide down his cheek. It was the first time he allowed himself to cry since learning of Tommy’s death.

  Cade was the last to leave the cemetery, joining Cindy who was waiting in the car. She never rushed him, or asked any questions. She placed a warm hand on his leg and gave him a comforting squeeze as they left a fresh unmarked grave. A week later, they had to say goodbye to Heather. They buried her beside Tommy and when their headstones came in they both read: Gone too soon but not forgotten, loving mother and father to baby Cynthia Lane.

p; 16

  Cade took a few weeks off from work. He cancelled and rescheduled his appointments. Their new location was larger and much more open. They had even picked up a few more artists. Cade’s accountant had helped him crunch the numbers, and it wasn’t as daunting as it had once seemed. He was making enough from the busy influx of customers to offset the cost of their move. Many of their regulars thought they would be upset with the change, but found they liked the new parlor even more than the old.

  Cade was hunched over a young man, working on a tiger pouncing from his bicep when the young man spoke up.

  “I was so scared this place was going to be shitty, but this is awesome dude!”

  He had been adding ink to this kid for years and he knew how outspoken Charlie could be.

  “Glad it isn’t shitty,” Cade joked as he continued to add detail to the tiger’s fur.

  “Oh yea, man, we are super stoked about it. I mean, you have so much space now and you also are in a more convenient location. I think you are going to see some pretty heavy traffic.”

  Charlie’s prediction was accurate and their business was booming. Finishing up the final touches, he sat back and stared at his work. What once brought him joy, was now just another job to him. He wasn’t as pleased with the tiger as he wanted to be, but the kid was happy about it.

  “That looks awesome!”

  Cade was glad that his customer was happy and he collected his payment. His next customer was a middle-aged woman who had emailed him a picture of her deceased grandbaby days before. His heart broke for her and he made sure he had time for her special portrait. The baby’s cheeks were perfectly round and healthy in the picture. Two little grey eyes peeped out and he wondered what happened to the little guy.

  “Hanna?” Cade called from the front desk.

  She stood up and moved into the back of the parlor with him. She set her things down and took a seat in chair.

  “Where do you want baby Everett?” He was trying to be as kind and personal as possible, letting her know he took this request very seriously, and that he paid attention to her email.

  “My right bicep,” her voice was just a whisper, but he began the outline and placed the image of the sweet baby on her arm.

  He added a little shading and rosy cheeks to bring the baby to life. The image now forever resting in peace on her arm.

  “Do you mind if I may ask,” Cade stumbled. “What happened?”

  “Oh… well he was just sleeping in his crib. Happy, healthy little baby. My daughter was breastfeeding him and he was growing just fine, but then one night she went to check on him and he wasn’t breathing. They called 911, but by the time they arrived, he was gone.”

  “I am so sorry for your loss Hanna.” He gripped her hand in his and saw the tears in the bottom of her eyes.

  “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

  They moved to the front of the shop and she came to the counter to pay.

  “This one is one me,” he told her, tears well up in his own eyes.

  She thanked him and he closed out her session. Before he could leave and call the next customer she pulled him into a hug.

  “Whatever pain you feel now child, it will pass. Pain is fleeting,” she assured him.

  She left him there standing shocked by those words. Those very same words that Spencer had said almost a year ago, sending a chill down his spine.


  Wedding planning had stopped for a brief period as everyone was suspended in mourning. Even Cindy’s parents didn’t push the date or plans. However, the days were ticking by and before she even knew it, her wedding was scheduled for the next weekend.

  “Cindy, you have your last dress fitting tomorrow dear,” her mother called out from her kitchen.


  Cindy had lost a couple inches after Tommy and Heather’s death; stress and shock ruining any chance of an appetite. She also spent most of her time visiting baby Cynthia, who was growing so strong, and Cindy hoped that she would be able to go home soon. Tommy’s parents were the first to volunteer to take care of the little one. Cindy felt a tug at her heart every time she held Cynthia. She wanted to take her home, but they would follow the wishes in the wills of their beloved friends.

  In just a few days, she would be Mrs. Cade Winters. Her heart was excited, but she still grieved for the maid of honor that wouldn’t stand by her side and the best man that wouldn’t have Cade’s back. They chose a small venue, which had upset her mother, but she did a good job of keeping her mouth shut. Since Cade had no living relatives he knew of, Cindy didn’t want to invite a huge number of guests either. He had told her to have the wedding of her dreams, he was happy as long as he was standing next to her at the end of it all.

  “Let’s go. I just remembered we still need to find you shoes.” Her mother snapped her fingers, as if that would make Cindy move any faster.

  A few hours and several bags later, she was certain they had everything for this wedding. She was fitted for her gown one last time, and then the next day was the big day.

  Everything that could go wrong did. Her hair was being unruly and they were running late bringing the cake to the venue. When she slipped into the shoes, which her mother had insisted they buy, blisters formed on her heels and toes before she had walked five feet. Fearing the worst on what was supposed to be her special day, she sat down in a chair and cupped her hands around her face. Just then a knock sounded on the door and Cadence walked in.

  “Hey beautiful, we need you to get out here so we can get this shindig started. Also, we’re hungry.”

  Cadence’s stomach was large and round. She looked like she had swallowed a watermelon. It looked good on her petite form and she still wore her punk and gothic style clothes, she just purchased several sizes too large.

  “I feel like some celestial being is cursing me and if I go out there,” Cindy sobbed. “I am going to fall and break my collarbone or something equally ominous.”

  “Oh honey, that is just the jitter bugs. Everyone feels that way before they get hitched. Trust me. Well, I have never had them, but I have heard of them anyways.”

  Cindy shook her head and looked to the plump goth standing at her door. “Look at you, you are glowing. Aren’t you due this week?”

  “I was due last week,” Cadence laughed through a samile.

  The pair started laughing so hard that before she even knew what was happening, a gush of liquid poured from between Cadence’s legs.

  “I… I think my water just broke,” Cadence squeaked out before letting out a moan and bent back in pain.

  Labor pains came on quickly and Cindy stuck her head out and called for help. Cade ran in at the sound of her alarmed voice. He took one look at Cadence who was now sitting in a chair breathing heavy with her hands on her belly. Her lap was wet and he quickly ran out to grab Alex. Alex flew into the room and with the help of Cindy, they walked Cadence to their car and climbed in. Cade ran to his decorated bike and jumped on, ribbons and cans with a just married sign stuck to the back followed close behind the speeding car with blinking hazards.

  Cindy was sitting in the back of Alex’s care holding Cadence’s hand as she moaned and sucked in breath, her tight belly bulging under the fabric of her dress. They rushed through the automatic doors of the hospital and they checked her on quickly.

  “Baby is already crowning, let’s get her on a bed and rush her to L&D,” the nurse called out.

  Cindy never let go of Cadence’s hand and Alex held the other as they rushed beside her to the delivery wing. It didn’t take long before their baby boy entered this world. Cadence, exhausted but only concerned with one thing turned to Cindy who still held her hand.

  “Is he ok?” Cadence asked, still trembling from exhaustion as they worked to deliver her afterbirth.

  Finally letting go of Cindy’s hand she looked over to the baby warmer where the nurses worked quickly to clean and suction the little perfectly pink and plump baby. Worried because he ha
dn’t cried yet, Cindy moved closer as hands frantically worked to clear his airway. Not even a second later, the first little cries squealed from their newborn baby and Cindy sighed with relief.

  “He is perfect,” Cindy assured.

  “May I hold him?” Cadance asked, reaching towards the nurse cleaning up their wailing newborn.

  “Of course, you may.”

  They placed her new bundle in her arms, and Cadence’s face erupted with joy. Alex was by her side, cradling her head and cooing at their tiny little human.

  Cindy excused herself to go find Cade in the lobby. She found him wringing his hands, knuckles white as he was clearly in a state of distress. They had too much happen lately and he was worried yet another things was going to go wrong. Walking towards her future husband, Cindy sat down beside him and placed her small hands on his.


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