Galactic Earth

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Galactic Earth Page 6

by Luthra, G. S.

  Governments will use this as an excuse to obtain more power and to take more freedom from the masses. On top of that just for good measure, they plan on staging a fake alien invasion. Again for the same reason, to gain more control. A world government is their dream with a world religion, world money or bartering system, a world military, a world president, a world social welfare system, a world healthcare system, a world everything system. The goal is to gain absolute total dominance over each and every single thing people do and think. Humans have been warned by many of this threat, but due to their indoctrinated stupidity, they fail to see the truth. Corrupt politicians will try to use force, guilt tricks and obligation to be patriotic to the country and follow orders. People need to be re-educated to embrace rational self-interest or they will perish. They must also rid themselves of mysticism and superstition. For instance, humans are fooled into believing that certain professions deserve praise. Like a military soldier for example, is glorified for being brave hero, and for having other qualities that are dubbed as respectable. The truth is that most people who join such law enforcing organizations are needy for employment, people who join simply because their government orders them to, those who want the “prestige” with benefits, and those who genuinely want to help their fellow man. Sadly, those righteous people discover the true colors of such organizations the hard way. When a person joins the military because they volunteer to help their fellow man, that is admirable, but when someone just joins because they are told to, that is not admirable. When a military officer commands a soldier to kill others, and the soldier does so without investigation, how is that occupation respectable? It is despicable as far as I'm concerned. A physician is another profession deemed as worthy of praise. Medical doctors today generally don't have any clue on how to cure a patient. They simply provide the patient an endless supply of drugs and unnecessary surgical procedures that leave a person crippled for life, yet they are regarded as demigods, because of the monetary and societal perception. Experts become so simply by passing standardized tests, which test merely ten percent of the human intelligence. These academics are again treated as authority idols, and anyone else who disagrees is considered a fool. This is how you control the human race.

  Scare tactics are currently being used to startle the population of the planet. The government’s plan is to use fear, Nano-chips, vaccines, and other methods to control the masses. They feel threatened, and they are taking more extreme actions to make sure they don’t lose their power over them. More chemicals and drugs are being spread into the atmosphere. Super advanced technology has been used to create natural disasters of humongous proportions. Bombs and weapons are being used to disrupt the energy field of the earth. Satellites, CCTV cameras, and ID cards are now watching and tagging everyone. They will stop it at nothing to stay in power. Don’t be fooled, they will do anything to protect their rule, but they will fail.

  Dominance over earth is their plan. By weakening the human spirit, the government rats think they can take over. WHEN people wake up and act with love and wisdom, transformation will occur and the elite’s power will be lost. Evil aliens will be forced to leave the planet. Spiritual energy is too strong for them. They hate it and can’t stand an atmosphere where it is in abundance. Creating a planet full of peace will automatically send them out for good. We will over throw this scum. Reptilians along with elites are working together to totally control the earth, and each and every single human being. Government politicians are also equally involved with this. They have been helping them for many, many years. The Draconian reptilians are one major player of this agenda. They have enslaved other ET’s, and bureaucrats, and are using them to do their bidding. Reptilians are very aggressive, dangerous creatures. They have killed many innocent souls in the past. Human sacrifices were done to feed these demons. Kidnapped children have been used as offerings to the reptilians. Secret government personnel have stolen children to bring them underground where the lizard bases are to be used for ritual or as food. Yes, it is not a pleasant topic and many shy away from talking about it, but people need to know the truth. There are thousands of police records of missing children every year, and no one knows what happened to them. These numbers are continuing to grow year after year, yet no one is saying anything. Alien abductions have happened, but when this occurs, secret agents with pale skin in dark suits threaten those who have experienced such events.

  Abductions don’t always have to be physical. They can be astral, in the higher planes of existence. Many people have experienced hyper dimensional abductions, and are left in cognitive dissonance. Meaning, they have been harassed during sleep while they were unconscious. Demonic possession has been written about in the past. This is when dark low astral demons and evil entities are influencing you. Now a lot of the so called possessions are usually caused by bad nutrition, drugs, and chemicals, but there are real cases too. Religion and belief systems also play a role, but the genuine possession is when there is a strong negative influence on a person. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are controlling them completely. Many of the political leaders in positions of power have been genetically altered to make them more vulnerable to influence. It has been done since ancient times. That is why the elite families don’t breed outside, because they want to keep the family gene active so they can be controlled easily. Spiritual faith and prayer can change your circumstance. Humans have always had the power to free themselves, but they are living unconscious, not conscious. This is the secret truth those running the planet don’t want you to know. Connecting with God can change your life instantly.

  Belief systems control your mind. If you believe the government system is almighty and powerful, then it is so. You are giving them power by accepting their authority over you. If everyone gathered together to work smarter, it would be over instantly. It would be acknowledged that the government’s power was false. The belief of the masses that the elites are their rulers is what’s holding them back. The truth is, however that the people have given their power, and it is up to them to reclaim it back. Collectively making efforts can change all this.

  Greedy people are after control. The reason why the aliens and politicians are using all this is because, they are insecure. They don’t have confidence, so they don’t respect themselves or each other. Naturally, this lack of dignity is given to the rest of humanity. Reptilians on the other hand, have been here for billions of years. They see the existence as their property, because in their culture they were the first ones here making them the rightful heir to rule the universe. That is why we have this draconian system on earth. We have adopted it from them. Domination is the goal of the evil galactic politicians and draconian reptilians. The plan for NWO is a part of this, which is a hierarchy where they reign supreme. They have conquered many other planets and intend to do the same with earth.

  Blueprints for the epic conquests of earth have already been developed, and are currently being exercised. NWO stands for New World Order. It is a plan for a global dictatorship. Having a world government, with a world money system, a world bank, world military, world religion, a world everything system where the population is implanted with nano-chips that are linked to a central super computer. You may say that is quackery. Take a look at your history, what has happened up till present day? The government is bigger, more powerful, and the people have less control. The rulers are smart. They know shoving their agenda too fast will cause a rebellion. That is why it is all carefully and cleverly planned to slowly, but steadily advance their agenda.

  Greed is another powerful force in human beings. The government bureaucrats who are helping the evil aliens are after power. They think that by helping them they will get control. Some are even doing it out of fear. Others believe that they can play along, and later on throw out the aliens and rule the world. Irrationality can over take the minds of power hungry greedy pigs. It is amazing that people are willing to sell out their race for power. Although there are those who were controlled s
ince infancy, many have volunteered to join the big brother hierarchy to dominate the earth. Helpful information provided by good people has created a little stir on earth. More people know what’s going on today than before, and more are becoming open to new ideas and concepts. The awakening of humans is threatening the powers that be. The government is afraid of losing their grip. They know that the people can alter everything overnight.

  Military, weapons, and government will be no match against the spiritual people of earth. That is why the powers that be are trembling. Hope this isn’t too much for you to take in. It’s a lot, but there’s no time for dwindling. You’ve got to be exposed to this. Let’s make one thing clear. Reptilians, government, aliens, all evil beings, they are all…nothing. That’s right, nothing. Too many fanatic fools place too much emphasis and attention on them. You’re only hearing it from me just for your awareness, but make no mistake, these slimy, slippery impudent moron punks are just a sac of scum. THEY HAVE NO POWER, they can’t even run their own lives properly. Anybody who needs to control others like this truly is a loser. So don’t pay any attention to them, keep your focus on the goal, to create heaven on earth.

  Focus on God and your higher purpose on earth. There are many opportunities on earth so use the resources and facilities available to you to better yourself and the planet. Study, obtain skills in the field of your passion and use them to contribute to the improvement of humanity. God is always there to guide, you just need to relax, pray, and receive.

  Practical Solutions

  Dream big, work smart!

  The mighty man tames himself, the weak man tames others.

  Scared boys appear to be strong by controlling others to serve them shying away from their lack, yet they are all eventually eliminated by the strength of the brave men.

  Residing deep within you, is the power to change the world. Yes, you are the one who can make real difference on this earth! Although you may not realize it, latent ability is patiently waiting to shine out from your soul. You may have not been able to communicate this incredible feeling to yourself or others, but yearned for guidance. The fact you are reading this book is no coincidence. Fortunately, you have been given this opportunity and now you will automatically become better as I have embedded special power within these pages to reach out to your subconscious and even to your heart, to bring out all that heavenly glory surging throughout you this very moment.

  Consider yourself VERY lucky.

  Ok, so enough already about the aliens, elite political idiots, and so on. Let’s discuss what you can do collectively as a race to over throw these bums. Contrary to what you may have been told, YOU are in power, you always have. If you want to kill a fish, take away its water and give it air.

  Money, power, and votes are like the evil elites’ swimming pool. Simply take them away, and watch these creatures flop around like the helpless fools that they are!

  Therefore, to shake things up around here do the following:

  Don’t vote for any political party. Instead, support independent individuals who clearly state their interest in your freedom.

  Spend your money on local or small family companies. Boycott huge multinational corporations who financially support politicians and use hazardous substances in their products. This will make more effective changes as opposed to rioting.

  Give them the cold shoulder. Take their power away by giving no attention. This means avoiding all mainstream media, the stupid TV shows, Hollywood productions, radio, internet sites that are part of the big brother club, “social media”, environmental quacks, extremists, religious fanatics, and alike. This includes alternative media who only focus on the conspiracy. Your energy goes to where you direct your focus on.

  Support independent or non-political advocating companies who promote uplifting entertainment, music, art, etc. that inspires you.

  In other words, don’t give them your money, attention, or vote. Write complaints to legislators of the current situation and demand action. The government wants to RFID tag your car, your wallet, and shoes, no way! Exercise passive refusal of unconstitutional laws.

  Use passive non-compliance, this takes guts as so it comes last, but bind together and peacefully veto passed laws that violate your freedoms. This includes unjust taxes, “mandatory” vaccines, unapproved monitoring of the public, airport security harassment, or anything that compromises your rights. What would happen if people all came together for the common good? You would see instant new changes. You have power in where you spend money and your vote, use it!

  Everything you say, or do will be recorded if you fail to take action. Don’t care? Fine, don’t then. Watch what happens. You say that now, but once you realize that your freedom is gone, it’ll be too late. Arrogant academic morons have no clue, pity.

  A space army is being built to conquer other planets.

  Draconian elites wish to rule the entire universe. Using the humans as a tool for taking over other planets is their plan. They will stop at nothing until their goal is complete. Government wants to create a world of the government, by the government, and for the government.

  Beware of vaccines, genetic alterations of organic lifeforms and Nano-chips. These chips can control your mind. Nano-chips monitor your body and can send and receive signals. Signals can be picked up by your brain so these chips are used to control what you think. Animals are already being chipped, and federal governmental staff. Many of your personal items are tracked as well. They will lie, saying that it is for your own good, for your safety, and so on. Be alert, let the Great Spirit (God) guide you.

  A fake staged nuclear war is being planned to scare the masses so they will give up their power to government as that’s what it’s all about. The threat of an alien invasion may even be staged, so the rulers will use this excuse to make a world government. Most people, when they announce this, will panic. The secret government will then say oh, we need to come together as a race. We need to stand together as one! World government will be their solution to become a “unified” planet to stand against the alien invaders. Pay no attention to this and if they present “good” aliens on TV, ignore it.

  Physical appearance isn’t good enough. Holographic technology exists to appear as a human, or something else like Hollywood makeup can be at changing a person’s look. You have to see beyond the physical.

  Use your talents to elevate humanity. Go to school and your degree and skills while avoiding the mumbo jumbo. Enterprise put your abilities to improve the life of mankind.

  Virtual reality, and mind altering video games these days are created to control. These games are like drugs, they distort your reality. They are becoming more real every year. The technology is becoming more aggressive and powerful just like with the new HD televisions. The graphics are becoming so vivid, that soon you will not be able to tell the difference. Scientists are even working on games to actually plug your consciousness into a fake computer generated world, where all the physical senses are exactly like the real world. With this they can keep you trapped in there, because the world will be so seductive that many will become addicted, and abandon the reality like they do with internet and video games. Also, mind programming is more powerful once your mind is plugged into the system of the game. Stay away from them until earth becomes sane and this type of technology is used for good purposes instead of abuse.

  Androids and other human like robots are being used as well. Robotic engineers in Japan have developed several human like bots. These droids are very life like. Developers are constantly modifying them to seem more human like. They are at the point where you can’t tell the difference between the two. Experiments have already been done in Japan where a group interacted with one of the machines, and most forgot they were talking to a body of metal and wires. More advances have been made and now robotic technology is growing all over the world. You can see it being used for industrial purposes and it is getting more sophisticated. This is very good, because robots can be used f
or doing hard labor and other routine boring tasks for humans. Good thing is, robots don’t get tired or complain!

  Maid service, flight attendants, and other jobs that humans were not meant to do can be done by machines. Japan has already started to implement them at airports as receptionists. This is a great step in human advancement, because it promises great potential. Robots can farm, do laundry, dishes, build houses, and other tasks to make life easier for people. However, it is important to mention what the government is up to. They use them for military, and controlling purposes. Control cameras can be inserted into androids spy on you. Also, there is a big push for selling these robots in the sex market. Unfortunately, when a great invention comes along, people find ways to use it for harm. The car was created for transportation, but people have used it for violence. Baseball bats, pens, and even kitchen tools were made for benefiting society, but have been used as weapons. The same applies to the robots. False fear is also shown in Hollywood movies to make people think that robots will take over, but this is because the government doesn’t want people to free themselves by using such automated technologies.


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