Galactic Earth

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Galactic Earth Page 10

by Luthra, G. S.

  Painting, singing, and creating music are all forms of healing. Taking a walk in nature often is recommended, as it will refresh your mind and charge you with new fresh energy. Changing your living space is important. Don’t hang demonic like items on the wall with depictions of monsters or symbols of death. Don’t listen to violent, excessive loud dirty music. Instead choose happy harmonious sounds that soothe your soul expanding your mind. Take care of animals or feed the helpless. Exercise, play outside. It can be a sport if your wish, but it doesn’t have to be super competitive. Just to get your mind off of your life. Enjoy yourself. Read inspiring good books that are motivating you. Build, do something creative. Create with your hands. Go to a friend, relax, meditate, plant a garden, and get some sunlight. The sun will heal you. Avoid all nonsense that wastes time or drains your energy. Associate with like-minded people. Be with those who are achieving goals, or who are striving for something worthwhile not simply valued by dollars.

  Energy is what everything is made up of. This is how everything is connected. We are all part of the unity called the universe, or what is commonly referred to on earth as God. We are all interconnected through energy. That’s why you can create your life with your mind, and that’s why everything affects everything else. Now this doesn’t mean you should view everything as equal or the same. There exists good people and bad people, beautiful places and horrible places, and so on. So, don’t be fooled by the “we’re all one” cliché that is commonly quoted by false gurus. Just understand we’re connected in the sense that everything is particle energy at the atomic level. Benefits come when you take complete responsibility for your life. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. The thoughts, emotions, and actions you create come back. That is the law of the universe. What you transmit from your mind is what will manifest in your physical reality. It’s as simple as that, but understand that this is why your life is the way it is. The universe only understands what you are offering and sends it back to you.

  Created thoughts and emotions reflect on your daily life. The external mirrors the internal. So you see real change starts on the inside. You know now what needs to be done to set things right. Identify what is holding you back and what will take you higher, rise above the flock. Sometimes it may mean leaving certain groups of people, dietary changes, eliminating bad habits, and transforming other non-beneficial behavior into more positive ones that yield greater results. There is no magic button that you push to automatically solve all your problems. Life doesn’t work that way. If it was as easy as all the conmen on TV say, then everybody would be happy. It takes effort and perhaps even struggle, however your survival depends on you having the strength to fight for what is best for you. It’s a crazy world out there, but you must stand your ground and help yourself in order to live a prosperous life. If you want to change your life and your situation on earth, begin by changing yourself.

  Create powerful energy by channeling divine light from God. You can do this through visualization in meditation. Harmonious music that inspires and empowers gives strength to your soul, as do good movies and art. Consuming healthy food, exercise, and spiritual living keeps your aura field clean and protected from negativity. The more energy you gather within you, the more you can do. Spend time each day connecting with God, more so during your tough times. Once a week is good to connect longer deeply and take it easy to recharge. You will get what you put into it.

  The Art of Creation

  What if someone told you that everything you know about life is wrong?

  What if you were told that you possess limitless power, free of the bondage of failure?

  Answer me honestly, would you still be living the life you live now?

  Life is awesome wouldn’t you agree?

  Manifestation begins in your mind. Thoughts start on the etheric higher dimensions as ether, formless, shapeless energy. Later, over time that substance gains density if the thought is strong enough. When that happens, the form falls down to the lower dimensions and finally into the physical reality. If you energize your thoughts long enough, they will manifest instantly. Emotion is the second step of creation. Thoughts materialize according to the emotion they are created with.

  Energies are constantly emitted by the emotions you are creating. When you vibrate an emotion, this energy is being sent out into the universe. Also, you are attracting similar energies like a magnet. This is how creation works. When you are emitting a frequency, you manifest accordingly and people, situations, and experiences will be in sync matching that which you are putting out into the world, because that’s what you have generated. That is the law of cause and effect. Your religious scriptures have indicated you reap what you sow, use it wisely.

  Vibrations are always being transmitted by minds all the time. Your brain is like a radio, but much more powerful. The organ can transmit and receive frequencies. That’s how your thoughts and emotions can affect your life. Many people don’t believe this, but they use cell phones, radio, and antennas/TV’s which send and receive signals, yet they don’t question how that is possible. They don’t argue that a cell phone signal can pass through solid matter, and reach another phone almost instantly. Humans can do the same, but much more powerfully. This is one of the big secrets the earth controllers don’t want the masses to know about otherwise the people could tap into the power and eliminate them.

  Everyone right now could be living in a spacious house with full access to resources, technology, and would all receive a relevant education. Unfortunately, however, the government doesn’t allow this, because it’s not good for the monetary economy, in other words for capitalism. Yes its true free enterprise was good in the beginning of industrialization. However, now the technological capacity and feasibility to provide everyone with the basic necessities of life exists, plus much more! It’s too bad this is not being implemented.

  Several scientists, inventors, and even regular people have developed the technology, to create such a world. Some of these people are well known in the scientific community, and some you have never heard of. However, when presented with such material, the government simply abolished and banned the use and spread of information. This is

  the problem with corruption. A lot of these inventions are available, but are being suppressed. More people have to become aware of this so that they demand it from their government.

  Truth always prevails. This knowledge is necessary to inform you what is really going on. Even though it may sound like heresy, understand that this is the case. Yes, the governments are corrupt, all of them. No matter what country, all of them are corrupt, and the people who are really in power are controlling the money and natural resources. As hard as it may be to believe, there is indeed an extraterrestrial hand in all this, which goes back long before prehistoric time. Many know this and some professionals have explained on national television with further detail and evidence. However still, not enough people are informed. You deserve the right to know everything. This planet does not belong to the government, it is our home, not theirs, and they have no right to do as they please without first consulting with people who live here.

  Environmental factors play a vital role in the development and current behavior patterns of human beings. A lot of us sometimes look at dubbed, “crazy people” and shake our heads at their actions, but what we fail to understand is their upbringing and the influences which led to their present condition. This in no way excuses the danger and, or extent of their example, however, it gives us important information to help these people as well as prevent such events from happening in future generations. It is very easy for us to criticize and judge others. Many like to make suggestions like, be spiritual, be good, and eat right, but please for a moment think about this.

  Giving such advice is not practical for most people. We live in a world bombarded by chaos in countless forms as described in this book. It just does not make any realistic or even logical sense for that matter, to just tell people oh yes be spiri
tual, meditate, and everything will be fine. People have to work, make money, and tend to many other responsibilities. Plus, there are those with no food, no water, no shelter, no family, no friends, and even no limbs! How can you say this to them? Is this really going to help them and produce physical results? Claiming their state is due to karma is nothing more than an empty excuse for not having the guts to admit that it is wrong for people to suffer like this without any help while others abuse wealth and resources. Advising them to live spiritual in hope to have a better incarnation in the next life is like telling a person with no arms to throw a ball. It simply just will not work. Another flaw in the whole do good now and you’ll go to heaven or have a better re-incarnation philosophy, is it devalues this life. You are here now, so you might as well be the greatest you can be and make the best out of your life. It’s futile in debating etheric things which are just that, simply too etheric. Concentrating in the moment gives you focus on your life now, not in the previous life, the next life, or any other fantasy, only now, exactly where it needs to be. I remember witnessing a little girl wondering around in the streets of India. I looked in many directions, but her parents were nowhere to be found. She started then looking for food in a garbage can and I couldn’t believe it. The people who were there shopping and working at the small bazaar stands didn’t seem to react that much as if it were normal, maybe they were just good at hiding it. Rather than getting enraged at the situation, let’s honestly examine it. Yes, the poor girl didn’t deserve to live like that and I can’t prove that karma is why she was searching for food out of a trash can. That doesn’t help me nor does it solve anything, it only creates more speculation. The people who were there most likely see this sort of thing all the time, so what are they supposed to do? They can’t cry every day, nor can they play hero, but only can do the best that they can with the knowledge that they have. When people see drug addicts or small kids who are in gangs or engage in other reckless behavior it’s easy to criticize, but much harder to help. Telling them that they should do this and that again won’t apply in their lives, because they have already been programmed.

  For example, take a teenager with a mother who has a drinking problem living in a beaten run down home in a bad neighborhood with a high crime rate. The child’s father was killed while coming home from work and they struggle just to survive. How can we expect this kid to be spiritual or to do well in school or in life for that matter? Yes, anybody can bring themselves up from bad environments and become successful, absolutely. However, there are many variables to consider as well as the flip side of the picture - how many young lives have been destroyed from such upbringing? A lot more than those who achieved success. Even the ones that did, some of them still carry pain and end up hurting themselves later. So it is very difficult for people in extreme situations/conditions to make something of themselves. Now of course a lot of this is due to the craziness and control insanity on earth, but there is a solution and that is the unified power of mankind. If we can return to the ways of peace and extend this energy, then people will revolt against corrupt bureaucrats. People will help those in need the best they can and this gives those struggling strength to continue. I know things are bad, but that’s why we must work to stop this hierarchy government control. I know some concepts may seem vague, but it’s done purposely because I want you to use your creativity and power to help in the ways that you can best. In the past there have been many methods people have dealt with insane politicians, some passive, others more violent, while a few were even lethal. Not everyone can donate huge amounts of money, nor can everyone build houses for the homeless, everyone can help in their own unique way and I encourage everyone to do what they feel they can assuming they are in the position to do so.

  Positive Thinking Propaganda

  Thinking is important however, let’s not get carried away. Many of these new age and big salesmen try to sell you that you can create anything in life just by sitting home and thinking about it and “feeling good.” Let’s stop right here. No great successful person in this world achieved goals by doing nothing but thinking good thoughts. They worked their butts off, that’s how. Daydreaming in an imaginary world where you have everything you want is nothing but living in a fantasy. As soon as you open your eyes, WHAM, you’re back in reality. All your challenges won’t magically disappear.

  Persisted positive thinking with spoken words, along with doing the right things consistently yields results. If you want to achieve big things, then you have to invest enough “energy,” work, in order to obtain it. You must be willing to do what is necessary to get what you want. Yes thinking positive is good however, how many individuals performed great achievements in ideal settings? Answer, not too many. Some of the greatest achievements were done under harsh unbearable circumstances.

  Whether is writing, art, science, you name it, people have pulled off amazing accomplishments out of nowhere, even when being in an extremely negative environment. Look at all the greats. You think they were all thinking positive all the time? No, most had negative thinking and because of that it fueled them to do better, it motivated them to do what was necessary to get out of the predicament they were in and to become the best. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel in terrible conditions, yet he showed up every day and did the necessary actions. Negative thinking has its place, when you’re in a bad environment, naturally you will think negative so it gets you off your rear to do something about it. As wise men say, the Golden way is the middle way.

  Not to be extreme on either side. There are things in life worthy of anger, likewise there are moments where you laugh and feel gratitude, so don’t fall for the positive thinking scam. What do you want to do with your life? What ARE you going to do with your life? You need to do the necessary actions required to attain your goals. That means getting things done, doing your homework, eating right, and creating an environment that is going to enrich you, not hold you. So what are you going to do?

  Remove all unimportant thoughts and focus on your goal. Visualize the benefits you’ll get for motivation. Most people are depressed simply because they have no purpose. Kids these days waste their lives in idleness and that‘s why you see all the youth of the new generations becoming dumber with drug use, and other ridiculous idiocy. The solution is to find purpose. With purpose you have a mission, with that comes importance, which thus leads to meaning. You now have a reason to live. Concentrate on the goal and then life will really be worth living.

  Fun really starts to happen when you just live with the flow, life becomes a whole lot simpler. You will know what you want, what makes you happy and this takes away all the confusion. Find what truly makes you happy on the inside. Money and everything will come later. When you follow your intuition you are living to your highest ideal. It is all very simple, do what you can, leave the rest on God. Wise individuals allow the universe (God) to guide them and bring what is best for them. You would be smart to mimic their behavior. If you want to achieve something, observe those who have done it, and have the proof to show for it. Copy those who are living the way you wish to live. If you imitate losers, then you will become one yourself. It is best to learn from loving, honest people and to be true to yourself. Allowing the universe (God) to help you is a smart choice. This way you will be directed to places, situations, and people when the time and energy are right. That is how the universe works.

  Living this way takes the stress away, because you know God will always bring you what is best. Everything will always be working in your favor no matter where you are, what situation, or what the facts say. Don’t over think it. Always remember to connect with the source whenever you’re confused. Later on, after you’ve finished this book you’ll understand that the main message is to encourage you to follow your own bliss. Yes, meditation, having hope, concentrating on love, helping others, peace, happiness, these are all good. That is why we have been discussing this previously. However, it takes a tremendous effort to create that here
, especially due to the unique situation you’re in.

  Many like to believe everything will be ok, but you must realize that YOU have to do your part. Help is there, but this is not an excuse for laziness. Love and light, sure that’s nice, but action is required to manifest it. So don’t get lost in the hippie mentality and completely lose yourself and identify. You are a unique individual and you have the choice to let fate predetermine your path, or to make your own.

  Again you know what must be done. Just like if you are fat, you don’t need someone to tell you to eat better and exercise. Use your common sense!

  Most books are just for your head. You also need to feed your soul, your spirit, with loving energy. That’ll bring wisdom with all its benefits. All you need is the God within, the everlasting essence, and everything will be fine. Let go, relax, live your life.

  Clean yourself of all negative behavior. Keep yourself pure. Motivate yourself, think of your purpose. Don’t let anything disturb you in your education here on earth. Focus on your goals. Even if there are negative energies around you, you can still be focused. You can be in the deepest parts of the dark abyss and still be spiritual at the same time. As long as you continue to persist, you will thrive in any situation. Go away from all negativity in whatever form they come - people, places, etc. Concentrate on developing yourself. Only an awakened conscious filled with a pure heart can gain wisdom from the higher realms. Trained successful individuals think differently than the poor, or majority. Their thinking is a on a higher level. Many average, and low class people curse them feeling jealousy and envy. Some may feel offended, but it’s just knowledge they can use to help themselves. Successful people are very, very creative individuals. They see possibilities that most do not see. They set their goals, and do it no matter what the facts or anybody says. When apparently “bad” things happen, they are not bothered by it. Instead they make it work to their advantage. For instance, you are driving and you get a flat tire. Most people will throw up their hands in defeat. Successful people will see it for what it is. They will face it like a warrior on the path. They will FIX it and get on with what they are supposed to do. When apparently negative things happen or when one finds themselves in an undesirable environment, the successful one will do what is necessary to get out of that rut and turn things around.


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