Two Shades of Seduction

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Two Shades of Seduction Page 14

by Monica Burns

  “And the things we shouldn’t forget?” he murmured as he stepped forward. Like a startled wren, she quickly put several feet between them.

  “I don’t understand.” There was a breathless quality to her voice and he liked the sound. Quentin smiled.

  “Then perhaps I should clarify, Sophie.”

  “Yes, I think you should.” Her composure slipped slightly as she eyed him like a wary opponent.

  “First, I enjoy pleasant conversation during dinner. Apathetic or morose behavior is not conducive to one’s appetite or health.” He suppressed a smile at the relief sweeping across her face.

  “I agree. However, might I point out that I did state I was exhausted?” Indignation made her tilt her head at a defiant angle. Damn, but she was lovely.

  “Second, while this is your home too, I, and I alone, rule here,” he said.

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he closed the distance between them again. Despite the rebellious tilt to her sweetly curved mouth, she quickly retreated. Aware of her growing discomfort, he briefly noted the pink color staining her cheeks, before his gaze slowly wandered downward to examine her full curves with appreciation.

  “My understanding was that we would lead separate lives once our arrangement was complete.” Her voice was a breathy, choked sound breaking past her lips.

  “That I remember agreeing to,” he murmured. “But it’s the termination of our arrangement where we are in disagreement.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Her eyes widen as he stepped toward her again. Satisfaction tightened his muscles as she backed into the edge of the dining table. When she moved to dart past him, he caught her easily. Gently, but firmly, pinning her arms behind her back, he pulled her close.

  “I don’t believe I’ve fulfilled my part of the bargain at all, Sophie. I’ve not shown you every way a man can pleasure a woman, or all the ways a woman can pleasure a man.”

  “I only…I only asked to experience what it was like between a man and a woman.” She shook her head with a quick jerk, her eyes wide. “I…you…yesterday…”

  “Yesterday, I showed a complete lack of control, Sophie.” He bent his head and kissed the edge of her mouth. “But you are enough to tempt the self-control of the devil himself.”

  She suddenly grew still, and he raised his head to look at her. The pink that had darkened her cheeks was gone, and she had the look of a fragile porcelain doll.

  “I am certain you find me amusing, my lord. But I do not appreciate being the target of insincere compliments. Now let me go.” There was a pained tightness to her voice, and it made him frown in puzzlement.

  “What the devil are you talking about?” he growled in surprised irritation as she glared at him.

  “I find it difficult to believe you would find me tempting enough to lose all self-control.”

  Her cool reply made him stare at her in astonishment. She hid her emotions well, but her eyes were like windows that reflected every painful taunt she’d endured in her father’s house. Townsend deserved to be strung up by his ballocks for what he’d done to Sophie. It wasn’t the first time he’d experience a need to protect Sophie, but the viciousness of his need to avenge her was.

  “Sophie, my sweet, you have no idea how powerful your charms are,” he said gently. With one hand, he cupped the side of her face. “You do me an injustice, just as I did you yesterday.”

  “Then we are even,” she said in a stilted voice. “Now release me.”

  Frustrated that he was responsible for her distrust of him, Quentin clenched his teeth. They’d made a bargain, and he wanted to make up for yesterday. He wanted to make tonight unforgettable for her. There was no doubt in his mind that she’d enjoyed his touch, but this time he would have to let her lead the way. It was a tantalizing thought, and he swallowed hard at how eager he was to experience her again.

  “I’ll let you go on one condition.” He watched her eyes narrowed at him like a suspicious cat.

  “What condition?”

  “You’re to kiss me.” One hand still binding her wrists together, he rested one finger on her lips as she sputtered with anger. “And not a simple brushing of the lips, Sophie. I want you to arouse me until I’m ready to lose control.”

  “Go to hell.” Anger flashed in her eyes, and her mouth was taut with outrage. “I told you I don’t like being the target of your jests.”

  “I am not mocking you, but if you believe that to be true then make me pay for any wrong doing. Kiss me,” he demanded with a growing impatience to taste her once again.

  Indecisiveness crossed her heart-shaped face as her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. A growl rumbled in his chest, and his cock swelled in his trousers. Christ Jesus, if the woman suddenly comprehended the power of her charms she might begin to think she could reform him. An impossible task where he was concerned. Her brother was right. Sophie deserved better than a dissolute scoundrel out for revenge. The thought vanished as she wet her lips again, and it drained his mind of everything. All he could think about was finding a way to purge himself of the desire that had held him hostage since the first time he’d laid eyes on her.

  Hesitantly she leaned into him, her body inching closer until she slanted her lips over his. The scent of fresh wild flowers wafted under his nose as she pressed her mouth firmly against his. Elated at having bent her to his will, he didn’t move. He was quite content to let her lead the way toward a pleasure that would make her finally understand she was at the mercy of the Devil of Devlyn Keep.

  The sudden sensation of her tongue lacing over his lips shot a bolt of surprise through him. Good God, the woman was a temptress. He opened his mouth to welcome her exploration, and she swirled her tongue around his as she pressed her body into his. She tasted as tart as the baked apples Cook had served as a side dish at dinner.

  His hands released her arms and slid to her waist to meld her to him as closely as he could. She came willingly, and her hands slid across his chest then downward in a languid move that sent his heart crashing into his chest. Although her seductive skills were not yet refined, her mouth collided with his in a kiss filled with a tentative passion that was as sweet as it was potent.

  It aroused a powerfully dark lust inside him. In a split instant, he was hard as an iron rod and ready to sink into her silky heat over and over again until he’d sated his body’s craving for her. Even then, he knew he would want more. The thought had barely sunk into his head when she abruptly shoved her way out of his arms.

  “I think I have accomplished what you demanded of me, my lord.” Sophie glanced downward to where his cock was rigid in his trousers. Satisfaction gleaming in her eyes, she triumphantly held up the key to the dining room door. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I shall retire for the night.”

  Damnation, the woman wasn’t just a siren, she was quick on her feet as well. She’d kept him sufficiently occupied with her kiss while taking the key out of his pocket. If he weren’t so embroiled in his need for her, he would have laughed out loud at her audacious ingenuity.

  “Put the key down, Sophie.”

  “Why in heavens name would I do that?” she sniffed with disdain.

  “Because you’ve not yet done what I asked you to do.”

  “Demanded you mean.” Her reply echoed with a rebellious discontent.

  “Very well. Demanded.” he admitted through clenched teeth as his body viciously protested her delay of the inevitable. “But you’ve yet to make me lose control.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She eyed him with angry frustration.

  “You’ve most definitely aroused me,” he said with a pointed look downward before he looked up at her again. “But I’m still fully in control of all my faculties. I’m not ready to lose all control.”

  Sophie’s mouth fell open in amazement as she stared at him. He smiled as her eyes narrowed, and she stared at him with an astute look of assessment. Like him, Sophie found it difficult to back away from a challenge. It was on
e of the things he liked about her. It declared her to be a survivor, something they both were.

  “Well, Sophie? Are you afraid you might fail?” His challenge sent her eyebrows arching upward.

  “And if I succeed?”

  Her movements deliberate, she stepped forward to stroke his erection from its base to its tip. The touch made him draw in a sharp breath. Sweet mother of God. When his wife fully realized her feminine power, she would be a force to reckon with. He drew in another deep breath.

  “You’ll have the satisfaction of walking away knowing you’ve won my challenge.”

  Quentin didn’t bother to tell her that he had no doubt she’d win his challenge, but that in doing so she would lose the battle. His body tensed as he watched one emotion after another play out over her features. Resisting the urge to demand she make a decision, he clenched his jaw and forced himself to remain silent. Suddenly, a small smile curved her mouth, and she pressed her hands into his chest.

  “And all I need do is make you lose control?”

  “Yes,” he ground out as he realized how quickly that would be.

  “Very well,” she murmured.

  Her hands pressed into his chest as she brushed the edge of his chin with her mouth. Quentin kept his hands at his side afraid to touch her just yet. She needed to want him as much as he wanted her if he were to have her in his bed tonight.

  Rigid with need, he ignored the way his cock throbbed painfully in his trousers. His entire body lusted after her with an ache beyond anything else he’d ever experienced. Fuck, but for the first time in his life, he was about to surrender to a woman. He dragged in a harsh breath as her hands pushed aside his jacket and pressed into his chest.

  The cold metal of the key reminded him of the challenge he’d extended to her, and he strengthened his resolve not to give way until she gave way as well. Almost immediately, his resolve collapsed in the wake of her mouth grazing its way along the edge of his jaw in a feather light caress. Quentin barely managed to suppress a deep groan as her lips bit down gently on his ear lobe.

  God almighty, the woman was using his own seduction tactics on him. He swallowed hard as her hands slid down to the waistband of his trousers and tugged his shirt free while her mouth nibbled at his neck. She drew back slightly and smiled.

  “Why do I think you’re struggling desperately to remain in control, my lord?”

  The husky sound of her voice sent fire raging through his veins as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He shook his head in a desperate struggle to keep from giving way to the lust assaulting his body with a strength that alarmed him.

  “I think you presume to declare victory too soon, my sweet,” he rasped. “Take care you don’t unleash a beast you can’t control.”

  “But you agreed that I could walk away if I succeeded.” Despite the firm note in her voice, he heard the underlying sound of desire. Delight surged through him at the realization she was also feeling the tension of desire.

  “Yes, but what if you succumb as well. What will you do then?”

  Her fingers trembled against his bare chest, and head bowed, she leaned forward to press her mouth against his skin. Air hissed its way between his teeth at the caress. Her thumbs circled his nipples, and his muscles immediately flexed at the touch as he groaned softly into the fragrant scent of her hair.

  Obviously aware of his growing struggle, she nipped at his skin. A second later, she flicked her tongue over his nipple then gently clamped her teeth down and sucked on him. Control slipped away from him, and he growled with need.

  “Sweet Jesus, but you’re a wanton, Countess.”

  Quentin caught her mouth in a hard kiss as he lifted her off her feet and took two steps forward to set her on top of the dining room table. Desire took control of him as he captured her mouth in kiss that demanded she respond with abandon. For a fraction of an instant, she froze against him before she returned his kiss with an intensity that matched his own.

  Completely lost in the heady taste of her, his hands fumbled with her gown until his frustration to feel her skin against his made him tug at the fabric and rip it at the seams. Just as frantically, she pushed his jacket off his shoulders, where it fell to the floor. The laces of her combination garment gave way beneath his quick movements to reveal her beautiful breasts. The ragged sound of her breathing matched his, and he lifted his gaze to meet hers.

  “I yield, sweetheart,” he rasped. “But the question is, will you.”

  Her eyes wide, she slowly nodded, and her hand slid down his chest and over the waistband of his trousers until she reached his hard erection. To his delight, she dragged one fingernail along his rigid length. He jerked at her touch, his breaths deep and jagged as he lifted his head to stare into her eyes.

  “I shall yield, if you tell me what you’re thinking.” Her voice was breathless as their eyes met. Quentin’s throat threatened to close at her reply.

  “I’m thinking I don’t want to give you a chance to change your mind,” he growled as her eyes widened in surprise. With a sweep of his hand, he pushed aside the table’s floral centerpiece and pressed her backward as she uttered a soft cry of protest.

  “Do you really want me to stop?” he choked out.

  He offered up a silent, fervent prayer that she wouldn’t deny him as he fought to hold back the red mist threatening to embrace him completely. She shook her head sharply as she stared up at him. A dark groan rolled out of him as he leaned forward to kiss her. As his tongue danced with hers, he lifted her skirts and stroked the inside of her thigh. Her soft sigh filled his mouth, and triumph swept through him.

  Spreading her legs apart, his fingers passed through her curls into her slick passage. She jerked against his hand, and his body pounded with a raw need and a blazing desire. Circling his thumb over the nub of flesh between her folds, he leaned over her and sought the hardened peaks of her breasts with his mouth. She uttered a sharp cry as he sucked on one nipple and then the other.

  “Oh God. Please Quentin.” The soft sob of desire echoed in his ears, and he lifted his head to look at her. Passion glowed on her lovely features with an intensity that matched his own. She stretched out her hand to him, and with a sharp movement, he unfastened his trousers and drove into her.

  Her sweet cry of pleasure echoed in his ears, and the sound intensified his own pleasure. She was slick with heat, and he groaned as her muscles flexed and tightened around his cock. Control slipped away from him as raw need held him in its grip. Each time he withdrew and drove into her again, her muscles constricted as her body tried to keep him from withdrawing. It filled him with the craving need to keep her like this forever. He shuddered as her body sent spasms rippling over his hard length. Christ, how could this time be even better than yesterday when he’d made her his? The silky fire of her passage exploded around his cock, pulling him along on waves of hot pleasure. With one final plunge into her slick depths, he released a jubilant cry as she bucked against him amidst her own release.

  Shaken by the intensity of their joining, he tried to control his ragged breathing. Staring down at her, he inhaled sharply. She was a magnificent buffet of creamy skin and rose-colored nipples. Her eyes met his, and he watched as her fingers trailed lazily over one of her nipples. Bloody hell, he wanted her again.

  Jerking her up, he crushed her lips beneath his. Her response was intoxicating, maddening, and he could easily lose himself in her sweet warmth. He brushed aside the thought. His desire for her would soon be spent, and until then he’d plunder her sweetness until his body no longer called out for hers. Drawing back from her, he quickly adjusted his clothing. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her begin to dress. Immediately he picked his jacket up off the floor and covered her then swept her up into his arms.

  “No, Sophie. I’m not about to let you even think about dressing.”

  She smiled up at him. It was a womanly smile of surrender, and triumph surged through him. Walking toward the dining room door, he remembered the key was
somewhere behind him. To hell with the door. His boot crashed against the doorknob, and it gave way with a splitting screech. Pushing through the door with his wife in his arms, he headed upstairs. All the while, ignoring the fact that his wife’s smile also held just a hint of satisfaction as well.

  Chapter 11

  The soft murmur of voices pierced Sophie’s sleep. Stirring beneath the covers, she yawned sleepily. Last night had been the most incredible night of her life. With each intimate possession, Quentin had marked her with his masterful brand of pleasure. She’d never felt so alive, so womanly. Her body ached from all the activity, but it was the most delicious ache she’d ever experienced.

  A door closed with a quiet thud and a moment later a warm hand slid beneath the comforter to cup her breast. She opened her eyes and met Quentin’s green-eyed gaze, which was flashing with wicked amusement. Fully dressed, he exuded the air of a country gentleman not the wicked scoundrel he’d been last night. She smiled at the memory.

  “Is it your habit to sleep in each morning?” He grinned at her.

  “I always rise early.”

  “It’s almost eleven, is that what you call early?”

  “Eleven! Why on earth didn’t you wake me?” Appalled, she sat upright and the bed covers fell to her waist. When he grinned at her, she remembered her state of undress and quickly crossed her arms over her bare breasts.

  “You were sleeping peacefully, and considering our athletics last night I thought you needed your rest. Of course, it seems you’re more than ready to continue our exercise program.”

  Warm color scorched her cheeks as his thumb brushed over the hard nipple of her breast. Heat stirred in her belly then quickly spreading itself downward, and she drew in a quick breath. Somehow, she had to break this spell he was weaving around her. The problem was she didn’t know how. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to quench the fire that existed between them at the moment. It would burn itself out soon enough. Why not enjoy it while it lasted.


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