Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles) Page 23

by Unknown

  “Jorun, I trust the cold is not a burden to those old bones.”

  “No my Lord, My quarters are comfortable. I was out today to collect reports.”

  “In relation to…?”

  “I have been monitoring the migration of predators to the region.

  “What have you learnt?”

  “The polar ice is melting. Large predators are following their prey further North and staying for longer. It is a recent pattern but one that portends significant change. The band of desert at the planet’s Equator is enlarging by as much as thirty miles per year There are reports of increased Volcanism and tidal waves have been sighted in the Southern Ocean. I have agents scattered through the leading Universities. There is a belief that the changes are linked to problems with the sun”

  “Why would such phenomena be linked to activity in our star?”

  “Science and Magic seldom agree however both are in agreement that the Sun and its planet affect and are affected by each other. Changes in one leads to change in all. Historically the experiments of the Elders were dismissed as folklore. Recent times have seen research leading to a more considered view. They agree that the star is beginning a cycle which will end in what has been referred to as the Dragon’s Breath. It has occurred in ever narrowing cycles over millennia. Each time more devastating than the last. Those who support the theory that the Elders were somehow responsible point to there being no record of a similar event before their time.”

  “Is there a date as to when we might anticipate this catastrophe?”

  “All we are certain of is that the Dragon’s Breath is coming and that it will be worse than the last”

  “Can the planet survive?”

  “The planet will survive and in time life will return But Human life? They would have to exist in caves, possibly for centuries.”

  “The Wampyrhii?”

  Jorun hesitated .“You may speak freely”

  “The Wampyrhii live on humans, dwarves , elves when they can get them. When they die the Wampyrhii will die. You are unnaturally long lived, but you are not immortal. The only means for the long term survival of the Vampire is that your parasite find a way to divest itself of you and take possession of a food source that would ensure its long term survival.”

  Barzum weighed the old man in his gaze. “Up to this moment I did not appreciate how much you hate us”

  “I do not hate you, my Lord. I hate myself. I despise you and all your kind”

  Barzum nodded.”I gave you permission to speak freely and you did…Know this, If you speak to me in that manner again I will visit upon you the nightmare you fear above all else. I will bite you and put you in cell with a human until the hunger becomes so strong you cannot help yourself. You will feed and feeding your body will live but the last remnants of your humanity will perish.”

  Jorun dropped his eyes. He cursed himself, railing at his display of emotion. Would the monster suspect?. See an ulterior motive? On the other hand perhaps a rare moment of defiance was the time to lay the trap. “There is one thing more”


  “You pose the question. Is there nothing to be done? The best way to deal with catastrophe is to be elsewhere when it occurs. We possess an item of theirs. Since we know it is an artefact of the Elder Days it is possible that other items of their technology might exist. The belief exists that the sun became unstable because of their experiments”

  “I have walked the Land a hundred times you lifespan . I have heard the story, but nothing to support it.?”

  “All I am saying is that there are reports of portals created by their scientists. We possess an item of Elder technology. We are entitled to consider that others might exist”

  “Is it a product of Magic or Science”

  Jorun held up both hands. “Truly my Lord, in this case I wonder if there is a difference.”

  Now was the moment to drop the hook. He was sure Barzum would sense his excitement. He could only hope that it would be mistaken for enthusiasm” I have been going over reports from an area in the Southlands, close to Witch’s Keep. Rumours persist of people leaving the area and never returning.. With your permission, I would like to send gliders to the area.”

  “I will consider what you propose”.Dismissing the librarian Barzum sat thinking.

  Other worlds . Where the vampire is unknown. They would be for the taking. The peoples of the Land were not defenceless. Once perhaps when the vampire walked the night for the first time. But they had learned to fight. The Reivers were immune, The Gypsies had the Dhampir, the Men of the West had the Rangers.

  Since the time of Unfication it was tradition for the new Khan to send an army of decimation against the Wampyrhii. The reason was to discourage the vampires from contributing to the demise of his predecessor.. The vampires resisted with all the viciousness of their nature and thousands of tribesmen died. Yet the aeries would burn, their numbers sorely reduced. It had gotten to where the vampires greatest care was the continued health and well being of the ruling khan. Spies were sent among the tribes alert for talk of treason. Malcontents disappeared, never to be seen again. The ruler had the best medical attention. All paid for by the Wampyrhii.

  Guards came to attention as footsteps sounded on the stairs. The air was thick with smell of chemicals. The chambers spread in a series of tunnels, dormitories, kitchens and feeding stations. It took fresh water from a lake above. A gaunt man was standing by one of the vats talking to an apprentice. He noticed Barzum and hurried over.

  “My Lord, this is unexpected….”

  “Find somewhere we can talk”

  “Certainly, my lord. The store rooms are empty. ” They walked past the vats. In one of them a form came to the surface. Bat shaped with the face of a man.. Wings tipped with vestigial limbs and feet. “You have served us well Kemp. Our gliders range further and carry more since you have been here.”The thrall bowed low. “Thank you my Lord . The work has been interesting, and we have had a measure of success”

  “ Explain how you were able to increase the size and strength of the fliers”

  “I could claim to have made a scientific breakthrough, my lord, in fact it was a case of improving the quality at every stage of production. If you step over here I can show you…”Kemp led Barzum to a heavy safe .. With a key taken from a bunch at his belt he opened the safe and removed a wooden box, grimy and marked with age. He withdrew a square shaped object the size of a man’s head.. Barzum touched it. Kemp pulled it away before he remembered himself. “Deepest apologies, my Lord, I am extremely protective of this. If anything happened to it there would be no more fliers It has operated for over a hundreds of years. No one knows how it works, nor how to fix it if it ever stopped.”

  “Do you know anything about it?”

  “Quite a lot but little of use”.

  “Where was it found?”

  “It is said to have come from the Sandsea. Its owner was captured . To convince his captors that he would be kept alive he took blood from a slave and mixed it with that of a vulture. He placed the mixture here” Kemp pointed to a receptacle in the device. “And pressed here. He waited for several minutes before removing it and injecting it into the slave. He said that the slave should be immersed in warm water for several weeks. In the course of hours the slave began to change. His arms elongated and flattened. His feet became talons. His back sprouted feathers. The face lost its human look and became birdlike. It died in extreme pain... Someone suggested bats and the results were astonishing. The more they were fed the better they became. One was brought out but escaped..

  Because they were originally human it was speculated how much intelligence remained in the creature. It turned out to be little but enough to respond to commands. It took a month for them to grow to maturity... They were fitted with saddles and satchels for food. People died in the first attempts. Now they are used for reconnaissance and spying. As with their riders, they stay hidden during daylight.

  I have im
proved their performance by using the strongest and healthiest of the captives in the melding process. The vats are emptied and cleaned for every new flier. We have found that the better the food the stronger they are and the quicker they reach maturity. I am forbidden from altering the settings on the device. The old man never demonstrated how to use it. It was his guarantee that he be kept alive. If you give permission I can adjust the settings on the device to see what else can be achieved. I cannot guarantee that I can reset it to its original function.”

  “How has it worked for all this time?”

  Kemp opened a slot at the side.” This is a rock crystal. It is fully charged. When it is exhausted it is white. Like the Wampyrhii the makers were familiar with blood magic. We bleed slaves to keep it powered. The younger the blood the longer it lasts.”

  “I am pleased with your progress and your dedication. You are the man for a special project I have in mind. Before I discuss it, I warn you, the smallest breach of confidence will cost your life. Am I clear?”

  “My lord, I know how to keep a confidence. It is essential in this place... Knowing this, is there even the remotest prospect that I would betray your trust”

  “I will want to hear about anyone making enquiries about your work. “

  Barzum related the earlier conversation with Jorun.

  Kemp stroked his thin face. “Jorun has been behaving oddly of late. He is secretive …”

  “I want you to create a special section of fliers. I will supply the thralls .Contact all our spies. I want to hear any rumours of crossing points between this and other worlds. I want you to range the Southland. I want reports on everything, no matter how insignificant”

  The Scout.

  Nothing moved on the plain; not even a vulture. If there were marmots they were well hidden. The food was gone. A half skin of water between him and the horse.There was nothing to do when the wolves came. They spooked the mule who ran off. He nicked one with an arrow. Soon as they finished with the mule he would be seeing them again.. Cutting the big vein he drank the mare’s blood. He could butcher the pony and take meat with him but how long before the pack caught the scent?

  “.Go out on the plain. See if anything is happening. Find what we need and there’s a hundred gold in it for you The bosses want to know.” It was the gold that decided it. He was sick of the life. Skulking around in dangerous places, while the bosses sat on their fat arses. A hundred gold would buy a farm and two slaves; a man to work the land and a wench to cook and look after his needs. His teeth ached in the cold. With the money he could pay to have them filed back.

  He checked his weapons; a long sword , a short recurve bow with a quiver of arrows and a knife. Yesterday a pigeon flew over. He was too slow getting to the arrows and by the time he had one it was too far.. Today another passed from the same direction. This time he had the arrow but it was too high. Those pigeons had to be coming from someplace. Seeing as he was finished, one way was as good as another…He started in the direction they came from. The mare stumbled after him .. Mid-afternoon brought a cold wind with harsh sunlight. Something glittered to his front. His pack held a telescope, bought from a scout looking for drinking money. When it came into focus he found himself staring at another telescope. Dropping on his stomach he yanked the reins pulling the mare to the ground. He waited. A cricket chirped close at hand. Nothing but the moan of wind. He risked another look. There was a rope. He followed it up and a box square box made of woven material. Reaching in the pack he took a sheet of paper and a piece of charcoal. Still looking he began to sketch.

  “They won’t believe this. They’ll say I’m lying or I got too much sun… But wait.. They suspected something. Did anyone who saw this have a picture of it? Not likely. As far as he knew he was the only one who could make sketches. The others could hardly write their names. My son, I believe your luck is about to take a turn for the better. He had to get closer. If he got this right he could finesse it into real money. Documents, they loved documents; practically wet themselves when they saw paper.

  It was coming down. If he didn’t move it would be lost below the skyline .The sun was setting and the horse was useless. Raised in the saddle since he was four he was no runner but he had to run now. Taking the pack, weapons and his coat, he began .The mare he left tied to a heavy stone. After less than a half mile his breathing was ragged. He stopped to drink The back of his throat was burning.. The sun was at the lip of the horizon. Muttering a prayer to the god of spies he lurched forward into an awkward gait. Dipping sharply the slope pitched him forward .He would stop at the top and look for a camp. This far out they might be careless… might have a fire…

  The sole of his boot tore, pebbles got inside, cutting his feet. He would buy a dozen pairs of boots. The summit came at last . He emerged on flat ground leading to an edge that dropped away out of sight. For a moment he panicked thinking he had come to a cliff with no way down Steep escarpments lay to left and right . He waited, the wind starting to chill his body. Wrapping himself in the coat he covered his mouth and nose. The sun dipped,stars came out, one close to the ground. Not a star… a fire. He snapped awake. The glass was misted from the heat of his body. He waited while it cleared. Three figures moving about. His heart began to pound.

  A stream ran close to the edge of the slope. It swung away from the hill taking him in the direction of the camp. As it went it cut the ground running deeper than the land. Good cover... Truly the gods were smiling on him this night.

  Sharon sat by the fire.. Most of the wood had been burned. In her excitement she had forgotten to send Bantor out to collect more. He was lazy, with no initiative so they were freezing. She thought about ordering him to stay away from the fire as a punishment and scolded herself for being petty. The others should have been back this morning. They should have left another guard but they needed the manpower. They had been on the plain a week .. If this worked she would be famous.Not that anyone joined the Order to be famous. But some keen student would find the records in an archive and write about her… Sister Sharon, inventor of the aerial balloon, an unsung heroine of the Great War.

  Was she suitable for the life? Was there another path? Her sister was married with a beautiful boy. The Prioress said that doubts were normal and part of the sacrifice she made. Life in a monastery was wonderful. Work and study during the day and peaceful sleep when night came. Still…

  The journey to the Plain of Jars had affected her more than she could have expected.. The guards were rough and uncouth; their language and behaviour coarse and offensive. They embarrassed her with lewd remarks. Rachel laughed and gave as good as she got.. The scouts were different. Quiet, self contained men, they drank without ever being drunk. Their leader Harald, an old bear, was kind to her. He spoke to the guards and from then they were either courteous or they ignored her.

  One of the scouts watched her. Not like the guards before Harald told them to mind their manners…She caught him looking and he turned away. His name was Alex. His job was to ride a day ahead .. In the settled lands he found them accommodation or a spot near clean water. She found herself looking forward to the times when he came back to camp. One evening he rode in with the others. He was standing with Harald, laughing. He turned to accept a plate of food and caught her looking at him. This time he held her gaze and neither of them looked away. The moment ended when Harald made a witty remark and everyone laughed.

  The following night she and Rachel shared a small room at a wayside Inn. The others put up tents on the road opposite. Harald insisted that the sisters always spend the night inside wherever possible. She woke at the sound of people coming to the room next door. There was laughter and a man’s voice. She turned over and went back to sleep only to wake again with the sound of moaning. She thought someone was hurt but it was not like that. She lay there, her face hot with embarrassment. It went on so long…

  Rachel woke and listened. Groaning she put her head under the pillow. She tried putting her fingers in her ears but
that only worked until she got drowsy. Finally she sat up and pounded the wall. “You’re a wonderful lover, now finish off and let everyone go to sleep.”

  There was silence. She wanted to laugh. The more she felt she shouldn’t the stronger the urge became... She stuffed the pillow in her mouth to stop herself. Any chance of self control disappeared when the woman next door started giggling.

  Her musings were interrupted when the guard stood alongside her “Char says he’s ready.” His breath stank of alcohol. She wondered how he managed to stay drunk in the wilderness. A week ago they met company of tribesmen and he might have got it from them. That was something to worry about. No one would know if a small party disappeared; not this far out. She was angry at Harald for leaving her with this fool.

  Two balloons had gone out, one for a test tonight and the other to go further onto the plain. They wanted to test how many balloons would be needed to relay a message across the Plain of Jars. Leona had insisted on detailed notes.

  “Tell Char, I’ll be there in a moment” He gave a toss of his head and walked away. The wind that blew from the top of the plateau had abated. It would be a moonless night. They would have to test it on nights with full moons… See how moonlight affected the signal Then there was the problem of poor weather. Could they put them up in high winds? It seemed unlikely. What if they were attached to heavy cables?. Maybe if they used more balloons at a lower height? They were suitable only for use in summer. But then no one went to war in winter…

  The basket was off the wagon with the round bag of hot air tethered above. It rode lightly in the night breeze. Stepping onto a wooden crate she hoisted herself into the basket. Sliding the glass panel she placed a sachet on the base .. Moving behind she turned the lantern to the Northwest. The back was sealed with darkened glass. Light flared at the front . Air rushed through side vents. The balloon straightened and started to rise. . Rising in the darkness, the land below hushed and quiet. This was her favourite part; feeling like she was the only one alive in the world. Peering she caught a glimpse of a shape moving to the camp. She looked again and it had disappeared..


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