Gathering Clouds
Erygan literally stormed through the halls of Pentailia Morschcoda. The cloud which hung over him was large enough and dense enough to blot out all light for ten feet, aside from the occasional flashes of lightning. He was in a good mood. It mattered little to him how Taren had known of his army inside of Meclarya. He also suspected Taren knew that Erygan had purposely withheld the knowledge of the arrests, but as not even Taren could prove that, nothing could be done. The storm cloud did have advantages though, which was why he kept it. It ensured that everyone, except for those who knew him well, would get out of his way. It also served another purpose; Dalasin could not help looking upward at the storm that raged over his head. As the two men walked slowly through the halls, Erygan began to speak.
“What do you know of Eliish Del Anaria?”
“The Throne of Anaria? Almost nothing, aside from the name. I’m sure I have heard the name of the last King of Anaria, but I can’t remember that either, or where or when I would have heard it.”
“Well, since we don’t need any real information, your knowing nothing is more than enough. You will mention tomorrow that you feel that Eliish Del Anaria should be filled once more, as it has been almost twenty thousand years since Anaria has been united under the banner of the High Kings and Queens.”
“Should you not be the one to mention it? After all, you are well established on the council. Something like this needs to have a powerful person behind it. I am not that person.”
Erygan stopped and looked Dalasin in the eye. “That you are on the council at all means you have power. You are just reluctant to exercise it. You need to show the others that you are not intimidated by them. You only need to say something that will make them take you seriously in the Council Chamber.”
* * * * *
In another part of Pentailia Morschcoda, the three women were debating the day’s events thoroughly.
“Can somebody tell me,” Ranny was almost shouting, “what in the name of the Seven Devils just happened?”
“We would,” said Xari, drawing a circle around her heart with the finger that bore her Ring. “But we do not know what just happened any more than you did. And anyway, it doesn’t really matter.”
“It does not matter? It does not matter, she says, Daliana. We have been working for almost twenty years to try to cripple Erygan in that chamber, and just when we get our chance, Taren stomps in and lets the Lurnax into the Crundark pen. How does it not matter?” Her voice had reached a pitch normally reserved for calling dogs.
“Lurnax do not eat Crundarks,” said Daliana, fighting off exhaustion. She could not help her response.
“Calm down Ranny.” Xari caught the taller woman just as she was about to turn on Daliana for her remark on Ranny’s metaphor. “When has Taren ever done anything that he did not think was necessary?”
“That is not the point. He ruined twenty years of effort to remove Erygan from the council, or at least cripple him.”
“Do you honestly think that Erygan would have been at all damaged by this?” asked Daliana, rousing herself. “It would have done more to the one who mentioned it than it would do to Erygan if Taren had not stepped in and removed the issue. And your twenty years is not wasted, because it was not specifically leading up to this one specific issue.”
“Well, this was the first time anything potentially damaging has so much as appeared in those twenty years.”
“Did you not listen to Daliana at all, Ranny? She’s right. Whoever even brought this up would have been more hurt by this than Erygan would have been if it was not handled exactly as Taren handled it. Daken knew that, which is why he said nothing. This whole thing would just have bounced off of Erygan.”
“What I want to know,” broke in Daliana, “is how Taren knew about a second Torridestan army? Not even Norrin knew, and it passed through Norrin’s land.”
“Taren always seems to know everything about everything that is brought up in The Councils. I almost despise him for it, though I almost have to respect him for it also.”
“And besides,” Ranny had finally calmed down enough to say something logical, “Norrin and Erygan are allies dating back to Norrin’s first sitting as Morschcoda. Norrin knew perfectly well that the army had gone through his lands.”
“Is that not a breach of The Anarian Treaty?” asked Xari.
“Taren and Erygan have been searching for every loophole in The Anarian Treaty since they were named Morschcoda,” answered Daliana. She knew it well. Taren’s too large Brotherhood of the Mordak had met her army on several battlefields since he had danced neatly around the part of the Treaty that limited its size.
* * * * *
In yet another set of rooms, Taren and Kallin were in deep council together. The Drogodan rooms were the perfect place to conduct secret councils, because the ever present sound of flowing water could drown out almost any other noise.
“Erygan is going to make at least one move soon, Kallin.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Over six hundred years of dealing with him on the council makes me sure. He’s usually aggressive through the first week, and then backs off for one or two days and attempts to hammer the council with something that can tear the north apart. The last time he succeeded it was because he claimed an army of Garnothen barbarians from the wild lands west of the mountains were attempting to invade Torridesta. He gave both Norrin and Marrdin permission to cross his lands, without telling either of them, and then, when the Stone Warriors met the Crystal Sword, it was terrible. I claimed the excuse of war-time laws to bring the Brotherhood northward. Six thousand Stone Warriors against ten thousand of the Crystal Sword. At least half of the Warriors were dead, and there could have been only four thousand of the Sword left. We were lucky though. We only had to show up before they stopped.”
“I will assume that Erygan used the weakened borders to his advantage.”
“Torridesta’s borders moved out almost fifty leagues in four weeks.”
Kallin’s eyes widened. “So, what will he do this time?”
“That is a good question, Kallin, a very good question indeed.”
* * * * *
“You have to agree with us about Taren, Xari.”
“Why do I have to agree with you, Daliana? Tell me that.”
“If we do not get Taren on our side, then we are vulnerable. Taren is the only one who can hold Erygan in check.”
“Morning draws near. We will see what today’s council will bring. And what Erygan will do to disrupt The Councils this year,” Ranny said, standing.
* * * * *
Taren slouched in his chair as Norrin and Erygan attempted to appease the northern Merchant Clans by forming any sort of trade agreement. Norrin had just proposed construction of a new trade route through the Garuthen Mountains. Erygan was just about to say something, likely in agreement, when the midday bell rang, instantly ending all discussion. Taren was walking slowly back to his rooms when an errand boy dressed in the green and brown of Dothoro ran up to him and bowed.
“Morschcoda Garrenin,” servants were rarely allowed to address a Morschcoda with their first name. “My mistress, Morschcoda Marcarry wishes for you to meet with her in her rooms during the midday break from The Councils.”
Taren considered refusing, but Daliana was one of the only Morschcoda that he actually liked enough to invite to Alquendiro on a regular basis, though she rarely accepted.
“Tell your mistress that I will be there when I get there.”
The boy bowed and ran off as quickly as he could. “This is probably that bloody Armandan Xari’s idea, and if she is there, I will leave.” He enjoyed that private thought. Of course, if it looked as though it would take more than a few minutes of his time, he would probably leave anyway.
Meanwhile, Daliana was almost out of her mind. “I just asked the most powerful man in all of Anaria to come to my rooms for a private meeting. How do I get out of this? If I send an
other messenger saying that I can’t meet with him, he may get angry, and then he might … I don’t know what he might do. But if he comes, which he is going to, and then I ask a favour of him, he might be offended and do it anyway.” Her private misgivings were interrupted when one of her guards pushed her head through the door and informed her that Morschcoda Taren Garrenin had arrived.
* * * * *
“I can’t do it Daliana.”
“If anyone can stop the Garuthen trade route, you can.”
“But I don’t want to stop it.”
“So you will just stand by while Erygan takes control of the north.”
“The north holds little that is of interest to me, Daliana. And besides, I know only too well what Erygan and Norrin, and most of the other Morschcoda, will say if I do step in and keep this trade route from being created. They will say ‘Oh, look. Taren is doing his best to keep the northern nations poor so that he will have an easier fight when he tries to conquer the world.’ And if I speak in favour of the proposed route, they will say ‘Taren just wants the road there so that he will have an easier march through the mountains.”
“Taren, you have power, so it is only natural that others will envy you, and because they envy you, they attempt to discredit you, to make you seem weaker, by telling themselves that you intend to rule the world and them with it.”
Taren sighed. “You are too old to be this naïve, Daliana. You know as well as I do that there are few people in all of Anaria who do not fear the Warship of Drogoda as much as or more than they fear the Coiled Serpent of El Darnen. They fear the day when I will realize that I am stronger than my supposed peers on the council. They fear that I, who they know is the reason El Darnen is held at bay, will decide to unchain him at last. They fear that I will let loose the Brotherhood of the Mordak to win me the world. They fear that the Drogodan Morschledu and Tai-Aren Coda will fall upon them as rain falls from the heavens. They fear that I will simply cast off the other Morschcoda and take Eliish Del Anaria for myself. They don’t understand that if I wanted the Throne of Anaria, I would have been sitting upon it long ago.”
* * * * *
When the Morschcoda reconvened, Daliana would not even look at Taren. It mattered little to him, however, as he thought he saw a way of doing everything that Daliana had asked of him, and more, because the first thing that Norrin did upon reseating himself was look at Taren and say “El Darnen Greshida has attacked and taken an iron mine in southern Eschcota. I thought you kept their leader on a tighter leash, Morschcoda Taren.”
“How is one to leash a serpent, Morschcoda Norrin? If you put the collar on one end, it will only slide off of the other.” He rarely made jokes, especially during The Councils, but his comment got a general laugh at Norrin’s expense.
“Be that as it may,” Norrin’s words were strained, as he was attempting to hold in his anger. It would not do to insult one of the most dangerous Morschen in Anaria, whether he deserved it or not. “It was long ago decided that as El Darnen is a Drog, he is your responsibility to control.”
“I can bargain with El Darnen, but I control neither him nor the Serpent’s Fang. However, I may be willing to remove the iron mine from his control, if you cannot do it yourself.”
“I would rather not waste men’s lives unless I have no choice.”
“Alright, I will speak to El Darnen about the movements of the Fang, but” Norrin had allowed himself a small smile, little more than what others would call not quite a frown, which faded with Taren’s next words, “I want the Garuthen trade route continued south of Eschcota to Galzeen.”
“What could you possibly hope to gain from extending the trade route?”
“I do have other interests in Drogoda besides its armies. Noldoron is one of our largest trading partners.”
Norrin looked sideways at Erygan. “Because of course, Noldorin-forged metalwork and Eschcotan mined ore have nothing to do with your armies.” Norrin and Taren looked into each others eyes. Erygan and Makret were the only two people in the room who had done that before. Norrin broke first. “And if we refuse to continue the trade route south of Braldish?”
“Well, Morschcoda Norrin, I am sure that El Darnen can find a use for that mine.”
Norrin considered before saying anything further. “What does Morschcoda Dalasin say? Surely he has the right to decide what goes on in his own lands. He may not want the road to go all the way to Galzeen.” The threat in Norrin’s voice was unmistakeable. If Dalasin did not refuse, then he would have to face Norrin sooner or later. If he did refuse, he would have to stand against Taren. Dalasin looked from Taren to Norrin and back again. Norrin’s face was unreadable; a dark mask with a thick beard. Taren was just the opposite; relaxed, confident that no sane person would go against him, given a choice. ‘An arrogance well founded’ Dalasin thought. “Of course I want the Garuthen trade route extended to Galzeen, as I am sure the Torridestan Merchant Clans do as well.”
Dalasin had added a painful blow to his acquiescence. The Merchant Clans would, of course, be funding the construction of the new road, and while the mines of Eschcota were rich with gold and silver and all manners of mineral wealth, the metal craft of Noldoron was unequaled, and a greater prize.
Norrin let out a defeated sigh. “The Garuthen trade route will continue on to Galzeen. Now, Morschcoda Taren, I believe you have business with the Serpent.”
* * * * *
The nighttime private councils were full of heated discussion that day. Ranny, Xari, and Daliana were desperate to figure out what was happening.
“I thought your spies told us that Dalasin was in Erygan’s pocket, Xari.”
“They did. I have no idea where this came from. Nor do I know if it means that Taren has won Dalasin’s loyalty away from Erygan.”
“Why are we jumping to this conclusion? We all share a border with Taren, and we all know what he is willing to do if we make the wrong choice. How long do you think Dalasin will stay Morschcoda if the Great Houses of Noldoron found him willingly refusing to side with Taren Garrenin the Second in the Council Chamber?”
Ranny and Xari looked from Daliana to each other, knowing that they had gotten carried away. Ranny could not let the matter drop though. “Well, we have to do something. Daliana, you know as well as we do that Taren has a strong hold in Dothoro through the Tobacco trade. If he has won Dalasin, then he practically controls western Anaria.”
“Kallin is not in Taren’s camp, Ranny.”
“That is what you think, Xari, and unfortunately, you’re wrong.”
“What do you mean, Ranny?”
“The stargazer may not stand with Taren yet, but he is wavering. He has been seen often in the company of Taren after the day’s councils are done.”
“So, Taren will take the west.”
“I think, Ranny, that if Taren had wanted those lands, he would have taken them under his own banner long ago.”
Ranny laughed. “Is that what he told you, Daliana?”
Daliana shrugged, but her voice was heavy and she sounded tired. “Taren knows that he has the strength to conquer the world. If he wanted it, he could have it without having to bother with all of these political entanglements. It just is not logical Ranny, and Taren prides himself on his logic.”
* * * * *
In another part of Dishmo Kornara, Dalasin was being interrogated by Erygan and Norrin.
“Why did you have to agree with Taren, Dalasin?”
“Because, Norrin, I fear Taren more than I fear you.”
“That is no excuse.”
“Calm yourself Norrin.” Erygan sat well at ease, smoking his pipe. “Dalasin has little experience with Taren. I often wonder what I would not do to avoid trouble with the Warship of Drogoda. He is a dangerous man, and not just because of the forces he controls. Although his armies are formidable, he is himself a far more dangerous an opponent. What I am more concerned with, Dalasin, is your failure to bring Eliish Del Anaria to the forefront of the council
’s mind, though that is less of an issue than it might have been. Taren has given you a far stronger position. I suggest you use it.” Exhaling, he filled the room with the scent of smoke.
* * * * *
“So Kallin, now that Dalasin has more strength, do you think Erygan will use him to end The Councils, or will Erygan end it himself.”
“I half thought that Norrin’s mentioning El Darnen might be the end of The Councils this year. Since Erygan let that pass unchallenged, though, I am afraid he has something more dangerous up his sleeve.”
“I would assume as much, if for no other reason than that this is Erygan, and he always attempts something large.”
“I think that, now that Dalasin has strength behind him, Erygan will use him to strike a blow. That could be far more dangerous, especially since you are the one who is responsible for Dalasin’s increased power. Erygan could pretend to be against whatever it is that Dalasin will say.”
“Yes, you’re probably right. This makes it far more interesting. Now I only wonder what Erygan will get Dalasin to do.”
“One thing is certain, Taren. Tomorrow will be a day long remembered by the council.”
“And the decisions made tomorrow, Kallin, will change the course of the future forever.”
* * * * *
Ranny was droning on about taxes on Caladean exports or some other equally boring topic, so no matter how hard Taren tried to focus and pay attention, he found himself drifting ever more easily into the world of his waking dreams. He was only spared the agony of seeing Alquendiro once more burned to the ground because Dalasin interrupted Ranny. Nobody interrupted Ranny, mostly because everybody needed a time to catch up on the sleep they had missed the night before. And just the simple fact that it was Dalasin, not any of the council’s members who actually had power, made it all the more interesting.
Rising Vengeance (The Anarian Chronicles Book 1) Page 4