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India Page 82

by John Keay

  Ferishta (trans. Briggs, J.), History of the Rise of Mohammedan Power in India, Longman, London, 1829

  Gascoigne, B., The Great Moghuls, Jonathan Cape, London, 1971

  Grewal, J.S., The Sikhs of the Punjab in NCHI, pt 2, vol.3, Cambridge, 1990

  Habib, Irfan, ‘Monetary System and Prices’, in The Cambridge Economic History of India (eds Raychaudhuri, T. and Habib, I.), vol.1, C1200–1750, CUP, Cambridge, 1982

  Jehangir, Waki’at-i Jahangiri, in HOIBIOH, vol.6, Trubner, London, 1875

  Karashima, Noboru, Towards a New Formation: South Indian Society under Vijayanagar Rule, OUP, Delhi, 1992

  Keay, John, The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company, HarperCollins, London, 1991

  Khafi Khan (ed. and trans. Moinul Haq, S.), History of Alamgir, Pakistan Historical Society, Karachi, 1975

  Khafi Khan, Muntakhabu-i Lulab, in HOIBIOH, vol.7, Trubner, London, 1977

  Lal, K.S., The Twilight of the Sultanate, Asia Publishing House, London, 1963

  Lane-Poole, S., The History of the Moghul Emperors of Hindoostan Illustrated by their Coins, London, 1892

  Majumdar, R.C. et al, An Advanced History of India, Macmillan, London, 1946

  Marshall, P.J., Bengal: The British Bridgehead, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.2, Cambridge, 1987

  Mundy, P., The Travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia, 1608–67, 2 vols, Hackluyt Society, London, 1914

  Paes, D., ‘Narrative of’, in Sewell, R., A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar), Swan Sonnenschein, London, 1900, repr. Asia Education Services, New Delhi, 1980

  Pearson, M.N., The Portuguese in India, in NCHI, pt 1, vol.1, Cambridge, 1987

  Qanungo, K.R., Sher Shah, Calcutta, 1921

  Qureshi, I.H., Administration of the Moghul Empire, Karachi, 1966

  Raychaudhuri, T., ‘The Mughal Empire’, in ‘The State and the Economy’, The Cambridge Economic History of India, vol.1, C1200–1750 (eds Raychaudhuri, T. and Habib, I.), Cambridge, 1982

  Richards, John F., The Mughal Empire, in NCHI, pt 1, vol.5, Cambridge, 1993

  Roe, Thomas (ed. Foster, W.), The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to India, 1615–19, Hackluyt Society, London, 1926

  Ross, D., in Cambridge History of India, vol. 5, Cambridge, 1929

  Sardesai, G.S., New History of the Marathas, Bombay, 1946

  Sardesai, G.S., ‘Shivaji’, in HCIP, vol.7, The Mughal Empire, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1974

  Sarkar, Jadunath, History of Aurangzib, 4 vols, Sarkar & Sons, Calcutta, 1912

  Sewell, R., A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar), Swan Sonnenschein, London, 1900, repr. Asia Education Services, New Delhi, 1980

  Spear, Percival, Twilight of the Moghuls, Cambridge, 1951

  Stein, B., Vijayanagara, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.1, Cambridge, 1994

  Stewart, Gordon, The Marathas 1600–1818, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.4, Cambridge, 1993

  Thevenot, J. de, ‘The Third Part of the Travels’, in Indian Travels of Thevenot and Carreri (ed. Sen, S.), National Archives of India, Delhi, 1949

  CHAPTERS 16–17

  British Rule

  Barnett, Richard B, North India Between Empires: Awadh, the Mughals and the British 1720–1801, University of California, Berkeley, 1980

  Bayly, C.A., Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.1, Cambridge, 1987

  Chaudhuri, Nirad, Clive of India, London, 1975, repr. Jaico, Bombay, 1977

  Cohn, Bernard S., ‘Representing Authority in Victorian India’, in The Invention of Tradition (ed. Hobsbawm, E. and Ranger, T.), CUP, Cambridge, 1983

  Cohn, Bernard S., Colonialism and its Forms of Knowledge: The British in India, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996

  Duff, J.C. Grant, A History of the Mahrattas, 3 vols, repr. OUP, London, 1921

  Grewal, J.S., The Sikhs of the Punjab, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.3, Cambridge, 1990

  Griffin, Lepel, Ranjit Singh and the Sikh Barrier Between our Growing Empire and Central Asia, Clarendon, Oxford, 1905

  Gupta, P.C., Baji Rao II and the East India Company 1796–1818, OUP, Oxford, 1939

  Hasan, Mohibul, The History of Tipu Sultan, World Press Pvt Ltd, Calcutta, 1951

  Hibbert, Christopher, The Great Mutiny: India 1857, Allen Lane, London, 1978

  Kamath, M.B. and Kher, V., Devi Ahalyabhai Holkar: The Philosopher Queen, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1995

  Keay, John, The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company, HarperCollins, London, 1991

  Majumdar, R.C. et al, An Advanced History of India, Macmillan, London, 1946

  Malcolm, John, A Memoir of Central India Including Malwa and Adjoining Provinces, Murray, London, 1824

  Malcolm, John, The Political History of India 1784–1823, London, 1826

  Marshall, P.J., East Indian Fortunes: The British in Bengal in the Eighteenth Century, OUP, London, 1976

  Marshall, P.J., Bengal: The British Bridgehead, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.2, Cambridge, 1987

  Mason, Philip, A Matter of Honour: An Account of the Indian Army, its Officers and Men, Jonathan Cape, London, 1974

  Metcalf, Thomas R., The Aftermath of Revolt: India 1857–70, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1964

  Moon, Penderel, The British Conquest and Dominion of India, Duckworth, London, 1989

  Moorhouse, Geoffrey, India Britannica, Harvill, London, 1983

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, The Discovery of India, Meridian Books, London, 1946

  Pemble, John, The Raj, the Indian Mutiny and the Kingdom of Oudh 1801–59, Associated University Press, Cranbury, NJ, 1977

  Sen, Surendra Nath, Eighteen Fifty-Seven, Publications Division, Government of India, Delhi, 1957

  Sita Ram (trans. Norgate, J.T.), From Sepoy to Subedar: Being the Life and Adventures of a Native Officer in the Bengal Army, 1873, 3rd edn, London, 1911

  Spear, Percival, Twilight of the Moghuls, CUP, Cambridge, 1951

  Stewart, Gordon, The Marathas 1600–1818, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.4, Cambridge, 1993

  Stokes, Eric, The English Utilitarians in India, OUP, Oxford, 1939

  Stokes, Eric, The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and Peasant Rebellion in Colonial India, CUP, Cambridge, 1978

  Stokes, Eric, The Peasant Armed (ed. Bayly, C.A.), Clarendon, Oxford, 1986

  CHAPTER 18–23

  To Independence and After

  Adams, J. and Whitehead, P., The Dynasty: The Nehru-Gandhi Story, Penguin/BBC, London, 1997

  Bayly, C.A., Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of British Expansion 1770–1870, CUP, Cambridge, 1983

  Bhutto, Z. A., ‘If I am Assassinated …’, Vikas, New Delhi, 1979

  Brass, Paul, The Politics of India since Independence, in NCHI, pt 4, vol.1, Cambridge, 1990

  Brown, Judith M., Gandhi’s Rise to Power: Indian Politics 1915–22, CUP, Cambridge, 1972

  Brown, Judith M., Modern India: The Origins of an Asian Democracy, OUP, Oxford, 1985

  Chanda, Ashok, Federalism in India: A Study of Union – State Relations, Allen & Unwin, London, 1965

  Chandra, Bipan et al, India’s Struggle for Independence 1857–1947, Viking, London, 1988; Penguin, New Delhi, 1989

  Chandra, Bipan et al, India after Independence, Viking/Penguin, New Delhi, 1999

  Chatterjee, Partha (ed.), State and Politics in India, OUP, Delhi, 1998

  Chatterji, Joya, Bengal Divided: Hindu Communalism and Partition, 1932–47, CUP, Cambridge, 1994

  Chatterji, Joya, The Spoils of Partition: Bengal and India 1947–67, CUP, Cambridge, 2007

  Cohen, S.P., The Idea of Pakistan, OUP, New Delhi, 2006

  Cohn, Bernard S., ‘Representing Authority in Victorian India’, in The Invention of Tradition (ed. Hobsbawm, E. and Ranger, T.), CUP, Cambridge, 1983

  Collins, Larry and Lapierre, Dominique, Mountbatten and the Partition of India, Vikas, Delhi, 1982

  Copland, Ian, The Princes of India in the Endgame of Empire, 1917–47, CUP, Cambridge, 1997

guly, Sumit, Conflict Unending: India – Pakistan Tensions since 1947, OUP, New Delhi, 2001

  Ghosh, Papiya, Partition and the South Asian Diaspora: Extending the Subcontinent, Routledge, New York, 2007

  Gilmour, David, Curzon, John Murray, London, 1994

  Grewal, J.S., The Sikhs of the Punjab, in NCHI, pt 2, vol.3, CUP, Cambridge, 1990

  Guha, Ramachandra, India after Gandhi: The History of the World’s Largest Democracy, Macmillan, London, 2007

  Hardy, P., The Muslims of British India, CUP, Cambridge, 1972

  Jalal, Ayesha, The State of Martial Rule, Vanguard, Lahore, 1971

  Jalal, Ayesha, The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, the Muslim League and the Demand for Pakistan, CUP, Cambridge, 1985

  Khilnani, Sunil, The Idea of India, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1997

  Kumar, Radha, Making Peace with Partition, Penguin, New Delhi, 2005

  Lifschultz, Lawrence, Bangladesh: The Unfinished Revolution, Zed, London, 1979

  Low, D.A. (ed.), Congress and the Raj, London, 1977

  Low, D.A. (ed.), The Political Inheritance of Pakistan, Macmillan, London, 1991

  Luce, Edward, In Spite of the Gods: The Strange Rise of Modern India, Little, Brown, London, 2006

  Mayaram, Shail, Resisting Regimes: Myth, Memory and the Shaping of a Muslim Identity, OUP, New Delhi, 1997

  Moon, Penderel, The British Conquest and Dominion of India, Duckworth, London, 1989

  Naipaul, V.S., India: A Million Mutinies Now, Heinemann, London, 1990

  Philips, C.H. and Wainwright, M.D. (eds), The Partition of India: Policies and Perspectives 1935–47, Allen & Unwin, London, 1970

  Robb, P.G., The Government of India and Reform: Policies Toward Politics and the Constitution, 1916–21, OUP, Oxford, 1976

  Sarkar, Sumit, Modern India, Macmillan (India), Delhi, 1983

  Sayid, Khalid B., Pakistan: The Formative Phase 1857–1948, OUP, London, 1968

  Seal, Anil, The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Late Nineteenth Century, CUP, Cambridge, 1968

  Sen, Amartya, The Argumentative Indian, Allen Lane, London, 2005

  Shaikh, Farzana, Making Sense of Pakistan, Hurst, London, 2009

  Sisson, Richard and Rose, Leo E., War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the Creation of Bangla Desh, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1990

  Talbot, Ian, Pakistan: A Modern History, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1998

  Tully, Mark and Jacob, Satish, Amritsar: Mrs Gandhi’s Last Battle, Jonathan Cape, London, 1985

  Tully, Mark, No Full Stops in India, Viking, London, 1991

  Wolpert, Stanley, A New History of India, OUP, New York, 1982

  Ziring, Lawrence, Pakistan in the Twentieth Century, OUP, Karachi, 1977


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad, 180, 187

  Abdullah, Dr. Farooq, Kashmir chief minister, 597, 601

  Abdullah, Shaikh Muhammad, Kashmiri patriot, 513–6, 536, 547

  Abdu-r Razzak, 15th c ambassador, 277

  Abu’l-Fazl, Mughal chronicler, 309, 310, 311, 312, 317, 320, 325, 327

  Achaemenids, kings of Persia, 57–9, 60–2, 71, 88

  Achyuta-Deva-Raya, 16th c Vijayanagar ruler, 307

  Adham Khan, Mughal general, 310–12

  Aditya, 9–10th c Chola king, 215

  Adivasis, ‘Aboriginals’, 28, 587

  Advani, L.K., BJP leader, 598

  Afghanistan 15, 21, 26, 71, 84, 96, 104, 106, 180, 203–5, 225–6, 291, 308–9, 417–20, 451, 479, 566, 569, 587, 592–6

  Afzal Khan, Bijapur general, 351, 461

  Aga Khan, Ismaili leader, 468

  ‘Agarthala Conspiracy’, 533

  Agni, Vedic deity, 21, 25, 40, 43

  Agra, Uttar Pradesh, 289, 293, 296, 315, 319, 334–6, 340, 353, 410, 439

  Ahalyabhai Holkar, ‘Philosopher Queen’ of Malwa, 407, 408, 425

  Ahmad Shah Abdali (Durrani), 18th c Afghan adventurer, 367, 385–6, 403–4, 418

  Ahmad Shah, 15th c Sultan of Gujarat, 285, 298–9

  Ahmadabad, Gujarat, 279, 285, 298, 406, 471, 487

  Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra, 302, 319, 331, 348, 359

  Ahmedi (Ahmadiyya) Muslims, 566

  Aihole, Karnataka, 3, 169, 174, 195, 222

  Ajanta, Maharashtra, 125, 149–51, 153

  Ajatashatru, 5th C BC king of Magada, 66–70

  Ajaya-Raja, Chahamana rajput king of Ajmer, 233

  Ajit Singh, Rathor rajput ruler of Marwar, 345, 360

  Ajivikas, sect, 64, 89, 99, 104

  Ajmer, Rajasthan, 206, 233, 235, 239, 241, 315, 334, 347

  Akali Dal, Sikh political party, 575, 576–9

  Akbar, Mughal emperor, 136–7, 309–19, 325, 327, 331, 334

  Akbar, Prince, son of Aurangzeb, 346–7, 355

  Akbar-nama see Abu’l-Fazl

  Aksai Chin, Ladakh, 534–5

  Alamgirpur, Harappan site, 10

  Ala-ud-din Husain Shah, 15–16th c Sultan of Bengal, 287–8

  Ala-ud-din Khalji, 13–14th c Delhi Sultan, 250, 254–60, 293

  Al-Biladuri, Muslim chronicler of Sind, 184, 185, 187

  Al-Biruni, (‘Alberuni’) 15th c scholar, 188, 189, 203, 210, 212

  Alexander the Great of Macedonia, 59, 63, 70–7, 78–9, 82, 83, 106

  Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, 8th c governor of Iraq, 183, 185

  Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, 239, 294, 458

  Alivardi Khan, 18th c Nawab of Bengal, 387–8

  Aliwal, Battle of (1846), 423

  Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 136–7, 153, 327, 334, 392, 439, 441, 453–4, 477

  Allard, Colonel, Napoleonic officer, 422

  Al-Masudi, 10th c Muslim chronicler, 196

  Alor (Rohri), Sind, 185

  Alptigin, Turkish general, 204

  Al-Utbi, 11th c Muslim chronicler, 205, 206, 207, 208

  Amar Das, Sikh Gutu, 317

  Amar Singh, Rana of Mewar, 328–30

  Amaravati Stupa, 102, 125

  Amber, Rajasthan, 313

  Ambhi, 4th C BC ruler of Taxila, 71, 82

  Amir, a member of the Mughal nobility, a Muslim prince, 313, 321, 324, 356

  Amrapali (Ambarapali), courtesan, 67–8

  Amritsar, Panjab, 317, 411, 475–7, 578–9

  Amyntas, Bactrian Greek king, 107

  Anandapala, 11th c Shahi king, 207–8

  Anandpur Sahib, Sikh shrine, 360, 577, 578

  Andaman Islands, 495

  Andhra Pradesh, 105, 118, 125, 170, 220, 252, 303, 377, 474, 520

  Anga Kingdom, Bengal, 50, 65, 68, 83

  Angkor, Cambodia, 124, 176, 214

  Anglo-French Wars, 377–82, 388, 393–4, 396

  Anhilwara (Patan), Gujarat, 239

  Antialcidas, Bactrian Greek king, 108

  Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, 215

  Aornos, Battle of (326 BC), 71

  Arabs, 167, 172, 180–7, 196, 202

  Aranya, forest, wilderness, 40

  Archaeological Survey of India, 7, 9, 462

  Architecture, xviii–xix, 24

  Buddhist 51, 102–3, 125, 178–9, 194

  Gupta, 141, 169

  Harappan, 8–9, 12, 13–14

  Jain, 241

  Mughal, 315–6, 334–6

  Muslim, 240–1, 259, 262–3, 272, 285–6, 301–2, 337, 433–5

  Temples, 168–9, 173–4, 178–9, 200–1, 213, 216–7, 223–5, 252, 278

  Arcot, Tamil Nadu, 377, 379

  Argaon, Battle of (1803), 410

  Arikamedu, Tamil Nadu, 121–3

  Arjan Singh, Sikh Guru, 344, 345

  Arjuna, hero, 4, 39, 73

  Arrian, Romano-Greek historian, 73, 78

  Arthasastra, Sanskrit manual of statecraft attrib. to Kautilya, xx, 60, 63, 80–2, 83, 92, 94, 97–8, 103, 119, 170–1

282, 284, 291, 310, 339, 350, 395

  Arunachal Pradesh, 528

  Arya, (‘Aryans’), 19–29

  Arya Samaj, Hindu revivalist movement, 458, 467, 481

  Arya-varta, ‘land of the arya’, 26, 159, 233

  Aryanisation, xxvi–xxvii, 28–9, 42, 43, 44, 46–7, 49, 53, 120–1, 127–8, 132, 176–7, 200, 233

  Asaf Khan, Mughal general, 333

  Ashoka, 3rd C BC Maurya emperor, 63, 88–100, 106, 114, 119, 127, 129, 136, 140, 233, 272

  Asiatic Society of Bengal, 79, 426

  Askari, Prince, brother of Humayun, 298, 299

  Assam, 137, 163, 193, 239, 244, 330, 341, 416, 448, 464–5, 535

  Assaye, Battle of (1803), 410

  Asvaghosha, Buddhist writer, 103, 104

  Aswamedha, Vedic horse-sacrifice, 32–3, 139, 147, 168

  Atlee, Clement, British Prime Minister 497, 500

  Auckland, Lord, British Governor-General, 418

  Augustus, Roman Emperor 121

  Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 348, 359, 369

  Aurangzeb, Mughal Emperor, 327, 328, 330, 332, 336, 338–47, 355–9, 362, 371–2, 387

  Avanti, ancient name for Malwa, 42, 50, 84, 90

  Avatar, descent, incarnation or manifestation as with Vishnu’s (q.v.) nine avatars

  Avitabile, General, Napoleonic officer, 422

  Awadh (Oudh), Uttar Pradesh, 242, 272, 287, 294, 362, 391–2, 393, 404, 433–6, 439, 440–3, 446

  Awami League, Bangladeshi political party, 528, 541, 548, 553–60, 564–5, 590

  Ayanar, deity, xxvii

  Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, 44, 45, 46–7, 102, 165, 202, 301, 598–600

  Ayuthia, Thailand, 47

  Azad Hind (‘Free India’), 495

  Azad Kashmir, 515, 547

  Azes, Shaka king, 109, 130

  Babri (Baburi) Masjid, Ayodhya, Babur’s mosque which became 1990s Hindu/Muslim flashpoint, 301, 598–600

  Babur, Mughal emperor, 289–96, 297–8, 301, 302, 320, 598

  Bactria, Northern Afghanistan, 84, 102, 106–9, 114, 117, 143

  Badami, Karnataka, xx, 168–9, 170, 172, 191

  Bahadur Shah (Muazzam, Shah Alam) Mughal emperor, 359–60, 361, 364, 374

  Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal, 439–40

  Bahman Shah (Hasan), founder of Bahman dynasty, 281–2

  Bahmanid Kingdom, 275–6, 280–2, 302–3


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