Mice, Marriage and Murder (Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mystery Book 4)

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Mice, Marriage and Murder (Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mystery Book 4) Page 10

by Cindy Bell

  “Sorry?” Wendy asked with surprise. “What could you possibly be sorry for?”

  “I never should have let you go off on your own with Alisha on the loose. I should have insisted on staying with you. If I had done that, none of this would have happened,” he frowned.

  “You don't know that,” Wendy said swiftly. “Besides, I wouldn't have let you follow me around like that.”

  “I wouldn't have asked,” Brian replied with a quirk of his eyebrow. Wendy opened her mouth to argue with him, but a familiar voice interrupted them. Officer Polson along with a few other officers, including Officer Delaney, were approaching the scene. Polson looked from Wendy, to Brian, who still had Alisha pinned down, and shook his head.

  “I'm not going to ask any questions,” Polson said as he walked up to the three. “Just clear the scene,” he nodded to one of the officers who took over from Brian. Wendy watched as the officer snapped a pair of handcuffs onto Alisha's wrists. She felt the warmth of Brian's arm curl around her shoulders.

  “Come with me,” Brian guided her away from the chaos of the scene. Wendy suddenly felt worried that because of the crime that had almost taken place the wedding would be delayed.

  “Wait, I need to talk to Polson and Delaney,” Wendy said and tried to pull away from Brian.

  “No,” he said firmly and pulled her back close to him. “You need to take a breath, Wendy,” he said. His hazel eyes captured hers, and she could see the care and concern in his gaze. “What just happened is not something you can just ignore,” he added.

  “I'm not trying to ignore it,” Wendy insisted. “I just want to make sure that another wedding isn't ruined because of my mistake…”

  “Wendy,” Brian stared at her with disbelief. “You can't really blame any of Alisha's actions on yourself, can you?”

  “Alisha needed me,” Wendy said with a slight frown. “I should have been able to see that she wasn't just being a worried bride, she needed help. But because I was too worried about impressing my boss, I persuaded a mentally fragile woman into continuing with her wedding. Maybe I didn't see it then, but looking back now, I can't see how I missed it.”

  “I can,” Brian said gently. “You're a caring person. You don't judge others. You know that weddings cause emotional turmoil, and that not everyone will react the same way to it. No matter what you think you see in hindsight, Wendy, I can guarantee you that you never had any idea that Alisha was going to commit murder.”

  “But I have to make sure that the crime scene is cleared up in time for the wedding,” Wendy said swiftly. “Shawna and Kyle are counting on me and…”

  “It can wait,” Brian insisted and wrapped his arms around her. The moment that Brian pulled her close, Wendy began to shake. She wasn't sure if she had been shaking or not up until that point, but when she felt safe and comfortable in his arms she finally felt the impact of what had just happened. Alisha had a gun. She fully intended to use it. The only reason she was still alive was because Brian had been there to save her, just like he was protecting her now. He was stopping her from hiding herself away from all of the fear and pain that she had just experienced. “You're safe,” he whispered to her and buried his hand in her strawberry blonde curls. She nuzzled her cheek against the strong slope of his shoulder. She could feel her shaking beginning to subside.

  “I've never had someone look at me with such hatred,” she admitted.

  “It was unfounded,” Brian reminded her. “Alisha is not in her right mind.”

  “I know,” Wendy said sadly. Despite the fact that Alisha had just tried to kill her, Wendy still felt sympathy for her. She had been so superstitious that it had ruined her life.

  Detective Dunn walked up to the two of them. She lingered a few steps away, allowing them a small amount of privacy. Wendy wiped at her eyes as she pulled away from Brian.

  “Wendy, I'm going to need some information from you,” Dunn said. “As well as you, Brian.”

  “I know, I know,” Brian said and stuck out his hands, wrists face-up before him. “Arrest me, please.”

  Dunn rolled her eyes. “I'm not arresting you, Brian. No matter how much you want to avoid having to actually pay for that parking ticket.”

  “Aw shucks,” Brian teased. “You just don't want to be stuck with me.”

  Detective Dunn glowered at him. Wendy braced herself for what she was sure would be at the very least a lecture, and possibly a warning of arrest for interference in an investigation.

  “Look, the how and the why of the situation needs to be documented, but first off I want to say that the two of you really made a difference here,” she smiled a little, which was a lot for Detective Dunn. “If you hadn't thought to run Alisha's alibi we might not have discovered her lie. However, I would advise that in the future you leave the police work to the police. Okay?”

  Wendy nodded soundlessly. She was shocked that Detective Dunn didn't have more to say than that.

  “I'll see what I can do,” Brian replied with a half-smile.

  “You see that you do,” Dunn said more sternly as she looked at Brian. “Don't forget that Wendy was in a lot of danger tonight.”

  “You're right,” Brian said, in a more regretful tone.

  “That's no one's fault but my own,” Wendy sighed. “I guess a part of me still didn't really see Alisha as a threat.”

  “Well, she won't be anymore,” Dunn said with a hint of sympathy. “She'll be getting the help that she needs now.”

  Wendy nodded and settled back into Brian's arms. As Detective Dunn walked away, Brian hugged her tighter. The garden that would soon be filled with ribbons, flowers, and happy guests at Kyle and Shawna's wedding was lit up by the flashing lights of police cars. There were crime scene investigators, police officers, and staff members from The Mansion combing the grounds. But Wendy felt a million miles away. She felt so safe in Brian's arms.

  “Can I take you home?” he asked pleadingly as he looked into her eyes.

  “Please,” Wendy replied and leaned heavily on his arm. Brian led her away from The Mansion to the small patch of grass where he had hastily parked his car. Wendy grimaced as she was sure that the valet had not been too happy about that. Brian opened the door for her and Wendy slid into the passenger seat. Once Brian was settled in the driver's seat, he started the car.

  As soon as Wendy began to relax, she thought of Shawna and Kyle. Wendy pulled out her phone and fired off a text to Shawna. She didn't mention Alisha. She didn't mention being held at gun point. None of that was Shawna's concern. She only confirmed that everything was on track for the wedding. She only wanted Shawna's mind to be filled with happy thoughts. Brian caught sight of her quick text.

  “Always working,” Brian murmured and reached over to lightly pat the curve of her knee.

  “I guess I see it more as a responsibility than a job,” Wendy explained. “It isn't something I can just clock out of, and it makes me so happy to be part of it.”

  “I understand,” Brian nodded and continued to navigate the roads that led to Wendy's house. “They're lucky to have you.”

  Wendy smiled a little at his words. She felt a little better. Yes, she hadn't focused as much as she would have liked on the wedding, but everything was still falling into place.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Brian and Wendy arrived at Wendy's condo, Brian glanced over nervously at the mouse in its cage. He didn't seem to want to take his eyes off the tiny creature.

  “Don't worry, he's friendly,” Wendy promised Brian with a laugh when she noticed his gaze. “I'll get us some wine,” she added.

  “Thank you,” Brian replied, but was still staring at the mouse. Wendy did her best not to laugh. Brian was so strong, seeing him shaken by a little mouse left her amused. Wendy slipped into the kitchen and pulled out one of her favorite bottles of wine from the fridge. She didn’t drink much and she usually reserved it for after a wedding had been successfully completed, but she thought the events of the evening warranted an
early celebration. For just an instant she wondered if that would be bad luck. But she forced that thought from her mind. Wendy filled two glasses with wine and smiled at the swirl of golden color in each. She was looking forward to spending her evening with Brian, even if she was exhausted.

  “Isn't this nice?” she called out to Brian. “We finally get some time alone together. Without having to hunt for a murder suspect.”

  “It sure is,” he replied with a relaxing sigh as he stretched out on the couch. “It's not often that we get a chance to spend a whole evening together.”

  “I know,” Wendy replied as she walked into the living room with the wine. She offered him one of the glasses. “Either I'm planning a wedding or you're on a stake out. For once, magically, we're both free to enjoy each other’s company.”

  He lifted his legs so that she could sit down on the couch. Then she pulled his legs comfortably into her lap. The familiar weight of them made her smile. She adored being snuggled up on the couch with Brian.

  “I still can't believe that Alisha went to such lengths to get her revenge,” Brian said and closed his eyes. “Are all women so crazy about their weddings?” he shook his head with disbelief.

  “Watch it, Brian,” Wendy warned him with a sidelong look. “There's nothing crazy about wanting your special day to be perfect. But, no, most women don't feel the need to kill over their wedding plans. Most brides give me lovely gifts, such as this very expensive, delicious wine,” Wendy said, then savored a sip of her wine. She wasn't a snob when it came to most things. She was practical and believed that if you could buy something similar for half the price it was worth it. “This has to be my favorite wine of all time. I could buy stock in the company. I love how fizzy it is,” Wendy said with wide eyes. “It feels like my tongue is dancing.”

  That drew Brian's attention. He sat up slowly on the couch and met her gaze. “Does it now?” he asked and took a sip of his own wine. “It is good,” he agreed, still studying her intently. “But any wine is delicious when I share it with you.”

  “Sure. Has anyone ever told you just how charming you are?” Wendy laughed and met his lips for a sultry kiss. As they were lost in the passion of the kiss, neither noticed something scampering across the floor. Brian pulled away from her and smiled warmly at her. Wendy smiled in return. She might not believe in bad luck, but she couldn't deny the existence of good luck, considering that she was experiencing it right then.

  “I have to say, Wendy, I admire everything you do, but I still don't understand a mouse as a pet,” he grimaced. “At least Theresa had a purpose for her mice.”

  “Don't even say that!” Wendy gasped. “My little friend is not snake food,” she growled. “And he's so sweet,” Wendy cooed with a faint laugh. “He helped us solve a murder, and he's quite a brave mouse. He's funny, too, just look at him in his cage…” her voice cut off as she looked at the empty cage on her shelf. “Uh oh,” she said quietly.

  “Uh oh, what?” Brian demanded. “Wendy?” his voice rose slightly. “Why is that cage empty?”

  “Maybe I should name him Houdini,” Wendy laughed. Brian did not laugh. His eyes grew wide and filled with horror. “He must have escaped,” Wendy added.

  “You mean that thing is running loose in here with us?” Brian asked, each word growing higher and higher in pitch as he spoke.

  “I don't think you have anything to worry about, Brian, he's probably hiding somewhere,” Wendy said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

  “Find him, find him, find him,” Brian said with urgency.

  “All right, all right,” Wendy laughed and began looking under furniture. “He's probably just frightened of the way that you were talking about him,” Wendy admonished. “No mouse deserves to hear things like that. Now he's hiding!” she dropped back down on the couch beside Brian with a sigh. “If we just leave him alone, he'll come out soon I'm sure,” Wendy nodded.

  “He's not hiding!” Brian shrieked and suddenly jumped up onto the couch. “He's right there!” he pointed breathlessly at the mouse that scampered straight across the living room. Wendy wanted to get up and catch the mouse, but she couldn't. She was laughing too hard to stand up. The sight of Brian on his tiptoes on top of the couch had to be one of the funniest things that she had ever seen.

  “Wendy!” Brian demanded with terror in his voice. “This is not funny!” he declared with exasperation.

  Wendy grinned up at him, her eyes shining with mirth. “Relax Brian, it's just a little mouse.”

  He shivered and picked up a pillow. “If it comes near me,” he warned.

  Wendy was almost to her feet when she started giggling again. She did her best not to look at Brian so that she wouldn't break down in another fit of laughter. She hurried into the kitchen and retrieved another wine glass. She walked slowly back into the living room. The mouse still had Brian trapped on the couch, and Wendy had to admit that it did seem as if the mouse was mocking him by running back and forth in front of the couch. Wendy managed to trap the mouse beneath the empty wine glass. Then she scooped him up. He was wiggling in her hands.

  “See, he's not scary,” she said softly. Brian grimaced. Wendy laughed and put the mouse back in his cage. Once he was securely locked away she turned back to Brian, who had settled into a casual sitting position on the couch as if nothing had happened. He refused to look at her.

  “Are you all right now?” Wendy asked soothingly as she sat down beside him.

  “It's a rodent, Wendy, rodents are dangerous,” he said shakily. Wendy laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked up at him with a sweet smile. She rested her head lightly against his shoulder and kissed softly at the side of his neck.

  “Don't worry, I'll protect you,” she promised him in a whisper.

  He looked back into her eyes and a slow smile spread across his lips. “Wendy,” he murmured lovingly. “I don't doubt that for a second.”

  As Wendy nestled close to him she felt a sense of relief. With a murder investigation behind her, and an extravagant wedding ahead of her, the only place she truly wanted to be, was in Brian's arms.

  The End

  From the Author

  Thank you very much for reading Mice, Marriage and Murder, the fourth book in the Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mystery Series. If you enjoyed the book and would like to be updated when I release a new book you can sign up for email updates at http://www.cindybellbooks.com/newsletter. I will never share your email and you will only receive emails from me when I have released a new book, am offering a discount or when I have giveaways.

  If you did enjoy the book and would like to leave a review at Amazon I would appreciate it. Reviews help other readers who might be interested in the book.

  You can connect with me at my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/cindybellauthor.

  About the Author

  Cindy Bell is the author of the cozy mystery series Sage Gardens, Bekki the Beautician, Dune House, Heavenly Highland Inn and Wendy the Wedding Planner.

  Cindy has always loved reading, but it is only recently that she has discovered her passion for writing romantic cozy mysteries. She loves walking along the beach thinking of the next adventure her characters can embark on.

  You can sign up for her newsletter so you are notified of her latest releases at http://www.cindybellbooks.com/newsletter.

  More Books by Cindy Bell

  Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mysteries

  Matrimony, Money and Murder

  Chefs, Ceremonies and Crimes

  Knives and Nuptials

  Sage Gardens Cozy Mysteries

  Birthdays Can Be Deadly

  Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mysteries

  Hairspray and Homicide

  A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

  Mascara and Murder

  Pageant and Poison

  Conditioner and a Corpse

  Mistletoe, Makeup and Murder

  Hairpin, Hair Dryer and Homicide

  Blush, a Bride
and a Body

  Shampoo and a Stiff

  Cosmetics, a Cruise and a Killer

  Lipstick, a Long Iron and Lifeless

  Camping, Concealer and Criminals

  Dune House Cozy Mystery Series

  Seaside Secrets

  Boats and Bad Guys

  Treasured History

  Hidden Hideaways

  Dodgy Dealings

  Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mysteries

  Murdering the Roses

  Dead in the Daisies

  Killing the Carnations

  Drowning the Daffodils

  Suffocating the Sunflowers

  Books, Bullets and Blooms

  A Deadly Serious Gardening Contest

  A Bridal Bouquet and a Body




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