[Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission

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[Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission Page 5

by Jana Downs

  He wasn’t a virgin, far from it in fact. It was tradition in the Seelie court that all of their people undergo sexual training when they came of age. All Fae, both Seelie and Unseelie, were people of the Earth. He’d been training since he was younger in the theory and then later on the practice of sex. As a prince, he’d never had a lack of willing bed mates. College had provided him a few tangles with humans, and each encounter had been mildly pleasant and had ended without many fireworks. He’d never felt the anxiety and anticipation that coursed through his veins at that moment.

  Luckily, he didn’t have that many clothes on or else he might have lost his nerve. He bent down and unbuckled and unstrung his shoes before toeing them off. His socks went next. Then his hands went to his belt and slowly unbuckled that as well. Finally, his fingers grasped the button on his pants and he slowly pushed the material down his hips. He stepped out, away from his clothing and stared down at them in disbelief. A quick glance around the hallway told him he was alone for the moment, but someone could come out of any of the doors at any moment. He pushed open the one in front of him without preamble before stepping inside.

  He was really going to do this. He was really going to have sex with a man, an Unseelie man at that. Adrian was a known sexual sadist and he made Corrin’s heart pound with lust. He was breaking so many social taboos at this point he figured that one more black mark against him made no difference. Corrin looked down at his arousal as his thoughts swirled in his mind and watched it swell and weep a single drop of pre-cum. He was going to go off like a roman candle when he was touched. He was too aroused already.

  “Corrin?” Adrian’s authoritative voice called from deeper in the room, which just caused Corrin to shiver harder. He swallowed, took a deep breath, and walked down the hallway. As he came around the corner, his cock leading the way, he was greeted by a sight that made his mouth water.

  The room wasn’t heavily decorated and only had two major pieces of furniture. A medium-sized bed was the centerpiece of the room, and to the right of it was a large, low coffee table. A thousand candles were lit on every available surface, the sole illumination in the room. The mouthwatering part was Adrian, who stood with his back to Corrin. The hard lines of his back were deepened by the shadows of candlelight, and the tight globes of his ass were visible through the leather pants that looked as if they’d been poured onto his flesh.

  “Hi,” Corrin said, a bit breathlessly. Adrian stayed silent and turned, looking him up and down with a long, penetrating stare that seemed to look not at his body but into his soul. The look was possessive, and that possessiveness struck a chord in Corrin. His arousal jerked, waving for attention from the beautiful man in the room. An amused grin lit Adrian’s face up and gave his eyes a dark glint. He had obviously noticed Corrin’s response.

  “Hi, yourself,” the Unseelie said. “Don’t move.” He pushed away from the wall before he walked in a slow circle around Corrin’s frozen form. Corrin panted as the smell of his soon-to-be lover infiltrated his nostrils. He forced himself to take a deep breath and tried not to come when Adrian’s fingers brushed over his hips. He closed his eyes to try to block out the image of Adrian’s gorgeous body. If he could lessen his impact, maybe he wouldn’t shoot his load like a kid with his first dirty magazine.

  The second he closed his eyes, he was surrounded by the intensified scent of the other man instead. He pushed air out from between his teeth in a hiss. This wasn’t helping. If Adrian touched him again, he wasn’t sure he could control himself. His eyes popped open as Adrian made a noise of contentment, almost a purr.

  “You will not come until I tell you to,” Adrian commanded, as if he were reading his mind.

  “I may not be able to help it,” Corrin groused as his cock leaked another pearly stream.

  Adrian frowned. “Why is that, boy?” he asked, touching his hip bone and dragging two fingers around his side to rest on the indentations above his ass. Corrin moaned, his body quivering. “Answer me.” Adrian growled, digging a nail into his flesh.

  “I want you too much,” Corrin whispered. It was a ragged confession. The place where Adrian had scratched him stung, but it lit his nerve endings up like a pyrotechnics show. He moaned as the fingers were removed. He wanted to come so badly he ached.

  Adrian considered him. “You’re right,” he said finally. “You won’t last for what I have planned for you tonight.”

  Corrin felt his heart twist in shame. It was strange, but the thought of disappointing this tall, dark stranger made him want to burst into tears.

  Adrian continued. “We’ll just have to take the edge off your arousal.” He came around to Corrin’s front and took his cock into his fist.

  Corrin cried out at the intensity of the sensation. His body bucked, and he fell forward, gripping Adrian’s shoulder to keep from falling. Adrian put a steadying hand on his shoulders and began to move the hand on Corrin’s dick. The sounds that came out of Corrin’s throat were needy cries for more that caused Adrian’s body to jump against Corrin’s own.

  “Oh goddess!” Corrin gasped, and his hand spasmed on Adrian’s shoulder. He pitched forward, tucking his head into the crook of Adrian’s neck. The other man’s hands felt absolutely incredible. Unlike a girl’s soft touch, Adrian had no hesitation in his movements. It was rough and sure caresses that knew unerringly how to bring a man pleasure. He wanted it to go on forever. He inhaled the scent of the man who was pleasuring him like he was his own personal brand of aphrodisiac musk. Three strokes from Adrian’s fist and Corrin felt orgasm boiling through his body like a hot brand.

  “Adrian!” He moaned. “Please, I need…” Corrin begged but didn’t know what he was begging for.

  A primitive growl escaped Adrian’s mouth, and he leaned into the Seelie prince’s shuddering body. “Good boy,” he praised using his head to tip Corrin’s to the side. “Come for me.” With no warning he bit into Corrin’s pulse.

  Corrin jackknifed in pleasure, thrashing like a fish on the end of a hook. Corrin’s mind went completely blank, and he became a creature of sensation no longer cognizant of anything other than the man in his arms and the hand on his cock.

  * * * *

  Adrian’s fangs punctured the flesh shallowly, and he sucked on the wound, rolling the rich taste of Fae on his tongue like a fine wine. Corrin tasted like nirvana. He knew that the bite of an Unseelie Vampire was something akin to an injection of liquid ecstasy. Almost instantly the boy started to come, giving forth his seed in milky waves that bathed Adrian’s hands and wrists in hot fluid. Desperate noises continued to pour out of Corrin’s mouth with more frequent intensity as he moaned and thrashed against Adrian’s tight hold. He continued to milk the beauty until he was heaving from the extra sensitivity from his orgasm.

  His reaction tempted Adrian. What he wouldn’t give to train this boy as his submissive. To torture him and love him until he came so many times that he forgot all other previous lovers with each fiery burst. He was displaying every sign of his receptiveness to such play. Again, Adrian had to remind himself that Corrin was going to be leaving in the morning. The sole purpose of this interaction was to scratch the itch of a curious Seelie so he could return to the white courts free of his obsession with bondage and hot male-on-male action.

  “Is it always like that?” The panting voice next to his ear caused Adrian to run his tongue over the wound he’d made and raise his head.

  “Only with me, sweetness,” he said. He didn’t want to give the boy any ideas about searching for other male lovers when he left Adrian’s presence. The possessive thought shouldn’t have been there, but Adrian accepted that he was enough of a bastard that he didn’t care. He took in Corrin’s trembling limbs. “Let’s go lay down for a moment. When you’re rested up, we can continue.” Corrin nodded.

  “So, were you born Unseelie or were you exiled?” Corrin asked, playing with the soft skin of Adrian’s chest as they lay side by side with one another on the soft mattress. Adrian allowed
him to cuddle to him, okay with his need for physical touch after the intensity of his experience.

  Adrian stroked his hand down the soft expanse of Corrin’s back. “I was exiled with my younger brother. I found out I liked boys after an encounter with one of my friends at pleasure school. I was brought before the magistrate and exiled because I refused corrective treatment. My brother thought it was unfair, so he joined me. We petitioned the Unseelie court for entrance about a year after that.” He answered the question as honestly as he could, feeling compelled to share himself with the beautiful Seelie. It surprised him how comfortable he was with the boy. Despite knowing him for a handful of hours, he could sense there was no judgment in Corrin despite the fact that he was Seelie. He was genuinely curious how one became an Unseelie.

  “How did you become Vampire?” Corrin asked.

  Adrian shrugged. “I became friends with a Vampire in the Unseelie court who became my mentor in the world of Master and slave, what humans call BDSM. When I ‘graduated’ from his study, he offered to turn me into a Vampire to finally join the Unseelie court as a specialized Fae. I agreed, and the rest, as they say, is history. Tell me, beautiful, who are you when you’re not falling into the arms of Unseelie Vampire?”

  The boy chuckled. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I’m surprised you don’t recognize me.”

  “Try me,” Adrian said.

  Corrin twisted in his arms, staring into his face. “Well, when I’m not in the human world cuddling with Vampires, I’m Prince Corrin DeMarco, sole heir to the Seelie throne and only child of King Renaldi DeMarco and Queen Marietta DeMarco.”

  Adrian’s mouth went slack in surprise. He knew he was gasping like a fish. Realization pinged through him. No wonder he looked familiar. He’d been on the cover of every human magazine in the States. The gossip magazines loved him and followed his movements like scent hounds on a fox hunt.

  “How’d you get away from the media?” he asked, still not quite believing his ears or eyes.

  “We hosted a news conference before I left,” Corrin explained. “We told them I was going to Cancun on holiday for my graduation. We hired a lookalike to fly to Cancun with lookalike friends to match. This is the first time I’ve been able to get away from both media and my bodyguards. I hope you’ll be discreet with that knowledge.”

  Adrian nodded, dumbfounded. “Of course I’ll be discreet. That’s what you meant. When you go home, you’ll have to start training to become king.” Holy shit. I’m going to fuck the heir to the Seelie throne. He didn’t doubt for an instant that he most certainly was going to fuck the Seelie prince. However, he did question whether this was such a good idea. As if he’d read his mind, Corrin began to withdraw himself from Adrian’s arms.

  “I’ll understand if you don’t want to sleep with me now. I shouldn’t have told you. We were just so comfortable I thought…” He shook his head and went to stand.

  “Did I say you could get up?” Adrian snapped in a panic. The Master within him was pleased when Corrin instantly froze. The rest of him was just relieved that Corrin had listened. He didn’t want to lose Corrin so quickly. He’d meant what he’d said about exploring their connection together.

  “No,” he said quietly. Adrian raised his eyes in question. Would the Seelie prince come back into his bed? Corrin nodded like he read his mind and slid back into his arms without complaint. “You’re really okay with this?” he asked, vulnerability in his gaze.

  Adrian allowed the burning desire to filter into his eyes so the boy wouldn’t have any doubts. “If I wasn’t, I would’ve told you so. I have reservations because I know that you, more than any Seelie, are put under the microscope, and I don’t want one night of curiosity to land you in exile. It wouldn’t affect me one way or another if people found out. However, I think that if you can be brave enough to take the chance, so can I.” He put a finger under the boy’s chin and kissed his soft lips. “Never doubt that I won’t give you truth. That’s the best part about the Unseelie court, Corrin. We’re brutally honest and never pretend to be something we’re not.” How did I not see the connection in his name? Well, he amended, Corrin is a rather popular boy’s name nowadays.

  “I’m glad,” Corrin whispered. Adrian felt his pain. He knew what it was to pretend so hard to be something he wasn’t. It was time for a subject change. He didn’t want the prince to dwell on what would happen once he left his bed overmuch. Tonight was about Corrin and his wants for a change.

  “So you said you were an artist?” Adrian asked. He had never talked this much with his lovers, but he felt compelled to do so. Corrin was right. They were very comfortable with one another.

  “Yes,” Corrin said with a smile. Enthusiasm danced across his expression. “I was a painting and art history major in college. That’s what I would be doing if my father hadn’t demanded I quit playing human and come home. I wanted to go to graduate school, but he wouldn’t allow it. I’ve done a couple gallery showings under the name C.J. Fae which were pretty successful. I love painting. It’s my passion.”

  “What do you paint?” Adrian asked.

  Corrin grinned. “I think that I’m a romanticist for the most part. I like large canvases with scenery whose mood is set by the light. Usually somewhere in the painting I include people, but they’re there more to show how much they’re a part of nature. I do the gods and goddesses sometimes, but the painting usually centers around the elements they control.”

  “Sounds like you really love your work,” Adrian said, looking into the boy’s eyes. “That is very hot.”

  “I do love it,” Corrin agreed, blushing lightly. He really was a beautiful man.

  They talked for a few more minutes, sharing their outside lives and a little bit about their respective passions. The tension that had abated as Corrin recovered from his orgasm slowly built with each moment that passed, the lust mounting in slow degrees as they courted one another. Adrian nearly groaned when Corrin licked his lips. He swallowed and watched as Corrin did the same.

  “Are you ready to continue?” Adrian asked, his voice going husky with need. He hadn’t achieved his pleasure yet, so he was more than ready to continue. Desire sparked in Corrin’s gaze in answer. Adrian liked that the Seelie prince was so responsive to his passion.

  Corrin nodded.

  “Then I have to prepare you to take me inside you, Corrin,” he said. The thought alone nearly made him growl. “It might be slightly uncomfortable at times, but I won’t hurt you. We’ll go as slow as you need to, and if something becomes unbearable, tell me and we’ll decide how we should continue. Is that understood? Just nod.” Corrin did. “Good. Now roll to your back and try to relax.”

  * * * *

  Once he was positioned on his back, Corrin felt his heart start to pound. This was the moment he’d waited his whole life for. The realization wasn’t as shocking as it should have been. This moment and this man were the culmination of his heart’s desires. Corrin was dismayed to realize that tonight would not be the end of his fantasies but the beginning. I shouldn’t do this. I should get up, get my clothes, and leave before it’s too late. But he knew he wouldn’t.

  He watched in fascination as Adrian pushed himself to his knees and unbuttoned his pants before sliding them to his feet and kicking them off. Too late already. His mouth watered at the sight. Adrian was long and lean and gorgeous. His thick cock would fit perfectly in his hands. His hands tightened on impulse. And wouldn’t that be something to be able to do? To pleasure this man would be sheer heaven. I want to taste it. I want to take it into my mouth and lick and suck him like I did in my dreams.

  Adrian chuckled. “I can see every thought you’re having on your face, Corrin.” He purred and grabbed up a small bottle of something. “Taste me. Explore me. Get used to the feel of it and know that tonight it is yours.”

  Corrin needed no further encouragement. He sat up, and with a shaking hand, he took Adrian into his grip, testing the weight of the cock against his palm.
The part of his mind responsible for his deeper fantasies clamored for him to taste, to touch, and to fondle. He ran his hands over the flared tip gently, almost reverently. He figured that playing with a man was very much the same as playing with himself, and he started to employ one of his favorite masturbation techniques to up the intensity. He watched with fascination as Adrian’s face lit up with pleasure.

  Adrian growled. “Take it in your mouth, boy.”

  “Yes, Master,” Corrin murmured, his mind glazed over with desire. He felt vulnerable, open for invasion, and oh so incredibly good. He’d never been harder. This is what I’ve been missing my entire life.

  * * * *

  Adrian nearly came undone at the Seelie’s whispered answer. Adrian heard a noise of a groan mingled with a growl of pleasure and realized that it was coming from his own throat. Before he could issue another command to the beauty that was eye level with his cock, Corrin leaned forward and gave him a rough lick, swirling his tongue around the head like a lollipop. Adrian dropped the bottle of lube he’d retrieved and tangled his hands into the platinum tresses of his beauty’s head, groaning.

  Corrin sucked half of his length into his mouth, making up for his lack of experience with enthusiastic bobs of his head. His eyes fluttered shut, and a look of true serenity stole over his face as he put his entire being into pleasuring the Unseelie. Adrian moaned, gently pumping his shaft in between Corrin’s silken lips. The man had a magick mouth, he’d give him that.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good,” he promised, gritting his teeth to stave off the orgasm. Corrin made a noise of want around his hot length and hollowed his cheeks to suck harder. “You like that, do you?” Corrin’s eyes fluttered open and his eyes screamed his approval. “Good because I’m going to use you all up for my pleasure, Corrin.”


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