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CASEY Page 22

by Lori Foster


  Where seconds before he'd been desperate to sink into her, to feel the clasp of her body tight around his shaft, now he wanted her to be desperate. Kneeling between her thighs, he growled, "I want to taste you."

  Offering a soft moan for reply, Emma braced herself, legs stiffening, hands knotted in the sheets. Smiling, Casey bent and nuzzled through the springy curls, breathed in her rich scent, and after carefully opening her with his thumbs, covered her with his mouth.

  They both groaned, Emma with a sinuous twisting of her body, Casey with the need to take more and more. He moved her legs to brace her feet against his shoulders, cupped her hips in his hands, and held her still for the thrust of his tongue, the careful nipping of his teeth. He found her small, swollen clitoris and drew it gently into his mouth for the softest suckling, the demanding rasp of his tongue.

  Within minutes she was ready to come, but like him, she wanted more. "Casey, wait."

  Her breathless plea barely reached him with the taste and scent of her pushing him over the edge. He felt her silky thigh on his jaw, felt her heels pressing into his shoulders...

  Her fingers tangled in his hair. "Casey, wait. I want you inside me. Please."

  Breathing hard, he looked up the length of her body. Their eyes met, his glittering, hers dark and vague.

  He took one last, lingering taste of her, then lunged to his feet. After hurriedly stripping off his jeans, he found a condom in the bedside drawer and rolled it on. All the while, he watched her, appreciating the sight she made sprawled in his bed, how right she looked there.

  Emma came up to her elbows, but fell flat to the mattress again when he moved over her, hooked her thighs in his arms to spread her legs wide, and slid smoothly inside her body. He felt her tightening with that first stroke and pushed her legs higher so that he was deep, so damn deep. She couldn't choose the rhythm, couldn't alter the depth of his thrusts or change the angle. He was in control.

  He heard her broken cry on the second stroke, and shuddered at the sharp bite of her nails on his shoulders as she tried to urge him even closer. On the third stroke, harder, deeper, he relished the start of her release. "That's it, Em. Come for me, sweetheart. Come for me."

  Her body arched beautifully, her breasts shivered with the strength of her orgasm, her expression was arrested, her breath low and guttural.

  Teeth clenched, muscles straining as he held himself deep, Casey joined her, and as they both went boneless, he found the strength to murmur, "You're mine, Emma. Now...and always."

  To his relief, she didn't deny it.

  But then Emma was already sound asleep.


  DAMON HAD BECOME as much a regular fixture around the Hudson household as Emma. For two weeks now, he and Ceily had been almost inseparable, which meant when Damon stopped in to visit, Ceily was there too. And more often than not, their visits seemed to be at dinnertime.

  It was the first time Emma could remember seeing Damon so taken with a woman. That he should be taken with Ceily was nothing short of supreme irony. But she was happy for him, and for Ceily.

  Honey and Misty had grown up with an austere father, which meant their dinners had always been rather subdued events. Now they both relished the boisterous, busy meals spent with friends and family. Since they lived so close, with Morgan and Misty just up the hill, and were best friends as well as sisters, they were often together. They claimed to enjoy the extra rational female company in Ceily and Emma, which Emma took to mean a woman not mooning over the brothers or Casey.

  Certainly, Ceily was too straightforward to moon, but Emma? She merely hid her mooning. Truth was, she couldn't go five minutes without thinking about Casey – and smiling in absolute happiness. He occupied her every waking moment. The past month spent with him had been, well, the stuff of dreams...because she loved Casey with all her heart.

  The more time she spent with him, the more she accepted that she'd actually fallen in love with him as a teenager, and never really stopped. Neither time nor distance apart had lessened the emotion one bit.

  But being with him, making love to him every night, waking with him every morning, had strengthened that love until she couldn't imagine how she'd survive when she had to leave him.

  Yet she knew that eventually she'd have to do just that.

  While Casey was at work, Emma visited her parents at the hospital. Her father was now much improved, and her mother was, if not pleasant, at least sober. Dell had been thrilled to find out his wife had willingly gone into rehab for help. As far as Emma was concerned, that, more than anything, had helped revive his spirit. Her mother was allowed to visit him, and they'd talk for hours. Most of their conversations centered around her mother's complaints, but in his commiseration, Dell's speech had gotten much better, as had his motor control.

  Her mother was determined to be there for him. It wasn't easy, and she had a lot of difficult times, but she was trying. Losing her daughter hadn't done the trick, but the possibility of losing her husband was too much.

  They were both healing and, for once, Emma thought she might be able to be part of her own family. It would never be the ideal – it would never be the Hudson household – but it was an improvement.

  She'd spoken with them about the future, and because they both relied on her now, they were willing to adjust.

  Casey had gotten home a half hour ago and, after greeting Emma with a kiss, went straight to the apartment for a shower. With Damon and Ceily visiting again, he knew they'd have dinner with the family, rather than slipping off to the cabin with sandwiches, as they often preferred.

  He'd just stepped back into the kitchen, hair still damp, casual clothes now in place of his suit, when Honey announced the fried chicken was ready. Morgan stood to call in the kids, but Casey said, "I wanted to tell you all something first."

  Into that breaking silence, Emma's phone rang. She jumped, considered ignoring it, but Casey gave her a crooked smile. "Go ahead. This'll wait."

  A little embarrassed, she made her apologies and answered the wireless phone while stepping out of the kitchen for privacy. With so many people in for dinner, the buzz of conversation still reached her.

  Her first reaction to hearing Dr. Wagner's voice was alarm. Because she visited the hospital each day to be apprised of improvements, he had never found it necessary to call her. But at his jovial greeting, she relaxed ... until he announced that he'd be sending her father home in the morning.

  It was the signal of the end, her last remaining excuse for lingering in Buckhorn. She'd already contacted a Chicago hospital about her father's physical therapy once he left the hospital. It was located close to her home and could provide everything he needed. She'd also made plans with a rehab facility for her mother.

  Unaware of her melancholy, Dr. Wagner continued. "You can take a copy of his chart with you, but I've already faxed one to the hospital you specified. Take a day or two to get him settled, then set up routine appointments."

  "Thank you, I will." Emma squeezed her eyes shut, but couldn't resist asking, "You're sure he's ready to come home?"

  "He's shown marked improvement over the last week. Yes, I'd say he's ready – and anxious. Everyone tires of the hospital in a very short time. And being home with his family is a good therapy in its own way, too."

  The quiet drone of conversation in the kitchen had died and Emma wondered if everyone had paused to listen to her. "Thanks, Dr. Wagner. Is there a specific time I should be there in the morning?"

  They made arrangements, and while Emma made mental note of all things pertinent, her heart ached. She didn't want to go, didn't want to leave Casey. Didn't want to leave her home.

  But how impossible would it be for her to tend her parents here where everyone now knew of her mother's transgressions – and her own. She had to be reasonable, not emotional. She had a thriving business, which had been neglected for almost a month. She had a life, friends, family in Chicago. All she had in Buckho
rn was a reputation, and some bad history.

  With an invisible vise on her heart, and a lump in her throat, she reentered the kitchen and managed to dredge up a smile. Everyone looked up from the dinner table. "My dad is getting out of the hospital tomorrow."

  The expressions varied from surprise, concern, to expectation. Casey merely looked detached, and that confused her.

  Emma folded her hands together over her waist. "I'm taking him, and my mother, of course, home to Chicago with me."

  Sawyer tossed down his napkin. Unlike his son, he looked far from indifferent. "You're what?"

  Honey's eyes were wide. "Oh, but..." She glanced at everyone else, as if seeking help.

  Morgan rubbed his forehead and muttered something under his breath. Misty fretted.

  But Damon, damn him, looked at Casey with one eyebrow raised. "Well?"

  Casey, sighing with long-suffering forbearance, left his seat to stand beside her. "I suppose I'll be going to Chicago too."

  "What?" Sawyer pushed back his chair.

  Morgan snorted. "Since when?"

  "You can't be serious," Honey and Misty said in unison.

  Emma gaped at him. "You're not moving to Chicago!"

  "Why not?" Casey shrugged, disregarding her shock. "I'd already decided that I wanted to switch jobs – which is what I was about to announce when you got your call."

  Everyone started to protest at once, but Casey didn't let it stop him. He held up a hand, silencing one and all. "No, just hear me out. I enjoyed what I was doing up to a point, but now it just isn't enough." He winked at Emma. "Having Emma around helped me to realize what I really want to do."

  All eyes turned to Emma, making her gulp.

  "Just what is that?" Sawyer finally asked.

  "Financial planning. I had thought to open something up here, but..." He shrugged again. "Looks like it'll have to be in Chicago."

  Emma's mouth fell open.

  Ceily pushed back her chair and joined those who were already standing, which was just about everyone. "I'm going to Chicago too."

  Damon dropped his fork and leaned back in his seat. "What the hell for?"

  She blinked down at him. "Why, to be with you."

  "But I'm staying here."

  Emma and Ceily said at the same time, "You are?"

  He scowled. "Yes, I am. I like it here." He cleared his throat and, though Emma had rarely seen him this way, he looked uncertain. "I spoke to Jesse about buying his land. We're working out a deal."

  Ceily's eyes narrowed. "You spoke to my grandfather without telling me?" And then, with her eyes popping wide, added, "He agreed to sell to you?"

  Damon joined the ranks of those standing. "Well, how else could we keep the land around and not have some city slicker throw a damn water park up?"

  "You," Ceily pointed out, "are a city slicker."

  "Not anymore," he told her with satisfaction. "I was thinking along the lines of some nice tidy little rental cabins that would blend with the woods. Maybe ten or twelve of them. They'd be unobtrusive but lucrative."

  Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. Ceily crossed her arms over her chest. "If you stay here, I'm going to fall in love with you."

  Very slowly, Damon smiled. "Yeah?"

  She gave a brisk nod. "And when I do, I'll damn well expect you to marry me."

  His look so intimate, Emma blushed, Damon pulled Ceily close and kissed her. "It's a deal."

  Casey threw up his arms. "Well, since that's settled ... Emma, how soon do we need to leave?"

  Emma rubbed her ear, utterly befuddled. "Casey..." She looked around at his family, but none of them appeared willing to help. "You can't leave here."

  "Why not?"

  Logic remained just out of reach. She shook her head. "This is your home."

  "It's your home too. But what the hell? We can make a home anywhere, right?"

  Sawyer covered his mouth and, Emma suspected, a smile. She groped behind her for a chair. Honey rushed to scoot one beneath her before she dropped. Morgan gave her an encouraging nod.

  They were all nuts. When she finally found her voice, it emerged as a squeak. "Uh, we?"

  Eyes intent on her face, his sensual mouth tipping in a slight smile, Casey nodded. "Me and you."

  "'s not just me." He had to understand that. "It's my mother and father and..."

  "And me," Damon said. He grinned. "I'm like a brother figure, don't you know."

  Casey laughed. "And I'm not just me. Hell, Emma, this lunatic crowd—" he indicated the rapt faces of his family members "—is only a small part of the group."

  Morgan scowled at him. "I changed your diapers, boy, so don't give me any lip."

  Sawyer choked on a laugh. "Are you hinting that you want some privacy, Case?"

  He rolled his shoulders, trying to look indifferent – and failing. "Not particularly. I just want Emma to admit that she loves me."

  Her mouth fell open again. At this rate, she'd end up with a broken jaw.

  Misty leaned over to put her arm around Emma. "Put him out of his misery, hon. Men hate to suffer, this bunch more than most."

  Putting her head in her hands, Emma laughed, or maybe she was crying, or a little of both.

  Honey wrung her hands. "I really would hate to see Casey move away. But more than that, I'd hate to see him brokenhearted."

  They were all nuts. "Well, of course I love him."

  Casey beamed at her. "Way to drag out the suspense, Em. Naturally, I love you too. So, where do you want to live?"

  There was a time, Emma thought while she fought her smile, when this situation would have totally disconcerted her. She'd have felt out of place, conspicuous. But now she reveled in the open love exchanged between Casey and his family. She wanted to be with all of them. She wanted to have kids who would join the others in the yard, running and playing, happy and carefree and secure in a way she'd never been able to be. They were a good family to be around – a better family to be a part of.

  Tears filled her eyes and clogged her throat, making her voice thick. "I'd like to stay here."

  Until Sawyer and Morgan both slumped in relief, Emma hadn't known they were so tense waiting for her answer. But to her surprise, Casey didn't seem any more relieved with staying than he had seemed worried about leaving. He walked over to her and took her hand. "Now we could use some privacy. Feel like a boat ride?"


  "But you haven't eaten!"

  Casey kissed Honey on the top of the head. "Mind if we take it with us?"

  Sawyer had already turned and begun packing food into a basket. "'Course she doesn't." He grinned at his son. "Leave B.B. here since he's still playing with the kids. I'll make sure he gets fed. And while you're gone, Honey and Misty can start planning the wedding."

  Casey raised an eyebrow at Emma, and Emma laughed. They were overwhelming, wonderfully so. "Thank you."

  Rolling his eyes, Casey said, "You say thanks more than anyone I know."

  A mere half hour later, Emma found herself in the small cabin Casey owned, naked, beneath him, and thoroughly loved. Casey continued to nibble on her lips, her ear, her chin. The day was so warm, their flesh had melded together. Casey was still inside her.

  "You will marry me, won't you, Em?"

  She scoffed. "Like you ever had a doubt."

  Raising himself up, Casey stared at her with such a serious expression she got worried. "Doubts? You've filled me with more doubts than any man should ever have to suffer. You left here, when I never thought you would, leaving me to doubt if I'd ever see you again. You came back more wonderful than I thought possible, making me doubt I'd even still have a chance."

  "Casey." How could he have been so silly? She'd been his for as long as she could remember.

  "Damn, Emma, I love you so much it's scary."

  "I love you too. I always have."

  "You did a very good job of hiding it." He kissed her, sweet and gentle, then deeper until he had to tear himself away. He cu
pped her face, rubbed her temples with his thumbs. "I am so proud of you, Emma, but, God, it's unsettling to know you built this happy life somewhere else, and damned if you didn't constantly talk about running back to it. I kept wondering how long I could keep you here, if it'd be long enough to get you to fall in love with me again." He gave her another hard kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. "Believe me, Em, I've had doubts."

  Emma squeezed him tight.

  "Are you sure you're okay with staying here in Buckhorn?"

  She grinned. More doubts? "Yes. I love it here. I'd just convinced myself it didn't matter because I thought I couldn't stay." Then she felt compelled to ask, "Aren't you happy to be staying here?"

  "I'm happy to be with you. That's what matters most."

  "But," she said, insisting on the truth, "you'd rather be here, wouldn't you?"

  "Yes, I'd rather be here."

  "It won't be easy, you know. Kristin and Lois have spread a lot of gossip..."

  Casey grinned. "Everyone already assumes they're just jealous – and understandably."

  "Because I have you?"

  He laughed, squeezed her, shook his head. "No, goose. Because you're so remarkable, beautiful inside and out."

  Emma lowered her gaze to his tanned shoulders. "There's my mother and father to deal with."

  "And your possessive dog and dumb-ass Damon and—"

  She slugged him. "Hey!"

  Laughing, Casey rolled so she was atop him. "Just teasing. I like your dog just fine."

  She gave him a fierce scowl. "And Damon?"

  Casey pretended to consider that, until Emma tweaked his chest hair. "Okay, okay! He's a good guy. I like him, now that I've gotten used to him."


  "He loves you, and he's in love with Ceily, so he's okay in my book." His teasing over, Casey pressed her cheek to his heart and held her there. "No family is ever perfect, Emma. We'll make do with your folks, and you'll work at putting up with mine, and we'll have each other. Everything else will work itself out."


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