Wicked Mourning

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Wicked Mourning Page 2

by Heather Boyd

  He groaned. “Is all this lovely wetness for me, Clara? You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to taste you.”

  Clara quivered at his words. Thank heavens he meant to ease her suffering with his mouth.

  Yet when he kissed her lower lips, Clara was in no way prepared. She gasped and rocked her hips upward against his face. He kissed her harder and then slid his hands under her bottom, over hers, to hold her still.

  His deep rumbled groan vibrated over her nub and then he dug between her legs with his tongue—firm enough to make her shake and moan out loud. He lapped and probed with swift intoxicating pleasure and before she was ready, before she expected to reach the point of no return, she climaxed and shuddered against his face.

  Clara turned her head and closed her eyes, embarrassed by her loud shrieks of enjoyment reverberating around the room.

  Reggie emerged from beneath her gown and settled at her side. When he didn’t immediately move to enter her body, Clara opened her eyes. What held him back from receiving his own pleasure?

  He slid a lose curl from her forehead. “You sounded like you needed that more than I do.”

  Clara frowned. “But you have yet to be satisfied yourself?”

  Reggie settled his head to her shoulder and curled against her side. His hand settled on the highest point of her baby’s bump then slid down to where her hip once had been. “I’d like to visit you tonight in your room, or invite you to spend the night here with me. As much as I long to touch every part of you in every way possible, I fear your mother-in-law will come looking for you at any moment.”

  Clara blinked in shock. She’d forgotten her annoying, self-appointed chaperone. Although she still trembled from Reggie’s pleasure, Clara struggled off the bed.

  Reggie followed and slipped his arms around her. “May I come to you tonight?”

  Clara stared into his earnest face. In good conscience, she could not deny him his pleasure after his efforts on her behalf. She nodded. “Of course. I’ll leave my door unlocked.”

  He pressed his head against hers and sighed. “I’ll be counting the hours. Let me set us both to order and then get you safely on your way.”

  Reggie swiftly pulled his boots on, and then turned to the mirror to restore his cravat to its proper appearance. He struggled into his coat and then returned to tuck Clara’s fallen curl back into place. He led her to the second bedchamber door, hooked her arm about his and they set off through the house, wandering at an easy pace.

  Clara was grateful for the quiet interlude. She had a lot to think about after finding pleasure in Reggie’s arms. She’d had no idea the man was remotely interested in seducing her. And he’d done it so well and so deliciously eagerly too, despite the bulk between them.

  She rested her hand upon her belly, still wondering what Reggie could want with a ripening widow when he had many a young and pretty girl eagerly trying to snare him. She glanced sideways and caught his impish smile.

  Before she could blink, Reggie had turned them into another room and held her against the door.

  “I don’t know if I can wait until this evening. The way you look, the way you smell is already driving me insane.” He stared into her eyes. “Gods you’re aroused again. Oh, Clara, my love. Your eager passion has destroyed all my plans to be patient and good.”

  Reggie growled as he kissed her and wanton, needy creature that she was, Clara pulled him closer. Her body already hummed with the knowledge that satisfaction could be found in his arms. She wanted more of that ecstasy, more of Reggie, so she slid her fingers over his thigh until she touched the hard ridge of his arousal.

  He groaned as her fingers bumped along his length.

  Footsteps hurried toward their door. Clara froze, straining to hear as they stopped behind her back. The door handle jiggled beside her thigh, and she gripped Reggie tighter. When Clara glanced down, she found Reggie’s hand holding the knob tight.

  He met her gaze with a plea in his eyes and she slowly moved her hand up and down. He bit his lip. Eventually, the footsteps continued on their way.

  Reggie kissed her brow. “I have the worst timing imaginable. Perhaps we should continue this later when we have no fear of being interrupted. Come on. We have an eagle-eyed chaperone to fool.”

  Clara pouted as he tugged her hand from his erection. After a quick check to be certain their reappearance would be unnoticed, they stepped out into the hall.

  Chapter Three

  They came upon Clara’s mother-in-law peering out the terrace doors. Amelia Blackstone’s scowl turned Reggie’s pleasant afternoon to ashes.

  “There you are, Mrs. Blackstone,” Reggie exclaimed. “Clara has been wondering where you’d gotten to.”

  Mrs. Blackstone crossed her arms beneath her ample breasts. “I’ve been looking for my daughter-in-law for the past hour.”

  “Well, then,” Reggie added smoothly. “Now we have all found each other. Shall we take tea on the terrace?”

  Mrs. Blackstone gave a little huff and stepped out into the sunshine.

  He rolled his eyes at her indignation and led Clara to a deep cushioned chair. Reggie hovered until she was settled comfortably and made small talk until Mrs. Blackstone cleared her throat importantly.

  “I have good news, Clara. My husband’s father has summoned us to live at his estate in Whitstable.”

  Reggie’s heart stopped and he turned to see Clara’s reaction.

  She clutched her hands together over her unborn child. “That is quite unexpected, mother Blackstone.”

  Mrs. Blackstone huffed. “Not entirely unexpected. That child you carry could be his heir, if you’ve sense enough to deliver a healthy boy.”

  Reggie clenched his teeth at yet another cold-hearted reference to Clara’s child. Boy or girl, he would love the babe as his own if given the chance. And with this new invitation that would take them away from him, Reggie would have to alter his plans and timetable considerably to make his wish a reality.

  Clara swallowed. “I’ll do my best.”

  A tea tray was set before them and Reggie indicated for Clara to pour.

  He turned to Mrs. Blackstone. “That was kind of your father-in-law to invite Clara to visit, but she’s welcome here for as long as she likes.”

  Mrs. Blackstone’s lip curled. “My grandchild should be raised among family. I’ll not have speculation surrounding his parentage under question. The gossip is bad enough already.”

  Reggie ground his teeth. Foolish, blind, old woman. It was not Clara who started the talk in the first place. It was Mrs. Blackstone’s own inconstant son.

  “Tea, Reggie?”

  He glanced sideways and saw the plea in Clara’s eyes. She wished him to let the discussion pass and he couldn’t blame her. A day filled with such promising pleasure should not be spoiled by pointless squabble. He took the cup, murmured his thanks and drank.

  Clara hastily poured a cup for her mother-in-law, but when it came time to pour hers, the pot shook in her hands. Hot tea splashed across the table.

  “Good grief, Clara, clumsy girl. I’ll never understand what my son saw in you.”

  A bright flush crept over Clara’s skin as Reggie pulled her hands away from the mess. He signaled for a footman to replace the setting.

  Clara squeezed his hand. “I did not injure myself,” she whispered.

  Regardless of the impropriety, he kept hold of her hand beneath the table. When the footman disappeared, Reggie turned to Mrs. Blackstone. “I imagine he saw exactly what I see. An elegant, intelligent woman who has a grace about her you don’t often find in women these days. And a vast capacity to love. I don’t believe she has a mean bone in her body. Clara should, by rights, be as furious with your son as I am with my late wife.”

  Mrs. Blackstone’s mouth fell open inelegantly. She snapped it closed. “How dare you speak ill of my son to me. How dare you speak ill of him before my unborn grandchild.” Her face mottled as she stared him down.

  Unimpressed by the
display, Reggie did nothing.

  Mrs. Blackstone stood suddenly and clicked her fingers at Clara.

  Although Clara had previously defended her husband’s memory, Reggie was relieved when she did not immediately agree with her mother-in-law.

  Her gaze rose, a defiant light in her eyes. “Yes, mother Blackstone?”

  “I wish a word with you in private. Immediately.”

  Clara’s grip tightened on his. “I’ve no wish to be rude to Reggie. He’s barely drunk any of his tea.”

  Mrs. Blackstone’s eyes widened. “Then we will speak later.”

  She hurried off in a huff, her rapid footsteps loud as she traversed the adjoining room.

  Reggie blew out a breath. “Thank God the windbag has gone. I do not like the way she snaps her fingers at you.”

  Clara sighed and picked up her teacup.

  “Still unable to speak ill of anyone,” Reggie whispered close to her ear. “I was serious before about you staying on. I want you to live here.”

  Clara spun about in her chair. “I cannot do that. I always feared Mr. Blackstone senior would summon us to Whitstable. Mother Blackstone has been harping on about her father-in-laws eventual reversal for months. Despite his distaste for me, he has no other heir.”

  “Of course you can live here.” He chuckled. “Many men actually live with their wives, and I’m led to believe they do it quite happily too.”

  “Wife?” Clara coughed. “Can you ever be serious?”

  Reggie grinned at her words. “Again you doubt me. I really must be doing something wrong when it comes to you. Of course I want you for my wife. I would not engage your affections without having honorable intentions.”

  Clara clutched his hand. “But I am carrying another man’s child. If you were to marry me any child born within the marriage would be your legal heir. You could not want that.”

  Reggie cupped her cheek. “The child you carry is also yours, my love. I think I’ve hovered over you enough, fretted over your health as much as any expectant father. I want to be the first to know you have delivered the child safely. I want to hold you both in my arms and care for you. There is nothing hard to understand in all that, is there?”

  A single tear coursed down Clara’s cheek. She sniffed suddenly then a deluge of tears began that seemed never-ending. Reggie shuffled his chair closer and withdrew his handkerchief. Clara clenched it tight in her hand and dabbed at her streaming eyes.

  Quite used to such emotional outbursts from the expectant mother, Reggie waited as patiently as he could. In time her emotions would grow steady again and he would have her answer. He put his arm around Clara and waited.

  “Oh Reggie, whatever am I to do with you? You are quite committed to shocking me today.”

  He pressed his lips against her forehead. “I had intended to wait until the child comes, but I cannot allow you to be taken away from me now. I’m in love with you, Clara. I think I loved you from the first day we met. Do you remember the occasion?”

  Clara sniffed. “You and Blackstone had been out celebrating your new venture and I put you to bed. You said your wife had never tucked you in so sweetly.”

  Reggie sighed. “In the end it seems my wife never cared for me much. She only cared that our London house be grand enough, and her pin money sufficient for her needs. I suspected her of taking lovers, but I did not know about Blackstone until the end. She made a very poor friend to you too.”

  Clara raised a tear stained face to his. “When I think on it, she probably only called to see Blackstone—not me. I was naive to suppose she would care one whit to grace my parlor.”

  Reggie pressed his lips to her skin again, forever thankful that the two most inconstant of spouses had left them free. “Could you love me, Clara? Taking care of you these past months has been my greatest joy.”

  “You are such a dear man. Of course I could love you. I already do. You have made me so content. But you must also let me take care of you.”

  Reggie’s heart burst with happiness. He pulled Clara tight against him.

  Clara’s hand dropped to his thigh and skimmed upward. “I must take care of you. I owe you for earlier.”

  Her eyes met his and a wicked glint brightened them. Reggie stood and held out his hand before he took her up on her generous offer on the spot. With swift sure strides he led her back through the house and along to his bedchamber. Reggie bolted the door and stripped.

  Chapter Four

  There was nothing quite like the sight of a man shedding his clothes in a hurry to excite a woman. Reggie flung his clothes left and right until he stood in only his trousers, and even then, they were partly undone.

  He prowled toward her and stopped inches away. The urge to touch his powerful chest overwhelmed her. She set her hands to his sleek flesh, and spread her fingers wide. How warm and delicious he seemed. Reggie stood still as she traced the hard ridges of his muscles and bones, flinched when her light touch tickled and breathed hard when her wandering stopped at the waistband of his trousers.

  He caught her hand, the one containing her wedding band, and worked it from her finger. When her finger was bare, he kissed the newly exposed skin. “Much better,” he murmured against her flesh.

  The grin he flashed melted her heart. What a sweet, dear man.

  Perhaps there was something special she could do for him tonight that would compensate for the pain of dealing with Mrs. Blackstone. And she had a wicked idea of what might please him. “I should thank you properly for dealing with my mother-in-law earlier.”

  She dipped her fingers beneath the band and skimmed the tip of his erection.

  Reggie shuddered. “No thanks required other than marrying me. I’ll be glad when she leaves us in peace.”

  Clara smiled and dug her fingers a little harder against his hot flesh.

  “Clara, please,” Reggie moaned. “Take pity on me. You are wearing entirely too many clothes.”

  She pulled her hands free and turned around. “I will need your assistance again.”

  Reggie made short work of her gown’s fastenings. She caught the material before it fell to the floor and held it to her breast. Would her bloated body disgust him?

  Clara turned and met Reggie’s gaze. Her heart did a little flip at the small smile he offered. He set his hands to his trousers and undid the buttons then pushed them to the floor. Clara’s mouth grew dry and the gown fell from her fingers. She cupped the smooth cock before her and trembled. She needed him inside her so badly. Moisture coated her thighs as her imagination took flight.

  Reggie groaned loudly as she caressed his skin and he undid the ribbon of her chemise then pushed it down over her arms. Unfortunately, she had to stop touching him to remove it, but she caught him in her hand again and inspected him.

  Thick blue veins bulged beneath the burning hot length. A perfect specimen she longed to taste. Clara licked her lips and dropped to her knees, ignoring Reggie’s protests. She pressed her mouth to his skin urgently then opened her mouth wide to take him in.

  Above her, Reggie gasped and dug his fingers into her hair. But Clara wouldn’t be distracted by the sensation, not when he was so hard for her. She sucked and nibbled, taking her time, torturing him the best way she knew how.

  Reggie sifted through her hair and removed the pins from it. A long lock fell forward and she stopped to push it back behind her shoulder.

  Before she could kiss Reggie’s cock again, he drew her to her feet. “On the bed with you, love.”

  Clara complied, but only because the bed assured her of more pleasure. She sat on the edge and Reggie wriggled between her thighs.

  His cock brushed her belly, his fingertips caressed her skin. “I never dreamed you’d be so wonderful. I have waited to feel like this all my life.”

  She looked up at him. He appeared awed by her presence on his bed. Clara smiled and wrapped her hands around his hips. “I dream of you. Every night I find pleasure thinking of your hands on me, your cock sliding deep
inside me. But I never imagined you for such a romantic.”

  He smiled then and kissed her and bore her to the bed. Clara looped her arms about his broad shoulders, loving the way he kissed her like a starving man. She hooked her legs about his hips and opened her body to him.

  Reggie shifted and the tip of his cock pressed against her quim. She shook, body desperate suddenly to feel him slide deep. Clara tightened her legs and he slowly possessed her. She writhed on the hot length. Craved friction. Reggie lifted his upper body from her and held himself apart from her with one hand.

  But the other skimmed her skin, her belly, and then touched her curls. Clara arched toward his fingers and moaned. “Please, Reggie. I need you.”

  Their eyes met. Held. And then he thumbed her nub softly. Clara panted as her body throbbed from just that small touch. He moved his hips, settling deeper with every thrust. Clara’s body burned and a whimper of frustration escaped her lips.

  Reggie plunged in, pulled out. Hard. Fast. Deep. Clara clawed at his arms as her body arched and clenched around his stiff wonderful cock. She climaxed and shook. A scream escaped her lips. Reggie continued to thrust, but he slowed his pace. He clutched her hips and held them still as he worked his thick length in and out until her body quivered again. She didn’t come down from her peak. Another climax struck her and this time Reggie cried out too. He shuddered above her, hips driving his cock deep inside until her tremors stopped.

  Clara blew her hair from her eyes and cradled Reggie’s face between her hands.

  He gasped for breath, and then laughed. “Well worth the wait, my love.”


  He smiled and withdrew from her, nudging her toward the pillows. “My turn to tuck you in and this time I’m going to join you.”

  “Hmm,” Clara laughed. “Are you going to join with me again too?”


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