Business is Business PT 2

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by Silk White

  Business is Business Pt 2

  A Novel by Silk White

  Editor: Kesha Buckhana

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin


  Copyright ©2015 by Silk White


  Published 2015 by Good2Go Publishing

  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339

  twitter @good2gobooks

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  ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James

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  All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher. This novel is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Books by This Author

  Married To Da Streets

  Never Be The Same


  Tears of a Hustler

  Tears of a Hustler 2

  Tears of a Hustler 3

  Tears of a Hustler 4

  Tears of a Hustler 5

  Tears of a Hustler 6

  Teflon Queen

  Teflon Queen 2

  Teflon Queen 3

  Teflon Queen 4

  Time Is Money (An Anthony Stone Novel)

  48 Hours to Die (An Anthony Stone Novel)



  “Mason!” The correction officer yelled. “You’ve made bail,” he announced as he cracked the gate and escorted Derrick down to the intake area. At the front desk, waiting for Derrick was his lawyer, Mr. Goldberg.

  “Before we go I just want to let you know that there are about a hundred cameras and reporters out there waiting for you,” Mr. Goldberg said. “You say nothing just walk out and get in the back of the truck that awaits you.”

  Derrick nodded as he followed his lawyer out of the jail. Immediately, Mr. Goldberg and Derrick were swarmed by reporters.

  “Derrick did you really murder those two men in cold blood?” A dark skin reporter asked shoving her phone close to his mouth.

  “Is it true that there’s a million dollar bounty on your head?” Another reporter asked.

  “Derrick who tailor your suits?” A Chinese reporter asked.

  Derrick kept quiet as his security pushed a hole through the crowd. Once Derrick and Mr. Goldberg were in the back seat of the Cadillac truck, it quickly pulled away from the curb. “What we looking like?” Derrick asked as he grabbed a glass and poured himself a much-needed drink.

  “Not too good the detectives are claiming to have an eye witness, but if I grease the right palms it shouldn’t be too hard to get a name,” Mr. Goldberg said. “The bigger problem is there are several personal investigators out trying to find out anything they can about Joey Alvarez disappearing,” he said in a serious tone. “Do not; I repeat do not talk on the phone unless you have to any business needs to be discussed face to face from now on.”

  Just by listening to his lawyer, Derrick knew he couldn’t take this situation lightly. It felt as if the walls around him were all closing in on him at the same time. “I need the name of that eye witness.”

  “Working on that as we speak,” Mr. Goldberg sent off a few text messages. “Also I think you should know that Jimmy was shot two days ago.”

  “Shot?” Derrick repeated. “I go to jail for forty eight hours and everything falls apart,” he shook his head. “Who shot him and more importantly is he still alive?”

  “He’s still alive, but the cops are on him like flies on shit,” Mr. Goldberg explained. “Me being your attorney and advisor I think maybe you should lay low for a while. Not only are the big bosses on your ass, but the cops are involved now too.”

  “In my line of work there’s no such thing as laying low.” Being the leader of a successful family came with a lot of tough choices and big decisions to make, and when things got rough you don’t lay low you go even harder, it’s the boss job to set an example and let everyone know just why they are the boss.

  The big iron gate opened as the Cadillac truck pulled onto the Mason estate. The driver held the back door open as Derrick stepped out headed towards the front door, he stepped foot in the mansion and spotted Mike and Eric sitting at the bar area. “You two made up yet?”

  “Eric still won’t talk to me,” Mike answered.

  “You two are brothers shake hands and make up,” Derrick ordered. With all the enemies that they had on the outside, it was no room for fighting amongst the family.

  Mike and Eric reluctantly shook hands, whatever problems they had they would have to handle it at another time.

  “The Columbians cut off our supply until further notice,” Derrick began. “They are looking for any reason to pin the Joey Alvarez murder on me and destroy our entire family.”

  “So without supply how will we stay afloat?” Mike asked.

  “Eric here has made some wonderful investments for this family so money is not and never will be a problem,” Derrick said proudly. “Are loan shark business is booming right now as well the four gambling spots we have, but in order to keep our territory we are going to need product,” he said looking over at Mike.

  Mike nodded his head. “I’ll shake down as many dealers as possible and get us as much product as I can.”

  “Also, Jimmy is in the hospital somebody shot him,” Derrick announced. “I think the Columbians may have hired a secret hit squad to take us out one by one so make sure you all...”

  “Wasn’t no hit squad that shot Jimmy it was me,” Eric said surprising everyone in the room.

  Derrick laughed loudly. “That was a good one son don’t joke like that.”

  “Jimmy was sleeping with my wife so I shot him,” Eric said with a stone look on his face. Just the thought of it made Eric angry all over again.

  Derrick got up in Eric’s face. “So you’re telling me you shot your brother over some slut?”

  “She’s not a slut she’s my wife.”

  “I don’t give a fuck whose wife she is!” Derrick grabbed Eric and forcefully shoved his back into the wall. “You don’t go against your family for no one I don’t care who it is especially not some fucking outsider!”

  “You don’t sleep with a man’s wife pop that’s an unspoken rule,” Eric said. “Jimmy knew exactly what he was doing.”

  “I know Jimmy may not have been the greatest brother to you growing up, but he’s still family and family is all we got right now,” Derrick explained. He knew that if the family had to go to war they would have to stick together to even stand a bit of a chance.

  “I’m sorry pop I should have come to you first,” Eric admitted.

  Derrick pulled Eric in for a hug. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll talk to Jimmy and fix this, go home and get you some rest while I talk to Mike about a few things.”

  Mike waited until Eric made his exit before he spoke. “Make sure you keep an eye on him you know Jimmy’s not going to be too happy when he gets out of the hospital and you know how his temper is.”

  “Jimmy got what he deserved,” Derrick spat as he
poured himself a drink and downed it in one gulp. It was Jimmy’s fault why the family was in the bind they were in at this very moment. “Jimmy’s got a lot of growing up to do so maybe him getting shot will help with that.”

  Mike looked down at his phone and saw that he had a text message from Nicole. “Hey baby when you get a chance come see me I got some news on the Mason Family. I told you they were no good.” Mike read the text message and slipped his phone back down into his pocket. “I gotta get out of here pops I’ll call you later,” Mike hugged, Derrick and quickly made his exit.



  After spending two days in the hospital sitting by Jimmy’s bed, Kelly decided to head home so she could take a shower and change clothes. She still couldn’t believe that Eric had really shot Jimmy. Kelly never saw that one coming. A part of her felt bad about cheating on Eric and him having to find out like that, but the other part of her said fuck him and his feelings. Kelly looked at her reflection in the rear view mirror and cringed at the bandage on the side of her head from where Eric had hit her with his gun. “I should have snitched on his ass,” Kelly said out loud. The last thing she was expecting was for Eric to strike her. Kelly pulled into the driveway of her and Eric’s house and killed the engine. She stepped out her Range Rover in her skimpy skirt and some flip flops on her feet. Kelly walked through the front door and noticed all of her things neatly packed and placed by the door.

  Seconds later, Eric appeared downstairs wearing a pair of black slacks and a wife beater, holding a bottle of Grey Goose in his hand. “Fuck is you doing here?”

  “I live here,” Kelly said as she noticed the gun sticking out of Eric’s waistband.

  “Not no more you don’t,” Eric took a swig from his bottle. “You wanna go run the streets and be a hoe.”

  “I made a mistake, Eric.”

  “Fucking my brother is not a mistake,” Eric countered. He didn’t even want to see Kelly let alone talk about her cheating and lying ways all it was going to do was piss him off even further.

  “Eric I know you’re mad at me but I’m still you’re wife and I’m not going anywhere this is our home,” Kelly said forcing out some fake tears. After giving it a lot of thought, Kelly realized she had a really good man she just hoped that it wasn’t too late to repair their marriage.

  Eric looked at, Kelly as if she was crazy. “You ain’t my wife and you ain’t staying under the same roof as me ever again!” He barked. “I’ll kill you before I let that happen!”

  “What’s gotten into you, Eric?” Kelly said with a confused look on her face. “You’re drinking, carrying guns when did all this start?”

  “I don’t really have too much to live for right now,” Eric shrugged. “My wife is out fucking my brother and more than likely Jimmy is going to kill me when he’s released from the hospital I might as well enjoy my last few days that I have left on this earth,” he turned his bottle up.

  “We have to work this out baby,” Kelly said as tears rolled down her face. “You have to forgive me you’re all I got.”

  “You got Jimmy now,” Eric chuckled. He knew his brother ran through women as if he did draws and could only imagine all the foul shit he was going to put Kelly through.

  “I don’t want Jimmy. I want you.”

  “I want you out of here,” he said in a calm tone.

  “I don’t have to go anywhere this is my house too,” Kelly said folding her arms across her chest standing her ground.

  Eric pulled the gun from his waistband and aimed it at, Kelly’s chest. “I’m going to count to five,” he said in a calm tone. “One...Two...Three...”

  “Fuck you. Eric. You’ll be hearing from me and my lawyer real soon!” Kelly yelled as she left and slammed the door behind her.



  Nicole laid across the king sized bed her hotel suit naked reading an article about Derrick Mason on her iPhone. She hated Derrick with a passion and couldn’t wait to hear the great news of him getting his head blown off. Nicole tossed her phone on the bed when she heard a knock at the door. She looked through the peephole and smiled when she saw Mike standing on the other side of the door. “Hey baby,” she stepped to the side so Mike could enter.

  “Hey baby,” Mike kissed Nicole on the lips. “I got here as fast as I could.” He was interested to hear what she had to tell him about Derrick.

  “Remember how I was telling you that the Mason Family were a bunch of violent animals?”

  Mike nodded. “Yeah I remember.”

  “Well I heard that Derrick’s son, Jimmy Mason killed two of my father’s men and when my father went to confront Derrick Mason about it and that’s when that animal murdered my father,” Nicole said as if she saw all this happen with her own eyes.

  “Do you have proof or evidence that, that’s the way it went down?” Mike asked. He knew her story was bullshit but he couldn’t just come out and say it.

  “Yes a friend of the family told me that’s how it went down.”

  “So now what?”

  “I hired these two hit men to take that animal Derrick Mason out of his misery,” Nicole said with fire dancing in her eyes. If she had to she was willing to pay a fortune to get rid of Derrick Mason.

  “You shouldn’t be telling me this knowing that I’m a cop,” Mike pointed out.

  “Derrick Mason is going to get murdered regardless if I make it happen or not it’s only a matter of time before the big bosses figure this out,” Nicole shrugged. “I figured why wait for the inevitable.”

  “What happens if Derrick Mason survives the hit then what?”

  Nicole smiled. “Trust me they won’t. I hired the Lopez twins.”

  Eddie Lopez and Danny Lopez were two well-known hit men that took care of problems in the underworld. They were known for killing their victims in cold blood. They were usually hired when someone wanted to send a message. On every one of the Lopez twins hits there were over two hundred shell casings found when it was all said and done. Mike knew exactly who the Lopez Twins were and what they were capable of.

  “Damn you must really believe Derrick Mason was behind your father’s disappearance,” Mike said as he began to formulate a plan to stop the hit from going down. There was no way he was going to sit around and let the Lopez Twins murder the man that raised him since he was a child.

  “Trust me Mike, Derrick murdered my father,” she said in a matter of fact tone.

  Mike stood to his feet. “I have to get going baby you just make sure you be careful these men sound very dangerous.”

  Nicole laid back on the bed and spread her legs open exposing her freshly waxed pussy. “I know you don’t think you’re leaving without taking care of her,” she said with a devilish grin on her face.

  Mike smiled as he slid down onto the bed and slowly tongue kissed Nicole’s fat pussy lips. Mike took his time and slowly licked and sucked on her magic button. Nicole bucked her hips as she grabbed the back of Mike’s head forcing his face even further into her wetness.

  “Yes...yes… yes!” Nicole moaned, the louder, Mike slurped the more it turned her on.

  Mike shook his head from side to side, as he felt, Nicole’s body start to shake.

  “Hmmm!” She moaned as she reached her climax.

  Mike smiled as he watched, Nicole forcefully push him down on the bed and climb on top of him. “Whatever plans you had you better cancel them because I’m about to tear you up!” She said through clenched teeth.



  Jimmy stepped foot in his father’s mansion with a scowl on his face and his arm in a sling. He was still beyond pissed that he had been shot by his little brother and he couldn’t wait to bump into Eric face-to-face. Close on Jimmy’s heels was Big foot. He too was upset that Eric had shot Jimmy. He knew if he were there, it would have been a different story.


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