Business is Business PT 2

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Business is Business PT 2 Page 3

by Silk White

  “I don’t owe you nothing,” Derrick snapped. He was just about to dismiss Pearl when he notice a motorcycle zoom down the street. Hanging off the back of the bike was a man dressed in all black with a ski mask covering his face. “Get down!” Derrick yelled as he tackled, Pearl down to the concrete as the sound of rapid gunfire erupted. Derrick laid on the ground as he watched his men drop like flies. By the time that his men got ready to return fire, the bike was long gone. Derrick quickly hopped back to his feet. “Get out of here now!” He yelled as he shoved Pearl towards the awaiting vehicle.

  “You good?” Tony asked as him and another bodyguard quickly escorted Derrick in the back of his awaiting vehicle. As soon as Derrick’s butt hit the seat, the truck pulled off. “Did you get a good look at the shooter?”

  “No need it was one of the Lopez brothers,” Derrick said in a calm tone. He knew there was a contract on his head and was expecting the hit men to make their first move too bad for them because Derrick was still alive. “Let the games begin.”



  “You like that don’t you?” Mike said in a smooth sexy tone. Lying flat on her stomach butt naked was, Nicole Alvarez. Mike straddled her lower back, giving her a much-needed strong-handed massage.

  “Yes baby I love it,” Nicole moaned. “First you fuck my brains out then I get a massage what’s the catch?”

  “No catch, I just want to make sure my queen is well taken care of,” Mike told her as he worked his way down to her feet, the soft jazz music that flowed softly through the speakers made for an even more relaxed atmosphere. In the last few months, Mike had really fallen in love with Nicole but he couldn’t just sit around and let her try and destroy his entire family, he loved her a lot, but he loved his family more. His last name may have been Brown but at the end of the day, he was still a Mason. “So any word on the Lopez Twins?”

  “Not yet last I heard they made it to town last night,” Nicole said with her eyes closed. “I heard they like to work in silence so I’m just going to sick back and let them do their job.”

  “I want you to stay out of it baby,” Mike said. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  “Trust me I’m going to be fine from what I hear the Lopez Twins are professionals,” Nicole said confidently. She made sure she kept her phone close hoping it would ring with some good news.

  Mike continued to massage Nicole’s back when he noticed the room door slowly ease open and three men entered the room. “I love you Nicole,” Mike said as he got up and stood to his feet.

  “Aww baby I love you way mo...” Nicole turned on her back and her words got caught in her throat when she looked up and saw Jimmy, Big foot, and Derrick standing over her bed, all three men held a silence gun in their hand. “Mike what’s this all about?”

  “Bitch you know damn well what this is all about,” Mike said in a cold tone. “I want you to meet my family, Derrick and Jimmy Mason.”

  Nicole’s mouth hung open in shock. “Mike how could you do this to me?”

  “Nothing personal but business is business,” Mike said. His tone was flat as if Nicole was a stranger from off the street and not the woman he was just making plans to be with.

  “My father always told me there’s two things in this world you never trust and that’s a thief and a nigger,” Nicole said letting the last word roll off her tongue.

  Derrick’s arm moved in a blur as his pistol-whipped Nicole. Jimmy and Mike looked on as they watched their father rearrange Nicole’s once beautiful face. “Fuck you talking to like that!” He stood over her breathing heavily.

  Nicole laid on the bed, her face badly bruised and covered in blood. “My uncle, Victor Alvarez will avenge me and my father’s death,” she said as she held up her middle finger.

  “Fuck you and your uncle,” Derrick raised his arm, squeezed the trigger, and watched Nicole’s brain splatter all over the white wall. Jimmy followed up and fired four shots into Nicole’s chest.

  Derrick walked up to Mike and looked him in the eyes. “You did the right thing son and I’m proud of you.”

  “Thank you,” Mike said as tears threatened to spill from his watery eyes. He couldn’t believe that Nicole was actually dead. All she was trying to do was avenge her father’s death. Derrick quickly pulled Mike in for a hug. Mike rested his head on Derrick’s shoulder and cried his eyes out. He had just lost the first woman he ever truly loved all because Jimmy couldn’t control his temper.

  Mike exited the hotel and just sat in his car for a while he had a lot to think about. His life was beginning to spiral out of control and he didn’t like it. He chose to help contribute to the family business to help the family make as much money as possible and keep his loved ones out of jail. Making money was one thing but murder was a whole different type of beast. Mike didn’t sign up to become a murderer. A strong knock on the driver’s window snapped Mike out of his thoughts. He quickly rolled the window down and looked up at Derrick.

  “You sure you going to be alright?” Derrick asked. He knew Mike watching his girlfriend get murdered in cold blood was going to mess with his head for a while.

  “Yeah I’m good,” Mike said looking straight ahead right now he couldn’t even look at Derrick.

  “She was trying to take down our entire family you did what you had to do.”

  Mike nodded his head. Everything Derrick was saying went in one ear and out the other.

  “Mike this wasn’t personal you do know that right?”

  Mike looked up at Derrick. “Yeah I know business is business,” he said, then pulled recklessly out of the parking lot leaving Derrick standing there.



  “Yes I’m here to see a Mr. Chambers,” Mr. Goldberg said to the receptionist in the expensive looking office building.

  “Just one minute sir,” the brunette hair woman picked up the phone, spoke a few words, hung up, then looked up and smiled. “Mr. Chambers will be with you in a second.”

  Mr. Goldberg sat in the waiting area and sat his briefcase down. Normally at this time of the day, he would have been in the courtroom, but not today. Today he had other business to attend to for the Mason Family.

  “Mr. Chambers will see you now sir,” the brunette announced. “Right this way.” She led Mr. Goldberg down a long hallway until she reached the office they were looking for. The brunette raised her fist and knocked on the door, almost instantly the voice on the other side of the door replied. “Come in!”

  Mr. Goldberg entered the office with a smile on his face. “Mr. Chambers?”

  “Yes that would be me.”

  “Mr. Goldberg, I’m counsel for the Mason Family,” he extended his hand.

  “I know who you are I see you on the news all the time,” Mr. Chambers shook Mr. Goldberg’s hand. “So how can I help you?”

  “I’m here on the behalf of my client, Eric Mason,” Mr. Goldberg began. “My client is willing to make you an outstanding offer to buy one of your hotels.”

  “My hotels are not for sale,” Mr. Chambers said.

  “My client told me to tell you that he’s willing to make you an offer you cannot refuse,” Mr. Goldberg smiled.

  “What are you deaf or something?” Mr. Chambers barked. “I just told you my hotels are not for sell.”

  “I really think you should reconsider,” Mr. Goldberg smiled. “I don’t think that’s what you want me to go back and tell Mr. Mason.”

  “You listen to me you son of a bitch!” Mr. Chambers yelled as he stood to his feet. “I know all about the Mason Family and I want nothing to do with a family full of criminals!” Mr. Chambers wasn’t a fan of the Mason Family and didn’t want his name linked nowhere near that family and all of their problems. “Don’t come in my office trying to muscle me because I’m telling you right now you don’t want to fuck with me I’m well connected,” he snapped. “There’s no way I’m going to let any Mason buy my chain of hotels

  “Mr. Mason doesn’t want to buy your chain of hotels all he wants is one.”

  “It starts off with one then the next thing you know in a few years that one would turn into five, then ten, then before you know it I’m out of business,” Mr. Chambers huffed. “I’ve seen how this movie ends and I want nothing to do with the Mason Family.”

  Mr. Goldberg stood to his feet and popped opened his briefcase. Inside was a contract. “I strongly urge you to sign this,” Mr. Goldberg held out the sheet of paper.

  Mr. Chambers snatched the paper from his hand and ripped it up into little pieces. “Fuck you and this contract!”

  Mr. Goldberg smiled. “Thank you for your time.” He turned and made his exit leaving Mr. Chambers standing there with a lot to think about.



  Kelly walked throughout her hotel room in nothing but a bra and a pair of boy shorts. In her hand was a glass of wine it was only midday and she was already working on her second bottle. Kelly couldn’t believe that Eric really wouldn’t allow her back into their house. After all the years they had been together she figured, Eric would have forgiven her by now but she was wrong. Kelly noticed the change in Eric ever since he caught her fooling around with Jimmy. It was as if the situation had turned Eric cold, he was no longer the goody two shoe in the family. Kelly had flipped Eric’s violent switch on. She knew Eric was a good guy and she knew it was her fault why they weren’t together but that was something she would have to eat. Kelly picked up her cell phone and dialed Jimmy’s number. The phone rung three times then went straight to voicemail. “Shit!” She cursed. For the past few weeks, Kelly wasn’t able to get in touch with Jimmy and it pissed her off. At first, Kelly was worried that something bad may have happened to Jimmy but when she logged on to Instagram and saw him posting pictures with other women, her worry quickly turned into anger. “I ruined my life for him and he think he’s just going to ignore my calls? I don’t think so,” she said out loud to no one particular, she threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and, slipped her feet in a pair of Uggs. Kelly grabbed her keys off the nightstand and headed out the door. She hopped in her Range Rover and head straight to Jimmy’s house. During the ride, Kelly had plenty of time to think about the situation and the more she thought about it the worse she felt. At the end of the day, Eric was a good guy and didn’t deserve that. Kelly thought about trying to talk to Eric and maybe try and work out their problems but now it was too late because Eric was no longer taking her calls. Kelly snapped out of her thoughts when she pulled up to Jimmy’s mansion and saw a car that she didn’t recognize out front. Kelly stepped out the car, walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Seconds later, Jimmy answered the door shirtless.

  “Yo what up?” Jimmy asked.

  “Damn I don’t get no hug or nothing?” Kelly huffed. As soon as Jimmy opened the door, the scent of a woman’s perfume flooded the air. Kelly could tell that something wasn’t right just from how suspicious Jimmy looked.

  Jimmy leaned over and gave Kelly and one-handed church hug. “What you doing over here?”

  “Um I came over here to see my man,” Kelly said in a matter of fact tone. “It’s kind of chilly out here, you going to invite me inside?” She asked with a raised brow.

  “Nah I’m a little busy right now,” Jimmy said in an uninterested tone. He was starting to catch feelings with Kelly until he realized if she treated Eric the way she did then it was no telling what she would do to him. “And don’t just be popping up to my crib like that, you better call first next time.”

  “I did but you must have been too busy to answer your phone.”

  “What do you want, Kelly?”

  “Why are you treating me like this?” Kelly asked as her began to water.

  “You shitted on my brother, what you thought I was gon wife you up so you could do the same thing to me? Fuck outta here,” Jimmy huffed his tone showed no respect.

  “Who is she?” Kelly asked.


  “Who’s the bitch what’s her name?” Kelly growled.

  “It’s time for you to go,” before Jimmy could say another word, a woman with a huge ass appeared behind him.

  “Daddy you good?” Stoney asked. She was a big booty stripper that Jimmy had been dealing with on the side for a while. She loved Jimmy to death and would do anything for him. Stoney stepped outside with an aggravated looked on her face whoever this white girl was, she was interfering with her and Jimmy’s sex time, and that was a problem.

  “Nah I told shorty she gotta bounce but she ain’t trying to hear that,” Jimmy said. He knew his words were sure to start a problem.

  “Listen it’s time for you to go sweetie,” Stoney said in a stern tone. From just looking at the white girl, she could tell that she was trouble.

  “I’m sorry but I wasn’t talking to you!” Kelly snapped.

  Stoney shook her head as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Just as Kelly got ready to say another word, Stoney crept up and punched Kelly in the side of the head. “Bitch I said it was time for you to bounce!” Stoney growled as she violently slung Kelly down to the ground by her hair. She planted her knee down into Kelly’s chest and repeatedly punched her in her exposed face.

  Jimmy sat back and laughed as he watched Kelly get beat as if she stole something. He felt a little bad but brushed it off when he thought about how grimy she was. After watching, Kelly get beat on for five minutes Jimmy finally stepped in and decided to get Stoney off of Kelly. “Chill ma you gon fuck around and kill her.”

  “Bitch I said bounce!” Stoney spat as she watched Kelly wobble back to her Range Rover.

  Jimmy smirked as he watched Kelly climb in her truck and pull off of his property.



  Mike walked down the street with his hands in his pocket and his head down. In the neighborhood he was in the last thing he wanted to be was seen. Walking close behind him were two men that worked for the family. Mike entered the building he was looking for and took the stairs to the fourth floor. Mike stepped out the staircase and pulled a .45 from his waistband, the two goons that flanked him followed his lead. When Mike reached the apartment that he was looking for he aimed his gun at the lock and pulled the trigger.


  Immediately the two goons ran inside the apartment guns blazing. Mike entered the apartment last and saw drugs, money, and dead bodies everywhere. Out the corner of his eye, Mike spotted a figure coming from the kitchen; he spun and dropped the man with four shots to the chest. Mike eased his way down the hall until he heard the words, “Clear!” Get yelled out repeatedly. Mike walked to the back room and found a closet full of perfectly packaged bricks of cocaine. “Jackpot!” Mike said with a smile. His informant’s information had paid off lovely. The Mason Family had no more product coming in, so Mike had to go out and find a way to get some product. “Bag all of this up and let’s get out of here,” he said as the two goons did as they were told. Mike knew he had a lot to lose if he got caught but he couldn’t just sit back and let the family sink. He knew if the Mason Family didn’t have any drugs then it wouldn’t be long before some other crews tried to take over their territory and that was something he refused to let happen. Over the years, he had watched Derrick and Millie work their asses off to gain, keep, and control their territory. Once the two goons were done, the trio quickly made their exit.

  Mike dropped the two goons off in front of their project building, paid them both $10,000 apiece then pulled off and headed to his father’s mansion. Mike knew that Derrick would be proud of him when he saw how much produce he was able to get his hands on. He pulled up in front of the mansion, killed the engine, and headed inside. Mike walked pass the security and found Derrick on an intense phone conversation. He helped himself to a seat and waited for his father to get off the phone.


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