Private Stock

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Private Stock Page 10

by Iris Bolling

  “How did it get to your mother’s house?”

  “That is the question,” he sat forward ready to change the topic. “About working here.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  Preston looked up at her. There were times when he had no idea how he would have dealt with all the drama and kept his sanity if it had not been for Gina. She may come off as flighty, self-centered and somewhat unintelligent, but none of those described the woman. He had come to learn that Gina Price, was very insightful, resourceful and full of life. The woman knew how to enjoy life. “Why would you want to do that?”

  “Because you need me. Like it or not, Preston Long, I am going to be at your side holding you up until you can stand firmly on your own.”

  “What makes you think I am unable to do that now?”

  Gina laughed. “Maybe it’s the color red your skin goes every time the mention of your mother comes up. You have to stop acting like you are guilty of something. I saw you the day your mother told you who your father was. I know you were devastated by the information. And you see it as deception by your mother. But it was neither.”

  “How can you say that?” Preston snapped. “She lied about who my father was and then she took a man’s life. Not just any man, but the one who gave me a chance without question. Gina, I was twenty-one, straight out of college when I interviewed with Hepburn in person. No in-between, no one from Human Resources, directly with the Founder and CEO of the bank. The man hired me on the spot. Then he set me up to work with his children, Gary and AnnieMarie. We basically learned the ropes together. How can you not call that deception?”

  “Your mother did what she believed to be the best for you.” Gina spoke in a calming voice. “She gave you a stable home life, secure and loving. When you were old enough, she sat you down with the man she knew could guide you through the life she wanted for you. I mean man, look around,” she threw her hands up. “You are one of the main forces behind Dunning Bank & Trust. It was your mother who put you here. And you know what else. It would not surprise me to find out Hepburn Dunning knew you were his nephew and opened the door for you to have the same life as his children, because he knew your father would not. She may not have gone about it in the traditional way, but hell, look at where you are today, because of your mother.” Gina stood then walked over to the door. “Come by my desk when you are ready to ride. Man, I tell you, some of you have the life and don’t even realize it.”

  “Wait, Gina, I apologize if I made you angry,” Preston stood.

  “I’m not angry. I’m just doing my job as your friend,” She closed the door behind her.

  Preston stood there staring at the closed door. She was right, he had nothing to feel guilty about. He’d had no idea what his mother was up to and definitely did not know Walker Jr. was his biological father. And when did he become self-conscious about work? He quickly walked over to the door and opened it searching for Gina. He had to chuckle. She was standing there waiting.

  “What took you so long?” She pushed by him and walked back into the office. “Before we got into all the craziness about your mother, you were about to ask me to be your assistant. I am willing to make the move if you understand, my children and my degree take priority. I will only be here for two years and then I’m out of here. Deal?”

  Preston was still standing at the door. Being around Gina was like a constant whirlwind of activity that he was beginning to enjoy. “Do you always have conversations by yourself?”

  She smiled. “That’s a good one, Preston. So, do we have a deal?”

  “Let me talk with Jonathan when he gets in today. If his project is at a point where he can let you go, then yes, we have a deal.” He frowned at her. “How did you know I was looking for an assistant?”

  “You will come to learn that I know all.”


  “I can’t believe you are here,” Cainan’s sister Kennedy had fallen backwards into the chair. She stared up at him with her mouth wide open.

  “It’s me, sis. Your Bid Whist partner is back.”

  She waved him off. “You were…are a lousy partner, but I’ll take you.” She stood, threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.

  Not many things in life felt as good as a sister’s love. He could feel her body shaking. “The danger isn’t over, but I’m here, Kennedy, I’m here.” He held her until she got her tears out. Kennedy was the unemotional sister. The one who told you the straight up truth whether you wanted to hear it or not.

  “I missed you,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Not as much as I missed you,” he kissed her cheek.

  She pulled away. “Okay, how much danger are we talking?”

  Cainan had to smile. Now it was time to get down to business. “More than I ever intended to bring on the family,” he said as he looked around at everyone.

  “Until the trial date is set we have two options,” SAC Taylor explained to the group. We can secure all of you in one location, which would be economical.”

  “But it will also give these people a one shot deal,” Scott stated. “We will be an easy target.”

  “The other option will be to put security on each of your homes,” Taylor stated. “That means more people will have to be involved and that provides more of an opportunity for information to slip out.”

  “In case you all haven’t noticed, my wife is due to give birth soon,” Wayne stated. “How long are we talking?”

  “We are in the process of discussing court dates with the DA,” Taylor explained. “The intent is to check the court docket for the first open date on the calendar.”

  “Then I say we all stay at the family home,” Kaitlyn suggested. “There is room for everyone and it will be easier to protect the entire family.”

  “We have jobs,” Kennedy stated. “What’s to keep them from snatching one of us off the street?”

  “My team,” Jerome said from the back of the room.

  “And who are you again?” Kennedy asked.

  “Jerome Morgan. My team will keep the Wagners alive before, during and after the trial is over.”

  “Your team is good enough to go up against a mob family?” Kandace asked.

  “We fought in Afghanistan, Kuwait and took out a cartel in Mexico. I have no doubt we can handle the Giuliani family.”

  All eyes stayed on Jerome for a long moment.

  “I would put my own family’s life in his hands. In fact I have,” Taylor stated. “With the one location plan, we are going to each of your homes to gather items.” He nodded to his agents. “If you will give us a list of must have items, we will deliver them to your parents’ home.”

  “You are going to go through my drawers?” Kandace asked. “I think I would like to pack for myself.”

  “No,” Taylor stated. “From this moment forward you will not be out of our sight.”

  “Wait,” Kennedy sat up. “I have a life. I just started a new job and I have a love life.”

  “You mean with Benjamin?” Cainan smirked.

  “Yes, with Benjamin,” she frowned at him. “How do you know about that?”

  “I know everything about that,” he raised an eyebrow. “You want me to tell you how many times you two have had sex?”

  “TMI,” Kandace laughed.

  “We don’t have to question your sexual activity,” Kennedy replied. “The ball in front of you is evidence enough.”

  “Kennedy,” his mother cautioned his sister. “You know how sensitive Kandace is about her size.”

  “I can’t believe you said such a thing to me,” Kandace pouted. “Don’t hate me because I have a man in my life and you got a wimp.”

  “Ben is not a wimp,” Kennedy contested. “He may not be all macho like Dad and Cainan, but he is not a wimp.”

  “You keep trying to convince yourself of that.”

  His father walked behind him, bent down to his ear and whispered. “Welcome home son.”

  Cainan had to smile. He reall
y had missed his family. Hearing Kennedy and Kandace going at each other was music to his ears.

  “Agent Wagner,” Taylor nodded. “My office. Agent Chase. Join us please.”

  Jerome and Roark joined them inside the office. “Jerome, the security team will be a select number of agents, of your choosing. I will approve the agents for external coverage. Only those in this room will be internal.”

  “Two team coverage for each family member, one agent and one of my people,” Jerome explained as he pulled out a blueprint of the Wagner’s home. “I’ve sent a team to sweep each home for surveillance devices. Automobiles will be parked, the family will be transported in our vehicles by my men.” He pointed to the chart, “There will be twelve hour shifts. We change at nine am and nine pm. Entrance points and all window access will be covered. All cell phones will be temporarily replaced. The numbers can be forwarded to the new phones. It is imperative that no family member turn on their personal cell or carry it with them. They will be confiscated and placed in a secure location.” He looked up at the base team. “Any questions?”

  No one spoke.

  “There is a leak somewhere in the agency,” Taylor stated. “Only those in this room will know the itinerary of Wagner. The DA’s office will be advised on an as needed basis. Wagner put his life on the line to get the information to take out the Giuliani crime family. We are going to keep him alive long enough to testify and I don’t care if it kills you to do it.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Roark and Sereena responded.

  “Chase, show Roark the ropes around the office. I need a moment with Wagner alone.”

  “You want me with Agent Roark?” Sereena asked.

  “Yes.” Taylor replied “Is there a problem.”

  “Well,” she looked from Roark to Cainan. “Sir, now that Agent Wagner is back I assume we will be partners again.”

  “Wagner is not an active agent in this situation. He is the witness who we are tasked to protect. For this case, you will partner with Agent Roark. We’ll see after that.’

  “Yes, Sir,” Sereena turned. “Agent Roark, shall we?”

  Taylor waited until the two were out of the office. Jerome stood behind him as he spoke. “Wagner you did a hell of a job getting the information on Giuliani.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Cainan replied.

  “With that said, I want you to think long and hard about what the future will hold. Once you testify it will be up to the jury to determine guilt or innocence. You need to be aware, some of the other witnesses have rescinded their testimony or have disappeared. The truth of the matter is the case rests solely on your testimony. You are the main witness. Giuliani is not going down without a fight. He will come after you with all guns blazing. That includes your family and any other person you are remotely connected with.” He sat forward. “Jerome tells me you are involved with a young woman in Virginia. Is it serious?”

  “Yes, Sir. I plan to marry her when this is over, if she will have me.”

  “The fact that you kept your identity from her is a contention between you two?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Cainan replied.

  “Small issue. You will work through it. In the meantime, Jerome assures me she is well protected. Say the word and we will add agency protection as well.”

  Cainan saw a slight shake of Jerome’s head. “No. Thank you, Sir. We have it covered.”

  “Her brother, Mike is head of security at Dunning Bank & Trust. He is returning to Virginia as we speak to ensure the family there is secure.”

  Taylor nodded. “I want you to take the day. Think about this. If you have any doubts about testifying, now is the time to shut it all down. It will not impact your place here with the agency. No one here expected the depth of information you provided. We can continue as we have for the past two years by dismantling Giuliani’s enterprises piece by piece. It will not take them out completely, as your testimony will, but it will leave a dent and you will be free to live your life.”

  “If I do that, Sir, I will not be able to live my life. It will be haunted with the guilt of the families he destroys or kills from now on. That is not the way I want my life to be. I saw him murder that family. The accounting records show how he has stolen people’s livelihoods away from them. No Sir, I took an oath, to protect and serve. I cannot turn my back on that to save my own ass. I’m testifying.”

  Taylor sat back in understanding. He nodded. “Very well. Let’s get you and your family home.”

  The family was being loaded into the black SUVs out front as Benjamin Crenshaw stepped out of a black sedan.

  “SAC Taylor,” Ben held his hand out. “You called my office.”

  “I did. A few hours ago.” He walked back into the building. “Let’s go to my office.” He opened the door as Ben walked in.

  The man stopped in his tracks. “What?…Cainan Wagner? Where? How? I thought you were dead.”

  “That’s good Benny,” Cainan held out his hand. “It is what we intended.”

  “We?” He looked from Taylor to Cainan then back to Taylor. “What’s going on here, Taylor?”

  “Agent Wagner is your witness in the Giuliani case.”

  “The eye witness to the murdered family?,” He said as he took a seat.

  “In addition to the accounting document placed in evidence,” Taylor nodded.

  “Which a judge is sure to throw out, now that the witness is an FBI agent,” he huffed.

  “The information is valid,” Taylor stated. “We have managed to build twenty-two other cases from that information alone.”

  “Well, that’s just great,” Ben stated. “Once it is determined how that information was obtained, it will be thrown out unless you had a warrant allowing him to search Giuliani’s properties.”

  “It wasn’t obtained from Giuliani,” Cainan stated.

  “However, you obtained the information,” he cut Cainan off. “It will be considered tainted because it came from you. Don’t you guys know anything about evidence collecting?”

  “Evidence that would have been eventually discovered,” Taylor replied as he sat back. “I do know a bit about evidence collecting.”

  Cainan cleared his throat to cover his laughter. “I’m sure you will find a way around any objections to the evidence, Benny.”

  “Benjamin. No one has called me Benny since high school.”

  “I was still calling you Benny, two years ago.”

  “No one else has. It’s Benjamin.” He huffed. “Did Kennedy know about this?”

  “About what?” Cainan asked.

  “About you still being alive?”

  “No one knew, Benny, that was the point,” Cainan replied.

  “Ben.” He snapped. “Has she been told?”

  “Yes.” Taylor replied.

  Ben checked his watch. “I better get over to see her.”

  “She is under protective custody,” Taylor explained. “You will have to get clearance to visit until the case is over.”

  “I am the interim DA I do not need your authority to see anyone. Especially a witness.”

  “Kennedy is not a witness,” Cainan stated. “I am.”

  “And I’m afraid your access to him will be limited as well.” There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Taylor stood as Jerome walked in. “Mr. Morgan, interim DA Crenshaw. He will need access to Wagner at some point.”

  Jerome nodded. “Mr. Crenshaw have you petitioned the court for a date?”

  “No, why would I do that?” Ben smirked. “And who are you?”

  Jerome glanced at Taylor. “Contact me when he understands the terms. Cainan, the family is secure. Let’s go.”

  Cainan stood.

  “Now, hold on,” Ben insisted. “What terms?”

  Jerome took Cainan’s elbow as they walked out the door. “Taylor handle him. I don’t deal well with imbeciles.” They walked out the door.

  “Tell me he is not the DA assigned to this case,” Jerome stated as they walked out the exit doors.
  “If this is going to be a high profile case, Benny is going to find his way to the court room,” Cainan stated. “At least the Benny I remember will.”

  “Do you trust him?”

  “No. He is about the fame. If he can get his picture in a newspaper or trending on the internet, he will.”

  Jerome opened the back door to the SUV and placed Cainan in the back. He then got behind the wheel of the vehicle. “Give me the status.” He said to the man in the passenger seat.

  “Listening devices were found in all three homes,” the man said to Jerome. “Two vehicles, Scott Wagner and Kennedy Wagner were sanitized. All signs indicate they have been in place for a while. ”

  “So they have been listening in for information,” Jerome concluded. “Do we have any identification on the devices that will lead us to who planted them?”

  “The agency is checking on the serial numbers as we speak.”

  “Thank you,” Jerome nodded. “All the homes as well?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Jerome nodded. “All right, let the fun begin.”


  “You’re back,” Sydney said as Jonathan walked through the door. “What in the bloody hell happened?”

  “Dewberry is losing his marbles,” Jonathan replied. “Did you get the package put together for Jack and his family?”

  “I did,” she picked up a folder then followed him into his office. “I spoke with his wife, she indicates they will need at least a month to get everything packed up. I placed a call to a moving company to assist her and her daughter. Also sent a few homes for them to take a look at with information about schools. To add a little icing to the cake, I sent her daughter pictures of the football and basketball teams.”

  “Is she into sports?” Jonathan asked as he took a seat.

  “She is a sixteen year old girl. She is into boys.”

  Jonathan smiled. “Solid move, as always Sydney. What is the status on my Mum’s place in New York?”

  “Your aunt has decided the only place where your mum can live is the flat next to her.”


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