Private Stock

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Private Stock Page 12

by Iris Bolling

  “Did you tell your attorney?”


  “Why not?”

  Angelina sat forward. “Preston, it’s not going to matter. I’m going away for the rest of my life. Nothing is going to change that and I want you to start getting used to that fact.”

  “Five minutes.” The officer called out.

  Preston could not believe his mother was accepting this as her fate. “Is this what the therapist told you?”

  “Yes, but it’s true.”

  “Mother, it is good you are ready to talk about what happened. But, you are right, walking around on egg shells isn’t the way to go either. So from now on when we visit we are going to talk.”

  “Visiting time is up.” The officer advised.

  “I love you son.” Angelina smiled.

  “I love you too, Mom.” Preston hung up the phone then watched as the officer escorted his mother to the back.

  “Did you have a good visit?” Gina asked when he came through the locked door.

  “It was an interesting visit,” he huffed, “that is for sure.” He opened the passenger door for her. “You are right. It’s time to stop walking on egg shells.”

  “Bout time you start listening to me.” She smiled then slid into the car.


  Grace knocked on the office door. “Hey, Phillip told me to come right in.”

  AnnieMarie looked up. “You’re back,” she walked from behind her desk to give her sister a hug. “Guess what? I’m buying the estate from Aunt Viv.”

  Grace hugged her back. “I heard. Daisy called me to talk you out of it.”

  “What? Why is she so against me keeping the estate in the family?”

  “I think she is against an empty nest,” Grace smiled as she slipped into the seat in front of her desk. “Hey, you and Gary are the only ones left at the house. With you gone, it won’t be long before Gary finds his own place.”

  “I really hadn’t thought about that side of this,” AnnieMarie sat behind her desk. “Do you think Winnie has the same concerns?”

  “If she did, she wouldn’t say anything,” Grace smiled. “She wants all of us to follow our own path. As for me, I can’t imagine another person better to take over the estate. Of course you will have to have the place fumigated after Walker and his shenanigans.”

  “Yes, it will be the first thing I do as soon as Uncle Ken drops off the keys. In fact, I spoke with Preston about the paintings Winnie saw at his mother’s house.”

  “Hmm, how did he take that?”

  “He was a little shaken, but I teased him out of the moment,” AnnieMarie stated. “I think he is trying to get back on track, but he is going to need all of us to help him get there. The situation with his mother can break him if we don’t handle it correctly.”

  Grace tilted her head. “How do you feel about his mother killing Daddy?”

  “Pissed. Longing to kill the person responsible for taking Daddy away.”

  “But he’s already dead,” Grace replied. “Uncle Walker conned Angelina for years. He had her brainwashed into thinking Daddy was in the way of them being together.”

  “Do you think she will get off for his murder?” AnnieMarie asked.

  “No. She will probably plead insanity. The judge will place her in an institution for the mentally insane.”

  “That does not sound good. Is there anything we can do to help her?”

  “You want to help the woman who killed Daddy?”

  AnnieMarie thought. “It really wasn’t her. It was Uncle Walker manipulating her. I think if we find a way to help Angelina it will go a long way in helping Preston come to terms with things.”

  “You are an amazingly caring person, AnnieMarie.”

  “So do you think you could do it?”

  “Two of my favorite nieces,” Ken stuck his head in the doorway.

  “Uncle Ken,” AnnieMarie ran to the door. “Did you bring them?”

  He held the keys up. “They are all yours.”

  AnnieMarie squealed, as Grace looked on laughing.

  “Grace,” Ken held his arms out then hugged her.

  “Hi, Uncle Ken,” she kissed him on the cheek. “You have made her day.”

  “The paperwork hasn’t been transferred over yet,” he said as he sat next to her. “But I was under the impression she was anxious about the move.”

  “I am,” AnnieMarie beamed. “I have the keys.”

  “Fumigate first,” Grace cautioned. “We’ll start tonight. I promise.”

  “How does Aunt Viv feel about this transfer?” Grace asked. “She seemed a little sad the last time I spoke with her.”

  He hesitated, “She’s been torn about the property since Walker’s death. It’s her family home, where she grew up with her brothers. With both of them gone, the house was like a weight on her shoulders. The responsibility of keeping it up and in the family was overwhelming.” He smiled at AnnieMarie. “When you proposed taking over the estate it was a welcome thought. Giving you those keys took one more item off the list of things she has to deal with.”

  “Like the fact that her oldest brother killed her youngest brother for greed,” Grace finished the thought.

  Ken exhaled. “Yes. That is really weighing heavy on her.”

  “Excuse me,” Phillip said from the doorway. “You have visitors.”

  He stepped aside making room for Gary, Mike, and Myles.

  “I understand a celebration is in order,” Myles rubbed his hands together as they all smiled.

  Chrystina walked into the office pushing a cart with glasses and champagne. “Congratulations to the new homeowner.”

  “Oh wow,” AnnieMarie stood clapping her hands together. “I can’t believe you all did this.”

  “Hey it’s not every day our kid sister buys a home,” Grace smiled.

  “Yes, one large enough for her lovable brother to bring a friend over for the night,” Gary laughed.

  “Hey it’s a big house,” Mike chuckled “We both can bring dates over.”

  “Excuse me, neither of you will be using my house as a booty call location.”

  “You tell them, AnnieMarie,” Chrystina said as she gave each of them a glass.

  “Here’s to AnnieMarie for stepping out into the world with a bang and for keeping the estate in the family.”

  “Here-here,” they all cheered.

  “Thank you guys.” AnnieMarie smiled. “Your support means so much to me.”

  “Your happiness means the world to us,” Myles kissed her on the temple.

  “And so does yours,” she held up her glass to Myles and Chrystina. “Thank you for the honor of planning and hosting your wedding.”

  “Hosting? Wait, what?” Grace asked.

  “We are planning on getting married at the estate,” Chrystina announced.

  “That is perfect,” Grace cheered. “Will you be able to get it cleaned up and ready?” She turned to AnnieMarie with the question.

  “Sure she can,” Mike nodded. “All she has to do is get Daisy involved. She’ll have people over there in no time cleaning that place out.”

  “Yeah,” Gary chimed in. “It’s not like the place is in bad shape. It just hasn’t been cared for.”

  “From what I saw, it only needs a thorough cleaning,” Mike drained his glass. “A week and the place will be live-in ready.”

  “A week? I plan to be moved in before then.”

  “Hmm, I think you better share that information with Winnieford before you make definite plans.” He set his empty glass on the tray. “This is my cue to leave.”

  “Uncle Ken, before you go, may I have a minute?” Grace asked as she set her glass down then followed him to the door. “Have you spoken with the attorneys handling Angelina Long’s case?”

  “Off and on. What do you need to know?”

  “Are they seeking the mental insanity plea?”

  He nodded. “It was mentioned.”

  She glanced back to the desk
where her brothers and sister stood then turned back to him. “I think it would be best for the family if she is given a light sentence.”

  “She killed your father,” Ken raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, but Preston did not. While I want her to pay for taking my father’s life, I don’t want Preston to. Does that make sense?”

  Ken hugged her. “Yes, it does. Talk to your family, especially Winnieford. If they all agree, I’ll speak with the attorneys.”

  “Thank you Uncle Ken,” she kissed his cheek then rejoined her siblings in the celebration.

  “What’s the situation with Cainan, Mike?” Myles asked.

  Mike glanced over his shoulder to see AnnieMarie. “It’s a dangerous situation. Jerome believes he will make it through.”

  “Unscathed?” Myles raised an eyebrow.

  “I wouldn’t bet on that,” Mike stated. “I mean we got him to New Jersey untouched. Now, it’s up to Jerome and the FBI to keep him that way.”

  $ $ $

  “This place is un-freaking-believable,” Gina’s steps could be heard going from room to room as AnnieMarie and Chrystina slowly walked through each room planning out the wedding and reception as they listened to Gina.

  “How many ballrooms does this place have?” Gina called out from somewhere in the house.

  “The place looks wonderful, AnnieMarie. It’s so big and open,” Chrystina exclaimed. “And that staircase. I can see myself walking down it and tripping, gown and all.”

  AnnieMarie laughed. “I can see you floating down these stairs with the grace of a queen. The bannisters trimmed with red roses.”

  “White.” Gina said from another room.

  Chrystina and AnnieMarie laughed. “Okay, white roses.”

  “You know, I think I like the idea of all white, with gold trim,” Chrystina smiled. “What do you think?”

  Gina appeared out of one of the French doors of one of the ballrooms, stopped as if in thought. “I can get with that.” She nodded then walked into the next room.

  “Okay,” AnnieMarie smiled. “How many guests are you thinking?”

  “If it were up to me, it would be family only,” Chrystina sighed.

  AnnieMarie laughed. “That’s funny. Myles is the CEO and President of Dunning Bank and Trust. If you get away with less than three hundred guests, you will be doing good.”

  “Three hundred?” Chrystina sighed. “Whew, I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Oh of course you can,” Gina appeared in the foyer again. “This house is perfect for an elegant, intimate gathering of three hundred.”

  “I believe that is a contradiction, Gina,” Chrystina called out as her sister disappeared into another room.

  “Okay, this can get overwhelming. I’m going to leave the planning up to the two of you.”

  “Winnie will put together the guest list for our family.” AnnieMarie stated.

  “Good, my mother can do our side of the family. I will work on personal friends for Myles and I.” She hesitated then glanced around. “Oh my god, this is really happening.”

  AnnieMarie smiled as she put her arms around Chrystina’s shoulders and guided her towards the kitchen. “Yes, my dear it is really your life.” They laughed.

  “I could really work this place,” Gina appeared behind them. “I have to check out the upstairs.”

  “By all means. Knock yourself out,” AnnieMarie offered.

  “How many bedrooms?” Gina asked as she climbed the stairs.

  “Ten,” AnnieMarie replied.


  “Fourteen,” AnnieMarie replied. “One for each bedroom, with a general bathroom on each floor.”

  Gina stopped then stared at them from the top of the staircase. “I have died and gone to heaven.”

  With that she turned and continued her way upstairs.

  “She is right,” Chrystina smiled. “This place is huge. Are you going to be okay here alone?”

  “Yes, Daisy Jr.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Daisy keeps insisting the place is too big for me.” AnnieMaire shook her head as they continued on the way. “I don’t plan on being here alone for long.”

  Chrystina smiled. “Cainan?”

  “Yes, I fully expect him to come back here after he testifies. This is going to be our home. And yes, I plan on filling each one of those bedrooms with children.”

  Chrystina smiled, then hugged her. “It will happen, AnnieMarie. It will happen.”

  AnnieMarie hugged her back, took a deep breath then exhaled. “Now, I’m going to call Daisy to get a cleaning crew over starting tomorrow to make the place sparkle.”

  “If anyone can make it happen, it’s Daisy.” Chrystina looked around the kitchen. “Wow. You are going to need a staff.”

  AnnieMarie nodded. “Don’t you worry. I plan to have a house manager just like Daisy. We’ll hire a cook and cleaning staff to handle the housework.”

  “I can’t wait to see you pull all of this together. But more than that, I can’t wait for my wedding day.” She looked at AnnieMarie with tears brimming in her eyes. “I’m getting married. To Myles. I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “Well, my sister,” AnnieMarie took her hand. “Believe it. Let’s go take a look at the sunroom.”

  “Dance room,” Gina yelled out from somewhere in the house.


  It had been a long day, AnnieMarie thought as she parked in the garage at home. Well, for a short time longer, she smiled. She was thrilled to know by the end of the week the paperwork would be ready for the transfer of ownership. As happy as she was, she realized others may not be. It was up to her to ensure everyone was comfortable with her decision. Starting with her mother.

  Walking into the kitchen she wasn’t surprised to see Mike waiting for her.

  “Took you long enough to get home.”

  “I met Chrystina and Gina at the estate to begin making plans for the wedding.” She sat at the island. “How is he?”

  Mike smiled. “He’s okay, sis. From what Jerome said, his family is very happy to have him back.”

  “Did you meet them?”

  “No. I stayed at the airport until Jerome gave us the all clear. If things had been off, we were prepared to bring him back here.”

  She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for having his back.”

  “I have your back, always. Cainan’s safety is your biggest concern therefore it’s important to me. This isn’t going to be easy for either of you. My job as your brother is to watch over you until he returns.”

  “Do you think he will come back?” AnnieMaire hesitated, “Back to me, I mean.”

  “You’re wondering if he would choose staying with his family instead of coming back here with you?”


  “Let me ask you a question. What if he asks you to leave us and move to live his life up north? Would you choose him over your family?” Mike stood. “Think about what you are asking the man to do from his point of view. Your answer will probably be his answer too.” He kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to your house or staying here tonight?” She asked.

  “I’m going home. There is nothing like sleeping under your own roof. Good night.”

  “Good night Mike and thank you, for everything.”

  AnnieMarie watched him walk out the kitchen door. Leave it to Mike to make her look at things from two different points of view. It was the same thing Grace did when she mentioned Winnie and how she may feel about her moving out.

  Walking up the back staircase, she turned towards her mother’s room rather than her bedroom. She tapped lightly on the double doors.

  “Mother, are you awake?”

  “Of course. Come in darling.” Her mother replied.

  AnnieMarie opened the door then walked inside. Her mother was sitting up in the king size bed, reading.

  “Hello beautiful,” she smiled.

nbsp; “Hey Mother. Can we talk?”

  She patted the side of the bed. AnnieMarie kicked off her shoes then slid in beside her mother.

  “So, you’re moving into your own place?”

  AnnieMarie’s heart beat began to ease. Her mother always knew the right thing to say. “Yes. I was worried you wouldn’t want me to.”

  “Oh I don’t, darling. Hell if I had my way, Myles, Grace, Mike and Gary would all still be living here. But you are all grown. You have your own lives to live. As do I.”

  “Your life was supposed to be lived with Daddy.”

  Her mother put her arms around her, kissed her temple, then brushed her hair from her face. It was the same way her mother held her when she was a girl and her brother broke her doll. And when her first boyfriend broke her heart.

  “Darling if that was true your father would be here. God don’t make mistakes.”

  “God didn’t take Daddy away. Uncle Walker did.”

  “Your father died at Angelina Long’s hand, your uncle’s greed, but it was God’s plan. For whatever reasons, it was your father’s time to go. I have to believe that to keep my sanity.”

  “There are things that were revealed by his death. Enemies we did not know we had. Do you think it was God’s way of opening our eyes?”

  “Hmm, that was quite insightful, AnnieMarie. You may be right.” Her mother nodded. “We also would have never known just how much of a hero Cainan is, either. Nor would you be the new owner of the estate.”

  AnnieMarie sat up to look into her mother’s eyes. “Do you think Daddy would be okay with me taking over his family home?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Do you think Cainan will?”

  “I think Cainan will be happy wherever you are happy.”

  “I want it to be our home.”

  “I know.”

  “You do?”

  “Of course. Darling you and Cainan have come to a fork in the road. Your lives are going to move from the ‘flirtatious playing at love’, to the ‘I can’t keep my hands, lips or other parts from wanting you’, to the ‘you are my life’ stage of your relationship.”

  AnnieMarie smiled as she eased back into her mother’s embrace. “Thank you for understanding.”

  “You are welcome my baby girl. So tell me what room are you going to take for your bedroom?”


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