Our Kinda Love

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by Deanna Eshler

  Our Kinda Love


  Deanna Eshler

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 by Deanna Eshler

  Authors first edition 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, [email protected]

  Cover art created by L.J. Anderson at Mayhem Cover Creations

  Editing by Kerry Genova, writersresourceinc.com

  Other Books by Deanna Eshler

  Shy Kinda Love

  (Kinda Love Series Book 1)

  To my mom:

  My life has been filled with lessons and learning,

  but the most valuable of all have been your teachings

  of strength, independence, and unconditional love.

  Thank you for building my foundation,

  which has been, and will always be, the necessary support,

  for myself and my family, through life’s journey.

  Chapter 1

  Zombie Apocalypse

  I'm not gonna say anything. I can do this. As much as I want to run across the room and smack him upside the head, I’m going to try and not embarrass my roommates… on day one, with our new neighbors. I can stand here watching that moron over there throw away perfectly good medication. I’ll get into their trash when they put it out this week. Eww, okay, no way in hell I’m digging through garbage. I need to look away and think about something else.

  Was that a full bottle of ibuprofen? Dammit, now I’m getting twitchy. Okay, focus back on others in the room.

  Gemma, one of my roommates and best friend since high school, is rattling on, probably about how beautiful the sky is today, or how she loves to reenergize with a good run. I love her, but her positivity could make Papa Smurf nauseous.

  Kade, one of our new neighbors, seems to be fascinated with Shyanne, my other roommate. Adrian, the second of the new boys next door, is leaning against the counter, staring at my legs. He’s not trying to be subtle. I think he just did the sign of the cross.

  I’ve never met Adrian before this, but I’ve heard stories. He’s considered the class clown of our senior class, and I've also heard his favorite pastime is sticking his pencil in multiple girl’s pockets. I don’t know if that’s true or just a rumor. Regardless of what he does do in his pastime, right now he's looking at me like he’s considering all the places he likes to stick his pencil.

  Max, the last of our new neighbors, is the idiot throwing away lifesaving medication. There are several boxes sitting on the floor and counters. Max is at the counter sorting through one box, placing some meds in the cabinet and others in a plastic bag he has hanging on the knob of a drawer. My leg is bouncing and I may be sweating. My self-control only goes so far, but I’m desperately trying not to look like the girl who escaped the mental ward.

  Gemma will be irritated, Shy will be embarrassed, and the guys will think I’m crazy. Well, all but Kade. A herd of zombies could come marching through the apartment right now and he wouldn’t notice. His mouth is turned up in a slight smile as he watches Shyanne intently.

  I try to tune back into the conversation, and I'm doing well though I'm getting twitchy. My grasp on control snaps when I see Max toss a package of antibiotics into the bag.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  Everyone in the room goes quiet, and when Max sees me staring at him, he answers.

  “Sorting through all these meds and tossing all the ones that are expired,” he says, holding up a bottle.

  “What the hell? Are you kidding me?” I huff, as I stomp over and begin taking custody of all the neglected meds. I feel instant relief now that I’ve freed my inner crazy. I shiver as I release her.

  Max looks confused and asks, “What do you need all of those for, Keegan? Are you girls hard up for meds over there? I mean, some of those are old prescriptions for antibiotics we never finished. I’m not real sure what you plan to do with those.”

  Gemma rattles on with some lame explanation, as I begin taking meds from the cabinet. I’m pretty sure Max had planned on keeping these ones, but I don’t find him to be a competent guardian. So, in my bag they go.

  When Gemma’s done with her cover story, I fill the boys in, not caring what they think.

  “I’m preparing for the day when our world becomes a place where everyone has to fend for themselves while trying to keep from being eaten by a zombie.”

  The room goes silent, except for the sound of my precious pills being tossed into my bag.

  Adrian, the one who kept staring at my legs, is the first to challenge my statement. “I’m sorry, Keegan, did you just reference the zombie apocalypse?”

  I turn to make eye contact, wanting him to see how serious I am. “Yes, Captain Skinny Dick, I did, and if you want to have your laughs then go on, laugh all you want. However, if you find yourself sitting in class next week and all the power goes out and you look out the window to see the walking dead, do not come looking for me. If you lose a finger while trying to defend yourself, you will certainly need these antibiotics. Do not come to me. You will not be welcome in my den.”

  We stare at each other for several seconds before he blinks.

  “I’m not sure what part of that last statement is more disturbing,” he says, looking completely entertained by this conversation. “But I’m going to go with the last part. What do you mean your den?”

  “You know, the place where I have all my supplies, where I’ll go when it all goes to shit. Some people call it a safe house, or fortress, but mine is small. Anyway, whatever, I’m done entertaining you. I’m taking my meds home and I’ll be back.”

  I spin and exit the kitchen, trying not to laugh. The look on Kade’s face was awesome. He looked like he had a million things to say, but nothing made sense, so he sat staring at me in awe.

  I don’t care if the girls yell at me later, I’m happy we got that outta the way. Now I don’t have to watch Gemma and Shyanne try to constantly make excuses for the shit I say. I love planning for the apocalypse, I say what I’m thinking all the time, and I don’t much like people. That’s who I am, and I will change for no one, not my beloved best friend, or our new housemates.

  I toss the bag of pills on my bed then head back to the boys’ apartment. Our duplex is connected to theirs with an open entryway. If you walk through the front door, our apartment is on the left, and theirs is on the right. I cross through the entryway and hear Adrian still talking about me and my zombie obsession. Knowing they’ve all been discussing my manic episode, I tell them to get over it, then sit at the table next to Adrian. I change the topic by asking everyone if they want to go out tonight. Everyone agrees and we go on to make the plans.

  I'm talking to Max when Adrian comes to sit next to me. He places his elbows on the table and leans forward.

  “Sweet cheeks you're gonna have to stop staring at me like that,” he says with a reproachful expression.

  “Um, what?”

  “I’m sorry,” he says, lowering his voice. “I’ve been trying to ignore it but I've gotta be honest, it’s making me uncomfortable.”

  Having no idea how to respond to his delusions, I look at Max, who rolls h
is eyes. This must be normal Adrian behavior.

  “Cute, but we both know I was not staring at you,” I say, but I’m not sure why. He knows I wasn’t staring at him.

  He gestures to everyone in the room. “You all saw her, didn't you? She's not been able to take her eyes off me.”

  They are all shaking their heads. “No, nope didn't see that at all,” Max answers.

  Adrian looks back to me. "See, they all saw it too. It's okay, you don't have to admit it. I'm sure it’s embarrassing. I'm just asking that you stop looking at me like you're undressing me with your eyes."

  I raise one eyebrow. “Was I now?” I’m trying not to smile because I don’t want to encourage him, but he is entertaining.

  He nods. “I feel violated.”

  Letting the sarcasm drip from my voice, I tell him, “I’ll try to keep my eyes off of your amazing body.”

  “Thank you. All I’m asking is that you try,” he says, bowing his head.

  This guy has lost his shit. I could have competition in the craziest neighbor category. I was sure that title would be mine, but he has potential.

  Chapter 2

  College Boy Manwhore

  That night we’re in the back room of my favorite dive bar, The Hole. Its real name is The Barn, but somewhere along the way it was nicknamed The Hole, likely because it’s a dingy hole-in-the-wall. The wooden tables, which are as old as the building, are carved with names, perverted sayings, and phallic drawings. The bathroom has dirt in the corners, that could possibly precede the tables, and the walls are covered with names and drawings, but also have the bonus of phone numbers. Many times I’ve been peeing in there and found myself wondering who thinks to bring a sharpie to a bar.

  The Hole may not be a five-star, or even a two-star, establishment, but you won’t find better people than the ones who work and hang out here. Nate, the main bartender on evenings and weekends, calls everyone by name, and he’s always smiling. At any given time, you can find a mix of farmers, still wearing their muck boots, factory workers getting off shift, bikers playing pool, and college kids acting like toddlers.

  There’s a small stage where local bands sometimes play, but tonight it’s the jukebox that fills the room with Imagine Dragon’s Demons. After a couple of drinks, Adrian, Max, Gemma, and I find our way to the back room to play darts. Shyanne left early and Kade wasn't far behind. I can already tell that there is going to be drama with those two.

  Gemma, and I only met Shyanne a couple months ago. That night, Shy was dressed in a plaid button-down, jeans, and cowboy boots. She looked like she’d just jumped off a horse. With her long, wavy brown hair and soft blue eyes, she’s stunning, but incredibly uncomfortable around guys. That night, and most of the time now, she has the look of a baby deer who’d been abandoned by its mother. Shy’s not a girl who wants to fit in, or attract a hot guy—she has the expression of someone simply trying to survive. The night Gemma and I met her I felt a protective instinct toward her, even though she had Ryder, her very hot best friend, with her.

  Shy works on a horse farm a few minutes outside town and she was living with Ryder when we met her. I’m pretty sure she has an interesting story, but she’s a private person, so I don’t ask too many questions. Although I share almost every thought that crosses my mind, I know most people aren’t that open.

  Now, Guns N’ Roses is playing on the jukebox as we find a table and pick teams. Gemma sucks at darts, but since it’s only for fun, I accept her on my team. She gives me a sarcastic “Thanks,” as she steps up to shoot first. I sit, expecting Adrian to sit too since he’ll be shooting last. Instead, he stands next to the table, arms across his chest, and his thumb tapping to the song on his bicep. I pick up my beer and lean back to observe. He’s either agitated or generally restless.

  After the first game, everyone sits, but Adrian, who’s been bouncing around this room like he’s on a sugar high. I’m a low-intensity person, and his level of activity is making me agitated.

  “Dude, you need to sit your ass down before I knock you down. You’re like a kitten on crack,” I tell him.

  “You always this violent?” he asks while beating out a rhythm on the table with the darts.

  “Yes,” Gemma says, faster than I can reply. She's right, I do often have the urge to beat the shit out of someone. To my credit, I've never really injured, I just keep dreaming of it.

  Adrian smiles seductively. “I love a girl who likes it rough.”

  “Oh no, you got that all backward,” I clarify. “I’m not the one who likes it rough. I like to torture other people. If you don't mind being tied up while I strategically place clothes pins on your testicles, then by all means let's have a go,” I say with a saccharin sweet smile.

  Max barks out a laugh while pointing at Adrian. “Oh shit bro, I think you met your match.”

  Adrian smiles and shakes his head almost imperceptibly as if he doesn’t know what to think of me.

  Before we begin our next game, Max asks if we need another beer.

  I groan and lean back in my chair, sticking out my bloated stomach. “No thanks,” I moan. “I should've worn sweatpants.”

  I may have great legs, and a small waistline, but when I eat or drink too much, my stomach can expand enough to rival that of a pregnant woman.

  Adrian twists and looks immediately to my non-pregnant belly. He pitches forward, staring at my stomach. “What the hell is that?”

  “That,” I say, rubbing my miserably bloated stomach, “is a combination of PMS and a bad choice to drink beer.”

  Adrian walks over and begins poking at me. “That's awesome,” he says, looking intrigued. “Most girls try to hide their fat and would never talk about being bloated or being on their period.”

  I sit up, swatting at his hands. “First, I’m not fat, I’m bloated. Second, there’s a big difference between me and those girls.”

  “That’s what I said,” he interrupts, shaking his head and looking at me like I’m the crazy one.

  I roll my eyes. “I mean, those other girls are trying to impress you because they want to hook up. My intentions lean in the other direction—to keep you away.”

  I have no need for male attention in my life right now, especially from someone like Adrian Elliott.

  Adrian backs up, wearing a crooked smile. “That’s cute how you pretend you’re not mad for me.”

  Is he high? He has to be high, that would explain his delusions and hyperactivity.

  “Someone in this room is mad all right,” I mumble.

  “You have no idea,” he says with a wiggle of his brow.

  What does that even mean?

  I’m about to point out he’s still not making sense, when I see Ryder, Shyanne’s best friend, walking toward us. I sit up, sucking my belly back in and smooth my shirt down. I may have purred a little too.

  My first serious boyfriend was your typical bad boy. He rode a motorcycle, had several tattoos at the age of nineteen, and he was in a band. Since then, if I see an attractive guy with tats and a look that says he’d break your heart, I fall instantly in love. Ryder Reed meets all those qualifications. It’s too bad he’s Shy’s best friend and she won’t let him touch me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t try every chance I get.

  I may not want a guy in my life, but I’d make an exception for Ryder Reed, for one night.

  “Hey girls,” he says in his smoky voice, “I came to say good night. I’m heading out.” He grabs my hand to pull me into a hug. “I’m leaving town early tomorrow.”

  I take advantage of this full body contact, burying my face in his neck and inhaling deeply. I refrain from licking him, although it takes remarkable willpower. With my arms still around his neck, I lean back and give him my sexiest smile. “Are you finally going to take me home with you?”

  He chuckles, and I shiver. “Nice try Keegan, but you know Shyanne would have both our heads for that.”

  I stick out my bottom lip in a pout. “Just one night? We don’t ever have t
o tell her.”

  He pulls me back into a hug and kisses my forehead. “I care too much about you to be that guy.”

  I know this is true, not just his way of brushing me off. Ryder may look like a bad boy, but he’s a gentle giant and fierce protector of everyone he loves. The chemistry between us has been obvious from the first week I started hanging out with Shyanne, and that’s not me being delusional. There’ve been a couple times in his kitchen when we’d be playfully flirting, then I’d find myself backed against the wall, staring into his eyes. After a few moments of heavy breathing, he’d shake his head and walk away.

  Gemma sighs. “He’s even sweet when he’s rejecting you.”

  I stick out my tongue at her as he releases me. Ryder gives her a quick hug then points to the both of us.

  “You girls be safe tonight and call a cab if you have much more to drink.” He turns to face Max and Adrian. “Just met you boys, but I think you can see that Shy and these two girls mean a lot to me.”

  And that’s all he says because his threatening expression is enough to make his point. The guys straighten a bit but make no argument.

  I audibly sigh as he saunters out of the bar looking like a man who is confident he’s the biggest badass in this town.

  “What the hell was that?” Adrian asks, bringing me back to this life.

  “That was my future husband,” I say in a dreamy tone.

  “Really?” Adrian asks, sounding intrigued.

  “You heard him,” I say, scrunching up my face.

  “Sure,” he agrees. “I’m just curious to hear what you think he said.”

  I scowl with irritation. “He said that he’s sorry he has to postpone our wedding again. He has to leave for South East Asia tomorrow tonight because there’s an orphanage full of small children he must rescue. He promised he’ll return soon and then we will wed.”


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