Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1)

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Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1) Page 7

by Stone, Dee J.

  I stare after him. What the hell was that? Does he mean what I think he means? To not wish so he can stay?

  I follow him, but don’t see him anywhere. Maybe he’s in his lamp. “Sebastian?” I call. He doesn’t answer. Perhaps he wants to be left alone. I quickly wash my dishes and rush to the restaurant.

  The day drags on, and all I can think about is last night. No matter how much I try, I can’t get it out of my head. The same goes for the words Sebastian uttered. He doesn’t want me to wish. He wants to stay with me. But why give me the cold shoulder, then? I’m so confused. Why am I making a big deal about it? It was just a kiss. It’s not like our fate is sealed or anything. Sebastian is a genie. He lives in a lamp. He’s bound to the lamp and the master who summons him. He can’t have a future with anyone.

  “Hey, Lil.”

  I jump. Macy gives me a curious look. “Are you okay?”

  I push some hair that escaped from my ponytail out of my face. “Yeah.”

  She scrutinizes me. “You seem a little jumpy.”

  “Yeah. Just nervous for my interview.”

  “You’ll do fine.” She hugs me. “I was thinking of hanging out after work. Maybe we can go catch a movie or something?”

  I nod. A distraction is the perfect thing I need right now. Plus, I’d love to spend more time with my best friend. Maybe I can slowly get my life back.


  After my interview, I sit outside Inferno and bury my face in my hands. I was a mess, stuttering over my words and spilling my ingredients on the floor. They wanted to see my cooking skills, and I’m not sure I did them justice. I know I could have done so much better.

  “Lily?” a voice says. I look up and find Sebastian standing before me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He looks toward the entrance of the restaurant, where a guy rushes out, crying and tripping over his feet. I sit up. He was another applicant, Joshua, who had his interview after me. When I look at Sebastian, I see a smug smile on his face.

  “What did you do?” I ask carefully.

  He beams. “I—”

  “Lily!” Macy yells from the door. “Chef Charleston is looking for you.”

  The owner of Inferno wants to see me. I scramble to my feet and smooth down my skirt. Is he going to tell me I didn’t get the job?

  Inside his office, he beckons me to sit down. He’s a short guy with gray hair and a belly the size of a beach ball.

  “You’ve been with us for a short while,” he says. “And though you don’t have much experience in the kitchen, you’ve proven yourself as a hard worker with a lot of promise. I think you’ll do excellent as our new sous chef.”

  I stare at him. “Me? But what about…?”

  He waves his hand. “You showcased how well you can handle a busy kitchen. The other applicant, well, let’s just say he burns under pressure.”

  That can’t be true. I’ve known Joshua since high school. He graduated two years ago. While we waited for our interviews, he told me that he’s always wanted to be a chef, but his parents pressured him to go to law school. He dropped out and moved to New Jersey, where he works in a fast foot joint. I remember when he cooked food for a charity event our school hosted. The food was amazing. He was careful, meticulous, was absolutely calm under pressure. No, whoever Chef Charleston is talking about has to be a different person.

  In my peripheral vision, I catch Sebastian sitting on the windowsill. He still has that proud smile on his face. Wait a minute. Did he have something to do with my getting this job?

  Chef Charleston holds out his hand. “Congratulations. You start tomorrow.”

  I thank him, then leave the office, my head spinning. There’s no way I got that job on my own merit. I completely screwed up my interview. Something’s up, and I suspect my genie is responsible.

  Macy comes out of nowhere and throws her arms around me. “I heard you got the job. I told you that you would.” She smiles, then frowns. “Did you hear what happened to Joshua? He spilled soup on Chef Charleston and was thrown out on the spot.”

  That doesn’t seem like him. This doesn’t feel right. “Thanks so much, Mace. I’ll see you later.”

  “You’d better. We’re changing tonight to more than just a hangout. We’re celebrating your new job!”

  I smile and nod. I need to talk with Sebastian. As I pass my coworkers and the diners, they all congratulate me. I give them fake smiles. None of this is right.

  Sebastian is leaning against the low wall outside the restaurant. When he sees me, he smiles his sweet smile. I can still see the mischief in his eyes, and I know without a doubt that he had something to do with my getting the job.

  “What did you do?” I ask.


  “Joshua is one of the calmest people I know. It’s not like him to spill soup on Chef Charleston. You did something, didn’t you?”

  He nods. “I pushed him. The soup didn’t burn your boss. I made sure not to hurt him.”

  I rub my temples. “I can’t believe this.”

  “I don’t understand—”

  “No, you don’t.”

  He slinks back, his eyes filled with shock, confusion, a little pain. “Lily—”

  “I never wished for it, did I?”


  “How could you do something so awful?”

  His forehead wrinkles. “Awful? I got you the job.”

  I count to ten to stop myself from exploding. “Sebastian, Joshua deserves this job, not me. I screwed up my interview. He’s a better chef than me. Why would you do this? I don’t want a job I didn’t win fairly.”

  He doesn’t say anything. His gaze is on the ground. After a few seconds, he looks at me and says, “I knew you wouldn’t wish for it. That’s why I did it for you.”

  “I don’t need you watching over me. You’re just…”

  “A genie?”

  My heart clenches. “I didn’t mean that.” I have no idea how I could have said such a hurtful thing to him. No, he’s not just a genie. He means so much more to me.

  He tears his gaze away.

  “I need to fix this.” I rush into the restaurant and head straight for my boss’s office. “Chef Charleston, I appreciate you offering me the job, but the truth is that Joshua would make a better sous chef. He’s quick, careful, he does well under pressure. Please give him another chance.”

  He looks at me, shocked. “You don’t want the job?”

  Words can’t describe how much I do. But I don’t deserve it. If not for Sebastian doing what he did, Joshua would have the job.

  “Please, Chef Charleston. He’s a good chef. He catered events when he was in high school. Him alone. With no help. You’d be crazy not to take him.”

  I want to slap myself. I just called my boss crazy. I tell him in detail all the great things Joshua did. I hope he hires him. He needs to. I have to undo the damage my genie caused.

  He rubs his chin. “Hmm. I’ll consider it.”

  “Thank you.” If he doesn’t give the job to Joshua, I’ll have to use my second wish. It’s only fair.

  “Lily, if he gets the job, you’ll keep your current position.”

  I nod.

  He lifts his hands like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. I thank him one more time before leaving the office. Macy is waiting for me with a big smile on her face. “What did Charleston want?”

  I shrug. “I think Joshua is having another interview.”

  Her mouth drops. “What?”

  I shrug again. “It’s okay. Whatever happens happens. Are we still on for tonight?”


  She gives me a hug before climbing into Andy’s car. I find Sebastian where I left him leaning on the wall. He straightens up. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” I say. “Look, I’m sorry for yelling at you, but you can’t meddle in my life like that. Joshua deserved the job.”

  He doesn’t answer. He’s hurt, and I hate that I’m the cause. What I hate
more is the real reason I exploded on him. Not only because he ruined things for Joshua, but because he won’t talk about last night. He won’t even give me a hint of what it meant to him. If it meant anything at all.

  A little voice in my head whispers that he caused Joshua to mess up for me. Because he likes me. Another voice yells that he isn’t human and doesn’t have emotions like we do. I want that voice to shut up. Because whatever he was feeling yesterday, it was as human as he can ever be. His breathing was heavy and his heart was pounding. The kiss meant something. It had to.

  I reach for his hand, but he backs away. “Sebastian…”

  “I heard you’re going out with your friend later. I hope you have a good time.”

  “Sebastian, look at me. Please.”

  He does, and I can still see the pain in there. I take his hand before he can pull back. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Of course. But you will never forgive me.”

  I sigh and sit down on the lower end of the wall. “Of course I do. I just want you to understand that you can’t meddle like that. Okay?”

  He nods. “I want you to be happy. I want you to make money so you can go to culinary school.”

  My heart melts and I want to pull him into my arms and give him the deepest kiss ever, but I hold back. “Thanks, but I’ll get in,” I tell him. “It just won’t be this way.”

  He nods again. “I won’t meddle unless you wish it.”

  We’re quiet before he says, “I’m enjoying your world.” He shakes his head. “But maybe I’m not meant to be part of it. Only to serve humans. I should remain in my lamp and only come out when summoned.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  He shakes his head again. “I’m a genie. I’m required to stay in my lamp and only come out when my master calls for me. Those are the rules. It’s always been that way.”

  I place my hand on his. “I don’t care about the rules. I want you out here. Can we forget this happened and go back to being friends?”

  He laughs lightly. “Friends. A master and genie can never be friends.” His eyes meet mine. “Because when I leave, it’ll be hard.”

  “I know.”

  “Not for you,” he says. “The moment I’m gone, you’ll forget I ever existed. But me…” He shakes his head another time.

  “You remember them all,” I finish. He nods.

  I don’t want to forget him. I don’t want to forget that I met a magical genie with piercing blue eyes that made my stomach fizz every time I looked into them. I don’t want to forget the way he looked at me. The smoothness of his skin and hardness of his chest. His sweet smile and kind heart. The kiss we shared last night that won’t leave my head. The friendship that’s blossoming between us. I don’t care what he says—he’s my friend. More, even.

  Chapter Eleven

  Macy and I decide to meet at the mall. We were supposed to see a movie, but she and Andy need a few things for their apartment. They can’t seem to agree on the furniture, and she’d like my opinion. But I’m not prepared for the curveball she throws my way. She and Andy are eating at the food court. There’s someone else with them. A guy who seems to be our age. He has short, brown hair and a lean build.

  When Macy sees me, she waves me over. A feeling of dread washes over me as I realize what she’s doing. This isn’t about furniture. This is a double date.

  “Lily,” she says once I approach them. She gestures to the guy. “This is Max. He was Andy’s best friend before Andy’s parents got divorced and he went to live in California with his dad.”

  Max smiles. “Hi.”


  An awkward silence passes. He sends me another smile, showing the whitest teeth I’ve ever seen. The only thing that spins around my head is one thought: I can’t believe she set me up on a date. I specifically told her I don’t want to go out with anyone.

  Macy motions with her eyes for me to sit down near her, right across from my blind date. Now that I’m closer and have a better look, I notice he has deep dimples and a scar on his forehead. And in his brown eyes, a small gleam.

  “We ordered a burger and fries for you,” Macy tells me. “That’s okay, right?”

  I nod. I can’t talk. Why would she do this to me? I mean, I appreciate her trying to help, but I don’t want a boyfriend right now. With everything happening with my mom and Sebastian, I don’t have time for him. Besides, how do I explain the genie? I’d have to—assuming this works out—because I wouldn’t want to keep secrets from my boyfriend. Does that mean I’d have to wish and send my genie packing? I don’t want him to leave.

  Macy kicks my foot from under the table. I jump, giving her a look. She tilts her head toward Max, who has his eyes on me. Did he ask me a question?

  “Huh?” I ask.

  “I asked if you like your job. Macy tells me you work together at Inferno.”

  I nod. “Yeah…no, not really.”

  He laughs. “I hear ya. I work as a waiter at a wedding hall for the summer. I’m going for pre-med. How about you?”

  He directs that question to everyone, but his eyes stay on me. Andy and Macy spend the next few minutes talking about their colleges and hopes, dreams, aspirations. Andy wants to be a veterinarian, and Macy wants to be a journalist.

  “And you, Lily?” Max asks.

  I twirl my fry in some ketchup. “Culinary school.”

  He leans back and grins. “Nice. I can make mac and cheese. That’s all I know.”

  We laugh. “But I’m saving up,” I say. “Hopefully I can apply soon.”

  “Lily is, like, the best cook ever,” Macy gushes. “She applied for a sous chef job at Inferno and she got it, but then she gave the position to another guy.”

  Max lifts an eyebrow. “Really? Why?”

  “Because that’s Lily. Always caring about others before herself.”

  Now it’s my turn to kick her foot. She gives me a look, saying, “What?”

  I force a smile. “Can I talk to you for a minute? In private.”

  We walk to the side. This feels so juvenile. So high school. Macy always tried to set me up with guys. I appreciated it then, too, but sometimes she tries a little too hard. She’s painting me to be this awesome girl, when really I’m broken inside. The thought of opening my heart to someone freaks me out. I’m not ready.

  “Talk.” Macy looks at the time. “You have five minutes. We can’t keep Max waiting. Isn’t he cute?”

  I internally groan. “Yes, he’s cute but…”

  “But what?”

  I shut my eyes because I know what I’m going to say next will hurt her and that’s the last thing I want to do. But I need to. “Macy.”


  I open my eyes and lean against the wall. “You know how much I appreciate you looking out for me, right?”

  She nods.

  “But I told you I’m not ready to date.”

  “Yes, you are. You just need someone to push you. I’m that someone.” I start to shake my head, but she says, “Stop. Just stop doing this. I get that you’re hurting and I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but you can’t push everyone away. Max is a nice guy, someone who could make you happy. Why won’t you give him a chance? I mean, just check out those dimples.”

  I don’t know. There’s so much crap in my life. I don’t think it’s right to drag a guy into that. When I tell that to Macy, she slaps her hands on her hips. “Excuses. All excuses.”

  I look at the table, where Andy and Max are talking. Max scans around, searching for us. When his gaze meets mine, he smiles. “He probably thinks I don’t have a brain,” I say. “I acted like such an idiot.”

  “No, you didn’t. Please, Lil. I think this guy could be good for you.”

  How can she know what’s good for me when I don’t even know myself? I think back to how Sebastian described the perfect guy for me. Can Max be that guy—or at least come close to it? Maybe. I just need to give him a shot. I’m not sure I’m ready, though.
  Macy touches my shoulder. “Just get to know him. What harm can it do?”

  She’s right. I suppose it won’t hurt. My heart is in shambles, but maybe it can be pasted back together. Maybe it’s okay to be vulnerable. I do want to be happy. And as for having to explain my genie…I’ll worry about it when I get there.

  Sebastian’s face enters my head and my stomach muscles tighten. I don’t know what we are. If we even are anything, but I’m going to have to talk to him. Maybe this thing with him might be nothing at all.

  For now, I’m going to keep my options open. I nod to Macy. “Okay.”

  She pulls me into a hug. “Yay. Trust me, you’re going to love him.”

  “You know him well?”

  She twists her mouth. “No, but I’m really good at reading people and I am definitely getting good vibes from him.”

  I trust her judgment. “Okay.”


  Sebastian is looking through some books he must have found in the living room. As I get closer, I notice they’re yearbooks. Mine and Daisy’s. I contemplated taking them and the other pictures with me when I moved out or leaving them at Mom’s, but I wanted to keep all the memories. I haven’t looked at them since I left.

  Sitting beside him, I point out different memories, elaborate on the things he can’t see from the pictures. Like the time Daisy tried to stop a food fight in the cafeteria. In the yearbook, all we can see is her and her friends covered in food. Sebastian smiles. “From all the stories you tell me, I feel like I know her. She was very sweet and caring, like you.”

  I wring my fingers in my lap. I’ve never thought of myself like that. To me, I was the little sister learning everything she could about her big sister and trying to emulate her.

  We go through the yearbooks and pictures and I find myself smiling at the memories. Something flickers in Sebastian’s eyes. I wish he’d tell me what he’s thinking.

  “Hey, Sebastian?”


  I hesitate, my gaze on the floor. “Are we ever going to talk about what happened at prom?”

  “What happened?” He seems completely clueless.

  “You know, the ki—”


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