Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1)

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Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1) Page 10

by Stone, Dee J.

  “Lily!” someone shouts in the distance.

  Turning to my right, I realize I’m in the street and a truck is zooming toward me. My limbs are locked in place. The truck speeds closer and closer.

  Someone crashes into me, shoving me onto the sidewalk before the truck slams into him with a sound of cracking bones.

  When I look to see who pushed me out of the way and saved my life, my heart leaps in my throat.

  “Andy,” I whisper, tears filling my eyes.

  He’s sprawled on the street, inches away from the truck, covered in blood. Oh, god. What have I done?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Andy is alive, but barely. He’s in critical condition in the ICU. Macy and I are in the hospital waiting room, wrapped in each other’s arms. We both haven’t stopped crying, and I haven’t stopped apologizing for causing this to happen. If not for my running into the street, Andy wouldn’t have had to push me out of the way. He’s such a good person. Why do these things always happen to good people?

  He was in the area because he was out shopping for something special. They found a small box in his pants pocket. An engagement ring for Macy. He had just bought it before saving my life. When Macy learned he was planning to propose to her, she burst into tears and was unable to breathe.

  Andy’s father jumped on the first plane leaving California to New York. His mother is sitting in a chair at the other end of the room. She assured me that it wasn’t my fault, that accidents happen, but I’ll never forgive myself. She was surprised to find out about the ring, too. I bet he couldn’t wait to tell his parents the good news. Will he have the chance to do that?

  Only a few hours have passed since he was brought here, but it feels as though we’ve been sitting here for days. I haven’t seen or spoken to Sebastian. The anger I feel toward him is still there, and I don’t really want to blame him for what happened. Yes he caused me to be upset, but it was me who let my emotions take over. I should have paid attention to my surroundings.

  I texted Max to tell him what happened, but he hasn’t responded. I’m not going to think about the pain I’m feeling due to our fight or whatever happened between us. Max is still alive. I’m not going to be selfish by crying over him when Macy doesn’t even know if Andy will be alive for the next hour.

  Macy shifts in the chair next to me and dabs her eyes. She looks at me and I look at her. I’ve never seen her this upset, and it breaks my heart. If Andy doesn’t survive…I don’t know what I’d do.

  “Stop,” she says in an empty voice.


  She takes in a deep, shaky breath. “Stop blaming yourself.”

  “I can’t help it…if he doesn’t survive…”

  She takes my hand.

  I pull away. “I should be the one comforting you. Not the other way around.” I shut my eyes, feeling the tears drip down my cheeks. “How can you stand looking at me?”

  “Because I know you must have been really upset to run into the street like that.” She squeezes my hand. “And even though my boyfriend’s in there fighting for his life, I’m thankful he pushed you out of the way and saved your life.”

  “He shouldn’t have. It should be me lying in there.”

  She lightly slaps my arm. “Don’t say such a thing.” I don’t care. Macy and Andy are in love. He wanted to propose to her. They had a bright future together. And I spoiled it all.

  “Andy’s a fighter,” Macy says. “He’ll…he’ll survive this.”

  I nod encouragingly, but my insides twist in many different directions.

  “What happened?” she asks. “What made you run into the street?”

  I shake my head. “We don’t have to talk about it.”

  “I want to. I need to know if you’re okay.”

  I force a bitter laugh. “Your boyfriend’s in the ICU and you’re worried how I’m doing?”

  She nods. “Is it your mom? Did she say something?”

  “No, I haven’t heard from her.” I run my hand through my hair. I’m not going to tell her my genie shoved my boyfriend aside while we were kissing. “It’s stupid, really. Max and I got into a fight. A stupid fight. I ran after him and now Andy is…” I stop as a new batch of tears fill my eyes. “I’m really, really sorry, Mace.” There are no excuses for what happened. I should have watched where I was going, regardless of how upset I was.

  “Lily? Macy?”

  We look up and find Max standing before us. “Is Andy going to be okay?”

  “He’s in critical condition,” Macy says, her voice deadpan.

  His face drops as he takes the seat next to me. He’s been Andy’s good friend since they were kids, and even though Andy moved when he was thirteen, they have kept in touch. I can understand exactly what he, Macy, and Andy’s parents are feeling, and it’s one of the most terrible things. Not knowing if your loved one is going to make it. Wondering how you’ll move on if they don’t.

  Max says reassuring words to Macy, but they’re only words. None of us will feel better until we hear good news. Max wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. I clasp Macy’s hand in mine. He doesn’t bring up what happened in the alley at Inferno and neither do I. It seems so stupid now.

  A doctor emerges from behind the doors and talks with Andy’s mom. She sways and grabs the wall for support. The doctor says a few more words before touching her shoulder sympathetically and walking away.

  Macy, Max, and I exchange a glance. This doesn’t mean…? No! He’s can’t be dead.

  Mrs. Levitt approaches us. With tears in her eyes and her voice wobbling, she whispers, “He’s in very bad shape. They don’t think he’s going to make it. We shouldn’t…we shouldn’t be too hopeful.”

  We all break down. Macy and I hold each other tightly before she slowly gets up and envelops Andy’s mother in her arms.

  It feels like the chair disappears from beneath me and I fall into quicksand. I can’t move as I’m being sucked in until my head is under and I can’t breathe. I can’t accept this. I won’t accept this. Just a few hours ago, he was looking forward to a future with the girl he loves. Now she’s going to mourn him, possibly for the rest of her life. How is she going to get through this? How can I be strong for her when I can’t be strong for myself?

  Max’s hand is on my shoulder as he stares into my eyes. He’s saying something, but it sounds like he’s underwater. I can’t bear this. I can’t stand to see all their faces. Their heartache. I wish there was something I could do.

  Wait a minute. I spring up. Of course there’s something I could do. Why didn’t I think of it sooner?

  I leap to me feet and rush over to where Macy and Andy’s mom are sitting, barely able to keep themselves together. I pat Macy’s arm. “I’m going to be right back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  She needs me, but what I’m about to do can save her future fiancé’s life. “Just trust me.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I throw the door to my apartment open and dash to my room. My eyes go straight to my night table. But it’s not there. Scurrying around, I check all over my room, then the entire house. The lamp isn’t here, and neither is my genie.

  “Sebastian?” I call.

  No response. I call again, but nothing. The house is dead quiet.

  I think back to what happened in the alley a few hours ago. I told him to take his lamp and get out of my life. My throat constricts. He must have done just that.

  “Sebastian, please!”

  I don’t know where he is. Where to go searching for him. Can I summon him if I concentrate hard? If I shout loudly? I try that. A few times, but he doesn’t show up. I return to the dumpster—maybe the lamp is there, where I first found it. It’s filled with a lot of trash and after digging through it, I don’t find the lamp.

  Dropping to the ground, I bury my face in my hands. Why did I tell him to get away from me? Pushing my knees to my chest and resting my head on them, I whisper, “Sebastian, please. I nee
d you.”

  Nothing. The image of Andy’s loved ones sitting in the waiting room enters my head and I blink the tears away. This was my only shot at saving him. Why won’t Sebastian come?

  Smoke fills my lungs along with a whooshing sound. I look up, and as the smoke vanishes, I see the outline of my genie, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. I jump to my feet and fling my arms around him. “You came.”

  He stands there as still as a statue. With the relief of seeing him, I forgot we had that argument and that I said very hurtful things. Clearing my throat, I back away from him. “I know I have no right, but I need a favor. A wish, I mean. I’m ready to use my second wish. It’s very important.”

  His arms are still crossed as he cocks his head to the side. “You have every right, Master. I’m here to grant you your wish.”

  I don’t like the formal way he’s talking to me, but I deserve it. I was the one who severed our friendship. Stepping closer, I place my hand on his that’s resting on his chest. “I’m sorry for all the terrible things I said to you.” Though he was wrong to get involved in my love life, I shouldn’t have said those words.

  He doesn’t blink. No emotion registers on his face. “What’s your wish, Master?”

  I can’t stand the way he’s looking at me. The tightness of his lips, the stiffness of his body. Am I his biggest enemy now? “Please don’t do this. I hate myself for the things I said to you. For all the pain I caused.”

  He eyes my hand that’s still on his chest and moves back a bit, causing my hand to drop. When he brings his eyes to mine, they aren’t any softer. Clearly he’s still mad at me, and I don’t blame him, but I can’t think about myself now. Andy is close to death. My relationship with my genie should be at the bottom of the list. Right now, I need to save my best friend’s fiancé’s life.

  “There’s been a terrible accident,” I tell Sebastian, ignoring the way his cold eyes pierce through me. “You can’t give back life, but you can heal, right? Heal completely and make a person as good as new?”

  With his lips still pressed together, he nods.

  A breath I didn’t know I was holding leaves my mouth. I shut my eyes, thinking of my words carefully so I don’t screw this up. “I wish for Andy Levitt to make a full recovery.”

  Sebastian stares at me for what feels like hours before spinning and flapping his arms around. “Your wish is my command.”

  The last time I wished, I felt a gust of wind. I don’t feel anything this time, which is probably because I’m not the one benefitting from the wish. I have no clue if it worked, if I wished correctly. I need to get back to the hospital.

  I turn to Sebastian, about to thank him, but he crosses his arms over his chest as smoke fills the area. It lessens until it vanishes into the lamp, which then disappears. He doesn’t leave the lamp behind. He doesn’t want me to take it.

  I can’t think about that now. I have to get to the hospital to make sure the wish worked the way I want it to. If not, I’ll use my third wish. I won’t let Andy die.


  Macy, Max, and Andy’s mom are sitting where I left them. When Macy sees me, she throws her arms over me, hugging me close. My heart skips a beat. Does this mean…?

  “What’s wrong?” I choke, holding back my tears.

  She pushes herself even closer to me. “There’s no change. I just want my best friend here when he…when he…”

  “No,” I say. “Don’t think that. Andy is going to make it.” He has to. I pull off and wipe her eyes. “Did you call your parents? Do they know?”

  She nods. “They’re on the cruise they won in that sweepstakes.”

  Right. I almost forgot. I wish they could be here for Macy. They’ve known Andy for years and love him like a son. They would have been thrilled of the news of their engagement. Maybe that could still happen. Maybe my wish will work.

  “I didn’t call them,” she continues. “I don’t want to ruin their fun. Not until—”

  There’s a commotion coming from the door that leads to Andy’s room. Nurses and doctors rush inside. Andy’s mom tries to ask what’s going on, but the medical staff waves her off. We all look at one another, confused.

  Did my wish work? Is that what all the fuss is about? I close my eyes and hold onto Macy, keeping my thoughts positive. Please, please let my wish be a success. I don’t know who I’m talking to, but I hope they’re listening.

  I’m not sure how long we sit here on pins and needles before the doctors gather us and tell us that they’re not sure how it happened, they have no medical explanation, but Andy has woken up. After being at death’s doorstep, he’s made a full recovery.

  Andy’s mother collapses on a chair. Macy’s eyes fill with tears, although this time they’re tears of joy. She hugs Andy’s mom. Max wraps his hands around my waist and buries his face in my hair.

  “I can’t believe this,” Macy breathes, wiping the tears with her sleeve. They just return and she gives up. “Can we see him?” she asks the doctor.

  “Yes, but only a few at a time. We don’t want to overwhelm him.”

  As Andy’s mom and Macy leave, Max smiles at me. “Wow. He’s alive. I can’t…” He shakes his head. “Wow.” He pulls me into his arms. “I thought I was going to lose one of my best friends.”

  “It’s a miracle,” I say, which it sort of is.

  As I rest my head on Max’s shoulder, I see a shadow behind the door. It moves aside, and I have a good look at him. Sebastian. He must have been watching all of this.

  I raise my hand, ready to wave, but he doesn’t seem to pay attention to me. His eyes are on Andy’s room.

  “Be right back,” I tell Max and head over to where the genie is. The hospital is filled with people who’ll think I’ve lost my mind by talking to something invisible, but I don’t care.

  “Thanks, Sebastian. Really. Thanks so much for all of this.”

  His eyes move from me to Max, then to me, and roam around the hospital. “You don’t have to thank me. I only fulfilled your wish.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re the one who saved Andy. You don’t know how much this means to them. To all of us.”

  “You made a wish. I only granted it.” His intense blue eyes meet mine. “You used your wish to help someone else. Not many masters do that.”

  It wasn’t even a question. Of course I would do anything to save Andy.

  “Sebastian, are we going to talk about—?”

  “Your boyfriend must be wondering where you ran off to. Might want to get back to him.”

  With that, he disappears. “Wait!” It’s no use. He’s gone. Is that it? Are we nothing more than master and genie now? Did I lose my friend? Will he only show himself when I summon him?

  “Lily?” Max calls. I return to the waiting room. “It’s our turn to see Andy.” He takes my hand and leads me inside.

  Andy is lying on the bed. He looks good, not like he got hit by a truck. Macy is still in the room, Andy’s hand clasped in hers. Her tears haven’t subsided.

  Andy smiles when he sees us and slaps Max’s hand. “Andy,” I say. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention…you saved my life. Thank you so much. I owe you big time.”

  He shakes his head. “You don’t owe me. There was no way I’d let anything happen to you.”

  Macy pokes me. “He’s upset we found the ring.” She rolls her eyes. “He almost died and is mad he couldn’t surprise me. Men.”

  I chuckle at the big frown on Andy’s face. “I had something special planned,” he mutters.

  She gently slaps his chest. “Be happy to be alive, dummy.”

  “I am happy.” He squeezes her hand. “Your future husband isn’t going anywhere.”

  More tears splash down her cheeks. She bends forward to give him a kiss.

  Max and I exchange a glance before leaving the two of them alone. We walk down the hallway to the back of the hospital, where there are two large windows. The view isn’t much, just the hospital buildin
gs and the surrounding houses.

  Max stares out, just like I am, but I notice an odd expression on his face. “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  He nods. “Yeah, but thinking.”


  He shrugs. “Us.”

  “What about us?”

  He turns to me. I still can’t understand the weird look in his eyes. “Why did you run into the street? Is it because of what happened in the alley? When that dumpster almost crushed me? And you started…”

  Talking to an invisible person? I take his hand. “Can we forget that ever happened and go back to before?”

  He faces the window again.


  “Sure,” he finally says. “We can forget that happened.”

  I don’t want to say my next words, but I need to. “Max, do you think I’m crazy or something?”

  He shakes his head. “Of course you’re not crazy. I don’t even know what happened. But you’re right, let’s forget all of that. I had something special planned for tonight. I was going to take you to a concert of your favorite band.”

  I feel my jaw drop. I had been so excited for his surprise, but I never expected this. “Really?”

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  I kiss him. “That’s okay. We’ll have other opportunities.”

  It sucks that my genie ruined Max’s surprise. But I’m not going to let that spoil anything. What happened earlier today is forgotten. Max and I are starting over now. Clean slate. No more Sebastian interfering. No more drama.

  I am going to have my genie in my life again. We’re going to figure everything out and see where we stand. I’m still not sure how he feels about me, and as much as I need to know, I can’t. Because this was wish number two. One more and he’ll be gone.

  Max wraps his arm around my shoulder. “I have another surprise for later this week. It might not be as good as the concert, but I think you’ll love it.”


  He sweeps his thumb and index finger across his lips, signaling a lock.


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