Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You know as well as I do, Val, that some sort of magic had to have assisted in his escape. I don’t like the feeling I’m getting.”

  Things had been so calm for the last six years since her escape from Devlon. Her mission was clear once her training was complete. As the Chosen One she needed to protect the packs and ensure that Venificus remained ruler of all.

  “Um…there’s something else.” Val interrupted Charity’s thoughts.

  “What is it Val?”

  “An invitation arrived by courier today. It was addressed to the owner-operator of Caliber.”

  “So?” Charity couldn’t understand why the man sounded so hesitant. It wasn’t as if they’d never received such mail before.

  “It is from Venificus. They are having a large party at the Venificus mansion and have asked your attendance for the week. They would like to also set up a meeting for the day after the party to talk business. Our sources say that the Venificus are concerned that Caliber is trying to pursue a takeover.”

  Charity sat back in her chair and thought for a moment.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m thinking, Val. I trust that the Gods know more than all of us. If it is a sign to receive this letter after the news of attacks on the were packs I am to protect, then I would say we need to attend the event.”

  “How are you going to pull that off?”

  “I’ll give you more details as I work it out. In the interim, plan on attending with me and have Ferin keep an eye on things while we are gone.”

  “You have kept your identity hidden for so long, Princess. Why would you reveal yourself now?”

  “Who said anything about revealing myself? And you’d better get out of the habit of calling me princess. When we are there, I am your assistant and you, Val, are the owner-operator of Caliber.”

  “Oh…I don’t like the sound of this.”

  Val was silent, and Charity knew exactly what he was thinking. She imagined him nibbling on his fingernails as he over thought the situation. He was an average-size man. He was handsome and quite diplomatic with business. He dressed like a typical human accountant would, but he had were blood and no one would know it unless they were were. He was scared out of his mind. The Venificus were quite intimidating from what she had heard and had learned over the years. The three men were notorious creatures. They were very wealthy and surrounded themselves with luxury and women. Charity learned through intel that the three wolves enjoyed martial arts and sword fighting for fun. Most people who met the Venificus brothers found them to be extraordinarily handsome and strong. The Gods were determined to keep them in charge.

  Hanging up the phone, she prepared to make her plans.

  Ferin would need some help maintaining and operating Caliber while she and Val were at the Venificus mansion. She thought of just the right magical creatures for the job and called upon them. She had an uneasy feeling about the attacks. She would initiate an investigation of her own, but it appeared that the Fey Gods wanted her to see only certain things. This wasn’t sitting well with her.

  * * * *

  Next would be packing for the week. She hadn’t a clue about current trends and styles appropriate for an affair at the invitation of royalty. Before she could imagine the right person to help, Bethany appeared before her.

  A soft, glowing light and the lovely goddess appeared beside Charity with an expression of joy and excitement.

  “You were about to call me, were you not?” Bethany asked as she placed a strand of her long red hair behind her ear.

  “Yes, Bethany, I was going to ask for your assistance.”

  Bethany snapped her fingers in front of herself, and immediately her attire changed from gorgeous gown to a pair of jeans and a pink T-shirt. She smiled wide and took Charity’s hand.

  “Shall we go shopping?”

  Charity chuckled.

  “Slow down there, fairy Godmother. There’s no rush, and it’s not like I will turn into a pumpkin at the end of the week. You’ve been reading too many fairy-tale stories.

  Bethany released Charity’s hand, placed her hands on her hips, and gave her a cocky grin.

  “Honey, I am the fairy tale. And you, my dear, are a princess.”

  “Not for this trip I’m not. I am an assistant to Val who will pretend that he is the owner of Caliber.”

  Bethany chuckled.

  “Like you would pass for that? Oh, just forget it, and let’s go shopping. You’ll need a dress for the dinner, some casual clothing…” Bethany carried on as she took Charity’s hand, squeezed it tight, and walked her out of the office.

  * * * *

  Charity laughed as she and Bethany shopped for clothing and dresses. An hour into the ordeal and Charity was exhausted but excited. She had been so bogged down with the security business and keeping her identity hidden that she really wasn’t up to par with today’s fashions.

  Charity was far from the scared young woman of six years ago in the forest. Between her training, and experimentation with her amazing abilities, as well as her strength, she had turned into quite the confident warrior. Relying on the guidance and signs from the fates had come naturally. She couldn’t help but feel that this upcoming trip to Venificus was significant. Still, she needed to be very careful and trust no one. The Goddess would keep Charity safe. Although Bethany’s lag in communication lately indicated trouble, Charity stood confident for whatever was thrown her way. How interesting that Bethany showed up today to go shopping. If Charity didn’t know any better, she would think that Bethany was up to something. The sneaky Fey Goddess enjoyed mischief, as most fey did. She smiled to herself but promised herself to be cautious. After all, there had been numerous attacks on innocents lately.

  It made her feel a tad uneasy, knowing that others in this realm were being persecuted, attacked, or killed. Yet with all her powers and abilities, the Gods did not have her intervene. It was frustrating to be left in the dark. Sometimes, in an instant vision, she would have to appear in another realm or a different area altogether to help save the life of someone of importance.

  Could it be that the war she had been told about as a young child was approaching?

  Charity thought of her spirit sisters, Lexi and Antoinette. Although the two women didn’t realize their connection to Charity and had never actually met her, their connection was significant. Many questions entered her mind, but Charity knew only time could give her the answers. She instead prepared for the trip and some rules for Val to follow. He was to appear as her boss and the owner of Caliber at all times. He was to refrain from calling her “princess.” No matter how forceful the Venificus brothers acted, Val had to remain confident and in control. Then she looked over the protection list and the names on the list of those individuals who booked protection during the time period that she would be gone.

  Chapter 3

  “Have they arrived yet?” Dante heard Luther ask as he stood in front of the office desk, holding the phone to one ear and shaking his head “no” to his brothers.

  “Please inform us the second they arrive.”

  “They didn’t show up today. Perhaps they aren’t coming?” Dante stated as he straightened out the bow tie to his tuxedo. Glancing at himself in the mirror one last time, he gazed at his brothers.

  Both were wearing their tuxedoes, black with white shirts except Maximus, who wore a black shirt under his tux.

  “The assistant replied and said they would both be coming.”

  “Let’s head downstairs and greet our other guests.” Maximus stood and headed toward the doorway. Upon opening it, the sound of music and conversation echoed through the hallways. As they approached the stairs leading to the front entranceway, they noticed the familiar and friendly faces of their fellow pack leaders and members. Despite the information about several more attacks, the were appeared to be in good spirits.

  “Good evening, Lord Venificus.” Dante and his brothers heard the soft voice of Shelly, a Beta in his p
ack. She was quite attractive with her long blonde hair and crystal-blue eyes.

  His focus was on getting downstairs so when the owner of Caliber arrived, he could be the first to get a good look. Giving Shelly a nod of his head, he continued on his way.

  * * * *

  Charity straightened her slim-fitting black gown as the doorman winked at her. She looked at him strangely before hearing Val chuckle.

  Leaning closer to her, he whispered in her ear.

  “Princess, there is no way you can hide your appealing beauty. You stand out, and I am certain you will be approached by every single and non-single male.”

  “Quit it, Val. I am not a princess this week. I am your assistant.” She looped her arm through the arm Val offered then entered the front door with the other guests.

  The mansion was magnificent and the decorations and artwork superb, and despite the fancy gowns and tuxedos, there was an aura of welcoming and comfort. This was the Venificus home.

  Val introduced her to quite a few weres and lycans. Along the way she sensed the presence of some fairies hiding their identity through use of magic Charity was in constant security mode, and she was able to break those barriers immediately and without their knowledge as she and Val mixed and mingled through the party. Aside from some naughty sexual thoughts, the fairies did not intend harm. Her insides fluttered with an awakening of some kind. There was history and an abundant amount of spirits within the home.

  The further she walked into the room the more stares she attracted and the more central a focus she became. She needed to do something to pull their attention away from her so that she appeared less interesting.

  Charity placed a spell over her body so that the fairies and other magical creatures would not pick up on who she really was. Ultimately Charity did not exist and had died along with her parents. Revealing herself too soon would send Devlon to the Venificus doorstep. That wolf would stop at nothing to mate her and rule the universe.

  Pushing the uneasy thoughts aside, Charity and Val began talking to a group of omegas from the Venificus pack.

  * * * *

  “It is a pleasure to meet the man behind Caliber Securities. You have kept your identity such a secret there have been wagers going around on whether you are male or female, wolf or some other creature,” Spencer stated but kept looking at Charity with a sparkle in his eye. She sensed immediately his wanton stare and increased the power of the spell she set up around her. Instantly he focused on Val and the business.

  “So Charity, your line of work must lead you to meet some interesting creatures,” Delta stated.

  “Why yes, it does. I can assure you that my work days are never boring,” she replied then lowered her eyes, knowing that he was to get respect as an omega in the Venificus pack.

  He stepped closer and whispered low. “And your evenings? Are they as entertaining?”

  She smiled then hugged Val’s arm, pretending to be coy.

  Delta chuckled. “Charming young woman, very charming indeed,” he added then took a sip from his wine glass, staring at her over the rim.

  * * * *

  From across the room, Maximus stood staring at the most stunning woman he had ever seen. She was unfamiliar yet so captivating with her long, wavy golden-blonde hair and voluptuous figure. She stood about five foot four, and the man next to her wasn’t much taller.

  In his mind he heard his brother Luther.

  “You see her, too. Who is she?”

  “Where are you two looking? I’m caught behind this crowd of lycans.”

  Dante sounded frustrated, and then he appeared right in front of her. Maximus and Luther released a sigh of anguish that their brother Dante got to approach her first.

  They slowly made their way toward her as numerous guests stopped them along the way.

  * * * *

  “Ahhh…the guests of the hour have arrived.”

  Charity looked up into the most stunning green eyes she had ever seen. The man before her was gorgeous. He looked exquisite in his designer tuxedo. Immediately she knew he was a Venificus, and quickly she turned away. But her chest tightened in anticipation and awareness. He was captivating in his black tux that accentuated his solid, muscular chest. His eyes seemed to sparkle as he caught her staring. She turned away and tried to maintain focus on the conversation amongst the men, but her body was completely aware of the Venificus’s close proximity.

  A moment later his voice, the sound deep, upbeat, and personable, penetrated the small circle of men that gathered around her and Val. Being the only female did not make her nervous, but somehow this Venificus did.

  The introductions began, and Val shook the man’s hand first.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Dante Venificus. This is my assistant Charity,” Val stated as Dante reached out his hand. Charity placed her hand in his for a handshake as her gaze locked with Dante Venificus’s. He was tall, larger than any werewolf she had ever met, yet his hold was gentle. Tiny vibrations scattered though her arms as he smiled as if he felt the same sensations. His smile was debonair and flirtatious, and his eyes roamed over her flesh as if he could see through the material of her dress. Unfamiliar with her own body’s reaction to his blatant perusal, she fought off the urge to pull away.

  Her body warmed from where he touched her all the way through to her heart.

  He was special. She knew it instantly.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Charity.” Dante smiled then released her hand as the conversation continued around her. Despite the attention being drawn to Spencer, who continued to speak on his soapbox, Charity could feel Dante’s gaze still upon her.

  Charity glanced toward Dante. He winked, and her heart pounded inside her chest. This being a first for her, she played modest and shyly turned away. Despite the effort to focus on the conversation she found herself looking back toward Dante and his attire. Dressed in a designer tuxedo, the black material stretched across his massive chest. She was certain the man was built of solid muscle with ridges and definition between each layer. She swallowed hard as her imagination got the best of her. She could tell by the way the starch white collar hugged his skin that his neck was muscular too. The man was a work of art. He raised his glass to take a sip of wine, and she noticed the large diamond cuff links that held the sleeves together.

  * * * *

  “Charity? Her name is Charity?” Luther asked, and Dante looked around to see him approaching. But where was Maximus?

  “Yes, it is, and I’ve got dibs, bro.”

  “Cut the crap, Luther. Just get over here and meet her. She’s…”

  “Amazing.” Luther stated as he approached the small group. Dante introduced him to Charity.

  * * * *

  Dante caught Charity staring. But then she sensed another man approaching. As she locked gazes with the other man, her heart pounded against her chest. There was another drop dead gorgeous male, and he looked almost identical to Dante. He was an inch or so taller than Dante but shared the same facial features. It was Dante’s brother.

  Dante began the introductions as he held her gaze.

  “Charity, I would like you to meet my brother Luther. Luther, this is Charity. She is Val’s assistant from Caliber Securities.”

  Luther took Charity’s hand, bowed his head, and kissed the top of it.

  He looked up at her as his lips pressed against her skin.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Charity.”

  “Likewise, sir,” she stated. Her voice shook, and she couldn’t help but hold his gaze. His eyes were just as green as his brother’s, and he was just as handsome. Her breasts tingled and her nipples immediately hardened. She nonchalantly attempted to rub the inside of her upper arm against it to relieve some of the ache. The ache was instant and strong enough to make her attempt to subside it without being obvious.

  There was so much charisma around the two brothers. She understood why they were adored. Pulling her hand away and rubbing the ache in her breasts awa
y along with it, she looked around the room. Some of the women around the room were staring at her with daggers in their eyes. It appeared that Luther and Dante’s attention toward Charity did not go unnoticed.

  She quickly looked away from them and tried to focus on what some other man was talking about.

  Val smirked at her. “Sir, perhaps it would be wise to meet some of the other guests. I believe that Delta and Ferlow are gazing this way,” Charity whispered, and Val looked toward the men Charity was referring to. They were standing around a crowd of other men not even looking in this direction.

  Charity hated to do it, but Val wasn’t getting her hint that she needed to get away from the Venificus men. Thank goodness the third brother did not appear as well. For some strange reason, she was drawn to the Venificus men in a way that made her body tingle.

  Val was enjoying the conversation too much, and Charity exhaled in annoyance.

  She tensed the moment she felt the hand on her lower back. She caught her breath as the warmth of his hand penetrated her skin. Every erogenous zone on her body was aware of the two Venificus men beside her.

  “Perhaps you would like a tour of our home?” Dante asked as Luther smiled.

  Charity looked toward Val, who was still deep in conversation.

  He was playing his role too well for her liking at the moment.

  Desperate to come up with an excuse, she failed miserably.

  “I should stay with Val. In case he needs something,” she quickly stated, but Dante had looped his arm through one of hers and was leading her away for the tour.

  Val hadn’t even seemed to notice as Charity glanced back toward his direction. When she looked forward again, her gaze smacked into a giant. Intimidation flowed from his presence. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. The crowd of people swiftly moved out of his way, and the determined look on his face told all he was on a mission. His dark green eyes looked mysterious and almost daunting as he approached with determination in his stride.


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