Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Feldman heard a sound, but he didn’t bother to turn and see who it was. He knew already. His fey powers made it impossible for anyone to sneak up on him, even a vampire.

  “I can’t believe the wolves haven’t attempted to eat you yet,” Feldman stated with a glance over his shoulder.

  Dravo laughed. It was a unique, thick, dark laugh that only a vampire could pull off.

  “Am I to assume that the situation our princess is in requires a fey knight’s presence?”

  “You’re assumption is correct, old friend. It appears that we are all in for quite some trouble.”

  “You sensed the black magic, did you not?”

  Feldman raised his eyebrows at Dravo, and he chuckled.

  “Okay, so what’s the plan?”

  Feldman glanced at the estate as well as the numerous wolves who secured the perimeter of the property.

  “It’s up to the Princess. All we can do right now is wait for her call.”

  “She knows that I am here. I won’t stray far, Dravo. I have a bad feeling about this old friend.”

  “As do I, Feldman.”

  “How is our princess holding up?” Feldman asked.

  “She is trying to get a grasp of the personalities of her mates. She nearly died saving Dante.”

  “So I heard. The triplets are a handful. They are strong and noble wolves. She will certainly have her hands full with them. It is quite the honor.”

  “They are used to leading and being in control. They will have a lot of adjustments to make. Between their wolf customs in regards to women and their royal standings, it should make for some interesting arguments.” Dravo chuckled.

  “I gather some have already taken place?”

  “Of course. But the Princess is unique. She has grown up so much. I am honored to have served her and to continue to serve her.”

  “May we get through this, old friend, so we can continue the fight against evil.”

  Dravo nodded as they looked out over the Venificus land.

  * * * *

  Antoinette felt the sensations. There was a touch to her shoulder, and her senses filled with the smell of wildflowers. “Princess,” she whispered then touched her belly where the small mound continued to grow. She had been thinking about her babies and worried for their safety after speaking with Lexi and Feldman through their link. The touch of the Goddess Charity eased her mind. She remembered that smell. It was so vivid in her mind from the night her men and their pack were attacked at the airport terminal. Storm and his black magic power had nearly killed her mates. She had raised her hands up, prepared to die to protect them, when an enormously strong force joined her own and knocked Storm down. She saw the angelic face before her nostrils filled with the scent of wildflowers as the darkness overtook her.

  She had wondered why Storm had the ability to blind her with his powers while the Chosen One was present. But soon she realized that fate runs the show. She needed to prove to herself, her mates, and their packs that she loved them and was ready to become their Alpha female. She had nearly faltered under Storms power and control.

  The sound of someone approaching caused her to inhale and lose the scent of wildflowers. The Princess was gone.

  “Hey, are you feeling all right?” Brad asked as he turned Antoinette toward him and smiled.

  “Yes, just having a little mind meeting with Lexi and Feldman.”

  His eyebrows crinkled with concern.

  “I’ll explain everything at breakfast.”

  Brad pulled her to him and kissed her neck, nuzzling against the dip in her shoulder, making her body hum.

  “We missed you in bed,” he whispered as he knelt down on the floor in front of her while he caressed her breasts through the silk nightgown she wore then lifted the material.

  Antoinette closed her eyes and held Brad’s shoulders as he kissed each breast and tasted her skin. He placed his hands gently over the small lump of her belly and laid his head against it while he hugged her.

  She caressed his hair as he held her close, his lips pressed against her belly skin.

  “You smell like wildflowers,” he stated, and she smiled, knowing that the Chosen One had indeed been present before. She felt Antoinette’s concern for the babies and comforted them.

  A peacefulness came over Antoinette as the realization set in. No matter what battle was to come, her babies would be fine, and her mates would continue to rule as Alphas.

  A moment later, Brad lifted her into his arms. She held on to his neck and shoulders as he made his way through the hallway.

  “Your mates are waiting,” he teased with a raise of his eyebrows as he squeezed her backside before kissing her.

  * * * *

  Dravo gathered some items for the Princess to wear and walked down the hallway. He nodded at a few were who were on guard, and they just seemed to size him up. He knew they weren’t happy about him being there. Truth be told, he wasn’t either. The faster he could get the Princess out of the United States and back to Europe the better. His chalet would be the perfect hideout for her. But that wasn’t going to happen. Once her identity was revealed beyond the Venificus family, things would change. Add in the factor that three Venificus brothers were her mates, and there was no way she was leaving this realm.

  Releasing a sigh, he approached the door and knocked.

  Luther, Dante, and Maximus stood in the center of the room talking as Dravo entered. They eyed him suspiciously, and he could feel their need to protect. Perhaps they would prove to be worthy of their positions as mates to the Princess.

  “What can we do for you?” Dante asked. The were looked a hundred times better, thanks to Charity.

  He walked past them, not caring that they growled and headed toward the bathroom. He could smell the Princess. It was one of his many talents as a vampire. His other ability to remain in sunlight for longer periods of time came in handy. He wouldn’t have to leave Charity alone so soon and in the hands of her mates when daylight fell upon them. But he did need rest, and for now, he had at least a few more hours.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Luther asked, practically ripping Dravo’s shirt as he stopped him.

  Dravo turned and bared his teeth.

  Luther growled back and gave Dravo a blasé glance at his impressive incisors.

  Charity’s voice filtered through their growls.

  “It’s okay, Luther. Dravo is bringing me my clothes,” she yelled from the bathroom.

  Dravo smirked then winked at Luther before he continued toward the door.

  A quick glance over his shoulder and he could tell that they were not pleased. Good. They had better get used to it. He had spent many years by Charity’s side once he located her.

  * * * *

  “Dravo, stop teasing them. This is not the time or the place.” Charity reprimanded him as she pulled the clothes from his arms and rushed him back out the door.

  “But you always let me watch you get dressed,” he said over his shoulder.

  Charity caught sight of the triplets, and they looked very upset.

  “I’ll be just another minute,” she told them then closed the door.

  Charity dressed quickly, but she heard the conversation going on between Maximus, Dante, Luther, and Dravo.

  He continued to tease them then explain just how old he was and how much respect he had for Charity. She smiled to herself. Dravo was a bigger part of this current battle than he knew. Many things would be revealed to each of them. Dravo was not secluded from this. The frustrating part was that she had yet to have another vision. There was no forewarning of what would come next. But knowing that Devlon was leading the way made her feel unsafe. She had to protect the Venificus Family.

  She exited the room dressed in a green cashmere sweater and black dress slacks. Dravo had been kind enough to bring her dress shoes as well.

  The men immediately stopped talking and stared at her. They were a handsome set of men and appeared intimidating yet debon
air in their appearance. Each wore dark dress slacks, a black button-down dress shirt, and a thick black satin sash that held the gold Venificus royal emblem on it.

  Dravo bowed before Charity, and although they hesitated, Dante, Luther, and Maximus did the same. She sensed their anxiety. They were the ones used to being treated as royalty, and here they were, bowing down to her.

  She approached them, Dante in the middle and Luther to his left with Maximus to his right.

  “My handsome mates. You honor me with such respect, and in return, I honor you, for the position you hold and your faith in the powers of the Goddesses.” She locked gazes with them then bowed before them.

  It was Dante who pulled her into an embrace and kissed her.

  Caught off guard, she laughed as he released her to his brother Luther, who in return thoroughly loved her mouth. Feeling sedated with love, she sought out Maximus, and he firmly took her into his arms and kissed her just as thoroughly as his brothers.

  It was Dravo who cleared his throat and put an end to the kissing.

  “Well, shall we go stir up some trouble?” Dravo asked, and Maximus gave him a warning expression.

  Charity grabbed Dravo’s arm and hugged him to her.

  “You will do no such thing. We are guests in the Venificus home and will show complete respect for the royal family. My sources tell me that it is only the immediate Venificus family and Brutas who know who I really am.”

  “The mere fact that Dante is alive after being attacked in such a way, never mind with magic, will raise a lot of questions,” Luther added.

  “Yes, but I do believe your guests and pack members are most concerned over Dravo being here. Let’s meet with your bodyguards, Brutas, and anyone else you feel can be privy to my true identity. The Wizard Davis was responsible for the magic that nearly killed you, Dante. Soon enough, the villain behind these attacks will know I am here in this realm. That is when the true trouble will begin.”

  She glanced at Dravo, and he touched her hand, offering a consoling action of support.

  It didn’t go unnoticed by her mates.

  * * * *

  Maximus was trying his hardest to keep his cool. This was a lot to absorb, and he didn’t need the added bonus of a blood letter at his mate’s hip.

  “Why does he have to stand so close to her?”

  “Will you calm down? The Princess bowed to us and thanked us for our show of respect, and you’re worried that she could have feelings for a vampire?” Dante exclaimed, sounding annoyed.

  “Fuck yeah! Lots of women are into that sort of thing,” Luther added then smirked as they followed Charity and Dravo out of the room.

  “I don’t like it.”

  “You sound paranoid for an Alpha,” Dante teased.

  “Well, look at her. She’s stunning. She’s got the body, attitude, and sex appeal of a goddess as well.”

  “Yes, she sure does, brother,” Luther replied as he eyed Charity from behind.

  “Well, just remember this, Maximus. She chose us. We made love to her first, and we are bound to her as she is to us. Dravo is her friend, and we cannot make her ignore that friendship just because our wolves are jealous.”

  As they walked down the hallway to the meeting room, multiple guests moved out of the way and stared at Charity. Then they looked at Maximus and his brothers as if wondering why they walked behind the woman and the vampire. It irked him to think that this was a sign of Charity’s superiority and his loss of control.

  Charity stopped where she was and waited for Maximus and his brothers to get closer. She took his hand and took her position by his side. She smiled at him then at Dante and Luther.

  When Dravo walked behind them all, he couldn’t help but wonder if his princess had the ability to read minds as well. He focused on the feel of her small, dainty hand within his larger one. The contact calmed his wolf and that of his brothers. He lowered his head so he could whisper in her ear. The scent of wildflowers filled his senses. Everything about her caused such a deep hunger inside.

  “Can you read minds, my princess?” he asked her.

  She took a deep breath before answering him. The move caused some feelings of foreboding and insecurity within his wolf and his man. Secrets could destroy any relationship.

  “I can see what the Goddesses and fey want me to see.”

  “You knew that Dante would be attacked.”

  “Yes, and I prepared for it best I could.”

  He glanced back toward the vamp who obviously could hear the conversation.

  “You didn’t know that your vampire friend would crash the party?”

  “No, Maximus. I didn’t know that he was coming, but I am grateful that he is here. He is a close friend, and I hope you will give him a chance to prove his loyalty.”

  “I remain wherever my princess resides,” Dravo added as he eyed Maximus in challenge.

  “We’ll see,” Maximus countered, and Charity placed her hand over Maximus’s arm and sent him calming thoughts.

  Her intoxicating scent was causing him to lose focus. He inhaled, and it cost him as his voice deepened and his desire became clear. Luther caressed her hair, and Maximus imagined what he would do to Charity once he got her back to their bedroom.

  “Do you know what I am thinking right now?” He nuzzled close to her neck, and she closed her eyes as she stood still.

  “I cannot read your mind, but I can tell you what I am thinking right now.”

  She pressed her palm against his cheek as Dante placed a hand on her shoulder and Luther clasped her other hand with his own.

  They were alone now that Dravo entered the meeting room without them. Maximus was amazed at the feeling of love and compassion that traveled through his body. He saw what she wanted him and his brothers to see.

  They were in the bedroom, slowly removing the clothes from their princess’s body. Her eyes were closed, and her arms relaxed by her sides as they absorbed the sight of her. Dante caressed her neck from behind her as he removed her sweater. Luther cupped her breasts before removing her bra and tasting her flesh. She moaned at their touch, and a wave of her desire rushed through the air, taking their breath away.

  They felt the need to mate and to claim their mate and satisfy their needs. But the sound of a voice clearing and bringing them back to the present interrupted any ideas of escaping the meeting and making love to their woman.

  They opened their eyes and held Charity’s gaze.

  “We will make your vision a reality once this meeting is over,” Dante promised as he caressed her hips then kissed her neck. Luther kissed her neck on the other side, and Maximus took her hand to lead the way into the meeting room.

  * * * *

  They entered the room, and all eyes fell upon Charity. Instantly, she knew the men wondered why she was there. A glance around at all the faces and she saw Brutas, Celeste, Marcus, Spencer, Delta, Ferlow, Val, and five other men she knew, who were the Venificus brothers’ guards. Her men stood beside her as the growls filled the room at Dravo’s presence.

  “I think it would be wise for me to introduce myself and my close friend Dravo,” Charity stated, and the growls lowered.

  “Your Alphas have summoned you to this meeting for a good reason. What we discuss in this room is not to leave this room. It is a matter of safety and security to your Alphas and their continued existence.”

  That statement seemed to gain everyone’s attention.

  “My name is Princess Charity Mossano of Milan. I am the Chosen One.”

  Gasps and excitement went through the room. It was Brutas who stood and bowed first, and then the others joined him. He approached and bowed before her again.

  “By the Goddesses, I am in shock, my princess. It was thought that you were dead or an actual myth told throughout the centuries to keep peace and goodness in the realms.”

  She smiled softly.

  “It was you that saved Lord Dante?” Brutas asked.

  “Yes. I reveal myself to you
now so you all can understand the seriousness of the current threat to this realm.”

  “Please have a seat, everyone, so we can discuss what we know thus far,” Maximus stated, and everyone quickly grabbed seats by the table.

  Charity allowed Maximus, Dante, and Luther to take seats at the head of the table. She stood behind them along with Dravo.

  It appeared to make the others feel uncomfortable, but Charity was trying to decipher where the negative thoughts were coming from. She waited not-so-patiently as the meeting continued.

  * * * *

  “As you all know, my brother was attacked during the hunt last night. It is unknown at the moment who planned this attack. However, our guards were able to track down a scent, leading us to believe that a set of rogue wolves and lycans were responsible. There have been numerous attacks on key were packs throughout the United States and Europe. A company called Caliber has been slowly taking over protection for our fellow packs in order to investigate these killings.” Luther stated.

  “Isn’t Val the owner of Caliber?” Brutas asked.

  “The Princess is the owner and operator of Caliber Securities. She came here by my request after our records indicated a possible takeover of V-Con and Selcon. During her stay, she had a vision, and if not for her quick response and abilities, my brother would be dead. It would surely be the beginning of the end for the Venificus family.”

  “Her presence also helped to secure the safety and protection of our cousin Zagoran’s wife, Alexis. Charity was there the other day to protect Alexis from being abducted,” Luther added.

  Zagoran bowed his head at Charity and clasped his hands in front of him, indicating his praise and respect for her.

  “So do you have any idea who is responsible for these attacks?” Their father Marcus asked with concern.

  The brothers were silent, and their eyes fell upon Charity.

  “The Goddesses have yet to reveal specific information to me. However, I have my suspicions. Most importantly, it is each of you, through process of elimination, that can figure out who would want to destroy the Circle of Elders and the royal family. In actuality, they want to rule the earth, this realm, and all others by eliminating the strongest of species, the were packs.”


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