Dear Sexy Lexie

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by Ashlyn Chase

  Dear Sexy Lexie

  Ashlyn Chase

  Red Stilettos, Book Three

  While a stand-alone, this book is best enjoyed in series order.

  Some women should take their own advice…

  No-nonsense, thirty-nine-year-old Lexie Burns pens an advice column— Letters to Sexy Lexie—that delivers common sense with a dose of humor and a verbal slap upside the head. Tyler Black, a younger, drop-dead gorgeous cop, has had it with emptyheaded, superficial women. In Lexie, he sees the kind of intelligent woman with whom he could build a solid relationship—if he can convince her to acknowledge his existence.

  With the help of some magical stilettos, Tyler might get his woman…and Lexie might get a desperately needed slap upside the libido.

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Dear Sexy Lexie

  ISBN 9781419926921


  Dear Sexy Lexie Copyright © 2010 Ashlyn Chase

  Edited by Helen Woodall

  Cover art by Syneca

  Electronic book Publication March 2010

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  Ashlyn Chase


  To my husband, with whom I’m still crazy in love after all these years. Our marriage proves an older woman and younger man can be the perfect match. He’s thirteen years my junior and the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


  I’d like to thank my friend and fellow writer Stephanie Green for helping me understand syndication from her journalist’s point of view, and for loaning me her copy of Successful Syndication, a Guide for Writers and Cartoonists by Michael Sedge. I pictured my heroine as a modern day “Dear Abby” with a snarky, razor-sharp wit, entertaining the masses while guiding her growing fan base through the murky waters of dating and relationships. Where was she when I was young and stupid?

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Ann Taylor: Annco Inc.

  Boy Scout: The National Boy Scouts of America Foundation

  Dockers: Levi Strauss and Co.

  Nerf: HASBRO Inc.

  Prada: Prada S.A.

  UPS: United Parcel Service of America, Inc.

  Waldorf Astoria: Hilton Hotels Corporation

  Dear Sexy Lexie

  LIFE Magazine, July 1959

  When Ava Darling and her new husband Charles Stratton III returned from Italy, we were lucky enough to catch up with them in their suite at the Waldorf Astoria. They said they were spending the weekend recovering from jet lag but one could surmise from the way they cuddled together on the brocade sofa that their visit was more of an extended honeymoon. We asked Ava and Charles about their courtship and heard a charming story about the two literally bumping into each other on a crowded street in Rome—but that was just part of the story. Ava treated us to a surprising account of the moments which led up to their “accidental”

  meeting. If one believes in fate, their romance may have been no accident at all. She blushed as she admitted to gaining a few pounds after succumbing to a number of tempting Italian pastas and mouthwatering desserts. Apparently, this led to discomfort when she walked the cobblestone streets in her unforgiving high heels. Her Italian costume designer urged her to seek out a cobbler named Giorgio in his shop, Desiderio del Cuore, which is Italian for Heart’s Desire. She said he could create a pair of shoes that would fit comfortably regardless of any changes in her size or shape.

  Meeting Giorgio was a delight, Ava said. His eyes crinkled with mischief as he promised the red peep-toe stilettos she ordered would be everything she wished for and more. It was just after she picked up her comfortable new shoes and wore them out of the shop that she met Mr. Stratton.

  Coincidence? Perhaps but not the way Ava sees it. She’s convinced the shoes are responsible for granting her heart’s desire…


  Ashlyn Chase

  Chapter One

  “Lexie! I’m so glad you made it this year. We missed you and Sam at last year’s cookout.” The old woman glanced around. “Where is he, anyway?”

  Oh, no. Please don’t tell me Maude didn’t hear about Sam. As soon as that thought rolled through Lexie’s brain, the hostess rushed over and whispered furiously in Maude’s ear.

  Maude gasped. “Oh, you poor dear! Oh, I’m so sorry. How did he die? No. Never mind. I’m just a nosy old woman.”

  You got that right. The last thing Lexie wanted to do was relive the horror of her late husband’s cancer at a cookout when she was finally moving on. Maude waited, obviously hoping Lexie would answer the question anyway. When she didn’t, Maude said, “Here, let me get you a chair, you should sit down.”

  “I’m fine, Maude. It’s been a year and a half.”

  “Oh. Are you sure you don’t want to sit? I could load up a plate for you.”

  And tell you all about it while I try to digest a greasy burger? No thanks. “No, really. I’m fine.”

  Tyler Black strolled over. He looked just as hot in his off-duty Dockers as he did in his San Francisco police officer’s uniform. Six feet of solid muscle, dark brown hair and blue eyes with black lashes were only the start of his sex appeal. His twin dimples and wolfish grin gave him a boyish charm he might never outgrow.

  “Hey, Lexie. You are lookin’ fine.” He winked.

  His flirtation made her feel like a normal woman who happened to be single again and she grinned.

  “So, have you started dating yet?”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  Maude gaped at him. “Tyler Black! What an outrageous question.”

  Lexie had had just about enough of people speaking for her. “Actually, Tyler, I’ve been thinking it’s about time.”

  Maude’s jaw almost hit the patio, then she whirled and stomped off in a huff. He sidled up next to Lexie and said in a low voice that made her shiver, “Good, then I can be your first.”

  When she laughed, he leaned in closer and whispered, “And who knows, maybe your last.”

  “Why? Are you gonna kill me?”

  Tyler burst out laughing.

  Lexie sighed. “Maude’s right about one thing, Tyler. You are outrageous.”

  “It’s part of my charm. And come to think of it, you’re pretty outrageous yourself, Sexy Lexie. Think of how much fun we can have together. So how about it? Are you busy Friday night?”

  Lexie placed a hand on her hip. “How old are you?”
/>   “Just turned twenty-seven.”

  “Ha! Do you know how old I am?”

  He stepped back and studied her. “I think you’re legal. At least I hope so.”

  She snickered. “You’re charming all right. But to answer my own question, I’m thirty-nine and only for a few more weeks.”

  “So, your fortieth birthday is coming up? Congratulations! We’ll have to celebrate in some special way.”

  Lexie tipped her head. “Did you not hear me? I’m a dozen years older than you.”

  “Yup. I did the math.”

  “I’ll be getting gray and wrinkled any day now. And that doesn’t bother you?”


  Ashlyn Chase

  “Nope. I see more than a beautiful woman, maybe five foot eight with dark wavy hair I’d like to run my fingers through. I see an interesting, intelligent woman with a sense of humor, who I’d like to get to know better.”

  I don’t think he’s kidding. Better change the subject. “Jolie said she and Gabe were coming but I don’t see them. Did your partner get called in to work today?”

  “Not that I know of. I’m sure they’ll be here. Hey, maybe since your friend is dating my partner, we can double some time.”

  Lexie gave him a slow eye-roll and headed off to the bar.

  * * * * *

  Threesomes never end well.

  Lexie couldn’t think of another word of wisdom for the poor shmuck who wrote to her for advice. Her column Letters to Sexy Lexie brought her interesting mail most days but this was a stumper. She grabbed the phone and called her friend Jolie.

  “Hey, Jolie, help me think of something sensitive to say to this dufus who slept with his girlfriend and her sister and wonders why things are getting weird.”

  Jolie, her friend of twenty-three years, laughed and said, “Why are you worried about being sensitive all of a sudden, Lexie? You never cared before.”

  Jolie got her sense of humor. Not everyone did and that’s why they had bonded all those years ago. When Lexie discovered that Jolie could dish it as well as she could take it, mutual respect was born. Subsequently, she became the one Lexie would call whenever she got stuck and needed advice on her advice column. Yeah, sounded odd, doesn’t it? Lexie, the snarkiest witch of the West, doling out advice in a San Francisco newspaper.

  “You’re right. Blunt honesty is part of my charm but I’m trying to be a little nicer.”

  “Nicer? Why? Your readers love your sarcasm.”

  “I know but I’m trying to get syndicated and I’m beginning to feel… I don’t know, trapped?”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  “Trapped? How so?”

  “Trapped in my own web of good advice. What if I don’t practice what I preach?

  There’s no written rules about it but I think I’m supposed to be a role model.”

  “Are you thinking someday you might want to drive too fast without wearing your seatbelt to impress a date, or horrors, maybe you want to walk around with your tits out on a nudie beach?”

  “No, nothing like that.”

  “Are you thinking of sleeping with your girlfriend and her sister?”

  “Ugh, no. I’m straight, you moron. It’s another letter I wrote a while back that’s been bothering me.”

  “Which one? The letter to the woman with unwelcome houseguests? As I recall you told her to sprinkle itching powder on her guestroom sheets. Tell me that didn’t backfire.”

  “Awww… You read my column.”

  “I wouldn’t miss Letters to Sexy Lexie—as long as I can get it for free, online.”

  “Oh, thanks a pantload. And no, that’s not the one.”

  Jolie chuckled. “Good, because I wouldn’t want to think I could never stay over without bringing my own sheets.”

  “You’re welcome here anytime, sweetie. Just don’t overstay your welcome. You know what they say about fish and houseguests…after three days both begin to stink.”

  “Ha, it’s a good thing I live locally.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “See? You’re totally sensitive. I don’t know why you need to come to me for advice on your advice column.”

  “Because your honesty is almost as droll as mine.”

  “Yeah, what can I say? It’s a gift. So which letter is bothering you?”

  “It’s the one about May-December romances.”


  Ashlyn Chase

  “Oh! You must have found an older fella. Didn’t you tell the woman that it was okay if he was rich, because something had to make up for sleeping with his wrinkly old ass?”

  “Something like that but no. This time it’s the other way around. Tyler is a dozen years my junior.”

  “Tyler, huh? He even sounds young. Has he asked you out?”


  “So? What’s the matter?”

  “I just know this is going to backfire on me.”

  “How? Are people going to tell him it’s only okay if you’re rich to make up for your wrinkly old ass?”

  Lexie laughed. “They’d better not and even if they did I don’t think that would stop me. Not only do I love his nubile, smooth bod and he makes me want to do bad, bad things—but he’s the perfect age for me right now.”

  “What do you mean, now?”

  “I mean, he hasn’t become jaded so I don’t have to listen to the nasty ex-wife stories, he’s not from the spoiled generation where his mother or nanny did everything for him so he doesn’t expect me to cook for him or do his laundry…”

  “You’re kidding. You’ve had guys expect you to do their laundry?”

  “Only one. He didn’t have a washer and dryer in his apartment like I do, so he figured I wouldn’t mind if he brought his over. I didn’t mind until he asked me to throw his in when I did my own.”

  Jolie burst out laughing. “I can just imagine. You must have let him have it!”

  “I didn’t say much of anything. I just opened my window and tossed his laundry out on the sidewalk, then told him if he didn’t leave by the front door, he’d go out the same way.”



  Dear Sexy Lexie

  “Yeah, that was loads of fun. Anyway, now along comes Tyler. He’s gorgeous, laidback, smart, has a great sense of humor and he’s still trainable.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “Don’t you think I’ll be subjecting myself to the whole ‘cougar’ criticism? I can just hear the bitches now. And there was another letter that could be an embarrassment, come to think of it.”

  “Another age difference?”

  “No. I got a letter from a woman falling in love with a cop. She was terrified that something could happen to him on the job. I’m afraid I gave her a snippy response about how she should have known what she was getting into, yada, yada, yada.”

  “So what? Since when have you cared what people thought?”

  “Since my column became popular and I have a shot of going into syndication. My editor is doing her damndest to help me and I don’t want to let her down. Selfsyndication is as hard as hell and I was lucky to talk the Frisco paper into giving me a shot but if you’re trying to get a national agency to take you seriously? Please! Now everyone is watching the life of Alexis Burns. I have this unspoken obligation to follow my own advice. I hate hypocrites and I don’t want to be one.”

  “I really don’t think people care as much as you think they do. Besides, what’s so wrong? Is he a gigolo or does he work at a video store?”

  “He’s a cop.”

  Jolie groaned. “Oh. My. God. A good-looking, young guy in a uniform. How could you resist?”

  “That’s just it. I’ve been resisting doing what I really want to do, which is to jump his calcium-rich bones—and it’s killing me.”

  “Well, that’s just nuts. You should be free to do anything you like.”

  “My editor might have something to say about that. She’s trying ever
ything to help me go national. Pulling all kinds of strings, ya know?”


  Ashlyn Chase

  “How old is your editor?”

  “She’s about our age—late thirties or early forties, I think. Why?”

  “Maybe both of you can become members of the club.”

  “What club?”

  “It’s just an expression but I was talking about the Cougar Club. You’d be surprised how many women I know who are going through the same thing.”

  “Older women dating younger men?”

  “Yeah. And loving it! The only problem seems to be what other people think. Most of them aren’t like you and able to tell the soccer moms to go pound sand if they don’t like it. Women in that situation need to support each other.”


  “So what do you say? Shall I introduce you to some of my friends?”

  “Middle-aged women? Why would I want to hang out with them when I can spend my precious spare time with Tyler?”

  Jolie chuckled. “See? You don’t have a problem at all. You know what you want and aren’t afraid to go after it and that’s exactly what we were all talking about at New Years. Remember? Going after what we really want?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Hey, thanks but I’ve gotta go. Someone’s here and now that you’ve cured my second thoughts, I’m going to have my nasty way with Tyler just as soon as I can.


  “Oh, I intend to.”

  * * * * *


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  The UPS driver stood at her door, holding a package addressed to Sexy Lexie.

  “Good morning. Are you…?” He checked her out and smiled. “Um, you’ll need to sign here, Sexy Lexie.” He thrust an electronic signature pad toward her.

  “Thanks, I think.” She signed inside the gray box with the stylus and handed the device back to him. “What ever happened to clipboards?”


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