The New Alpha

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The New Alpha Page 2

by K. S. Martin

  Chapter 2

  Robert MacEwan walked into the bakery that was under his new apartment. He was supposed to meet with someone named Luca at four o’clock but the guy hadn’t shown. Mac was on his second latte and went to try one of the fudge pops in the display case. They looked like cubes of chocolate on a stick that had been set down in peanuts or walnuts depending. He chose peanut. Chocolate and peanuts were his favorite combination. This bakery used to belong to Tina’s parents and he wondered briefly if they were still around. He’d really liked her when he was a kid. She was quiet but smart and had the most beautiful eyes. He’d been a little asshole to her before high school and then he’d really turned on the charm. When his friends found out whom his prom date was they’d given him a hard time. He had to pretend it was a joke and that he intended to make a fool of her. His alpha genes had not kicked in yet because Owen was always around. Owen was his older brother and also an alpha. His buddies had jumped on the prank idea and insisted they come along to laugh at her when they didn’t pick her up. Tommy Delaney had even called her something nasty when Leon peeled wheels out of there. Mac remembered that it may have been fat ass. God he regretted that. Someone had thrown an empty beer can. Assholes. He should’ve stood up to the little punks and acted like a man. He wanted her then almost as much as now. Tina was too smart to fall for his bullshit twice. The damage was done. When he touched the treat to his mouth, he scented her, his mate. Who ever made this was his intended mate. MacEwan unfolded his incredible height from the plastic chair and crossed the black tiled floor to the counter. Cassie, the pack member that helped set this rental up for him was taking a coffee to the back and he followed her in. He slid through the saloon style doors to the kitchen and was lost in the noise and overwhelming smells of breads and cakes baking. Noise from the surrounding kitchen overwhelmed his ears almost as much as the swirling scents of baking breads and pastries overwhelmed his sense of smell. It was sensory overload in here and it paralyzed him temporarily. A medium sized dark haired fellow was repairing a huge commercial mixer across the kitchen that did not look up. A tall blonde man who was stirring something that looked like frosting seemed to be in charge and whirled around to face him. He started yelling about contamination and insurance policies. He saw two women working. Which one was she? There were too many scents and he couldn’t separate them quickly enough. He turned and saw her when her scent hit him, she’d been behind a door, and when it opened, her scent wafted over him paralyzing him for another moment. His wolf reacted pouncing about inside him wanting her. Mine. He growled. Easy boy, she’s human she won’t understand. She was small compared to him and curvy. He couldn’t wait to nestle himself in those juicy thighs and pour his soul into her. She was magnificent. She had chestnut brown hair and was pale with big blue grey eyes. There were golden flecks around her pupils and he could’ve stared into them all day. They were inviting liquid pools and her pupils were dilating with desire. He scented her arousal. Oh shit, it’s Tina. Mine. The female is mine. The wolf growled again. The tall man was telling her something but between the wolf inside his head panting mine, mine, mine and his body’s lusty reaction to her, he was having a very difficult time focusing. He looked her up and down, wanting to pounce on her. Her scent was clean like the air after a downpour in the fall when the leaves are still dripping, coffee, and chocolate. Oh, he loved that smell. He wanted to roll himself in that scent then bury himself in it. The sweet heady scent of the delectable substance made his mouth water and his wolf was pacing and sniffing. His mate was still lovely. He said the first thing to come into his head. “Hi there sweetheart. It’s good to see you. It’ll be good to see you every day and I go by Mac unless my brothers are around then it’s Robert.” She was telling him to go upstairs and wait. She was gesturing now with her pretty little finger and telling him to leave her kitchen. Now that wasn’t right. Why was this happening now? Sure, he’d liked her when they were young but neither his body nor his wolf reacted this way to her back then. She should be as enamored with him as he was her. She was his mate after all and human or not she should feel…something. Of course, there was all that bull shit in school and then the horrible thing senior year. What she felt was probably repulsion. Mac turned and left. He took the stairs two at a time to wait at the top for her. They would be alone in an empty apartment and the possibilities were endless. He would charm her and make her forget school and his bad manners. Was it possible to make her believe that he wasn’t an asshole after what he’d done? The blue grey eyes appraised him coolly from the bottom of the stairs now and he watched her, stared into her eyes. She looked away, looked anywhere but at him. His wolf growled low in its throat. She is rejecting us. Why is she rejecting us? She doesn’t know us. We are strong and loyal. We will protect her and take care of her. Easy boy, she remembers us well and she doesn’t like what she remembers. I was pretty awful to her a few years ago. She hasn’t forgiven me and she probably won’t so don’t get your hopes up. He followed her around the apartment and nearly cornered her in the bathroom but could sense her sudden fear and hated the smell and taste of it. He wouldn’t corner her again. This was going to take finesse. A lot more finesse than he had. Damn. Finesse and charm? Mac had doubts that he could pull it off. He made the circular motion for her to turn around and leave like she had to him downstairs, her mouth fell open and it was all he could do not to laugh. Her shock was delightful. He would make it a point to shock her more in the future. She was adorable when she was shocked. He watched her delicious rear sway quickly out of his apartment. God she was beautiful. A more perfect mate had never been created. What the hell was he going to do? Tina was his mate? Tina was a human and she was not going to be happy about his interest in her especially when she found out what he was and what that meant. He would have to consider these things later. He needed to get moved in.

  First things first. He called his brothers and gave them directions to his new place. His oldest brother Owen the alpha and pack leader, had a house across town with a spare room, but Mac didn’t want to intrude. His brother was just recently mated and they were still in the honeymoon faze. They honeymooned everywhere, anywhere and anytime. That was not a memory that he wanted burned into his brain. His two younger brothers, Eric and Matthew were betas to Owen, which is what Mac would’ve been if he’d stayed here. Mac set out to see the rest of the world after college. There was more out there and he wanted to see it, wanted to find his mate and settle down. She’d been right here and he knew her. His alpha genes kicked in when he’d hitch hiked into another packs territory in Montana. He liked the area and decided to stay when they offered. He moved up the pack hierarchy fast and was a beta then the alpha before he knew it. His two younger brothers never left town, and wanted nothing to do with higher learning. They were all about their pack and their territory. They shared an apartment three blocks over and he had no interest in riding their couch. Once his brothers brought the truck it didn’t take them long to unload it. Four big wolves made quick work of the box truck and arranging his furniture. Mac offered them dinner across the street but Owen had to get home to Shari. “You and I need to have a conversation soon Rob. It’s important.” Mac nodded.

  “Anytime Owen. Call me later when you aren’t…busy.” Mac grinned and Owen flipped him the bird. The two younger brothers accepted the dinner invitation. They said goodbye to Owen and headed across the street. “This is convenient Rob, a steakhouse across the street and a buffet to boot. I didn’t know this was here, we will be over here a lot brother.” Matt beamed and agreed with Eric. It was a buffet restaurant where you pay for your dinner first and Mac took care of it then followed his brothers inside. He spotted her right away across the dining room at the salad bar. She had a Styrofoam box and was loading salad into it. Was that all she ate? She needed some meat in that box and why was she putting it in a box anyway? She should sit down at a table and eat, meals were a social time they were not meant to be spent alone. He did not scent a male or pups on her w
hich was a huge relief and to his advantage but it also meant she was alone and that made him unhappy. She seemed so sullen and he wanted to see her smile again. He remembered that she had a beautiful smile in high school. He remembered that she had straight white teeth and a cute little dimple at the left corner of her beautiful rosy lips. Eric was standing next to her now. Wait. What? What was Eric doing with his mate? Oh hell no. Eric was making her smile and laugh. Damn it. Such a beautiful smile, her entire face was alight with joy and his brother was causing it and that was her mate’s job. She belongs to us. Nip his ears. He must learn respect and discipline. He was pacing and growling and his hackles were up. Down boy, Eric has no idea that she is ours. Tell him right away before she gets interested in him. I will. They are only talking. Eric is too young for her. Don’t worry. Eric glanced over at Mac who mouthed the word, Mine. Eric nodded curtly and left her side quickly. Mac made his way to the salad bar and sidled up next to her.

  “I hope that’s not all you’re putting in that box because you’ll still be hungry and you aren’t getting your money’s worth.” Tina looked up at him sharply and gasped. “You need to fill a box with steak and one of those brownies I see over there.” Tina moved away quickly and it almost seemed like her eyes were watering. Was something in her eye? She glared back at him and left the restaurant.


  How dare he! To insinuate that she needed more food because she was heavy, he had not changed one bit. He may as well have yelled fat ass across the restaurant, she should’ve expected it. The bastard! His lease will not be renewed. She would let the apartment sit empty before she put up with him for another year. Tina got into her Hybrid behind The Family Bakery, her bakery and eyed the monster gas guzzling SUV with absolute hate. It wasn’t really the vehicle as much as it was the owner that she detested. Not only was he an ass, he was not eco friendly. She grinned at that, maybe mother earth should kick his ass. She started the little white car and eased away from the bakery to head home. It was business, it is only business, this would be her new mantra. It didn’t matter what happened in high school. She was his landlord and if he got out of line, she would evict him.


  She was crying, what did he say? Eric made her laugh and he made her cry. Something was wrong with that. She should be overjoyed to have such a big strong wolf interested in her no matter what happened back then. He was well regarded amongst his people. He sat down at the table with his brothers and blew out a breath. “She’s nice Rob, when did you meet her? Have you claimed her yet?”

  “What did I miss?” Matt looked up from his third chicken leg.

  “Rob has a mate. Did you see the cute girl at the salad bar that I was talking to?” Mac growled low in his chest.

  “Oh the one with the nice behind?” Eric was nodding. “Wow Rob, cute. What’s her name?” Mac growled a little louder and his brother made a face at him.

  “Kristina and she’s my new landlord, she owns the building. She also hates my guts.” He set his fork down. “I uh kind of made her nervous earlier and then I kind of made fun of her a little. All the way through school I made her miserable and then she was the prom date that I…” He grimaced and they nodded knowing the story. Just now apparently I said something else that got in her craw.”

  “What did you say to her?” Matt shoved some mashed potato in his mouth.

  “I just told her that she needed to fill a box with steak and brownies you know to get her money’s worth and to fill her up.” Eric rolled his eyes.

  “Jeez Rob she told me that she was dieting and you called her fat.” Mac’s eyes got wide and he shook his head.

  “I did not. I…shit. There is probably no way that she’s forgotten prom, is there?” Both brothers shook their heads. “I think that she’s lovely.” Mac finished with a sigh.

  “But you didn’t tell her that did you? I’ll bet you never apologized for prom either. You’re an ass Rob. If you want to mate her, you need for her to like you especially if she isn’t wolf. If she were wolf she could be pissed but still accept you as a mate but that will not fly with a human female. They get pissed and you won’t get anywhere with them.” Mac gave him a look that said he was being stupid. “Sorry, it just seems like you didn’t know that.” Eric and Matt laughed and went back to their dinners. Mac didn’t eat much because he was worried about his mate. His job was to make her feel safe and protected, happy, loved and satisfied. He was really screwing the pooch on this one. No pun intended.

  Chapter 3

  Two in the morning came early. Tina yawned and got out of bed. She showered and dressed then drove to the bakery. After unlocking the doors, Tina turned the ovens on and went to the front to start coffee for her staff. They would be dragging themselves in soon and would need jet fuel. She started pulling loaves out of the proofing box that rose over night and placed them out on work surfaces. Some would get sesame seeds, some poppy, and some herbs. She unloaded bagels from resting trays and put the pots under the faucets to fill. She turned the stove on to boil the water. Once they boiled, they would go into the oven and everyone knew that the first one out was hers with cream cheese unless she was on a diet which was usually the case. Luca stumbled in and went straight to the coffee pot. She grinned. Luca was so cute when he was sleepy and rumpled. He came over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as he kissed her temple. One of these days, he would kiss more of her and she anxiously waited for that day. She was more than ready to take him to her bed. If only her father were more accepting, she would ask Luca to move in with her. Tina went to her office and turned her computer on. She got her favorite mug from the corner of the desk and smiled at the orange cat in the bunny slippers. She headed for the coffee pot. “What the hell is going on in here?” Mac’s voice boomed. Tina was startled as she came out of the office and dropped her mug to the black tiled floor where it shattered into several pieces. Her heart shattered with the cup. It was a birthday present from her best friend Mandy from grade school. Mandy succumbed to breast cancer almost a year ago at the ripe old age of twenty one and eleven months. Growing up the two were inseparable when Tina wasn’t in the bakery, Mandy was the only one who ever really ‘got’ Tina.

  “Oh shit sweetie.” Luca exclaimed and rushed over to drop at her feet and pick up the pieces of the cup. Anna, Luca’s helper hurried over with a broom to help. Eddie who was Brett’s helper was grabbing a wet cloth to be sure and get all of the glass shards. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “What are you guys doing here this early? What’s with all the banging around?” Mac was dragging a hand down his face. Tina barely registered that he was barefooted and bare-chested.

  “Mac, this is a bakery. We are here every day at this time. Bread doesn’t bake itself.” Luca said cleaning up what was left of the mug. Tina stifled a cry with her fist, turned and went to her office, closing the door quietly. She sank down in her chair and buried her face in her hands. She hoped the PMS passed soon so she did not burst into tears every five minutes. “It’s only a mug.” She muttered but she cried harder thinking of Maggie wasting away to nothing so young and so beautiful. All Maggie ever wanted was to fall in love and get married but she died. Usually Tina was a much stronger person except during this time. She could hear Brett through the door.

  “Is that Tina’s favorite mug? Oh my god what happened?” Luca mumbled something and she heard Brett curse.

  “It’s just a coffee mug.” Mac said then Luca explained and once he did, he told Mac that he was not allowed in the kitchen. He was not allowed past the front or back doors and to stay out. “I thought you were being robbed.” He answered sounding genuinely sorry.

  “You scared Tina to death, now her last memento of her best friend is garbage, and she’s in tears.” She heard Mac curse now and someone knocked softly at her door. She got up from the chair and locked it. She didn’t want to speak to anyone right now and would not come out until she felt better.

  “I’m sorry, for everything.” Mac murmured throug
h the door. Tina sighed. His year would not end soon enough. Maybe she could refund his money and send him on his way. She clicked on her bank icon on the desktop and logged in. Okay. So she would not be paying him off. Sure, there was money but she didn’t want to refund the two months’ rent or give up the next ten either. “Crap. I’m stuck with the arrogant bastard.” Tina muttered. She dabbed her eyes and checked herself in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy, red rimmed and glassy. Great. Soon they would feel gritty too. This would be another very long day.

  Luca did his best to keep her happy all day. He was wittier and more helpful than usual. He kept a coffee near her at all times even though it was in a disposable cup and twice he made her try his chocolate icing which was her absolute favorite. He made Cassie’s birthday cake order too so Tina wouldn’t have to do it. He was so great when he wanted to be. Cassie brought her a club sandwich for lunch and sat with her in her office while they ate. Usually Cassie left for lunch and Tina had a bagel or croissant.

  “Tina, what do you think of the new guy upstairs? The one renting the apartment, I think he’s nice.” Tina rolled her eyes.

  “I think he’s…You like him huh?” Cassie shrugged. “Good luck, you should go for it.” Tina smiled softly. Cassie was exactly the kind of girl he would go for. She was blonde, tall, cute, and friendly. The exact model of what the ass would want. A worry line creased Cassie’s brow but she went on.


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