The New Alpha

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The New Alpha Page 5

by K. S. Martin

  “Busy with my mate, what do you want?” Mac asked curtly wanting to get back to her.

  “Look, I have a situation and I didn’t want to bring it up in front of the betas.” He paused. Owen was notorious for considering what he wanted to say. He would consider his words at length, and while it was probably a good move for an alpha, it was annoying to Mac. “Shari’s dad is alpha of her old pack and he just found out that he has a aggressive cancer that he won’t beat even with our healing powers. He doesn’t have a beta and he doesn’t have long. He wants us to come to Colorado and for me to take over since I am experienced and since everyone knows her. Shit, she just moved here a couple of months ago. They haven’t had time to miss her yet. I want to help him and the pack out though, you know? I feel bad for them. He’s dying and they will be left with no one to protect them. Shari says that her father takes care of everything and that there isn’t another dominant figure to even fill in. She’s sick about it Rob, this is her family and besides that he was just diagnosed then given about two months by their camp doctor. ”

  “Wow. What are you going to do?” Mac asked earnestly.”

  “Here’s the part I wanted to talk to you about.” Mac watched Tina’s rear sway as she walked and his pants got a little tighter. He shifted in his seat as he often did when she was near. “I want you to take over here as alpha. The betas aren’t ready. Neither one of them and they are still too wild. I know you’re still upset about what happened in Montana but that won’t happen here, it’s too urban. My pack is better seasoned and more capable of hiding and blending. They are well aware of the dangers and know to do their hunting in the state park. We’ve been here safely for generations. Will you do it?”

  “I don’t know Owen. I was kind of enjoying my forced vacation and you should know that I’ve found my mate. I’m in pursuit as we speak.”

  “Congrats Rob! What’s her name? Where did you meet her? Have you claimed her yet?” Owen sounded as excited about it as Mac felt.

  “Chill man you’re as bad as the beast.” Mac laughed and Tina looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. “Her name is Tina, she is my landlord and no but I’m working very hard at it believe me. I know her from school. I’ve known her since I was like five Owen. Why didn’t I recognize her before?” Owen grunted which meant he didn’t have any answers. Mac went back to what his brother was calling about. “Tell me about the house, do you live in the alpha’s house or is that your house? How does this pack work?” He heard Owen let out a relieved breath.

  “Yeah, I’m in the alpha house and it’s free and clear. I’m in a small community of fifty houses, no outsiders. The whole pack doesn’t live here, some live around town, like the boys. The pack has eighty six members of varying ages from our oldest of ninety-nine down to newborn.” Mac whistled low and long. “I know it’s big and it’s a lot of responsibility but I think you can handle it Rob.”

  “I just signed this lease Owen, it’s for a year, and like I said I’m in pursuit. That will be difficult from across town.” Owen growled low. “Don’t get your panties in a twist. I will stay here for the time being, maybe it won’t take long, you never know.” Tina was going into her office now and he couldn’t see her anymore. His mouth pressed into a line. “I’m not turning you down Owen but I’m not ready to move today, okay? What about the business?”

  “You’ll run it, it belongs to the pack, and we’re incorporated. They’ll help you. A lot of pack members work for me, the bookkeeper but I don’t know if she’s staying she said something about going to take care of her sister but you know how to do books, and all of the crew is pack. The receptionists aren’t, my secretary is not and the IT guy is not but we all get along. Me and Shari want to leave this weekend. I need you to come over this week and I will introduce you at the pack meeting.”

  “One thing Owen, how do your members feel about humans? My mate is human.” There was a long pause. “Owen?”

  “Uh, I don’t know. We have some in the pack but they aren’t alphas of course and they live in town. Come to the pack meeting at my house, I’ll have it on Wednesday, Shari will cook and we’ll let them know. You can bring dessert that will be easy for you since you live over a bakery. Get a cake or something. Remember, there are eighty six of us. Look, Shari is calling me and I’m scenting her so…”

  “Yeah see you at work.” Mac ended the call as Tina appeared in the doorway yawning. She turned the kitchen lights off.

  “I’m ready for bed. Good phone call?” She stifled another yawn. He nodded. His brain had stopped at ‘ready for bed.’ Mac got up and followed her. He’d noticed that she always followed him up the stairs and he was not going to let her do it this time. She paused at the bottom of the stairs suddenly noticing that she was in front. “After you.” She gestured up.

  “Oh, I insist, ladies first.” She blushed but didn’t move. “Problem?” He tipped his head curiously. Tina nibbled her lip.

  “No, that’s okay, you go. I’m so tired that I may have to crawl up slowly.” She smiled sleepily.

  “You’re really tired huh?” She nodded. “I can help with that.” He scooped her up and carried her up Rhett Butler style. Tina squealed and giggled.

  “You’re really strong.” Tina mused.

  “Not really, you’re just a little bit of a thing.” She looked away. “You don’t think?” She shook her head. “You are. Is that why you always follow me up the stairs? You don’t want me to see your backside?” He watched her skin turn a lovely pink. “I like your backside.” He dipped his head and kissed her at the top of the stairs. “Goodnight sweetheart. Unless you’d like company?” Tina worried her lip. “Okay. I will see you in the morning. I’ll make the coffee. What time do you get up?” She held up two fingers as she yawned and he made a horrified face.

  “That’s in six hours. You need more sleep than that. You’ll make yourself sick.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m so close to work now I can get up at two twenty and still make it. My commute is very short.” Mac laughed at this and she felt it in her core. Tina unlocked her door and gave him a little wave as she slipped inside. Mac stood there breathing in the last of her lingering scent. Yup, he had it bad. He heard her swear loudly and opened her door.

  “What’s wrong?” She whirled to look at him surprised. “I heard you swear, what’s wrong?” She let out the trapped breath she’d held.

  “I forgot to bring sheets.” Mac looked into her bedroom then turned.

  “Wait here.” He went to his apartment and returned within seconds. “I have these, they’re not the best, but they are clean. They won’t fit perfectly but they will get you through the night.” He went to the bedroom and made her bed. Tina watched not really knowing what to do while he took care of her. This man was not the boy that left her on the porch so long ago. This man was kind and caring. He was not the football jock, this man was so much better than the boy she’d fallen in love with so long ago. “Do you have a blanket?” She shook her head. “Be right back.” He came back with his comforter. “Here you are. I don’t use it anyway except to cover the bed. I sleep hot.” He said at her look. “Do you sleep hot or cold?” Her brows knitted in confusion. “When you sleep at night are you cold and need a lot of blankets or do you kick them all off like I do?” He was smiling mischievously and Tina wasn’t sure if she should answer, she was afraid she was about to be the butt of some joke.

  “Cold. I’m always freezing.” She grinned deciding to play along, deciding to trust him. He could tell that she was exhausted by the dark smudges under her eyes.

  “I’ll keep you warm when the time comes.” He winked. “Good night.” Mac kissed her forehead and let himself out then went to his apartment for a long cold shower. Hot pursuit.

  Chapter 5

  Tina did not sleep well at all. Mac’s flirting and the fact the blanket smelled like him had inspired multiple very hot dreams. The dreams woke her with a pounding heart and damp panties, twice. She almost thought that she’d h
ad an orgasm in her sleep but that’s not possible, is it? She wondered. What was happening to her? She needed to tell him about Luca, and she needed to stop kissing him. But it was so nice to be held and stroked. Mmm. Luca didn’t set her on fire like Mac and Luca didn’t act like he wanted to most days. Their relationship had gone tepid awhile ago. She wondered if Luca was interested in someone else. Tina got up to shower at ten minutes after two. When she turned the water off, she heard water running at Mac’s place. She dried herself. Was that sweet man making her coffee at this hour? He really was Prince Charming. First, there was the constant flirting, then the lift up the stairs like she was a princess, the complete and total understanding of her feelings and the constant boosts to her ego. It was like he was sent especially for her even after everything that had gone so wrong between them. Her little gift from heaven to make up for the loveless life she’d had so far, well that wasn’t fair. She was loved but not by a man, not by someone who made her feel desirable and that was what she wanted most, to feel desirable. He was handsome though he needed a hair cut but what did she care if he kept it long? It would be more to grab when he buried his head between her thighs. Heat crept up her face. Had she really just thought that? Oh yes, she wanted him to do that and she would fess up to that thought. A shiver raced over her skin and brought a secret little smile to her face. She’d read all about that in her romance books and she’d wanted that for a very long time. When he’d been on his knees in front of her it was all she could do not to beg for it. Tina wet her lips and twisted her hair up into a sloppy bun on top of her head that she would hide under her chef’s hat. She pulled her pink uniform on that reminded her of a candy striper and slid into her pink rubber clogs. There was a soft knock on her door and she went to open it. “Mac?” She stifled a yawn. “What’s up?” He held up a large travel cup for her.

  “I made your coffee sweetheart.” His voice was low and husky from sleep and entirely too sexy for this early in the morning. “I want to have dinner with you tonight, okay?” She nodded and sipped from his mug while resisting the urge to muss his messy hair. God was he gorgeous. His eyes followed her mouth with undisguised desire. He wet his lips. “I need a cake too. You guys make cake right?” Tina grinned and nodded. “Uh I need it by Wednesday afternoon. Is that too short of notice?” She shook her head and sipped again. His gaze was still glued and to her mouth.

  “What type of cake?” She asked. He made a face. “Round, rectangle, tiered, wedding, birthday…?”

  “Oh. Nothing that fancy. I need it to feed about ninety people so I guess a flat rectangle?” She nodded.

  “Sure thing. Flat and rectangle, full sheet. What flavor crumb? Do you want yellow, white, carrot, marble, chocolate? And it will need frosting white, butter cream, chocolate, peanut butter…?”

  “Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting,” he said looking excited about it.

  “Should it say anything? Happy Birthday? Happy Anniversary? I love peanut butter? She was sipping again and stifling a chuckle. He grinned and raised one eyebrow.

  “Are you laughing at me? At two thirty in the morning and after I brought you that delicious coffee that you are sucking down as fast as you can, you are laughing at me?” He towered over her. Tina backed up feeling a little…dominated? Yes. Definitely dominated. She swallowed hard. Mac advanced on her until she was against the foyer wall. “I would think that you would be grateful. I just ordered a cake and brought you coffee. You got business, service and a smile at two thirty in the morning. Tina put her hand up in the center of his chest to fend him off. She could feel his heart beating slow, steady, and strong under her fingertips. While her heart was jumping around in her chest like a rabid jack rabbit on crack and the rest of her body trembled with it, Tina realized then that she wasn’t afraid instead, she was excited and aroused. She peered up at him through her lashes and she was having trouble getting a good deep breath. “Breathe sweetheart before you pass out. If you pass out, I won’t be able to do this.” He leaned forward and kissed her. His lips crushed hers, his tongue invaded and plundered her mouth, and his hands went around to cup her bottom and to pull her groin flush against his. Her arms went up around his neck and she realized then that her legs were wrapping themselves around his waist. He ground his pelvis into hers and rubbed her sensuously. His hardest parts met her softest ones. His fingers kneaded her bottom and Tina moaned into his mouth. “You’re going to be late.” He murmured against her lips. “I want to make you very late sweetheart.” He trailed kissed over her cheek and down the column of her throat to where her uniform shirt started. “Let’s go back to bed.”

  “Oh god I want to but I have to let everyone in, Luca is off today, he has an appointment.” Mac let her feet drop softly to the floor. “Thank you for the coffee though and the cake order.” She smiled up at him. “And the good morning kiss.” She finished with a sigh.

  “Anytime sweetheart.” Mac turned and left her still standing against the wall. When his door clicked shut, Tina sank down until she was squatting. Her legs were no longer able to hold her up.

  “Wow.” She whispered. “That was hot.” She thought of Luca then she would have to tell one of them that she was with the other. Tina was not looking forward to that.


  Tuesday morning was nearly a repeat of Monday morning. Mac brought her coffee at two twenty and kissed her thoroughly. He’d had to cancel dinner the night before because he had to work late. Someone had a family emergency and he got stuck with the evening shift. He was very apologetic and promised to make it up to her later. Tina was in her office grinning stupidly at the computer screen. It was flashing pictures of puppies that she did not see. Her head was propped up on her hand and she sighed contentedly. Luca came into her office. “What’s up T?” He gave her his mega watt smile. “You seem distracted.” He leaned over and kissed her neck. Tina pulled away and blushed.

  “Is the Lieberman cake done yet? It has to be ready by one today.” Tina looked guiltily past Luca into the kitchen. “And I need a full sheet chocolate with peanut butter frosting, no words for Mac. He needs it tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Lieberman is ready. I finished it an hour ago. It’s in the walk –in waiting for your inspection. I’ll start Mac’s sheet Tina heard someone come in the back door. Luca turned and raced for the back mostly to get away from Tina now that he’d seen that she was not on the banking website. “Oh my god! It’s my favorite sugar lipped girl!” Two scoops flushed and flipped him the bird. He laughed loudly and went back to his workstation to start his next project.

  Tina finished inspecting the Lieberman cake deciding that it was perfect. There were two other cakes in the fridge ready for her to look over. The cake tagged ‘Lee’ did not match the tag. It should say happy birthday not anniversary. Tina stuck her head out of the fridge and called Brett inside. He had made the cake.

  “Brett? Was a change called in on this cake? It says anniversary and should say birthday according to the tag.” He grimaced.

  “Sorry Tina, I will fix it right now. It is supposed to be picked up any second. I must’ve gotten distracted.” Brett carried the cake back out to his work station and started to scrape the words off of it. Luca pointed and laughed. He was rolling out croissant dough. Tina loved Luca’s croissants. Nobody made more delicate dough. Luca had talent, no doubt about it.

  She inventoried the contents of the fridge making mental notes of needed supplies. Luca must be at it again, she decided hearing a commotion outside in the kitchen. The door to the fridge opened and closed behind her.

  “I was in the kitchen again. I didn’t get hurt or contaminate anything though I swear. How are you beautiful?” Mac asked when she turned around. “Oh you have something right there.” He pointed at her face. Tina reached up to wipe. “Let me.” Mac bent to kiss her as he wrapped his arms around her. “I missed you today.”

  “You’re early. Did they let you go because you worked so long yesterday?” He nodded. “Good, that’s fair.
I’m done for the day but I need to shower. Are we still going out for dinner?” She let her hands explore his well muscled back.

  “I thought that I would cook for you. I have everything at my place and I can start while you shower. Would that be okay?” He pulled her in closer until his groin nestled with hers.

  “I didn’t know you cooked.” Tina looked up at him amused. “I look forward to it. What are we having?”

  “Chicken, you like chicken right?” She nodded and rested her cheek against his chest. It felt so good to melt into him this way. “And vegetables.” The door burst open then and Tina jumped away from Mac and tried to look casual. “Your shift is over T, get out! This kitchen is under my command now.” He said when they filed out. There was an audible groan then laughter when Luca snapped at them. Mac tugged her through the store and up the private stairs. He went first and pulled her behind him. When they got to the top, he looked down into her face.

  “Is there something going on that I should know about? When Luca came into the fridge, you jumped away from me. Are you and Luca…? I mean do I have competition?” He looked worried and Tina’s eyes misted. “I see. You should’ve said something Kristina.” She flinched at the use of her full name because it scolded her as he’d meant it to. He turned and opened his door and glanced back at her. “You should’ve told me.” He scolded again and closed the door with a soft click. Tina did not go to Mac’s for supper. He had a right to be angry with her, she was angry with her too. Why didn’t she just tell Luca, he would understand. He had to know that theirs wasn’t a romantic kind of love. They were friends sure, they had a good time together, they laughed and had a great history together, but what she felt wasn’t desire for Luca but more like gratefulness. She was grateful and she felt obligated but did that mean she was obligated to him in such way that meant cold and long nights alone? She wanted to spend time with Mac. He made her insides tremble and clench and that was something she liked feeling, something that made her anxious to feel more of it and to explore those feelings to their fullest conclusion. She wanted Mac. She wanted all of him, in her, on her, around her and with her, always. She loved him. Did she? Did she love him? Like that? Yes, it was love and her heart was light but full of it. Now, he was next door hating her, this had to get solved quickly, she had to tell Luca that they were only friends. She reached into the fridge and grabbed a protein shake and made a face at it, this wasn’t even close to how good that chicken would’ve been sitting across from the most beautiful man in the world.


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