The New Alpha

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The New Alpha Page 7

by K. S. Martin

  “Of course.” Tina answered mechanically. “I’m sorry for earlier Mac. I shouldn’t have assumed. I’ve had a really hard time lately and it was stupid and rude of me to accuse you.” She sounded like a robot and it was a little weird. Mac watched her carefully. “My parents are going to be very disappointed in me.” Her eyes were far away and filled with unshed tears. Mac unfolded himself from his chair and lifted her easily out of hers. He carried her into the bedroom and put her down on the bed. He pulled his blanket up over her and she grabbed his hand. “Mac, will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone.” She was focused again and he was relieved. He nodded and pulled his shirt off laying it on the dresser. He unbuckled his belt and waited for her to object but she didn’t. Mac climbed into bed beside her and pulled her into his arms. He tucked her head under his chin, her cheek rested against his chest. God this felt so right. He heard nothing from the crazy bastard loose in his head. Either he had passed out or having her close made him content. Her breath was deep and even, the poor thing was probably as exhausted as he was. He’d spent last night pacing and trying to figure her out. He’d slept about an hour before going to work then powered through this very long day on coffee alone. His fingertips traced the line of her backbone and he sighed and drifted off.


  Tina stirred and Mac let her shift in her sleep then wrapped her in his arms again when she settled. He’d gotten up earlier and texted his brother that he would not be in to work until later. He texted Luca from her phone and told him the same. She needed her rest and Mac wanted to stay with her until he was sure that she was okay. Tina sighed and he smiled at her still sleeping face. This was how it should be. She cuddled against his chest her cheek nestled between his pectorals. Tina nuzzled him and his brow went up suspecting that she was awake. His fingertips stroked her spine then wove into her hair to massage her scalp. She made a contented sound and Mac kissed the top of her head. Her hand skimmed up his flat belly until it rested on his chest near her face. One corner of his mouth rose as he watched her and waited to see what she would do next. They would not make love he told himself. He would not share and he did not poach even though nature had declared her his. She would have to break up with Luca first. “Good morning sweetheart.” He murmured. Her eyes snapped open and focused on his immediately. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Very well, maybe too well. What time is it? I’m late.” She tried to scramble up but Mac held her still.

  “I texted Luca from your phone and told him that you were sleeping in and I texted my brother and told him the same, so neither one of us needs to move just yet.” His hand moved over her scalp again and she relaxed against him. “Tell me why you’re with him. Why do you love him?” She shifted against him but did not try to move away.

  “I owe him.” Mac scoffed. “Really. When I got to school I was pretty messed up. I didn’t trust anyone especially myself. Luca was there on the first day trying to cheer me up. He didn’t just brush me off like most people would have. He had this bright personality and everyone loved him. He draws people to him somehow and he chose me to be his pet project. His mission was to make me smile he used to say. He kept me occupied in his merry group of misfits so I would forget that I was sad. But it only worked sometimes.”

  “This funk that you were in, did it have anything to do with what I did?” She nodded. “I’m sorry sweetheart.” She drew a deep breath.

  “Anyway by Christmas break, I’d gotten really bad. Luca kept trying to take me to a shrink and I wouldn’t go, not even for him.” She snuffled holding the anxious tears at bay. “He stopped me from swallowing a bottle of pills. I had the cap off and a half bottle of tequila left when he broke down my bathroom door and stopped me. He stayed with me, right by my side during the whole break. He never let me out of his sight and he finally got me into therapy. He saved my life, I owe him, and I love him for it.”

  “Are you going to marry him?” Mac gritted his teeth. She was shaking her head.

  “He’s a great guy, he really is, but since you came back…I’ve realized that he doesn’t make me feel the way that you do, the way I should feel. I love him but I don’t think that I am in love with him. Do you understand?” A corner of Mac’s mouth lifted but he stayed silent. “I’m not sure what mine and Luca’s relationship is now. We go out, we talk on the phone sometimes when we aren’t working, and sometimes he kisses me but it’s never on the mouth and he’s never tried to…you know.”

  “I really don’t sweetheart.” He thought he did but he needed her to say it.

  “We haven’t had sex and he doesn’t try to have sex with me. So I don’t know what kind of relationship we have but it doesn’t seem like it’s a romantic one.”

  “Do you want to have sex with Luca? His jaw tightened again.

  “Not anymore. I thought that I did but…” Her cheeks heated and she nibbled her lip.

  “But not since I came back?” Tina nodded, her cheek rubbed his chest, and he released a pent up breath. Not since he’d come back. She didn’t want to have sex with Luca, not anymore. He doesn’t try to have sex with her? Mac scented other males on Luca and knew that he was right before when he suspected that Luca was homosexual. So why make her think that he was her boyfriend unless it was only to keep her close while he stole from her. Wait a second. “If he doesn’t try to have sex with you, have you two ever had sex?” Tina shook her head. “Never?” She shook it again. “You went to school not trusting men and you immediately got attached to Luca but you two have never had sex? Have you ever had sex with anyone?” Her face pinked and she shook her head as she looked up at him through her lashes. “Never?”

  “Never.” She whispered. “I wanted to be married by the time I turned twenty five but now…I don’t think I’ll ever… even lose my…”

  “Oh sweetheart.” Mac pulled her tightly against him. “That’s why the silly dieting.” Mac chuckled when she nodded. “You’ve been thinking that Luca would want you more if you were built more like he is? Long and lean?” She nodded again and sniffled. “Baby, like I told you before, you are perfect, the perfect shape, and the perfect height. You are amazing and any man would owe thanks to the universe to have you.” They were quiet for awhile. He was mulling this new information about her over and she was contemplating how to seduce him. Mac rolled to his back and said. “I think that we will have breakfast and then go through your books at length. I can have our IT guy come by later if I can’t find anything.” Tina pressed her lips to the center of his chest. “Get up and shower. I will make you breakfast.” Mac disentangled himself from her and moved to get up. Tina huffed out an irritated breath. “Do you remember when I said that you should have told me?” He was sitting now and faced away from her. “You need to tell him if you want this to go any further with me Tina. I stayed with you last night because you needed me to but I will not poach another man’s woman. You have to tell him.” Mac got up and pulled his clothes on. “Bring your laptop with you, breakfast at my place in twenty minutes and I will make you some coffee too.” Tina threw the covers back and headed for the bathroom. “I thought that would motivate you.” Mac went to his apartment and took the bacon and eggs from the refrigerator then started on the coffee. He popped English muffins into the toaster and put the butter and orange juice on the table. He wondered if Tina could cook or if this would always be his job, not that he minded cooking for her, he would do anything for her. Mac put breakfast on the table just as she came in with her laptop. Tina grabbed her coffee cup and moaned as she sipped. Mac inhaled sharply. He loved the sounds that she made. He was looking forward to making her make them in his bed.

  “What kind of coffee is this Mac? I think it may be the best I’ve ever had.”

  “It’s Brazilian Arabica. I’m glad that you like it. Sit and eat, before your eggs get cold.” Tina sat and tasted a strip of bacon then the egg. He’d put cheese on the egg and she picked it off with her fork.

  “I’m sorry, you don’t like
cheese?” Tina flushed. Her skin was so pretty blushed that way. He tucked that away on his list of things to do her, make her bottom pink. “Tina? Are you picking the cheese off because of calories?” Her lips pressed into a thin line. “Eat the damn cheese. You are not fat. I don’t know who has put that in your head but whoever did, is a fool. You are a beautiful, sexy woman and you have a delicious figure that any man would appreciate.” She swallowed hard and looked down at her discarded cheese. “Besides, women need calcium for strong bones and you just picked it all off.” Tina scooted the cheese around and scooped it up with her fork full of egg. Mac smiled and nodded when she put it in her mouth. “That’s better sweetheart.” He sipped his coffee and watched her finish her breakfast. She gathered the plates and before he could object, she carried them to the sink.

  “I will do the dishes while you look at the computer and thank you for breakfast.” She bent to kiss his unshaven cheek. Mac smiled. Tina refilled his coffee cup and hers then wiped the table so he could work. Mac opened the laptop and logged into her book keeping program. She heard him breathe heavily and grunt a few times but she stayed out of his way. Once his kitchen was clean, Tina watered his plants. He watched her bend over to pour from the watering can and had to readjust himself in his seat. Mac ran his hand through his hair several times and it stuck out in all directions. Tina giggled when she returned to the kitchen from the balcony. “Your hair.” She pointed when he looked confused. “It’s bad isn’t it, the theft?” She asked when she saw the serious glint in his eyes. He nodded. “How bad?”

  “One hundred ninety eight thousand all told. I don’t think that I missed anything. I know who it is and I know where it’s going. I think that I can get it back.”

  “Do it. Tell me who it is later. I want to give them an opportunity to confess.” She looked at her watch. I’ll be downstairs.

  “Be careful. Your thief is desperate and may want to do you harm. Think about it before you accuse anyone.” She nodded.

  Chapter 7

  Tina went down to the kitchen where everything seemed normal. The store had a few customers and Cassie looked busy but happy. She smiled at Tina and asked if she needed coffee, Tina declined but grabbed a peanut butter cup from the case and went through the swinging doors to the bakery. Luca was at his station making baguettes, Brett was piping lacework on the Decker wedding cake, and Darla was making bagel dough for tomorrow. Darla waved at her when she came in and Tina waved back. “Hey T.” Luca called, “Did you sleep well sweetie?” He glanced at his watch. She nodded. “Good. There are two cakes in the walk in ready for you and we need fudge pops, are you up for it?” Tina nodded and went to wash her hands. “Where is the laptop sweetie? I was going to place an order and it was gone. You didn’t stay up doing payroll again did you?” His voice had an edge to it and Tina flinched but did not answer him. It was not possible. Tina finished washing her hands and went into the fridge to inspect the cakes, they were both perfect and Brett had done them not Luca. He never said that he did though, did he? Was it Luca? Brett had been distracted lately, maybe…but how? Tina looked around at low supplies and took a mental note. She got cream for the fudge pops and went to her work station glancing out into the store. No customers. Tina went out to the store and turned the closed sign around.

  “Cassie, can I see you in the kitchen please?” Cassie looked sick.

  “Am I getting fired?” Cassie whined.

  “Why would I fire you?” Tina looked her in the eyes. Cassie’s chin quivered.

  “I don’t know, because I’m late a lot? Luca said that you didn’t like that.” Tina made a face because she’d never said that. She wondered what else he said when she wasn’t around.

  “No, I will not fire you for being late a lot, but I still want to see you in the kitchen.” Tina followed Cassie in. Brett looked up and smiled at them then went back to work. “Can everyone stop working for a moment please and bring your stools around. We need to have a staff meeting.” Mac came in with her laptop and went to the office. “One moment please.” Tina followed him inside and closed the door. “What did you find?”

  “I back traced the thief, I sucked all of the money that I could out of his accounts, he took one hundred ninety eight thousand, and I took one ninety six back, the total in his account. He is going to be pissed and he could turn violent, you should call the police Tina but I’ll stay if you don’t want to call them. I don’t know if you have a retirement fund set up for them but you could freeze it if you do and keep their last paycheck. I can prove who and how.”

  “Who is it?” She whispered and closed her eyes.

  “It’s Luca and Tina….” She glanced up at him. “Luca is gay. The account is in his and someone named Mark Roberson.” Tina shrugged.

  “I don’t know a Mark Roberson.” Mac grimaced.

  “Do you want to do this in front of all of them or in private? If he goes ballistic, it would be best that they weren’t in the way, they can’t get hurt if they aren’t here.” Tina turned and opened the office door. Her staff was waiting and watching the door that she’d just opened.

  “Everyone go back to work. Luca, I need you in here.” Luca got up, sauntered over to her, and reached for her hand. She pulled away. He watched her curiously. His suspicious gaze studied her and Mac.

  “Is this going to be a dramatic break up? Are you with Mac now?” Tina shifted from foot to foot and backed up to stand closer to Mac. “That’s fine sweetie. I’m more into boys anyway.” Mac folded his arms across his massive chest and stood behind Tina.

  “Are they expensive Luca? Do boys cost you a lot of money?” His eyes narrowed but he said nothing. “Luca, I want you to know that I am very grateful to you for saving my life.”

  “Of course honey, I love you and I wanted to keep you with me.” Luca smiled softly at her. “I’m sorry for the gay thing T, I can’t help it. I know that you wanted us to be together and I wanted that too but it’s just not what I need.” Tina nodded and crossed her arms over her chest now trying to seem as intimidating as Mac. “We are still friends though right?” Tina bit down hard on her bottom lip and took a deep breath.

  “Luca we can’t be friends. It’s only because of the kindness that you showed me so long ago that I don’t have the police in here. I know that you’ve been stealing from me and I know that you’ve taken almost two hundred grand. I don’t know why and I don’t want to know why but Luca, you no longer work here. I am keeping your paycheck, I want your keys, and then I want you to get your things and go. You are not welcome here anymore.” His head jerked on his neck and he laughed, it was a joyless noise, empty and frightening. She felt Mac’s chest rumble against her back.

  “Just so you know you stupid little twat, you aren’t getting any of the money back and I’m going to use it to open my own bakery then I am going to take your whole staff away. I think I’ll open across the street so I can laugh at you every day as I watch you fail.” He sneered.

  “Why Luca? Why do you hate me so much?” Tina’s body shook and Mac wrapped his arms around her.

  “You had everything, your parents loved you, they paid for your education, gave you a house, and their fucking business and all you could ever do was whine about how you were being trapped into their lives and that they wouldn’t let you go to Europe. Big fucking deal Tina, you didn’t get one little thing. I never got any damned thing. My old man never paid any attention to me because he knew that I was different. He started calling me a faggot when I was eight and he never gave me a damned thing except a hard way to go and a knuckle sandwich. I was his favorite punching bag and you sit there and whine because they loved you so much that they gave you the world and not only are you not grateful but you’re angry about it? What a stupid little bitch you are Tina, I knew you would be an easy target because you never really cared about this anyway. I’ve been at this since day one and you are so stupid that you never even balanced your damn check book. Well, I’ll balance it sweetie, don’t you worry about the m
oney because I will take very good care of it.” Luca opened the office door and snapped at everyone working in the bakery. “I just got fired and I am opening my own bakery up the street, anyone wants to work for or partner with me, come now or go down with this sinking ship.” Brett dropped what he was working on and Tina gasped. Brett came to her instead when she stepped out of the office into the kitchen. Luca gave a dramatic harrumph and slammed out of the back door, Anna and Eddie, the helpers, followed him out. Tina blew out a breath.

  “I’d like to apply for the job of first assistant. I’ve been here as long as Luca, I know the business, and I will work hard for you.” Tina smiled at him and held out her hand for him to shake. “Thanks T.” She nodded and he went back to work on the dough he was shaping. Cassie came over to her.

  “Can I open the shop now?” Tina nodded. “Cool, do you need a fix?” Cassie grinned when Tina nodded again. “Coming right up boss.”

  “I’m glad this day is nearly over.” Mac was at her side again.

  “I have to get to work too, dinner later?” She looked up into his beautiful toffee flecked eyes.

  “I’d love nothing more.” He gave her a lopsided grin and hurried out of the back door to go to his SUV.


  “Dinner in thirty, wear something sexy.” He winked and let himself into his apartment. Mac had come in the front door just as Tina came out of the bakery and she let him follow her up their stairs giving her hips an extra sway. Tina smiled giddily while she showered and dressed. She had a black dress that could pass for sexy she supposed, but it didn’t feel right. She found a summer dress with a flouncy short skirt that she’d always planned to wear but never did. This seemed like the occasion for it.

  Mac hurriedly put together salad greens then pounded out the chicken and squeezed lemons. He breaded and fried the chicken then put it in the oven to stay warm. He started the sauce with white wine, lemon, and capers. Tina watched him from the doorway. He really could cook. She almost expected to catch him emptying cartons. He pulled the chicken from the oven and spoon the sauce over it. Quickly dressing the greens, he placed them on the plates. “Wow.” Tina came over, put her arms around his middle, and looked into the plates. “That’s really pretty.” He grinned down at her and kissed her cheek.


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