The New Alpha

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The New Alpha Page 12

by K. S. Martin

  “Sort of.” Tina grinned wider.

  “I hope I find my mate young, I don’t want to wait long.”

  “You shouldn’t be in a hurry, you’re young, enjoy yourself.” Tina whispered back. Cassie shrugged and added the baking powder that Tina asked for.

  “Son of a bitch!” Tina and Cassie both whirled at Brett’s outburst. Usually he was silent most of the day unless he was giving orders. Tina gaped at him. “I lost a whole damn side. Shit! It broke, the damn thing broke. That’s thirty minutes! Damn it.” He huffed.

  “Okay, Brett. It’s okay.” Tina wrapped her arm around him and rubbed his back. “We’re all frazzled. I know it’s frustrating.” Brett leaned against her and closed his eyes. “Calm down. It’s okay. Do you want to take a break? Have a pastry, a coffee, a fudge pop?” Tina coaxed. She heard a growl behind her and looked up at Mac’s snarling angry face. “Go outside Brett and take a walk, calm down.” He nodded and headed for the door.

  “Can I see you in your office?” Mac said sternly and Tina shivered. She saw Cassie standing in a corner with her head bowed. Ruth was in a similar stance at her station and Tina’s brows knitted.

  “Of course honey.” Tina took his hand and led him into the office then shut the door. Mac pushed her roughly against it and crushed his mouth to hers. Tina wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “I’m glad to see you too.” She said when he finally came up for air.

  “You don’t hug other men and you don’t rub them either.” He was angry. Tina took a deep breath and let her fingers sink into his dark hair.

  “I’ve no interest in Brett. He just had a whole side of lace break off, that’s a lot of work, a whole lot. He was upset and I was calming him down before he embarrassed himself in front of everyone. I think he was going to cry.” She whispered and Mac laughed. “Don’t laugh. We’re all losing it. We have two cakes to finish and a half an hour of work is well, a half an hour. We all feel like we’re sinking out there. Brett has been working all week with a tooth ache but he hasn’t gone to a dentist because the bakery’s reputation is at stake, someone’s wedding is at stake. So don’t go all animal on me when I calm an employee down, okay?” Tina brushed her lips over his and he nipped hers. Tina giggled and tried to put her legs down but Mac wasn’t ready to let her go just yet.

  “What can I do to help?” He growled into her neck.

  “I don’t know, what can you do?” Mac grinned. “Okay smarty pants, you can help clean, fetch product, carry heavy stuff, and unload the oven as things become ready. Can you do all of that?” He nodded. “You need a hair net.” She couldn’t help but smirk at the thought. He kissed her again.

  “You can pay me when we get upstairs.” He growled against her neck, Tina giggled again and he let her down. Mac grabbed an apron and put it on then took a hair net from the box and pulled it over his head. Tina opened the office door and returned to Cassie’s side. She was putting her baguettes into the proofing box. “I’m here to help anyone who needs help, just ask.”

  J.D. stuck his head in the kitchen and said, “We’re swamped out here if you want to pitch in sir.” Mac nodded and headed his way. Tina didn’t see him again for an hour. Her neck was stiff, her shoulders were tight, and her feet hurt. It was nearly dinner time and she’d been busy since two this morning but three cakes down and one to go. Ruth and Cassie were still working on flowers, Brett still piping and Tina pushed a final tray of bread into the proofing box to set over night. Mac came in with four pizzas, plates, cheese, red pepper, and bottles of soda.

  “Anyone that’s hungry, I’ve got pizza.” All work stopped, everyone was starving, no one had taken lunch, and the smell was intoxicating. Janet stayed out front to handle the counter while J.D. ate since she’d come in hours after him.

  “Thank you sir.” Ruth said grabbing a piece, thanks echoed around mouthfuls of pizza. Tina picked up one of the smallest pieces of veggie and nibbled at it. Mac watched her with a scowl on his face. Cassie saw it and dropped her head. Ruth leaned over and whispered. “The Alpha is displeased. You need to eat more, you are offending him.” Tina glanced up at him and worried her lip. Mac dipped his head and nodded at the pizza, she reached for another slice, and he smiled then went back to his plate. “Good girl.” Ruth smiled and sprinkled parmesan all over her slice of meat pizza. Tina wondered what that tasted like since she’d never tried it. She reached for a small one and Mac beamed at her from across the table. Cassie grabbed the last pepperoni then filled her cup with soda. J.D. stole her piece and put a slice of cheese in its place. Tina grinned but didn’t say anything, but Mac gave J.D. a scorching glance that had him putting the pizza back in front of her where he’d found it. They all took this Alpha thing so seriously and everyone bowed to Mac’s wishes. Alpha’s must be pretty important Tina supposed. The meat pizza didn’t appeal to her but she finished it anyway.

  “So, let’s plan while everyone is finishing up. We have three cakes done and in the fridge. We have our bread order in the proofing boxes and pastry set up for tomorrow. What haven’ t we done?” Tina asked.

  “Did you get to payroll T?” Brett asked. Tina’s face scrunched up.

  “Crap.” Everyone laughed.

  “T, maybe you should go to every two weeks. Would that be easier?” Brett asked.

  “I’d still have to do it. Shoot, I can’t believe I forgot that.” Tina sighed. “You know where I’ll be.” Tina pouted then headed for the office and Mac followed her.

  “Show me.” Tina glanced up at him confused. “Show me one and I’ll do the rest, you can check my work when I finish and you can get back out there.”

  “I love you.” Tina offered. “I really love you and I really hate payroll.” She clicked on the program and logged on within minutes Mac was in her chair and she was back in the kitchen. Mac had no problem navigating and getting her payroll finished. He printed the checks, balanced her accounts again, and paid her bills. When he finished he grabbed a dust mop and started sweeping the kitchen. Tina smiled at him as he passed by, she was amazed that he was this powerful alpha and yet he didn’t mind picking up a mop or doing other small jobs that were beneath his status. This was not the same Bobby MacEwan that she once knew. The all powerful jock, the captain of the football team, the big important teenager that she knew once, that once left her on the porch humiliated. This was a man. One that was secure enough with himself to pick up a mop and wear a hairnet. Bobby MacEwan would not have ever donned a hairnet but Robert MacEwan did not have a problem with it. Tina grinned. He winked at her and she giggled then went back to her piping on the cake that Brett was working on. They were working on opposite sides with her following him. He was working with a bright white trim and her with a silver accent. Next, they would place pearls then Ruth and Cassie would place the flowers. After that, they would all collapse then deliver the cake. The others were already in the safe hands of their respective reception halls. It always lifted a weight from Tina’s shoulders once the cakes were out of her walk in. She over saw their deliveries, had the hotel sign for receipt and took picture of each side before leaving. She learned that the hard way. Once she’d had to refund a cake order because of a careless hotel kitchen employee and had no proof that the cake was delivered safely. She would not make that mistake again. Tina and Brett carried the cake to the van while the others cleaned up. Everyone had worked over today and would be due overtime but they would get this under control and without Luca they would not only survive but thrive. Brett would deliver it on his way home since the hotel was a block from his apartment. Tina gave him the keys to the van.

  “You can go and stay home tomorrow.” Tina whispered in Darla’s ear. Tina could see that her back was bothering her and she needed to rest. Tina would not be the cause of another back surgery. Darla smiled softly.

  “Thanks T.” Darla got her purse from under her workstation and threw her apron in the basket before heading out of the back door.

  Brett wiped both his and Dar
la’s stations then left. Ruth and Cassie cleaned the rest of the kitchen and prepared for tomorrow. Cassie made rolls for the picnic and two huge cakes, one carrot with cream cheese icing and one chocolate with peanut butter. Tina wiped her brow and bagged the trash. The kitchen was ready to close and the store would not be far behind. J.D. was mopping while Janet wiped tables. Tina caught the looks they exchanged and chuckled. She could see Janet’s interest but bashfulness and she could understand why. J.D. was very cute and built. She wondered how Janet would feel about him when she found out he could sprout fangs and claws. Mac’s arms came around her now and she relaxed against him. “You’re tired sweetheart. Are we finished down here, I want to take you to bed and rub the exhaustion from your muscles.” She loved the way his voice smoothed over her nerves and lit her up at the same time. He was so good for her, so perfect. Maybe there was something to this mate thing after all. Who was she to judge mother nature?

  “We’re going Tina, see you tomorrow.” Cassie called as she opened the back door. Ruth waved following her out. “Good night sir.” Cassie said to Mac.

  “Goodnight J.D., good night Janet.” Mac turned to her. “You need to set the alarm Tina.” He reminded her as he set the locks behind everyone. She came over, tapped the code in, and started the system yawning dramatically. Tina went to the walk in and looked inside, finding it empty she turned all of the lights off and followed Mac out of the kitchen. She locked the front doors then went to the stairs. Mac scooped her up and carried her up the stairs. Tina was too tired to complain and just rested her head against him. Mac went the bathroom and started the shower then came back to kneel in front of her where she sat on the edge of the bed. He removed her shoes and socks while she pulled her shirt off. Mac leaned forward and kissed her then stood to undress. “Come on, get them off, and let’s go. I want to put you under a hot shower and work out those kinks.” Tina nibbled her lip. “And that’s acceptable as well.” Her brows knitted. “You were thinking of making love sweetheart.” Tina blushed. “I told you not to be afraid to ask. I am always more than happy to please my mate.”

  “How do you do that? Can you read my mind?” She asked tugging her pants down. He chuckled.

  “It probably seems that way huh? No, not like you’re thinking. It’s more like I can feel what you want, or if you’re scared, I get a bad shaking feeling. My wolf can sense the shift in emotion and energy, like a gut instinct. Do you ever get that? When you’re driving say, do you get a feeling that you should turn here or not there?” Tina nodded. “Like that.”

  “Why don’t I get it from you? Is it because I’m not a wolf? It’s not fair.” Tina whined as she put the clothes on a chair to take back to her apartment. He loved it that she would walk around naked in front of him now when not long ago she wouldn’t climb stairs with him around. God she was beautiful. The way her hips swayed when she walked, the curve of her hip, the round firm breasts that called to him. He wanted her but sensed that she was beyond tired and needed rest more than sex.

  “Sorry sweetheart, in time maybe it will develop but it may not ever happen. I can’t say.” He took her hand and pulled her with him into the shower. The warm spray was the perfect temperature, Tina stood under it, and relaxed letting it beat her tired shoulders. Mac turned her and washed her then shampooed her hair. He rubbed and massaged her shoulders, arms, back, and legs. She leaned against the tiled wall. Tina was having trouble keeping her eyes open and Mac helped her out of the tub and dried her then stepped back inside. “Go get in bed before you drop.” Tina nodded

  “Hey, I didn’t get to wash you!” She flung the curtain open. Mac was already washing his hair. She gasped at the sight of him. He was gorgeous and weakened her knees. All corded muscles and tanned skin. Water raced over the hills and valleys in rivulets. She yawned again.

  “Go on, I’ll be there in a second, we can play when you’re not so beat.” Tina snapped the curtain closed. “Tina, I’m not rejecting you, I am looking out for you. If you are still awake when I get there and you still desire me, I’m yours, I promise.” Tina closed the bathroom door quietly after brushing her teeth but was asleep by the time he came to bed. “I knew you were tired.” He whispered and kissed her cheek. “Rest pretty one.” She murmured but didn’t wake and Mac crawled in behind her wrapping her in his arms.


  Tina woke with a start and sat up. Mac pulled her back down beside him. “What’s wrong?” He murmured against her throat. “I love the way you taste.” Mac kissed her.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong. I think I had a dream, a nightmare. There were men with guns and they were shooting at me, but I wasn’t me, I was, I was…wolf.” She stuttered. “I got hit, it hurt really badly.”

  “Yeah it did.” Tina looked up at him in the dark. “The wolf was me Tina. I was in Montana, they’d just made wolf hunting legal, and there was a frenzy to get one amongst the humans. I was too close to town and I knew better but sometimes you just have to tempt fate.” Tina’s head was on his chest. She was listening to his heart beat and his voice rumble under her ear. Her fingers traced the line of hair from his sternum to below his belly. “It was a flesh wound and healed almost instantly but I was scared for awhile when it happened because I bled so much. All I could think was that I couldn’t die because I hadn’t found you yet.” His arm tightened around her. That’s all over now, no need to worry, go back to sleep, it’s almost one. The good news is that you are picking up my thoughts, the same nightmare woke me.” Tina kissed his warm skin then turned and pressed herself against him. He spooned her wrapping her in his arms. This was their favorite and most comfortable position. It made her feel safe and loved when he wrapped himself around her this way.

  “What’s the plan for tomorrow? Should I meet you there or…?”

  “I’ll come and get you around noon, is that okay?” She nodded and he kissed her shoulder. Tina drifted off to sleep safe and warm in his arms.

  Mac woke her at two with a cup of coffee. He grinned watching her nose twitch and sniff. Even in her sleep, she was an addict. He laughed when her head came off the pillow before her eyes opened. Mac gazed into the blue luminous pools when she finally opened them then kissed her before handing her the cup. “I’m going to get an early start. We’re going to run this morning and I have a few things to do at the office first. I’ll be back for you around noon.”

  “You’re leaving now?” Tina pouted and sipped her coffee.

  “Yes, I’m running late actually. You and your friend there will be okay right?” He winked and she giggled.

  “Me and my friend will be fine. I’ll see you at noon.” He leaned over and tasted her lips once more before rushing out. Why did they need to run in the morning? Tina got up and dressed for work in her black chef’s uniform then refilled her cup and went downstairs to open the bakery. The knocking was persistent on the back door and Tina hurried to open it.

  “Jeez, T that thing wanted to eat me.” Tina looked past Brett. “You have a raccoon that likes to dumpster dive but he does not like an audience. He hissed at me and I think he might have rabies.”

  “Why didn’t you stay in the van and wait?” Brett blushed and turned his head.

  “I was already out and it is parked way over there like you want and the little bastard didn’t seem unfriendly until I tried to check him out up close. That will teach me to try and get closer to nature.” Brett laughed and started pulling out loaves then filling the bagel pots.

  “Did you see Ruth or Cassie?” Brett shook his head and pulled his apron on. She went to turn on the coffee pots and Brett started on getting bagels ready. Janet would handle the ice cream hours today since everyone else would be at the picnic. Tina was nervous meeting all of Mac’s pack and more nervous about what was riding on it. If they didn’t like her it could be disastrous. Cassie hurried in with Ruth and got right to work. They were five minutes late and looked like they felt guilty about it but Tina didn’t care about five minutes or even twenty as long as i
t wasn’t every day. Cassie seeded loaves while Ruth started on pastry. Everything seemed to be under control and Tina went to her office to catch up on some paperwork. She found that all of the bills were paid. Mac was a dream. Tina suspected that he liked doing this kind of thing and she would let him because she hated the books. Her father had pushed the chore off on her mother as often as he could and she was her father’s daughter. Tina checked messages and jotted down notes. They had three sheet orders for next weekend and she had two messages for wedding cake confirmations. With Ruth and Cassie around, it would be a breeze. Thank God for Cassie. Tina smiled at her across the bakery and Cassie smiled back then pushed her glasses up her nose. She didn’t look anything like her brother. He was tall and dark eyed more like Mac than his sister who was blonde and fair. She wondered if it was a wolf thing. Tina looked around her cramped office that was probably a closet at one time. She took some of the comics off of the bulletin board that Luca had placed there. Tina still couldn’t believe that he’d done those things to her. She thought he loved her. He said so all of the time but it was all an act. Was Mac acting too? Could she really trust him? Could she really trust anyone? Tina glanced at the coffee mug that he’d bought to replace the one she dropped. He was very thoughtful, very kind, and very caring. He made her feel special and loved, and the feelings were different than what she’d felt with Luca. Mac was her mate and in his eyes, they were married. Married. Tina bit her lip and smiled to herself staring down at the ring he’d put on her finger. It was so pretty and it sparkled when the light shifted. Married. She sighed and glanced at the clock. Two hours to go. Tina wondered what she should wear, a dress, or jeans? She hoped the pack liked her for Mac’s sake and her own. If the pack voted her out, what would she do? The bakery was here but Mac may be asked to leave. He’d said not to worry but she did anyway.


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