Remember Me

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Remember Me Page 14

by Jo-Anna Walker

  This guy was good. Garrith sat beside Sebastian. “Lucas?”

  Sebastian nodded and crossed his arms under his chest. Well, that explained a lot.

  The buzzing soon stopped but the whimpering continued. “There you go, baby girl. All done.”

  A red rose was displayed on her lower back. Keisha.

  Garrith looked away and huffed, scrubbing a hand down his face.


  “Nope.” Garrith placed his head in his hands and sighed.



  Sebastian chuckled and rose to his feet as the newly-branded victim paid and left. The sound of the chimes as the door closed made Garrith lift his head.

  Lucas turned around.

  Garrith bit back a gasp. The air around them slammed into his chest. This guy had seen and been through shit. A black patch covered his left eye but that didn’t hinder him at all with the hard look he was giving him.

  “Lucas? Garrith Jameson. Garrith, Lucas Crane,” Sebastian said, introducing them.

  They stared at each other as Lucas ripped off the mask that was covering his mouth, his scarred lips turning up into a sneer. “You smell like a pig.”

  Garrith crossed his arms under his chest and feigned a yawn. “You look like a douchebag.”

  Lucas grinned and turned to Sebastian. “I think I like this fucker.” He walked between them and locked the door. Stepping in front of Sebastian, he cupped the back of his neck and leaned down to his ear. “You trust him?”

  “With my life.”

  “Your family?”

  Sebastian looked at Garrith. “Yes.”

  Garrith’s heart warmed. He’d lay his life on the line for those he loved.

  Lucas nodded once. “Good. Then follow me.”


  “You’re what?” Keisha squealed and threw her arms around Tori’s shoulders.

  Tori laughed and returned the embrace.

  Keisha released her and held her at arm’s length. “How far along? I bet Sebastian’s happy. Are you happy?”

  Tori grinned at the rapid-fire questions being thrown at her. “Three months. Yes, we’re both very happy.”

  Keisha sat on the couch and curled her feet under her as Tori sat beside her. After leaving Garrith’s house that morning, she hadn’t wanted to go to her brother’s place. Who knew what kind of activity she would walk in on? Her heart ached for him. She hoped this new woman was the one.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Keisha met her best friend’s brown stare. “Hmm?”

  “You were deep in thought.”

  “Have you talked to Brett?”


  “He’s seeing someone.”

  “Really? That’s wonderful.”

  “With his reputation, who knows how long that will last?”

  “What do you mean?” Tori asked, frowning.

  “Never mind. Enough about him. When’s the wedding?”

  “In the next couple of weeks, before I get fat; it’s going to be at Garrith’s parents’ place.”

  Keisha’s stomach flipped at the mention of his name. Maybe he would go to the wedding with her. “Tori, I think I did something stupid.”


  “I’m going out for dinner with Jason,” she blurted.

  Tori raised an eyebrow. “Your ex? Why?”

  Keisha looked away and chewed her bottom lip. “Closure.”

  Tori grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. “Really? Or are you going out for dinner with him to make Garrith jealous?”

  Keisha’s gaze snapped to Tori’s. She opened her mouth to deny it but then realized that maybe Tori was right.

  Chapter 18

  “You got some shit going on with Mathis Verlinden.”

  Lucas placed two beer bottles in front of Garrith and Sebastian before sitting across from them. “Straight to the point, I take it? No chit-chat? No wanting to find out what makes me tick?”

  Garrith met the gray stare of his good eye. “We didn’t come here to socialize.” Garrith watched Lucas take a swig of his beer.

  “No, you didn’t, did you?”

  Sebastian leaned forward. “Lucas, we need to know why Mathis is after you.”

  “We? Or our former FBI agent over here?” Lucas sat back in his seat and rubbed his chin.

  Garrith sighed. “Mathis told me to look for you so here we are.”

  Lucas raised an eyebrow. “And you do everything you’re told?”

  “When it comes to dealing with douchebags like Mathis, yes.” Garrith placed his ankle on his opposite knee and scrubbed a hand down his face. It was going to be harder than he thought getting information out of the guy.

  “Tell him everything,” Sebastian demanded.

  Garrith looked between the other men, who had a stare down before either spoke.

  Lucas sighed. “Really? You, of all people, are telling me to spill my guts to a complete stranger?” His scarred mouth turned up at the corners.

  “Secrets get us fuck-all. I’ve learned that the hard way,” Sebastian countered.

  “You’ve turned into a bit of a pussy, but I like Tori so I won’t give you shit for it.”

  “Thanks, asshole,” Sebastian mumbled.

  Garrith listened to the banter between the old friends. Looked like he was going to get answers after all.

  “What do you want to know?” Lucas asked, scratching a finger under his eye patch.

  “Why is Mathis after you?”

  Lucas rose to his feet and headed into the small kitchen. “I don’t know.”

  “Like hell you don’t.”

  “Garrith,” Sebastian said in warning.

  “No. Mathis threatened my friend. What the fuck does he want, Lucas?”

  Lucas turned back to him and smirked. “My brain.”

  Garrith frowned. His brain. What the hell would Mathis want with his brain?

  Sebastian chuckled. “Can we be more dramatic?”

  Lucas shrugged, his eye twinkling. “It’s not like I’m lying.”

  “What does he want with your brain?” Garrith asked.

  “What doesn’t he want with it?” Lucas tapped his chin. “Hmm…to make stew. What the fuck do you think he wants it for?”

  Garrith huffed. “Lucas.”

  “Will you just tell him already?” Sebastian snapped.

  Lucas glared at Sebastian before turning back to Garrith. “How much do you know about computers?”

  “Enough to get by, I guess.”

  Lucas smirked. “Well I happen to know everything there is to know about them.”

  “That’s a little vague.”

  “Lucas, really?” Sebastian sighed.

  Lucas looked between the two of them before sitting back in the couch across from them. “I’m getting there, fuckers.”

  Garrith sat back and waited.

  “I’m a hacker.”

  Garrith gaped. He was a hacker? Lucas?

  Lucas’ eyes narrowed. “Don’t look so surprised.” He pointed at him. “Do you remember that big security breach a couple of years back? The FBI were all over that shit but couldn’t trace it back to anyone so the case was dropped.”

  Garrith’s eyes widened. “That was you?”

  Lucas shrugged. “Maybe. Sometimes I get bored.”

  “So you got bored and decided to just hack the FBI?” Garrith was on that case. They couldn’t trace the hacker. At all. Made the government look like fools.

  “The FBI really needs to update their software. But when boredom strikes, other people pay the price.”

  Sebastian scoffed. “Or you end up in jail.”

  Lucas smiled. “That too. But I’ve been a good little boy and have been out of jail for three years now.” His face brightened. “You wanna see something?”

  Garrith’s heart jumped. Lucas Crane either had some screws loose or he was just bored. Again. “Um…okay.”

  Lucas jumped up and walked
past them.

  Sebastian shook his head and they both followed him into a small room.

  Lucas turned on the light and Garrith’s eyes widened. Five computer screens hung from the wall and a large one rested on a desk. So much computer shit lined the wooden top, it was a nerd’s wet dream come true.

  “So does Mathis want you to hack something?” Garrith asked.

  Lucas caressed the desk, his jaw clenching. “Yup.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  Lucas looked up at them. “It’s the only time he comes looking for me.”


  A couple of hours later, Keisha was sitting in a booth with Jason Anderson across from her. Her ex. A guy she had dated for a year. She remembered everything about him except for how their relationship ended.

  His short brown hair was gelled back, his perfectly smooth skin pale in comparison to Garrith’s.

  Her stomach clenched. Don’t think about Garrith. This is just for closure. Friends. It’s not a date. If it wasn’t a date, then why did she feel so guilty?

  A warm hand grabbed hers, holding it tight. She looked up at Jason’s large gray eyes and smiled.

  His gaze darkened, roaming down to the vee in her white dress.

  A sliver of unease traveled up her spine. “So, Jason, how have you been?”

  He licked his lips and looked back up at her. “Good, good.” He tugged her hand, pulling her forward until she was snug against the tabletop. His nostrils flared as he looked back down at her chest.

  Keisha frowned and yanked out of his grasp before sitting back in the seat and rubbing her hands down her thighs. Her heart fluttered, the hairs on the back of her neck tingling. She looked around the small restaurant but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.


  She turned back to Jason. “Hmm?”

  He raised an eyebrow and frowned. “I asked you if you would like a glass of wine.”

  She looked between him and the waiter and smiled. “Please.”

  Jason wouldn’t take his eyes off of her. A shiver of unease made her stomach churn. She shouldn’t be there with him. She should be with Garrith. Her heart skipped a beat just thinking about him.

  Keisha cleared her throat and picked at the bread on her plate. “So, Jason, I need to ask.” She looked up and met his gaze. “Why did we break up?”

  “You cheated on me with that fucker, Garrith.”

  Keisha’s eyes widened. That didn’t sound like something she would do. “I cheated on you?”

  He looked away, his gaze narrowing. “I caught you in bed with him.”

  A breath left her in a whoosh at what he was saying but… “You’re lying.”

  Jason’s cheeks reddened. “Excuse me?”

  Keisha smiled. “I agreed to go out to dinner with you to make Garrith jealous. I didn’t know I was doing this at first, but now that I think about it, that is the only reason I’m here.”

  His jaw clenched, his lips pressing into a firm line. “I gave you everything.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I may not remember a lot about our history but I know that I don’t feel anything for you, Jason. I needed closure. I needed to make sure that I was making the right decision.”

  “And did you?”

  Keisha gasped at the deep voice beside her. She looked up and found Garrith standing a foot away dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black blazer. Her stomach flipped at the sight of him. God, he was gorgeous.

  He smirked, his gaze heating with warmth and love. For her.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Jason sneered.

  “I’m about to go on a date,” Garrith replied without taking his eyes off of her.

  Keisha smiled, her heart pounding hard against her ribs.

  “I don’t fucking think—”

  Garrith took a step towards them and placed his hands on the table, leaning into Jason’s face. The veins in Garrith’s neck protruded as he clenched his jaw. “You’re going to tell Keisha why you two really broke up.”

  Jason looked from him to her and rolled his eyes. “Like hell I am.”

  Garrith slammed a fist down on the table making her jump. “I said you’re going to tell her.”

  Jason’s breath burst in and out as he stared at her and swallowed. “You broke up with me.”

  “Tell her why,” Garrith growled.

  Jason sighed. “I cheated on you and I was…”

  Garrith coaxed, “Go on.”

  “I was a dick.”

  “Good boy. Now leave.” Garrith stood back to allow Jason room to slide out of the booth. He looked back at her before leaving the small restaurant.

  Garrith sat across from her and took a sip of the wine, winking over the rim of the glass.

  Keisha’s body warmed and she laughed, shaking her head. “I think you scared the shit out of him.”

  Garrith shrugged and grinned. “Serves him right for thinking he ever had a chance with you.”

  “And you do?”

  His smile widened as he looked down at her mouth. A tiny spark erupted between them and even though they weren’t touching, she could feel him all over her. The hairs on her body tingled just from his heated gaze. God, she loved him. Love. Keisha’s stomach flipped. Holy shit.

  She did love him. All along. Now if she could just remember him, it would make everything so much easier.


  Garrith’s heart skipped a beat as he sat there with Keisha, eating dinner. It had been quite a while since they had gone on a date and this one he stole from Jason. The wide-eyed look on the asshole’s face was priceless.


  His gaze met Keisha’s and he smiled. Her warm green eyes stared back at him, her cheeks rosy as she chewed her bottom lip.

  “How was the drive to see Lucas?”

  Garrith scoffed. No answers as usual. He didn’t know why he was so surprised. “Drive was fine. Visit didn’t help.”

  “You didn’t get what you were looking for?”

  “No. Lucas isn’t a forthcoming person.” He was like a safe and you had to pry your way in if you wanted any answers.


  “Keisha, I’m—”

  A loud bang made her scream as the lights went out.

  What the hell? He frowned and slid out of the booth as the generators came on.

  “Garrith, what’s going on?”

  Thunder sounded above them, rattling the small building. “Bad storm, love.”

  She let out a breath and rose to her feet, holding out her hand. “Take me home?”

  He swallowed. Home. His lips tingled. He needed to kiss her first. It had only been a couple of hours but he needed to show her that he was sorry. For everything.

  He placed his hand in hers and pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her middle.

  A small gasp escaped her lips as she held onto his shoulders, pressing her chest against his. She looked down at him and ran a thumb over his mouth. “Garrith, I—”

  He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her mouth down to his. No words. Just feeling. He needed to feel her like he never needed anything before in his life. The kiss was slow, tender as he licked into her mouth. His tongue rubbed against hers, massaging.

  A moan sounded from the back of her throat as she leaned into him, deepening the kiss.

  Garrith’s cock hardened in his jeans, threatening to burst if he didn’t get inside her soon.

  “Garrith,” she panted.

  He smirked and rose to his feet before placing a kiss on her forehead. As much as he wanted to dive between her thighs, that would have to wait. He wanted to get her home and make love to her properly, maybe with a side of leather and toys.

  He paid the bill and they walked out into the rain, the cool wind wrapping around them. The drops were like ice, slapping his skin with tiny pinpricks of pain as they ran to his SUV. Being only the end of summer, the rain shouldn’t have been so cold but the only thing heating him wa
s the sight of Keisha’s white dress, now soaked, clinging to her curvy body.

  “God, it’s freezing out here,” she said, pulling open the passenger door.

  Garrith moved his head from side to side, cracking his neck. His blood hummed, his muscles jumping, needing a release only his love could provide.

  “Garrith, I think summer—”

  He slapped a heavy hand down on the door, slamming it shut.

  She jumped and spun on him, her eyes widening with irritation. “What the hell?”

  He grabbed the back of her neck, tilting her head before brushing his mouth along hers. “Love, I am so hard for you right now.”

  Her breath left her in small bursts as her eyes dilated, darkening with hunger. The thunder and rain sounded around them, enveloping them.

  “Garrith,” she breathed and shivered.

  He smirked and pushed her up against the side of the vehicle, pressing his pelvis into hers. “I’ve missed you,” he said, brushing his nose along the side of her neck.

  Keisha moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You had me this morning.”

  Garrith lifted her and opened the door to the back seat. “I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered, laying her gently on the bench.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist, her heels digging into his ass, pulling him against her. He groaned, the heat from her center caressing his skin like the touch of a rose petal.

  Her fingers grazed his collarbone before gripping his shirt. Her eyes darkened. “Make love to me. Now.”

  He smirked at the pleading in her voice. He was going to make her wait but he needed her badly. Waiting could happen later. Right now, he wanted to show her what she would be missing if she left him.

  His hands grazed up the sides of her hips, gripping her panties before ripping them off of her. Her breath caught and she reached between them, undoing his belt. His finger grazed her opening, making her arch under him, the wetness of her center coating him. God, she was soaked already. He swallowed a growl and gripped her hips, pulling her under him. He shrugged off his jacket and covered her mouth, shoving his tongue between her lips.

  Keisha moaned, wrapping herself around him as he inched into her, filling her. She gasped, tilting her hips, taking him inside her completely.


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