Bound By Her Ring

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Bound By Her Ring Page 5

by Nicole Flockton

  There was an open door at the end of the cabin. Curiosity got the better of her and she wandered down the red, carpeted aisle. When she reached the opening she looked through and saw a bedroom. Immediately her gaze arrowed in on the bed, she could just imagine how Luciano passed the time on long flights. She could picture his arms and legs entwined with someone other than her amongst the sheets. Irrational jealousy speared through her soul at the thought of Luciano being intimate with another woman.

  She didn’t even like him, why on earth was she jealous? No it wasn’t jealousy filling her; it was nerves at the prospect of flying somewhere unknown and spending time with an unknown man.

  The sound of a throat clearing at her back had her straightening her spine. She turned to face him, as warmth filled her cheeks at being caught out like a schoolgirl gawking at the hunky quarterback.

  “You can sit anywhere, even in the bedroom.” Humour laced his voice.

  The warmth manifested into a flush which stole over her face, heating it to what she was sure was a bright red.

  “Excuse me.” She brushed past him, wishing she was able to come up with something smart and intelligent to say but her thought processes had shut down.

  Moving with quick steps she made her way to one of the chairs, sank down deep into the cushion and fastened her seatbelt, pulling it tight, while wishing the heat in her face and body would die away.

  She sensed rather than saw Luciano take the seat next to her. Couldn’t he have chosen one on the other side of the aisle? Did he always have to crowd her personal space?

  As if the past five minutes hadn’t happened, she grabbed a magazine out of her handbag. She began to flick through the pages feigning a deep interest in the contents, hoping against hope Luciano might take the hint that she didn’t want to talk to him.

  “Are you still interested in knowing where we’re going?”

  No such luck, he was intent on chatting.

  “Now that you mention it, I’m beyond caring where we end up,” she replied airily. “I’m sure wherever we go will be nice, expensive and comfortable.”

  “I’d change your attitude if I were you, Jasmine, otherwise the next two weeks are going to be extremely long.”

  She flipped the magazine shut. “What? You think, after the way you virtually forced me into taking this trip, I’d be all sweetness and light? Think again, I’m here for my father and that’s all.”

  “Everything always comes back to your father doesn’t it?” he said acid dripping from every word. “So tell me, how does he feel about you travelling with me? Is he happy?”

  This was the last question she wanted Luciano to ask her. After more years than she could remember, her father had decided to take a vacation. Which annoyed and disappointed her, with Luciano’s appearance in her life, she needed her father now more than ever.

  Something didn’t feel right though. Whenever he’d gone away before he’d always given her details in case of an emergency and she needed to get in touch with him. Now, the one time she might need him, he was unreachable. It was like she’d entered a different reality the moment Luciano turned up in her life again. There was something at the back of her mind, she could feel it but the thought couldn’t break through the blackness that still engulfed a part of her mind. Why couldn’t she remember? Why had her father disappeared the moment Luciano turned up?

  “I didn’t realise it was such a difficult question to answer.”

  Should she say she didn’t know where her father was, or should she lie? It went against her grain to lie but she had no other choice. She instinctively knew if she told Luciano she had no idea where her father was, it would only complicate the trip. In this case, lying was the lesser of two evils.

  “He wasn’t happy, of course,” she conceded. “But I’m a grown woman and stopped answering to my father years ago.”

  There was no chance for Luciano to make any further comment as a very attractive stewardess came down the aisle and informed them they would be taking off shortly. Jasmine watched as the stewardess chatted with Luciano. He threw her a smile she’d never seen before, both of them all but ignoring her.

  Her fingers curled into her palm, her nails digging into the soft flesh, leaving multiple crescent shapes on her white skin. Her mouth curved sardonically and her eyes darted from the stewardess to the bedroom, wondering if her job description included providing Luciano with some form of distraction on long flights.

  “I wouldn’t go there if I were you.” His tone so quiet it took a moment for her to make out exactly what he’d said.

  “Go where?”

  “You know where, Jasmine. Your face is giving your thoughts away.”

  It took all her power not to cringe from the look he fired her way. The dark sphere of his eyes glittered dangerously. She’d pushed him just about as far as he would let anyone push.

  Remorse flooded through Jasmine. Her petty jealousy wasn’t the stewardess’s fault but her own. “Sorry.”

  He inclined his head, acknowledging her apology.

  She turned away from his penetrating glare and gazed out the window, rubbing at the scar on her forehead. She wished she could understand what was happening to her. She never acted like a jealous shrew, but when it came to Luciano, a possessiveness she never knew existed within her, came to the surface and overtook her sensibilities.

  Was this the reason Luciano hadn’t searched for her after the accident? Was it possible they may have been splitting up because of her irrational jealousy?

  Could she ask him those questions?

  The feeling of the earth moving evaporated any thoughts to ask questions.

  She hated flying.

  She closed her eyes against the vision of the landscape whizzing by. The force of the plane ascending into the air pushed her back in her chair. Her nails dug into the soft leather. Her breath whooshed out and her fingers relaxed their death grip upon hearing the reassuring bump of the landing gear locking safely back into the holding area. She counted backwards from ten, imagining her feet safely on the ground and not floating in the air.

  The pilot’s smooth voice jolted her out of her counting.

  “Welcome aboard Mr and Mrs Morelli. We’re expecting a smooth flight to our destination of the beautiful town of Broome. Expected flight time is two hours and thirty minutes. Please sit back and enjoy what should be a relatively easy flight.”


  How could travelling so many thousands of feet in the air in a tin can be easy?

  “I never realised you were afraid of flying. You should have mentioned it cara. I could have distracted you.”

  She shot Luciano a contemptuous look. She didn’t need the type of distraction he was suggesting.

  “Thanks but no thanks.”

  She let his chuckle wash over her as she contemplated their destination.


  She’d always wanted to go there. Knowing Luciano, there would be only one place they’d stay and that would be the world class Cable Beach Club Resort. In her capacity as Director of Marketing she’d travelled to several resorts over the world with the express purpose of getting ideas to promote and enhance Anderson Hotels. But for some reason, she’d never found the time to travel to Cable Beach. Its reputation as a high class resort meant everyone from the upper echelon of the social sect to the everyday mom and dad dreamed of staying there. She was looking forward to taking notes on the decor and being able to bring fresh ideas back with her.

  Reluctant excitement and anticipation fizzed through her blood at the possibilities the trip could now represent. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a waste of time after all. Opening her magazine again, she settled back in the chair to read it, unaware of the brooding look on Luciano’s face.

  “So we finally get our trip to Broome,” he commented lightly.

  “What?” she looked up puzzled by his comment. “This is the first time I’ve been to Broome. Though I have to admit, I’m really looking forward to going.”

/>   “We planned to honeymoon in Broome if you recall?”

  If anybody else had asked the question she might have answered, but the sarcasm lacing his voice fired up her cooling anger.

  “You know full well I don’t recall you or our marriage. When are you going to remember that?” she threw back at him.

  Why didn’t he believe her?

  Why would she lie about her memory loss?

  Why would she do that? What would be the point?

  “Do you know what?” she said, swivelling in her chair to face him. “Think what you like because no matter what conclusions you reach, I’ll know the truth.”

  “You think you know the truth.”

  “You’re insufferable, do you know that?”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  She gave a short, harsh laugh. “I’m sure you have. Now if you don’t mind I think I might rest a little. I had an early start.”

  Jasmine closed the magazine and thrust it back in her bag, imaging it was his throat she was squishing.

  “You can use the bedroom if you like.”

  Pursing her lips she shot him a look through narrowed eyes. “I don’t think so.”

  She arranged herself in her chair so she was facing the window once again. Below her the sunlight shimmered off the ocean. It looked so peaceful and tranquil. If only her life was peaceful. Sighing she closed her eyes, if it meant a peaceful flight she would feign sleep if she had to.

  Luciano let out a frustrated breath, why had he thought Jasmine would be amenable? She was as prickly as a cactus, except when the plane had taken off. Seeing her so scared and vulnerable almost had him reconsidering his plans of revenge.


  Then he’d wondered if it was all part of her act. As they’d never flown together he didn’t know if her fear was genuine or not. He knew he wouldn’t get a straight answer out of her, she couldn’t be trusted.

  Luciano reached down and pulled out his briefcase. Business he could deal with. Business involved no emotions. Business would be his focus right at this moment, Jasmine and her so called amnesia, he would deal with later.

  He wanted to review the financials regarding the resort purchase one last time. It was good business sense to know everything before closing a deal.

  This particular deal was all but finalised, in fact he could’ve easily taken care of the final details in just a day. His plans for Jasmine had now become the major factor of the trip, not business. He believed if he could get her out of her comfort zone she might trip up on her act. Let her guard down and then he’d know she was faking her amnesia. And if she was faking it then she was a remarkable actress, she’d fooled many of her friends with her memory loss.

  Maybe a tour to check out some pearl farms and their operations could be arranged. Just to give her the impression that business was a priority. He wanted to incorporate a range of exclusively designed jewellery for the jewellery stores in all of the Regent Hotels. Broome Pearls were well known throughout Australia and Asia, and he knew personally the perfect jeweller for the job.

  He immersed himself in the columns of numbers, the rest of the flight passed without further conversation. Before he knew it they were landing faultlessly in Broome. The jet taxied to a smooth halt and within minutes they were disembarking.

  He would normally have had a car and driver waiting for him, but not this trip. He wanted to conduct his seduction without the prying eyes of a driver. Collecting the cases he headed towards the car rental desk.

  He sorted things out quickly and when he turned, with keys in hand, he ran straight into Jasmine. His arm brushed against her breasts, his body tightening against his will at the brief contact. He’d been unaware she’d followed him but he was very aware of the shiver that ran through her. He’d always been aware of each and every one of her nuances. Through the silk blouse she was wearing, he could clearly see her nipples had puckered from the brief contact with his arm.

  “Sorry,” she muttered crossing her arms across her breasts.

  “No harm done,” he said with a hint of a smile on his face. “Shall we go?”

  Taking hold of her elbow, he steered her towards the car, ignoring her heat and subtle scent. He observed the security team that had arrived earlier. The quick flash of headlights telling Luciano all he needed to know. His plans had been actioned and they would keep a discreet distance between them. He settled Jasmine into the passenger seat, before striding around to the driver’s side.

  They drove in silence. The folded arms and tight look on Jasmine’s face an indication conversation wasn’t in the forefront of her mind. Luciano pondered what she may be thinking about, but only for a moment. Her thoughts weren’t that important to him at the moment.

  “I didn’t realise Cable Beach was so far from the airport.”

  He spared her a quick glance before turning his attention back to the road. “What makes you think we’re going there?”

  “Well, for one, we’re in Broome and secondly, Cable Beach is the major resort here. I’d assumed that’s where we would be staying.”

  “Surely by now you would’ve realised to never assume anything with me, Jasmine.”

  “Yes you’d think I would’ve learned that by now, but for some reason I keep assuming the wrong things.” Her voice softened as she said the next words to him. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand you or your penchant for the unexpectedness, Lukas.”

  He tightened his grip on the steering wheel as her words washed over him. The last time she’d said those words had been after he’d surprised her with their island wedding ceremony. Only that time she’d thrown her arms around him and kissed him senseless, only coming up for air to say she loved the idea of marrying him.

  How quickly that had changed. Just a mere few days later she’d made the decision to take the child they had created away from him. It would take a lot for him to even consider forgiving her for that.

  “Luciano,” he bit out. “My name is Luciano, not Lukas.”

  Her gasp of surprise sounded genuine but he still had to wonder if she was telling the truth about her memory loss. She so easily dropped her use of his name into conversations.

  “Why do I keep calling you that? Why?” she asked.

  Could he tell her the real reason? That she and only her alone had ever called him by that name. “You always called me Lukas. From the moment we first met.”

  “I’m surprised you let me. You don’t seem the type of person to let anyone mess with your name.”

  “I had my reasons.”

  He increased the volume on the stereo and opera music filled the car. He didn’t want to talk about his name anymore.

  Jasmine knew there was something he wasn’t telling her.


  It felt so natural to call him that. Luciano didn’t flow off her tongue like Lukas did.

  Could she dare ask him if she could call him that now? Would he let her?

  His tense jaw line and his iron grip on the steering wheel told her it wouldn’t be a good idea to push him on the subject.

  Before long they were pulling up to a large homestead styled building. There seemed to be no one else around. She couldn’t make out any other buildings. Apprehension filled her, where were they?

  “Let me assure you, you’re quite safe.”

  How did he do that? How did he know exactly what she was thinking? Could he read her mind?

  “What is this place?” she asked.

  “Orchid Hill Retreat.”

  “How long has it been opened? I’ve never heard of it before?”

  “It’s an exclusive resort which opened two years ago. The clientele they cater to don’t want it known where they are holidaying. Word of mouth is very powerful for this resort. Come on, let’s go inside.”

  Alighting from the car she took a moment to take in her surroundings. In the distance she could hear the sound of waves breaking. Birds were calling out loudly, as if in welcome. The building was colonial i
n style, complementing the bush that surrounded it. The setting was truly beautiful. Whoever had designed the resort had ensured the buildings fit in with the natural surroundings.

  “Are you coming with me or are you going to stand around all day?”

  She looked up and saw Lukas standing on the top step, impatience at her dawdling radiating off him. “I’m coming.”

  She made her way up the small steps, catching up to where he stood. She reached out and laid a soft hand on his arm. “You should slow down; take some time to appreciate where we are and our surroundings.”

  The muscles tensed under her hand, she didn’t know whether it was in annoyance with her touch or what she’d said. Her hand fell to her side as he shook it off.

  “I’m a businessman not some fool taken in by romantic surroundings.”

  He walked off into the depths of the homestead. She quickly caught up with him again.

  “Is this the only building in the resort?”

  “No this is just the main complex, it has a business center and a spa for the guests use. There are fifteen exclusive villas behind this building.”

  Hope sparked through her, a villa could mean there was a chance there would be two bedrooms.

  “Do the villas have two bedrooms?”

  Laughter met her question, “Not a chance cara mia. The resort is designed exclusively as a retreat for adults, people who don’t want to be seen. It’s marketed toward the wealthy rather than families. All the villas are one bedroom.” He paused to let that sink in. “I did tell you we would be sharing a bed.”

  He stepped closer to her, heat emanating off him and warming her. He brushed a finger lightly down her cheek, tipping her chin so she had no alternative but to look him in the eye. “In case you forgot, that was the non-negotiable part of our deal”

  This time it was Jasmine that shook herself from his light hold. “I didn’t forget, but it was worth asking.”

  He laughed. “I’ll just check us in.”

  She tried desperately to cool the desire that had sprung up from his touch, as she admired the surroundings of the reception area.


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