Shifter's Galaxy Accommodating Desire

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Shifter's Galaxy Accommodating Desire Page 1

by Silvia Violet

  Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire

  Silvia Violet

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2011 Silvia Violet

  ISBN: 978-1-60521-592-1

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Shifter’s Galaxy 1: Accommodating Desire

  Silvia Violet

  A sexy captain, his dominating security chief, an outrageous proposition. How could a girl say no?

  Lucy Vasilia is the director of the Alkestis Market, a well run trading center catering to both legitimate and black market concerns. She’s not a woman who normally mixes business with pleasure, but shipping tycoon Ian Hadley’s dominating presence and cool control make her knees weak.

  When Ian matter-of-factly proposes a three-way with his lover, Security Chief Connor Langley, Lucy decides to make an exception and gives herself over to pleasure for an afternoon.

  But Ian and his dark, dominating lover want far more from her than a few hours’ dalliance. They intend to make her acknowledge their soul-deep connection, and they won’t be satisfied until they’ve claimed her in every possible way.

  Chapter One

  Ian Hadley opened the door to the reception area for the Alkestis offices. A Vindolesian with the characteristic grass green hair and onyx eyes burst out of Ms Vasilia’s office. “Stupid bitch,” he yelled as he threw a nano tablet at the receptionist, narrowly missing her head. “If that slut thinks she can keep us out of her fucking market, she’s even stupider than I thought.”

  Ian stepped into his path. “You would be wise to retract that last statement.”

  The Vindo shoved at Ian’s chest. “Fuck off, asshole.”

  In one swift motion Ian drew his plasma gun and shoved the man up against the wall, weapon pressed under his chin. “If I or one of my employees hear you refer to Ms Vasilia like that again, those will be the last words you ever speak.”

  “Jeez, lighten up, man. You fucking her or something?”

  Ian shoved the weapon harder against the man’s chin. The Vindo made a choked gasp. “Fine. Fine. I’ll lay off your girlfriend.”

  “I respect the women I do business with, and I will defend their honor even if that means some asshole has to die. Don’t let me see you on this station again.”

  Ian stepped back and the Vindo scrambled to the door and disappeared down the corridor.

  * * *

  Lucy Vasilia applied her electronic signature to a document and folded her nano tablet before looking up at Ian Hadley. She made a final, slow perusal of his well-toned physique, suppressing a sigh that their meeting had come to an end. “That should conclude our business. I’ve sent a copy of the contract to your ship’s computer.”

  He smiled, a slow, sensuous curve of his lips. “Excellent.” He made no move to leave her office.

  “Did you have further questions?” Lucy managed to keep her tone professional, though he made her want to purr.

  “I do have one question.” He paused, his bright blue eyes hot and unrelenting. “Would you like company?”

  Lucy tilted her head and stared at him. “For what?”

  His smile deepened. “When I fuck you.”

  Lucy sucked in her breath. “Presumptuous, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve seen your eyes drifting down to my cock. You want this as much as I do.”

  She stared pointedly at his crotch. His erection threatened to burst one of the seams of his expensive suit. “You certainly are making a rather impressive display.”

  He smirked. “Indeed.”

  “I assume you’d like your head of security to join us?”

  “Ah, so you did do your homework.”

  “I never meet with anyone I haven’t researched thoroughly. You hired Langley at Captain Devlin’s suggestion.” It was a statement, not a question.

  Ian nodded. “Devlin said to tell you hello, by the way.”

  “Did he indeed? I take it Chief Langley isn’t fully human.”

  Ian shook his head. “He’s not, but I have the impression you won’t be disturbed by his particular needs.”

  She grinned. “I’m not as fragile as I look.”

  “I never thought you were. So what will it be? How much hard use are you game for today?”

  She nearly choked. “I can take whatever you and your lover want to give.”

  “You may live to regret that statement. When?”

  She held up a finger signaling him to wait and pressed a button on her desk unit, paging her receptionist. “Cynthia.”

  “Yes, Director?”

  “Cancel my next two appointments.”

  Ian raised his brows, studying her curiously.

  A sharp voiced erupted from the comm. Unit. “With all due respect, Director, the delegation from --”

  “My business with Mr. Hadley is taking longer than expected. I will simply have to reschedule.”

  “Yes, Director.” Cynthia sounded resigned.

  Lucy looked at Ian, fighting the urge to tremble. The sexual heat in his eyes was devastating. She’d never slept with a business associate, and she’d certainly never cancelled an appointment so she could get a quick fuck in her office.

  Then again, she couldn’t recall a man who’d ever turned her on as hard and fast as Ian did. She’d glimpsed him with his lover as she’d headed to dinner the night before. Connor Langley was a glorious mix of beauty and pure animal power. He moved with a panther’s grace, but she had no doubt he could kill most men one-handed. She’d been working her ass off. She deserved a treat. “Call Langley now.”

  He pressed a button on his wrist unit. “Langley, you’re needed in the Director’s office.”

  “Is there a problem, sir?”

  “No, we are simply in need of a… consultation.”

  “I will be right there, sir,” Langley responded.

  Ian slid out of his coat and dropped it to the floor. Next he divested himself of his weapons holster and his shirt.

  She tapped her desk unit again. “Cynthia, Mr. Langley, the Head of Security for Hadley Trading will arrive soon. Buzz him in, then secure the door with full privacy shields. Do not disturb me unless the station is about to blow up.”

nbsp; “Yes, Director.” Cynthia failed to hide the note of shock in her voice.

  Lucy couldn’t stop her tongue from snaking out to lick her lips at the sight of Ian’s half-naked body. He was muscular without being bulky, and his arms were perfectly sculpted. She wanted to run her tongue over him and feel all his hard contours.

  His lip curled up in a mischievous grin. “I take it you’re not in the habit of pissing off diplomats so you can get off?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “This is a first.”

  “Mmm. Compliment accepted.” His smile was doing wicked things to her insides.

  He held out his hand. She took it and walked around the desk until she was standing in front of him. He leaned down until his mouth was beside her ear. “Langley and I like our sex rough, and we like to be in control. Would you be averse to some dominance games?”

  Lucy sucked in her breath. What exactly had Devlin told them? She struggled to find her voice, finally managing a single word. “No.” She hadn’t indulged her submissive side in a very long time.

  He straightened and flashed his devastating smile. “Very good. Do you have a safeword?”

  She nodded. “Alkestis.”

  Ian cupped her face, caressing her cheek with the pad of his thumb. She felt as if she were falling into the blue pools of his eyes. Her hand snaked out to see if his closely cropped blond hair was as soft as it looked. “Langley and I both enjoy dominating women, but ultimately he’ll be in charge.”

  Ian enjoyed surrendering, too? The thought sent heat racing to her pussy as she imagined him on his knees in front of Langley. “Really?”

  He pulled her roughly against him. “Having a hard time imagining me taking orders?”

  She nodded.

  Ian laughed. “You’re about to find out how impossible it is to deny him.”

  Lucy shuddered, heat stabbing through her core. She didn’t think she’d be able to deny either of them. Ian locked his fingers around her wrist, pulling her hand to his mouth. He placed a gentle kiss on her wrist. “Ready?”

  She inhaled slowly. “Yes.” Her voice was no more than a whisper. He let her arm go, and she stepped back.


  Lucy reached behind her and pulled down the zipper of her dress. She let if fall from her shoulders and slide down her arms. She wiggled her hips and pushed it over them, stepping out of the dress when it hit the floor.

  Ian’s eyes widened at the sight of her clad in nothing but a black bra, some barely-there matching panties and her heels. She undid her bra, slid it off her arms and dropped it on top of her dress. Ian groaned in appreciation.

  Then she slipped her panties over her ass and let them drop to the floor. She stepped out of them and kicked off her shoes, letting her feet sink into the plush carpet.

  Ian’s eyes never left hers as his hands went to the opening of his pants. When he’d freed his cock, he ran his hand up and down his impressive length and looked right at her, blue eyes burning, holding her still with his gaze. “Kneel and suck me.”

  “Yes, sir.” She rarely met a man who understood what she needed. She’d have to remember to thank Devlin for sending her two.

  Ian sucked in a breath and groaned as she sank to her knees. “Hands behind your back,” he ordered as she reached for his erection. “If you need to stop, tap my thigh three times.”

  She clasped her hands behind her back and leaned forward so he could feed her his cock. He tasted of lust and heat and male need. He caught her face between his hands and pushed deeper into her mouth. She forced herself to relax and take all of him. Heat pooled between her legs, and her nipples hardened painfully. Knowing that Langley was going to walk in and see her like this only enflamed her more.

  “Fires of hell, you’re good.” Ian’s voice was low and rough.

  Lucy moaned around his cock, as he fucked her face, faster and harder. She desperately wanted to touch herself. Yet she loved that he ordered her to put her hands behind her back; that he wanted to control her. She twined her fingers tightly to prevent herself from disobeying him.

  The door clicked. Thank the gods they were in the inner office not the conference room. Otherwise, anyone in the lobby would be able to see them, and she wasn’t sure she’d even care. She’d lost her mind to take a risk like this.

  The door swished across the carpet. Almost immediately, it closed again, clicking to signal that it was now locked. “Privacy shields engaged,” a computerized voice announced.

  Lucy desperately wanted to turn her head and look at Langley, but Ian held her tight. His rhythm never faltered. Langley didn’t make a sound other than the soft thud of carpeted footsteps.

  Ian shoved in hard, and tensed. With one last small thrust and a hoarse shout, he shot his come down her throat. She worked the muscles of her throat, draining every last drop from him. With a satisfied groan, he pulled his spent cock from her mouth.

  She focused her eyes on the floor, keeping her hands behind her back, completely immersed in her submissive role. She’d never responded to a man this fast or surrendered this easily, but something about Ian just clicked with her. She was damn glad she’d decided to be selfish and take what she wanted for a change. Was she crazy to trust them so easily? No, as Ian said, she’d done her homework on them, and Devlin wouldn’t have sent them to her if he didn’t trust them.

  Ian ran a hand over her hair. “I do believe Langley enjoyed the show. You may stand and turn so he can get a better look at you.”

  Lucy did as he asked. Hot desire stabbed through her core, and her legs shook as she got her feet under her. Her pussy was so wet from the delicious taste of Ian’s cock that she could feel moisture on her inner thighs. She thrummed with need to look at Langley, but she knew what he and Ian expected, and she craved their mastery even more.

  After several long seconds, Langley spoke. “Look at me.”

  She raised her eyes slowly, taking in the supple leather boots that encased his lower legs, the powerful straining muscles of his thighs. The massive erection outlined so clearly by his tight leather pants. His flat stomach and wide shoulders.

  Finally, she looked at his beautiful face. His long black hair was pulled back in a tight braid and his forest green eyes showed a combination of hot need and icy control that made her stomach flip flop. Ian’s dominance made her squirm, but this man might be able to touch her very soul.

  Ian ran a finger slowly down her spine. She couldn’t help but arch into his touch. Langley smiled and she feared she might melt into a puddle. “You’re going to suck my cock now while Ian takes his belt to your delicious ass.”

  Ian slapped her ass cheek hard, making her jump. Stinging pain bloomed across her skin, spiking her arousal even higher. Ian kneaded the buttock he’d slapped, letting his nails graze the smarting flesh.

  A shiver of anticipation ran through her. It had been so long since she’d been spanked, and the thought of pleasuring Langley while Ian punished her ass had her so hot she could barely stand.

  “Before we get started, Ian, I want you to come over here so I can thank you for setting up this little interlude in our otherwise excruciating day.”

  Mesmerized, Lucy watched Ian walk across her office to his lover. Langley took his face between his hands just as Ian had held her so he could fuck her mouth. Once again, she imagined Ian on his knees swallowing Langley’s cock.

  Langley leaned down and captured Ian’s lips in a kiss that was surprisingly tender. Ian brought his arms around his lover, pulling him closer. The intensity of their kiss increased until it looked like they would devour each other. Lucy let a whimper escape and braced a hand on her desk to help her stay upright. They were so fucking beautiful.

  Langley broke off the kiss and looked at her, his sensual smile making her pussy tighten. “We better get her on her knees before she falls over.”

  Ian smirked and walked back to her. “Did you like that?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered, dropping her eyes.

p; He cupped her breasts in his hands, flicking his thumbs across her nipples. She gasped.

  “She’s delightfully responsive, isn’t she?” Langley asked.

  “Oh yes,” Ian answered. He pinched her nipples tight between his fingers. “You’d enjoy watching us fuck, wouldn’t you?”

  She bit her lip to hold in a moan. “Yes, sir.”

  “Mmmm. I’d love to tie you up and have you watch Langley fuck me. Just knowing you were watching and wanting but unable to touch us or yourself would make me hotter than a Svenium reactor.”

  “Please.” She glanced up, needing to see him. He kissed her. A ferocious attack on her mouth, teeth sinking into her bottom lip, tongue fucking her. He pinched and tugged her nipples viciously. She moaned against his mouth, rubbing herself against his pants-covered cock, wishing he were naked.

  Langley’s growl brought her back to reality. “Over here, now! Both of you.” She glanced his way and sucked in a sharp breath. He’d undressed while she’d been consumed with Ian. He settled himself into one of the upholstered chairs she and Ian had recently occupied. His hand was wrapped around his cock, slowly stroking up and down. He was as long and thick as she’d imagined. She watched his hand, transfixed.

  “Lucy.” His deep, sensual voice speaking her name made her shiver. She looked up, admiring the planes of his chest, which was lightly dusted with black hair. She met his eyes and shivered at the intensity of his gaze. “Do you like what you see?”

  She nodded, unable to form words.

  “Come to me.” His voice came out a soft growl. She walked toward him and knelt between his spread thighs, keeping her eyes cast down.

  “Look at me, Lucy.” She did as he asked. “I can smell the hot musk of your desire and the tang of your fear. They make me ache to unsheathe my claws and rake them across your pale skin.”

  She bit her lip but a whimper escaped.

  “Does that scare you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, sir, but --”


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