The edge of forever: A Blackhearts twins novel (Book two)

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The edge of forever: A Blackhearts twins novel (Book two) Page 9

by Rachael Tonks

  “A soda will be fine,” I say, dismissing her with a wave of my hand.

  We settle in her living room, soda in hand, as I try to explain the events of the last twenty-four hours. Down to every detail.

  “So let me get this straight” — she holds up her hand as she continues to speak, her face contorted with a look of disbelief — “that man, the one with the evil stare, the one who scares me half to death. Well, he just went on a one-man mission against his own twin to save your life. And a good job he did too,” she shrieks.

  “Yes,” I say, my eyes dropping down as I focus on the can I’m fidgeting with in my hand.

  “Wow. That’s some serious shit, Kay. He must really have feelings for you. I mean that’s a pretty grand statement.” She chuckles a little, lifting an eyebrow.

  “I’m not even sure where I would be right now if it wasn’t for him. I’d have been sold to some sex ring or sicko who gets a kick outta torturing girls.” As the words leave my mouth, I feel a huge amount of emotion rise deep inside the pit of my stomach.

  “Jesus, Kay. Thank God you’re safe. I had no idea. I’m so sorry.” She leans in, taking me into her arms. I lean against her, letting out the sobs I’d fought back the whole time. I sit back, sniffling and wiping away the tears from my cheeks.

  “He’s all I have.”

  “What, so you two are like an item now? I know he saved your life but don’t feel like you’re indebted to him.”

  “It’s not like that at all,” I croak out. “There was always an attraction to Ryder, but I fought it. I decided I didn’t want to be stuck between two brothers, so I chose Jax. I went for who I thought was the safe option. Only, it turns out that nothing could be further from the truth.”

  “What an asshole,” Cady growls. “That sicko should be in prison for what he’s done to you.”

  “It’s not that easy,” I say, dropping my head and shaking it loosely.

  “It is that easy. You go to the police, and you tell them everything that happened to you. Tell them what he did. Someone has to stop this from happening to other unsuspecting girls.”

  “I just can’t.” I breathe out heavily. “It would bring Ryder into the focus. Too many questions will be asked, and it would involve too many people. We dropped Layla at the police station. Hopefully, they will catch whoever’s behind this from the information she can provide. That way it keeps Ryder out of it.”

  Her eyes are narrowed and glued to me. “You really like him, don’t you?”

  “He owns me, Cady. My heart, my body, and my soul. I’m totally wrapped up in this guy. He risked everything for me…” I let my words trail off as I finally declare my feelings Ryder out loud.

  “Whoa,” she says dramatically. “That’s some heavy shit.” She blows out a huge breath, her cheeks puffing out as she does.

  “What?” I ask, wondering what her reaction is all about.

  “Just be careful, Kay. These twins are dangerous; we already know that.”

  “Ryder’s different,” I snap. “He would never hurt me.”

  “I know. But he’s not who I’m referring to. I’m talking about their whole criminal lifestyle. You’re already mixed up in that shit, covering for him and refusing to report what happened to you. Trouble will follow him, and that’s what worries me for you.”

  I sit silently for a few seconds, realizing that Cady’s words are true. I want Ryder in my life, but I’m not sure I’m made for the lifestyle he lives. Dealing with criminals to earn his next buck.

  “He can change his ways for me, I just know it,” I say naïvely.

  Cady cocks a brow, tilting her head to the side. “And how many have said that before you?”

  “None,” I sigh. “Ryder has never done relationships. Well, until now that is.”

  “And what? You’re the exception to the rule?”

  “Shit, I don’t know,” I yell, standing up and storming out of the room. My inner torture is almost too much to take. I know what she says makes sense. Every damn word. But my heart belongs to him, and I’m not sure what the hell I’m going to do. I walk over, dropping my crushed can into the trash.

  “I’m sorry, honey, really I am. I’m not trying to upset you or hurt your feelings. I’m just trying to be realistic and avoid you getting hurt. Again.”

  “I can’t be without him,” I say honestly.

  “Then you need to talk to him and figure out a way you can be together. Without him being so involved with the wrong side of the law.”

  I nod.

  “Anyway,” she exclaims, “I have your present upstairs.” She grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs. “Let’s get you changed. I’ll do your makeup and nails, and once I’ve finished with you, you’ll feel like a million dollars.”

  I let Cady lead me into her bedroom. I perch on the edge of the bed while she rifles through her closet. She throws things into a pile behind her while she continues to chat about clothes and makeup, all the girly things that have never really bothered me.

  “Okay” — she turns to face me with a pile of clothes between us — “I was going to clean out my closet, and considering the circumstances, there’s no better time than now. We’re the same size in clothes so they should all fit.”

  “You don’t have to — ” I say, but I’m quickly cut off.

  “No. I do have to. But you’re my friend, and I don’t need this stuff anyway,” she says with a huge smile. “I’ll bag it up for you while you go shower.”

  “There’s no need,” I reply.

  “But before you do,” she says, ignoring my comment, “here’s your birthday present.” She stands and walks over to the dressing table, picking up a gift box and handing it to me.

  “I really hope it’s the one you wanted.” She sucks in a breath of excitement, silently clapping her hands together.

  I take the box, touched that she’d gone to so much trouble for me. I slowly untie the spotty purple ribbon, removing it from the stark white box. I lift the lid and almost fall from the edge of the bed. My eyes go wide, and my jaw becomes slack.

  “You like it?” she asks tentatively.

  “Oh, Cady.” I gasp, reaching in and taking it in my hands.

  “It’s signed and everything,” she beams, and I have to swallow the lump that has grown in my throat.

  I grasp the book in my hands, looking at it in disbelief. It’s one I’ve wanted for such a long time, one I haven’t been able to get at the library or the secondhand bookstore.

  “This is beyond perfect,” I tell her as I let my finger flick through the pages; the smell I love hits my senses, reminding me why I’m so fond of my books. “Thank you so much.” I wrap my arms around her, thanking her for the very thoughtful gift.

  “Now that’s over and done with, go get showered,” she orders, taking the book out of my hand and pushing me lightly on the back. “I can’t wait to work my magic on those bags under your eyes,” she teases, letting out a little chuckle.


  I pull into the trailer park; my hands shake as I grip the steering wheel, willing my fucking heart rate to slow its pace. What I have to do hasn’t been an easy decision, but protecting Kailee is my priority. I park beside my brother’s car, cutting the engine. I take one last breath before emerging from the car. I make my way inside our trailer, calling out his name and listening carefully for a response. My hand rests tentatively on the gun in my waistband. I didn’t want to hurt my brother, but if he forces my hand, if I have to choose between my life and his, I won’t hesitate. I wander from room to room, realizing he isn’t here. I open the kitchen cabinet, grabbing some trash bags, and load them with my belongings. I take everything I can think of, clearing my closet. I make my way out, opening the trunk of the car and dumping them inside.

  “Well, look who it is,” his voice is droll and robotic. I turn to see Jax glaring at me, arms folded, and eyes narrowed on me.

  “I wondered how long it would take for you to show your pathetic ass around here

  I let out a sharp breath. “I should put a fucking bullet in that rotten fucking skull of yours for that little stunt you tried with Kailee.” I growl, my annoyance growing and my nostrils flaring.

  “You shouldn’t have gotten involved,” he snarls. “Business is business; you fucking know this.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” I roar. “What sort of fucking person have you become?”

  “One with fucking balls, Ryder. More than can be said for you. You’ve lost everything, all because of a bit of cheap pussy. Pussy you can find anywhere if you tried looking for it,” he quips.

  “Don’t you dare.” I grit my teeth together, using every ounce of restraint I have not to unleash my rage on him right here, right now. “Don’t you talk about Kailee like that.”

  “She’s your weakness, Ryder. Your Achilles’ heel. Be careful, brother…” He turns and walks away from me, back toward Eric’s trailer. I charge after him, landing a heavy hand on his shoulder.

  “It fucking stops,” I roar loudly, spinning him until he’s facing me. “It stops now. I will not go to war with you and think yourself very fucking lucky I haven’t already buried you six feet under.”

  “No,” he shouts back, his teeth on show as he snarls at me. “You killed Eric, OUR father, OUR real father.”

  “Do you know exactly what happened, Jax? Did you ever stop to ask Mom what the fucking truth is, huh?” I push him on the chest, causing him to step back, the force making him unsteady.

  “She’s a fucking whore, that’s the truth.” He spits his venomous words at me, causing me to lose my shit. I run at him, forcing him to the ground, and my whole weight pins him to the ground. I grab his shirt, thrusting him back against the ground.

  “He fucking raped her, you stupid motherfucker.” I can’t help but shake him, his head hitting the ground repeatedly. “Don’t ever mention that sick fuck’s name to me again, or I swear to God I will not hesitate to end your pathetic fucking life.”

  “That’s what she told you?” He scoffs. “I don’t believe a word of it.” He shakes his head from side to side.

  “Ryder,” Marco calls. I turn, snapping my head in his direction. “Leave it be, man.” He steps closer, trying to pull on my shoulder with his hand. I swiftly snap my shoulder from his grasp.

  “Get the fuck off me,” I warn. “I don’t need you to interfere; this is between me and my brother.”

  “I know, but you can’t expect me to stand here and watch you two tear each other apart.”

  “I’m not leaving until I’ve knocked some sense into this piece of shit.” I tighten my hold on Jax’s shirt, pulling his face closer to mine. “I don’t want to have anything more to do with you, you hear me? So just leave us alone. Leave Kailee alone. You come anywhere near her, and you’re as good as dead.”

  “You’re all talk, Ryder. I know you better than you realize. If you were going to do something, it would have been done by now.”

  “You are flesh and blood. That gets you one warning. But just one.” I release my grip, standing back from him and running one hand down my face. I step away from Jax, glaring at him before I turn my attention to Marco.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I pull out a cigarette, lighting it as I wait for him to answer. My chest heaves, and the heat of my blood still pumps through me furiously.

  “I just knew something would happen between you two. Looks like I to got here at the right time.” He lifts his eyebrows, holding his hand out to me. I reach into the pack and hand him a smoke. I light it for him, before watching my brother stagger over to Eric’s trailer and make his way inside.

  “Listen, Ryder.” He closes the space between us, his voice nothing more than a whisper. “I need you to keep my involvement between us. I’m friends with both you guys, and I don’t want him knowing it was me who led you to him. Looking back, you put me in an impossible position.”

  “And I’m really fucking grateful.”

  He nods. “All I ask is that you keep it to yourself. I can’t get caught up in this feud.”

  “Of course, man. I owe you big time.” I hold out my hand, and as he takes it, I pull him in for a hug. “Talking of big time” — I pull away, taking another drag of my smoke — “you got my money, right.”

  He nods; a huge smile spreads across his face. “Every last cent,” he replies, rubbing his hands together.

  “I fucking need it. Now more than ever.” I sigh. Marco tilts his head, his eyes questioning me.

  “Don’t look at me like that. It’s time to quit with this whole life of crime. I need to be the person who Kailee needs in her life. I stayed away because this” — I gesture to the trailers around us — “is not what that girl deserves. She’s worth so much more than this and being dragged into a life of crime.”

  “Ryder, the reformed character,” he taunts, laughing with disbelief.

  “What?” I throw my arms in the air.

  “I just can’t imagine you in a nine to five job, man.”

  “Let’s not get carried away.” I laugh, flicking my smoke to the ground and stepping on it with the toe of my shoe.

  “I gotta go, man. I have the cash in the car.” He gestures with a wave as he makes his way over. I follow behind, finally getting my hands on the cash I fucking fought for. That we need.

  He reaches into the back seat of his car, and one of his minions passes him a leather looking briefcase. He turns to me, holding it tightly in both of his hands. “Eighty K.” He holds out the case in front of him.

  “Fuck.” I take a sharp breath. “I hadn’t realized it would be that much. Thanks, man.” I lean into him, patting him heavily on the back. “We should celebrate,” I say with a grin and a lift of my brows.

  “Call me, man. We’ll do something,” Marco shouts as he makes his way back over to his car. I give him a single wave before locking the case in the car and heading over to Eric’s trailer. I don’t knock even though I know Jax is inside; I just step in, my eyes roaming the trailer for anything that might belong to Kailee. My eyes land on Jax, a rolled-up note inside his nostril, and white lines of powder set out in front of him. His eyes flicker up to me, but he doesn’t stop. Slowly, he runs the paper along the first line of powder inhaling it through his nose. He closes his eyes, dropping his head back as he lets the hit work through his body. Anger builds deep inside as I look at the guy who barely resembles my brother. Gritting my teeth, I shake my head, making my way further inside.

  “Don’t fucking mind me,” I grate out.

  “Get the fuck out,” he yells.

  “When I have everything I need, don’t worry, I’ll be well on my way outta here.” I stalk into Kailee’s room, pulling the trunk from underneath the bed and filling it with her belongings. I notice the brown box of books and grab it before making my way out. As I pass Jax, his eyes practically rolling in his head, I let out an audible tut. The hurt and disappointment are almost too much to take. I storm out, taking everything that I came for. How could we have been so close for years only to end up this way? I reach the car, throwing in everything that I’d collected. I didn’t stop to ask Jax, the junkie, whether he still has Kailee’s phone. I didn’t see the damn point. But one thing I have realized is that whatever we had between us is now gone. Brother or not.

  I spend a few hours in the one place I hate more than anywhere. The big city. The place where people walk around in their fancy fucking suits and have no sense of what it’s like to live in the real world. But it’s the place I need to be to get the things I need for Kailee.

  Making my way back to the car, I jump in. Pulling out my phone, I dial Cady’s number. I want to give her enough time to be ready for me. Or should I say it’s been a few hours, and I’m desperate to know she’s okay. Especially with my brother on the loose, and God knows who else I pissed off when I broke in to save Kailee.

  Holding the phone to my ear, I wait for an answer. It rings and rings, and my frustration grows by the second.

; “Pick up,” I murmur a groan.

  “Hey,” a cheerful but rather breathless voice greets me.

  “Oh. It’s Ryder, is Kailee there?”

  “Sure, one sec,” she answers, a sudden rustle sound plays through the receiver as I wait for it to be passed to Kailee.


  “Hey, Pip. You okay?” I ask with concern.

  “Of course.” She giggles. I can’t help but smile widely at the sweet sound of her cheerful voice.

  “So I’m on my way now. Be about thirty minutes. You going to be ready?” I ask, not wanting to rush the time she’s spending with her friends.

  “Sure am.”

  “Oh, Pip,” I all but shout. “Wait inside for me. I’ll come and get you,” I say, quickly ending the call.

  I drive the thirty minutes until I’m back in suburbia and turning onto Cady’s street. I pull up outside, cut the engine, and dash up to the front door, rapping my knuckles against the white wooden door.

  “Hey.” She pulls the door open slowly, holding it a little coyly. Her hair drapes over her face, and my eyes adjust as I take her in. Her hair looks different somehow. Sleek curls fall over her face, and she’s wearing different clothes from the ones she had on before.

  “Pip, what the fuck’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She lifts her head, and the redness in her cheeks is noticeable, as if she’s embarrassed. I swallow hard, my brain telling my cock to back the fuck up.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” I say with a tone of disbelief.

  “She looks amazing, doesn’t she?” Cady appears by her side; her arm drapes across her shoulder. It’s no secret that I think Kailee is freaking hot, but now, well, I don’t even have the words to describe how fucking good she looks. The clothes fit her, skimming every inch of her toned body. Her makeup highlights her model-like cheekbones and the sparkling blue of her eye. Holy shit. The look of her, as she stands all coy in front of me, has stolen the breath from my lungs.

  “Pip. I don’t even know where to begin,” I stutter out, taking a step forward. “You look so beautiful.”


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