Half Blood

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Half Blood Page 7

by Isabella De Horta

  I knew he was trying to provoke me, but I couldn't handle it. My hands started to shake and my jaw tensed making me breathe heavily through my nose. "She isn't like that and I actually like her. Not because she's hot or because she likes me back, but because she's herself when she's around me. She's funny and smart and she isn't afraid to set me straight," I said looking at him with anger. I hadn't realised that I had stood up and was now looming over him.

  Brendan smiled, not at all intimidated by me, "Well, I hope she's as loyal as you are because I'd hate to see you upset." Brendan pushed me back slightly and I straightened my stance.

  I kept glaring at my brother, my hands were still fisted and I fought the urge to hit him, luckily he left me in my room alone. Finally in peace, I sighed heavily and I decided to hit the gym knowing I'd get a good workout. Since I felt like hitting Brendan, I'd just pretend the boxing bag was my brother instead.

  I'd never enjoyed punching a boxing bag so much. I smirked, imagining Brendan's face on the punching bag as I hit it. My knuckles were sore and I felt a huge headache coming on. I rubbed my temples trying to soothe the pain. When I arrived home, Brendan's car wasn't parked on the street and I felt relieved that he had gone home.

  "Ethan?" I heard a shy voice call out.

  I spun around and found Tatiana walking towards me, her hair was down in its natural curls. She looked gorgeous in her tight jeans that hugged her curves along with a long-sleeved grey shirt. My heart sped up as I imagined holding her in my arms forever as she laid her head against my shoulder, kissing my collarbone …

  "Ethan?" Tatiana's voice brought me back to reality.

  "Hey, what're you doing here? Miss me already?" I teased and I heard her giggle. causing goose bumps to rise all over my body.

  "I wanted to ask you something, in person," she said cautiously, her hazel eyes searching mine.

  Suddenly I felt vulnerable, like she could see everything; all of the secrets and lies that I had told. I stayed silent waiting for her to continue. When she hesitated, my heart stopped for a split second.

  "Are we official? Like a couple?" her eyes lowered and settled on my mouth and I felt like kissing those lips and caressing her body as I had wanted to for so long.

  "You mean, you want to know if you're my girlfriend?" I asked. When she didn't look back up as she nodded, I lifted her chin up and made her look at me. "Yeah, and I want to be your boyfriend."

  "Why?" she asked, searching for something in my eyes but I didn't know what. She sounded so innocent, so surprised.

  "Because you're different than every other girl. You don't try to be someone else. You're smart, beautiful, funny, and you treat me like I'm your friend, not some popular guy in high school. I love it when you smile and when you laugh. I feel my heart skip a beat at that beautiful sound. And when you say my name I feel so happy." I felt her relax and without even thinking about it I pulled her into my arms, wanting to reassure her that I felt so complete when I was with her.

  "I feel the same way about you. Your smile brightens up my day whether I've been having a hard day or a good day and your voice makes goose bumps rise all over me," she whispered as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

  My heart thudded in my ears and my arms tightened around her. Tatiana and I jumped when her phone rang. Her face paled when she saw the name on the screen. She ignored the call and looked up at me, "I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

  "Yeah," I said smiling down before her. She squeezed my hand and then walked away from me.

  I walked inside, closing the door behind me. Then I felt it, something didn't feel right. I could feel someone, something, staring at me. Their gaze burned my back and my heart started beating faster and my hands balled into fists. I was ready to fight back, but what I wasn't expecting was for my father to tackle me to the ground. He screamed as he ran towards me, slamming into me with such great force that I grunted and fell to the ground with him on top of me. The floor was hard and solid as I fell and my father held me down with his hands, pinning my arms to the ground. He had a wild look in his eyes. I thought I could detect concern and maybe fear in his eyes, but why would he be scared. His hair wasn't brushed back like it always was; it was messy and pieces of hair stuck up in random places. I stared wide eyed at him and I tried to slow down my breath.

  "Are you a vampire?" If it were possible I think my eyes widened even more as that question came out of his mouth.

  "What?" I asked bewildered. I wriggled and tried to loosen his hold, but he only tightened his grip.

  He searched my eyes and then let me go. Standing up, he put out his hand for me to take, but instead I slapped it away and got up by myself, brushing off any dirt that ended up on me.

  "Are you fucking crazy?" I asked shouting, throwing my hands up in the air. What the hell was he talking about? Me, a vampire? No way! I was a hunter that was what I was. How could he think that!

  "That girl, she's your girlfriend?" he asked, drawing his eyebrows together.

  "What of it?" I asked defensively, crossing my arms over my chest.

  "She's the half blood! She's the girl I've been looking for," my father said, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. "We've had a few hunters spread across Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and here to keep an eye out for Tatiana and her family. A hunter found her in Chicago."

  No. No, no, no, no, no! This couldn't be happening, it had to be a mistake … it had to! She couldn't be a half blood … she was too innocent, too kind to be like them. My heart thudded in my ears and I couldn't hear anything other than my harsh breathing. I felt light headed and I had to grab a hold of something, so I leaned against the wall. I could see my father coming over towards me and he looked concerned. My name was being called out, but I didn't have the strength to say anything.

  She can't be… not her; it can't be her. "No…" I was whispering it over and over again. I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and I blinked. Suddenly, I was able to think straight and hear my father talk properly. I realised he had slapped me and I glared up at him as I leant against the wall.

  "She isn't like the others. I noticed that about her when we kidnapped her. She isn't a monster, but her mother is, and I was afraid she turned you," my father said with lingering concern.

  I pushed myself off the wall, hissing with frustration, "Whether she's a vampire or a half blood … she's still like them. She's a bloodthirsty killer."

  "That's where you're wrong son."

  "No, I can't deal with this," I raised my voice. I started walking up the stairs when I heard my father call out my name again. "What?" I asked without turning around, already knowing what he wanted me to do.

  "I need you to continue your relationship with her, but only to spy on her. Get information on her mother and also the other vampires that she has associated with."

  "I don't-" I turned around, but he cut me off.

  "You have too! It's for everyone's safety … even Tatiana's."

  "Tatiana's safety? How on earth is she in danger when she's a monster herself?" I asked more harshly than I intended.

  "Her own kind are after her, because of what she is …" my father grabbed my face in his hands and made me look deeply into his eyes. "You have to protect her because she's our only hope."

  "Our only hope for what, dad?" I asked impatiently.

  "For survival," he whispered, searching my eyes, begging me to understand.

  "How?" I snapped.

  "Her venom is poisonous to vampires. It starts a virus inside their body and they don't realise it until one day they just drop dead. Tatiana is the first half blood in centuries and we need to make her trust us. It's the only way," my father was still begging for me to understand.

  I was so furious with myself; how could I not know she was a vampire? "Okay… okay, I'll spy on her." I emphasised the word 'spy'.

  He let me go and looked at me for another moment before turning around and walking up the stairs. I heard his bedroom door close quietly. I was suddenly exha
usted. I couldn't believe a word he had just said. It couldn't be true, could it? I mean maybe this was a different Tatiana, one that looked exactly like her too. Yeah, I wish that was true! How could she be one of them when her skin wasn't ice cold and her eyes didn't change colour? Could she be dangerous? Was she really a monster?



  s soon as I was out of Ethan's sight I ran home. My mum had called me a few times but I decided to ignore her. I had a boyfriend … I was actually in a committed relationship; well I didn't see that coming. I thought he'd blow me off and laugh in my face. I had wanted to call him when I asked him, but I also wanted to see his face to see if he was amused or serious.

  When I got home, I saw my little brother playing outside with a paper plane. He was making noises with his mouth as his plane flew through the air. I loved watching him enjoying himself. When he spotted me his face brightened, if that were even possible, and he ran towards me with a big smile on his face.

  "Tatiana, where have you been?" my mother's voice echoed as the leaves of the trees shivered.

  Jamie was already in my arms hugging me tight.

  "I went for a walk, since it was a nice day," I said to my mother disingenuously.

  "Next time tell me where you're going, I was worried." My mother gave me one of those frowns.

  I nodded and Jamie let go of me and followed me inside. I heard the door slam behind us and we both jumped, turning around to find my mother with her hands on her hips. "Kitchen. Now."

  She was fuming and I let James go to the living room as I walked to the kitchen, ready for anything she threw my way.

  "What did I do now?" I asked quietly.

  "Don't. Lately I have noticed you hanging around that boy and I don't like it."

  "You don't have to like it, it's my life," I said shrugging.

  "Excuse me?" she asked, surprised.

  "Listen, I know you've been going through a hard time, but you have no right to put it all on me," I said as calmly as I could.

  "I'm not!" she raged. "It's just dangerous out there! You need to be careful."

  "You're not the only one who lost someone! I lost my dad too but I haven't taken it out on you. Instead I cry myself to sleep because I can't talk to you about it!"

  My mother stood there shocked, her mouth hanging open. She was gripping the apron she was wearing so tightly, her knuckles were going white. She never took her eyes off me.

  I felt my throat closing up, making it hard to breathe and my eyes filled with tears, blurring my vision. "It's not fair!" I whispered since I could hardly talk.

  She winced and looked away from me, loosening her hold on her apron.

  Tears threatened to fall but I forbade them to. I would not cry, not in front of her. Jamie had gone silent in the other room and I sensed he was nearby. I knew he was trying to listen in to our conversation.

  "I can't … I'm not hungry anymore so don't bother coming up," I snapped before she could say anything else. I didn't walk up the stairs, I stomped all the way up, showing her that I meant what I said.

  Staying in my room for the rest of the day wasn't that bad, since I hadn't really explored my room yet. Even if I had a single bed and a small desk I wouldn't care. I'm not that much of a girl. Yeah I look like one, but I'm not all girly; that shit freaks me out.

  My phone vibrated on my bedside table. I reached over to get it, looking at my screen. I saw Ethan's name pop up. If I was angry beforehand I totally forgot in that moment. I was lost in his eyes again.

  Heeey, Ethan said.

  Hey, I replied back quickly, not wanting him to stop texting me.

  U OK?

  I frowned wondering how he knew something was up through text, but I just shook my head and started typing.

  My mum & I had a fight.

  His instant reply made my heart skip a beat.

  Wanna talk about it?

  I shook my head like he could see me and I typed again.

  Not really, but thanks.

  Well I'm here if you need me.

  I smiled as I read those beautiful words over and over again, like an idiot.

  Monday weren't the happiest of days. It meant the start of a new week of work for parents and adults and a new week of learning for students; not something people looked forward to – ever.

  As usual my mother stayed in her room, most probably crying her eyes out, trying to make me feel guilty after what happened yesterday. But that was never going to happen since she had it coming. I was still mad at her. Why did she think only she could mourn her husband's death? He was my father! She thought that I wasn't going through what she was going through. He was my family too, my other half, my inspiration. He was Jamie's role model, his friend, his hero.

  The week passed quickly and so did another. Ethan took me to school every day and drove me back home. I soon noticed something different about him; every time we met he would distance himself, like he didn't want to be spending time with me. I wanted to shake that feeling off, but I couldn't. Every time I saw him I wanted to ask him, confront him even, but I didn't have the courage to.

  So I decided not to be close to him, maybe distance myself too; maybe then he would notice. Everyone knew we were going out, but what was there to see? No holding hands, no touching, no lingering stares. Maybe I should just break up with him?

  We were in the car, driving towards my house silently. He was looking straight ahead and I was looking out the window, not wanting to meet his gaze.

  "I think we should take a break."

  The car stopped abruptly and I was so thankful that no other cars were behind us. "What?" he asked, but I could hear a hint of relief.

  That annoyed me. "A break, I want a break," I said again, turning my head and looking at him.

  He was looking at me now with shock; his hands were gripping the wheel like he was fighting with himself. He didn't reply for a long time and I didn't want to hear it either so I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door, hopping out before he could say anything. I shut the door behind me and never looked back.



  ow, this was how it felt to get dumped. Not what I expected, especially with her. I sighed. Shit, I was really unfair to her. I should've told her that we should break up instead of being a prick and leading her on. Who are you kidding Ethan? You still like her.

  I shook my head and realised I had been sitting there in the car in the middle of a deserted street for a few minutes. I wanted to drive and pick her up again, but I knew she wouldn't get in so instead I drove away and didn't look back.

  I thought not looking back wouldn't be that hard. In books it sounds so easy to do, but it wasn't for me. I had this sudden urge to look back, like it was important; the worst thing is that I wanted to.

  Back at home my phone buzzed and I read the short text from Nate.

  Party @ my house on Friday!

  For the first time in a long time, I didn't find myself looking forward to it. I knew I had to go whether I liked it or not since they would give it to me on Monday. I shrugged off my clothes and walked into the shower, suddenly feeling like the warm water would be able to soothe me, but all it got me thinking of was Tatiana. I couldn't help myself but think that there was something different about her from the others. The warm water ran along my chest and back, making my muscles relax. I sighed. Tatiana wasn't like them … she couldn't be! She was too innocent to be a monster.

  I heard my father open the front door by the jiggle of his keys and his whistle. Well, I guess he was going to be disappointed when I told him that Tatiana and I weren't seeing each other anymore. I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me.

  "Ethan, where are you?" he called out.

  I opened my bathroom door and I found him in my room. Nice to know he wouldn't knock, I thought.

  "So? How did your day go with Tatiana?" he asked inquisitively.

  I rolled my eyes, "Not so well. She broke up with me."

My father's eyes widened and then his eyebrows narrowed. "It's only been a few weeks, what happened?" he asked, raising his voice.

  "It just didn't work out," I shrugged like it was no big deal; but it was.

  "I know it's a big deal, I can see it in your eyes. I know you son and I know you have feelings for her even if she is something like them. You can't choose who you fall for, the heart does." My heart beat faster at the thought of her. I shook my head, no.

  "You can't deny it because I saw your face when I told you Tatiana was a half blood. You looked like someone died," he closed my door and left me there to think.

  School wasn't that bad the next day, or for the next few days after that. They all blurred together. But every time I found myself gazing around, I missed seeing Tatiana's face, the way her eyes would crinkle up when she smiled, hearing her contagious laugh.

  She didn't hang out with us anymore. Nate and Daniel were upset that she wasn't sitting with us and were always asking me where she was, but I had no answer since I was wondering that myself. I would occasionally see her in the hallways while we grabbed our books from our lockers and I couldn't help but stare at her while she made her way to class. She didn't sit next to me anymore, she found another friend that she spoke to all the time. I was jealous, wanting to be the only one to talk to her, but I was also happy that her friend wasn't a guy. Tatiana was killing me, slowly.

  Friday rolled around and when Nate finally saw Tatiana, he walked towards her with a huge smile on his face. "You're coming tonight, right?"

  Tatiana looked shocked to see him there. But she smiled weakly, shrugging.

  "Aw, come on. If not for me then for Ethan, he's been dying without you."

  I shot Nate an evil look, but he only smiled devilishly. I knew Tatiana didn't want to go. I could tell by the way she was standing that she felt uncomfortable. I turned back to my locker, pretending to look for my books, but they were already in my hands. I was gripping them tightly, but nothing prepared me for what she said next.


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