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Seduction Page 9

by Laxmi Hariharan

  He raised his face, locking his gaze with hers, “I look at you and come apart,” he sang. “I can’t live without you.”

  There was a fluttery feeling in her chest. He was singing to her, there was no doubt about it. But unlike on the stage, there was a rawness to his voice. His features were drawn. The hollows under his cheekbones seemed more pronounced.

  She sensed a vulnerability in him that caught her. It made her want to go to him—and she wanted to run away from him at the same time.

  “I love you too much to put you at risk.” His gaze bored into hers.

  The depth of pain in his voice ripped through her, and her legs trembled.

  “I’d die for you, but I won’t let myself hurt you.” It was like he was being torn apart from inside.

  Her throat closed. He was as much as telling her it didn’t matter what she did, she could try all she wanted, but he wasn’t going to mate with her. No matter how much her unicorn spirit wanted it, how much his dragon yearned for it.

  Tears pricked the backs of her eyes. She’d run from the Fae soldiers, she’d seen her parents killed, had faced down Igor himself, and all that time she’d never lost hope.

  But realizing she’d found her mate and knowing they’d never possibly be together shattered her heart. She’d held on to a blind belief that they’d find a way to be together. She’d been so naïve. It would never happen. He’d never put her at risk. And she…? She was fated to someone else.

  A sob caught in her throat.

  Turning, she ran out of there.



  He wanted to spring up from his seat and go after her but he had to finish the song. He owed the children that much. He wrenched his gaze away from the direction she’d run in and forced himself to smile.

  His dragon strained against the psychic leash he’d placed on it.

  His sight narrowed, and his breaths came in quick huffs. He straightened his spine and forced his attention back to the faces in front of him.

  Changing the pace of his guitar playing, he strummed faster, picking up the pace. He broke into a mashup of songs that had been popular in the last few years.

  The children cheered. One of the girls jumped up and broke into a dance.

  He mixed up the medley with classics that had survived the upheavals caused by the tsunamis that had swept around the world.

  The group fell silent. The girl stopped dancing and watched him play.

  He’d descended into that zone he often fell into when singing, that flow he loved and sought every time he played, when a string on his guitar snapped.

  The twang echoed around the room.

  Logan came forward. He took the guitar from Neo. “Go.” He jerked his head in the direction Trinity had disappeared.

  “But…” Neo hesitated and darted his gaze toward the beach where he could just make out Trinity hurrying away, then back to where the kids were already getting restive.

  Caleb stepped in from the other side, a deck of cards in hand.

  A growl rumbled up in Neo, and the scent of dragon smoke grew heavy in the air. The wolf had touched his mate.

  Caleb angled his head. “I was just lending a helping hand.”

  Neo knew the other man was harmless; he’d had probably even done him a good turn, but it didn’t stop him from stepping up and reaching for his collar.

  Indira slipped up next to Caleb and laid her arm around his waist.

  Caleb’s gaze flicked down at Indira. His forehead furrowed. He changed his stance and moved away a little. At the same time, he slid his body forward to cover Indira from Neo’s line of sight.

  Indira moved closer and tucked herself into his side. Caleb’s body froze.

  “Ah! Right.” Neo sensed the unsaid emotions between the two. He stepped away. “Thanks for the help, I guess.” He couldn’t stop the smirk that twisted his lips. “Good luck. You’ll need it with that one.” He nodded at Indira.

  His younger sister raised her fist and jabbed at him.

  He ducked, his face breaking into a grin. He swerved around the couple. Passing the rest of the group, he ran down the lawn and headed for the low wall that separated the garden from the beach. He jumped over it.

  He reached the beach. There was no sign of Trinity. He looked both ways. Nothing.

  He swallowed. For a second his stomach went cold. Then, closing his eyes, he dropped into himself. He lowered the psychic barrier on his dragon. The energy leaped out as if it had been waiting for his permission. It streaked to his right. His heart rate picked up.

  Turning, he ran in that direction. He reached a small channel of water that connected the sea with the land and followed it up, through a line of trees, and burst into the clearing.

  His heart raced. Sweat dripped down his back.

  She paused, her back straight, her head angled, and she threw a gaze over her shoulder. Then her nostrils flared, and those silver eyes gleamed.

  She turned and sprang away from him, toward the opposite edge of the clearing.

  He focused his gaze. His dragon growled. If this was a game she was playing, he was not losing. Either way, he wasn’t letting her go, not this time. Putting on a burst of speed, he gave chase.



  She wasn’t sure what had made her run away from him, when everything in her had wanted to do the opposite.

  She’d known he’d come after her. Well, okay, she’d hoped for that but hadn’t been sure, not until she’d sensed his heartbeat growing closer, and then she’d raced to the edge of that clearing, slowing just enough until he’d caught up with her.

  She wasn’t good at the games men and women played, wasn’t even sure of what she was doing. But just as he was a predator, she was a seducer.

  She knew she had to draw him to her. She had to play, to make him want her until he couldn’t hold back anymore.

  If it was a shameless use of her feminine wiles, so be it.

  It was a new experience for her.

  As she took off weaving through the palm tree grove, she sensed him pick up the gauntlet she’d thrown. She strained to listen for him coming after her but couldn’t hear a thing. She had no doubt he was coming after her, though.

  She’d seen that intent look in his eyes, felt his dragon streak toward her on the psychic plane. She’d pulled back her unicorn and masked it on the psychic plane. It was a game of psychic hide and seek, one she was enjoying very much.

  One which made her feel powerful. Reaching a particularly large palm tree, she stopped and leaned against it.

  Her heart raced, her pulse thudded, and her chest heaved. Sweat poured down her back.

  There was a rustle from above.

  Too late, her instincts screamed.

  He swooped down on her, turning at the last minute so she lay winded, across his chest.

  She squeaked.

  His arms came around her, holding her close to his chest.

  It was as if he’d lowered all the barriers and allowed his dragon to leap forward. His heartbeat slammed into her.

  The breath rushed out of her.

  She couldn’t move.

  He held her so tight, his body so still, it was as if he was scared if he moved she’d leave him.

  Heat from his body poured over her. Her heart was racing so madly it danced in tandem with his. It was erotic and sexy, and she felt the last barriers drop away. Any doubt she had about him dissolved.

  This was it. This was where she belonged. Where she came to life. Where she would die.

  There was nothing beyond the circle of his arms. The planes of his chest supported her. His arousal thrust against her hip, and the muscles of his thighs cradled her. She wanted to say something, to tell him how much he was hers, but the words faded in the onslaught of feelings that surged through her.

  Besides, she wasn’t sure she could string two sentences together.

  She dipped her head and licked the skin that showed between the open lapels of his sh



  Her touch sizzled straight to his groin. He wanted to turn her over, kiss her senseless, and bury himself in her. She’d be soft, sweet, demanding, and just thinking about it made his shoulders shudder.

  Heat flushed his skin.

  He brought his hand up and ran his fingers through that golden length of her hair. Wrapping it around his palm, he tugged.

  She shivered and balanced her elbows on his chest and ran her tongue lightly up it, all the way to the hollow at the base of his neck.

  His chest tightened, and his muscles jerked.

  She bit him lightly.

  Goosebumps flared on his skin. He groaned. “I am trying very hard to hold myself back.”

  “Don’t.” She licked the patch of skin she’d bitten.

  His arousal throbbed.

  Hooking his leg around her ankles, he turned her over onto her back. At the same time, he slid his hand under her neck to support her head.

  Her dress rode up. She parted her legs to accommodate him.

  With his free hand, he pulled her arms over her head and shackled her wrists.

  She strained beneath him. Her thighs gripped his.

  He pushed down on her hips, with just enough pressure to keep her captive. His arousal thrust into the soft skin of her lower belly.

  Her cheeks flushed, and her hair was a splash of gold against the muddy ground. Her lips were swollen. Her chest heaved, her breasts pushed up, and her nipples pressed into his chest.

  She looked wild and aroused, and an answering shudder of desire pulled at his stomach.

  His chest hurt with the need to claim her as his own. Every part of his skin ached with the restraint of holding back.

  He gritted his teeth. The blood thudded at his temples, and a trickle of sweat ran down his forehead and plopped onto the space between her breasts.

  The scent of wild lilies and sunshine curled around him. His mouth watered. He wanted her with more intensity than he’d every desired anything before, and yet, “I can’t do this.” He leaned in close enough for his breath to sear her cheek.

  Her eyes widened. The silver in them glowed. She swallowed.

  “I can’t love you the way you deserve to be.”

  Her body stiffened under his. She tried to pull her hands from his. He held on.

  “Then let me go.” Her gaze narrowed; her eyes glittered.

  He sucked in a breath. The blood began to pound at his temples. The only thing worse than holding himself back, than not being able to acknowledge his emotions for her, was to see her hurt, especially when it was him who was the cause. His heart seemed like it was going to burst out of his rib cage. “I can’t.” It hurt to even speak. He felt like he was being torn in half.

  He lowered his head to the curve of her chest, let himself breathe her essence, be drawn into the softness and that sense of peace he knew he’d find nowhere else.

  His dragon pushed against his skin, pleading to be let out, to go to her.

  On the psychic plane, the sparkling silver of her unicorn shined bright and radiant. A sense of rightness stole over him.

  He pressed his lips to her neck, trailing kisses up to her cheek, over her eyelids to her forehead. “I am yours, Trinity.” He let go of her arms and made to draw away.

  She thrust her fingers through his hair. She tugged his head back and, raising her chin, slanted her lips over his.

  Heat slammed into his chest, and he gasped.

  She plunged her tongue into his mouth, sipping him, pulling on his essence.

  His hips thrust against her. Desire throbbed, the need so acute his vision went blank for a moment. Blood roared in his ears.

  She placed her palm over his heart. It was as if light bled from her touch and sank through his skin into his blood. His scars throbbed, his skin tightened. Every part of him seemed like it was on fire.

  His dragon growled, the hair on the back on his neck rising. The faint scent of bitter almonds tugged at the edge of his subconscious mind. Something was wrong.

  He tore his mouth from hers. “We need to get out of here.”

  “Wait, what?” She stared, her eyes large, and a faint sheen of light rippled off her.

  He pushed his palms into the ground on either side of her. Balancing his weight on his forearms, he tore his body from hers.

  Her head fell back, and there was a look of such need and desperation in her eyes he knew he couldn’t hold back, couldn’t deny her anymore.

  A low hum reached him. The atmosphere around him thinned. Every nerve in his body went on alert. He rose to his feet and brought her up with him.

  Even before she was upright, he was already moving. His pulse raced, adrenaline thrumming in his blood. He’d almost lost control there. He’d been so focused on himself, on his need for her, he’d forgotten everything else. He’d forgotten to stay vigilant.

  She stumbled, and he drew her close.

  The air in front of him shimmered and turned translucent. The outline of a figure faded in and out.

  Neo’s muscles stiffened, and the hackles on his neck rose. All his instincts screamed at him to get her out of there, but it was already too late. The metallic scent deepened, and a portal shimmered in front of them.

  A man stepped out of it.

  Neo pushed her behind his back. “Who are you?” He swore.

  “It’s Tibor, the leader of the Rebel Elysians.” Logan burst into the clearing from the other side and came to a stop. “I came as fast as I could.” He panted, his breath coming in gasps. His chest rose and fell. “With Vance unconscious, the protective shield that blocked our presence on the psychic plane is gone. It’s how he got to us.”

  Tibor didn’t take his gaze off Trinity.

  Neo growled a warning. His muscles flexing, he took a step forward.

  The man’s presence was a dark, grimy stain on the psychic plane. It tainted the very air in the space.

  “Igor was right. You’re the essence of purity.” Tibor waved his arm, gesturing to the trees around them.

  Neo snarled. He didn’t dare look away from this man who was there to harm his mate, yet he was compelled to flick a quick glance to the side.

  The breath rushed out of him. His mind cleared of all thought.

  Creepers weaved themselves through the trees. Grass grew in abundance, covering every inch of ground, and flashes of white and yellow wildflowers dotted the green. A swarm of butterflies flew over to Trinity, alighting on her head, dotting her shoulders.

  His throat went dry. He had no doubt it was her heightened emotions that had drawn the very goodness from the earth itself. He knew he had misjudged how important she was, the lengths to which Igor would go to get her.

  She was more precious than anything material. She was connected to the source itself, a direct channel to the spirit world.

  “What do you want?” She moved around him to stand shoulder to shoulder with Neo.

  Every muscle of his went rigid, and he curled his fingers into fists at his sides. His dragon slammed against his skin. Neo dropped the psychic barriers, and his dragon leaped out.

  Tibor’s dark presence swooped through the opening. A lasso of thick, syrupy blackness dropped around the neck of Neo’s beast. His animal roared and tried to break free.

  Tibor glided toward Trinity. “Once Igor is mated with your unicorn, he can access the strength of the light to defeat the dragons. It will make us undefeatable. It’s why Igor sent me to get you—I can’t fail.”

  Neo’s body moved on pure instinct.

  Gathering every last bit of energy inside him, he threw himself at the Elysian male.



  Neo’s body crashed into Tibor’s. They went rolling across the ground and hit a large chestnut tree with such force its trunk cracked. Leaves and chestnuts rained down on them.

  Neo was on Tibor, holding him down. He grabbed Tibor’s head by his hair and slammed it back again and again.

  There was a sound of breaking bones.

  Tibor screamed.

  Trinity sensed Logan run toward the grappling figures on the grass.

  Tibor heaved Neo’s body at Logan. Logan tried to swerve but didn’t quite succeed. Neo crashed into Logan. The two men hit the ground and went tumbling to the side of the clearing. The earth seemed to shake with the impact.

  Trinity looked on, numb.

  Tibor sprang up. He was bleeding from his nose, his white shirt creased, his hair in disarray, but his features were almost expressionless.

  Darkness bled out from him, a greasy, dark stain that swooped down on her, tendrils of black that bled into her soul and wrapped itself around her neck.

  She coughed and fell to her knees, gripping her throat. The breath caught in her chest.

  Tibor glided across the clearing to her. He grasped her hair and pulled her to her feet.

  She struck out blindly, looking for something to hold on to, anything to help her resist him. Her palms skidded on the loose soil. Her flesh tore. One of her nails broke.

  The dark power from him pushed in on her brain, putting enough pressure on it to hold her motionless.

  She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. A cold feeling gripped her chest. She’d expected Igor to come for her, only she hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly.

  “Let her go,” Neo’s tense voice cut though the chaos in her head.

  She sensed Tibor raise his hand. She felt him reach into the grimy black of his power. He pulled on his energy, concentrated it, and flung it at Neo through the psychic plane.

  “No,” she screamed as Neo staggered back, his body hunched over.

  Blood flowed from his nose and seeped from his ear. He shook his head, straightened, and came right back. Meanwhile, Logan circled them and attacked from the side.

  Tibor slid to the ground, taking Trinity with him. His dark, greasy essence pounced on her and surrounded her. It flowed into her ears, her nose, into her pores. He was suffocating her with that mire of darkness that wrenched at her.


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