The Smuggler's Ascension: The Ties That Died

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The Smuggler's Ascension: The Ties That Died Page 22

by Christopher Ingersoll

  “This is not a war to eliminate the Clovani people,” Sabine said as the room fell silent again. “This war is as much for the benefit of the Clovani as it is for our own. The Clovani live under the yoke of tyranny and have done so for millennia. The Dark Priestesses of Azrael, these Gau’dran’Seti Worshippers of Death, will turn the entire Empire into a tool of darkness unless we act now to end this. How many more Foria’s do we need to happen before you see that? Our war is with Azrael and his Priestesses, not the Clovani people. I do not wish to kill anyone if I do not need to.”

  “You do not need to believe in the Gods,” Kristof said quietly from his seat next to Sabine, “Fine. Have faith in your Queen to make the right decision for the safety of our people. You know her, Jorge, you helped to raise her. You know she does not ask this lightly of you, of any of you. She still has nightmares about what happened, so don’t think for a minute this doesn’t bother her.”

  Sabine called a recess to allow everyone to have time to consider their options. Anyone that could not follow her orders was instructed not to return at the end of the hour long break. She remained in her seat as the room cleared, her heart aching. The war was not something she wanted, but it was necessary to get at the Dark Priestesses and ultimately Karina and Azrael. The longer they waited the harder it would become.

  Once they were alone, Anasha came and hugged Sabine tightly, knowing the pain she felt. Sabine welcomed the embrace and returned it while wishing she could solve all of their problems so easily.

  “Do you think Casandra could be persuaded to make an appearance?” Sabine asked suddenly. “If they could see a God with their own eyes, then maybe it would help.”

  “I do not think so,” Anasha said sadly. “She has remained hidden from Pyreus and Azrael all these years, I do not believe she will come forth now.”

  “Your commanders need to have faith in you, love,” Kristof added. “If they cannot even do that much, then we should not rely on them. There is too much at stake now.”

  “But it’s because of me that their faith is shaken,” Sabine said quietly, “Because I wasn’t strong enough to fight what Pyreus was doing to me. I can’t even tell what choices were mine or his, or if he just used what was already in my mind. I hated the Clovani so much for what they did to you, it wasn’t that hard to push me into destroying their capital.”

  Kristof came and knelt before Sabine and took her hands as he gazed deep into her eyes. Sabine wanted to lose herself in the green of his eyes as she returned his gaze. All of his love for her was there in his eyes, and she felt Anasha behind her as she embraced her from behind again.

  “You have to forgive yourself, my love,” Kristof said softly. “We have all done things for which we have regrets. I did not wish to destroy the Clovani fleet, but I knew it was necessary. By destroying Clovani Prime, whether you intended it or not, it did effectively end the war for a while and saved many lives in the Protectorate. Now we need to finish what we started, and we need to remain strong. You cannot doubt yourself and expect your commanders to follow you.”

  The recess ended a time later and Sabine was glad to see that most had returned. General Mannis’s seat remained empty, however, as did Admiral Raekis’s. Sabine felt a part of her heart break, but she pushed the pain away to focus on the task at hand. She would seek out the General and Admiral privately later, she told herself.

  The remainder of the afternoon was spent planning the assault on Clovani II. Admiral Geoff Arctura was named as the new Supreme Military Commander in General Mannis’s absence. Sabine remained silent as her grandfather laid out a plan to assault the world and engage the remnants of the Clovani fleet. Different commander offered insights and suggestions, and Sabine was glad to see that the silence of the earlier meeting was now gone as all of the commanders actively participated in the planning.

  Clovani II had three moons, all of which maintained their own defenses, making the assault more challenging. Sabine’s thoughts wandered as the planning continued, however, as she had little to offer in such an engagement. Instead she began to wonder what the confrontation with Karina would be like. She knew Kristof and Anasha would insist on her remaining aboard the Queen’s Honor due to the baby.

  Her hand caressed her stomach as she thought of the baby. The doctors had told her she was now close to giving birth, despite being months ahead of schedule. That more than anything had told her and Kristof that the time to face Azrael had to be soon if their son was to become the new Master of the Underworld. She didn’t want to think about losing her son as soon as he was born, though.

  To take her thoughts off of such a sad topic, she instead turned her thoughts to Max. Anasha had gained the approval of the Elders to name Max as a Su’Tani Guard, a rarely used title given to non-Su’Tani people who had performed exceptional services in defense of the royal family and the Protectorate. Anasha’s friend Gloria had even found precedent in Su’Tani history for naming an android as a Guard, as two androids had received the honor two centuries ago during a dynastic challenge against the Arctura family. Those androids, who had worked in the laundry service no less, were given lighter duties at the Su’Tani Temple.

  Sabine smiled at the plans they had in store for Max, and hoped he would be happy with the honors and gifts they were planning to bestow upon him. It still seemed a little odd associating emotions with an android, but Max had become so much more to her and her family that she was glad that he was growing and evolving. Max seemed to be adapting to the emotions better, and there had been no repeats of his nightmare awakening that she knew of.

  “Your Majesty?” one of her Generals called to her, breaking her thoughts, and she realized she had lost all track of the battle planning.

  “My apologies,” Sabine said, somewhat embarrassed. “Please continue.”

  “The option of using only non-lethal measures has been proposed,” said General Draken. “Many of our ships are now equipped with EMP cannons as well as lasers and missiles. If our intent is to take as little Clovani life as possible, then relying on the EMP weapons would keep their casualties down.”

  “It would come at the cost of the lives of our own ships and crews,” her grandfather told her. “The EMP weapons are slow to disable enemy ships, during which time we will be taking laser and missile hits in return.”

  “Saving their lives at the expense of our own hardly seems appropriate,” Sabine said. “I would rather suggest that the Clovani ships be disabled by any means necessary until they cannot fight any longer, but then be spared from total destruction.”

  “I agree,” Admiral Arctura said. “Our plans are set then, and we can launch in two days.”

  “Very well, then,” Sabine said with a sigh. “I appreciate your suggestion, General Draken, and we will save as many Clovani lives as we can, but not at the cost of our own. You all know the plan, so the order is given. We launch in two days.”

  The room cleared quickly as the commanders all went to carry out their preparations. Admiral Arctura lingered as the last of the commanders left, until he was left alone with Sabine, Kristof, and Anasha.

  “Are you sure I am the best choice to lead the assault,” Geoff asked pointedly.

  “You’re the most experienced senior commander now, and I trust you implicitly,” Sabine said as she rose from her seat and went to her grandfather. “I need you, Papa.”

  Admiral Geoff Arctura saluted smartly before his Queen.

  “I will not fail you then,” he said, “My little fairy Queen,” he added with a smile. Sabine embraced her grandfather fiercely before he left.

  Once alone, Sabine turned to Anasha and Kristof who sat watching her. She smiled as her love for them welled up inside her. They returned her smile as they rose to join her. Standing together, hands clasped, they formed their small Triad and just enjoyed the love of the moment.


  Kristof had seen Max surprised a time or two over the years, but never like this. The first shock came when Max was present
ed the uniform of the Su’Tani Guard by Anasha and informed that he was to be honored as one of their number. The Su’Tani Guard was a group of people that, while not Su’Tani, were counted as one of them and would fight and serve beside them.

  The honor was twofold in meaning in Max’s circumstance. Besides being initiated within the Su’Tani Guard, by being presented his own uniform Max was no longer considered an android in a way. Custom and tradition within the Protectorate, as well as many surrounding cultures, held that androids did not where clothing. The uniform was a recognition that Max had grown beyond being a simple android, he would be truly considered a person by all the people of the Protectorate.

  The next shock came as Sabine also presented Max a gift in a small case. Kristof would not have thought to see Max surprised again so quickly, but as he opened the case he stopped cold. Within the case was a set of new android eyes, but these had been fashioned to look like human eyes instead of the typical solid colored android eyes. It was another long held tradition that androids would have non-human eyes, so as to remind people that the androids were artificial beings, the same as with the clothing restrictions.

  Anasha’s and Sabine’s gifts to Max spoke louder than any words that Max was truly considered one of them. Max was speechless as he looked at the gifts he had been presented, and Kristof’s joy for his friend was boundless. The android truly had grown and become one of the family.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Max finally said, and his emotions were clearly present in his expression. “Thank you, all of you.”

  Anasha and Sabine hugged Max tight, and he hugged them back. Kristof also embraced the android once he had gotten free of the two women. He had considered the android a brother for a long time now, so to see him honored today was truly gratifying.

  Sabine signaled for the tech who had accompanied her to come forward, and Max sat in a chair as the tech slowly removed Max’s solid red eyes. When Max opened his eyes several minutes later, he gazed at everyone with his new blue human-style eyes. The change made his entire face seem more alive than ever.

  “Everyone looks the same,” Max said quietly, “Yet you all look at me differently now. I like it.”

  Everyone smiled as Max donned his new uniform. The uniform had been fashioned from a tough, tear resistant material since Max’s strength might inadvertently tear a normal uniform’s materials. Once dressed, it was barely apparent that Max was an android, and Sabine applauded in approval.

  The ceremony to induct Max into the Su’Tani Guard was conducted on the Temple steps since it was a beautiful day. Anasha walked with Max during the ceremony as his sponsor, and Kristof stood with Sabine as they watched the pair approached the Elders and knelt. The Su’Vanii made a wonderful speech about the long, honorable tradition of the Guard and those who had graced the rolls of those hallowed ranks.

  “That was a truly wonderful gift you gave Max,” Kristof said quietly.

  “He’s more than earned it,” Sabine said just as quietly so as not to disrupt the ceremony. “Max is truly one of us, and should be recognized as such.”

  In time Anasha presented Max to the Su’Vanii and all in attendance, listing all of his actions in defense of the Queen and the Protectorate. She then offered the traditional chance for any to object to Max’s being honored, but none objected. It could have been, Kristof thought, because of the fact that anyone who objected would have to fight Anasha to win the objection since she was the sponsor. Nobody seemed eager to take that challenge.

  The ceremony ended with Max being presented a traditional Su’Tani sword that was worn during official functions, as well as the official Su’Tani badge of office that would identify him to all the Protectorate and beyond as a Su’Tani Guard. The applause was deafening, as many in attendance were there because Max had in some way saved their lives. Kristof applauded with the rest, his smile large as he watched Max’s stunned expression and smile.

  There were many congratulations, so Kristof and Sabine waited as Max greeted the many people he had met over the years, both from the Protectorate as well as from worlds he and Kristof had helped in their rebellions against the Empire. Kristof did not know how Anasha had managed to get so many of them to Purannis so quickly, but it was definitely a nice surprise for Max.

  Max seemed overwhelmed by the time Kristof and Sabine made their way to him, and Sabine once again hugged him tight and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Anasha did the same, leaving Max even more overwhelmed.

  “I’m not kissing you,” Kristof said, and they all laughed, and Max seemed to regain his equilibrium.

  “That is good,” Max said lightly, “Because I don’t swing that way.” They all laughed again and enjoyed the android’s growing sense of humor.

  “We have one last surprise for you,” Anasha said as they all walked through the Temple grounds.

  “I am not sure my systems can take many more surprises,” Max said with a smile. “You all have already done so much for me today.”

  “You deserved every bit of it,” Sabine told him as she took his hand while they walked.

  They walked in silence for a while as they left the grounds and entered the area of the city reserved for the Su’Tani to live. Sabine’s guards accompanied them, but stayed respectful distances ahead and behind. There were houses in the neighborhood they found themselves in, mostly single family homes. Finally they stopped in front of one particular house. The house was a single story home painted white with blue shutters. There was a well-kept lawn and flowerbed around it. Max looked at the house curiously and then turned to Anasha.

  “This is your father’s house, is it not?” Max asked curiously.

  “Yes,” Anasha replied, and then she took Max’s hand and led him inside.

  The house remained just as it had the last time Kristof and Anasha had been there. Everything in the house seemed to scream Subat, from the taste in decorations to the photos on the wall and mantle. Kristof saw photos of Anasha growing up, Subat and Juliet together and with Anasha as a young child, as well as newer ones of Anasha with Sabine and Kristof. There were also assorted mementos from Subat’s service with the Su’Tani and gifts that he had received during his life.

  “Why are we here?” Max asked curiously as he looked around.

  “This house is filled with emotions,” Anasha said quietly. “There are memories of every type here, all captured in photos or mementos, as well as my father’s journals in his study.” Anasha turned and grasped Max’s hands while looking into his eyes. “This house is a fine place to learn about emotions, both good and bad, and I would like for you to have it, Max. I think my father would definitely approve of you being here, growing in your emotions and finding your path as more than just an android.”

  Kristof had thought Max had been stunned speechless earlier, but that had been nothing compared to what he saw now. Max’s face and his new eyes clearly displayed the rapidly changing emotions the android was feeling as he processed what he had just been given. Kristof felt a tear in his eye as he watched his friend look around at the items in the room, and then back to Anasha before him.

  “I will strive to live up to the honors you all have given to me this day,” Max said at last, his voice quiet yet thick with emotion. “I will cherish this gift you have given me, Anasha, and I will also strive to live up to the example your father has set for what a truly honorable person should be. Thank you.”

  Anasha hugged Max so hard that Kristof wondered if she might break Max, but she soon relented and released him.

  “My father would be very proud of you, Max,” Anasha said simply with a smile.

  They left Max to explore his new home and walked back to the Temple, where Sabine’s armored limousine awaited them to take them back to the Palace. They walked in silence, each reflecting over the events of the day and how their friend had changed. Kristof thought back to the first time he had met Max aboard the Star Fox, back in their smuggling days. He couldn’t say now why he had stopped wiping M
ax’s memory, and then hiding the fact from the rest of the crew. It had only seemed natural at the time, the right thing to do.

  The ride back to the Palace was also quiet as night began to fall. Come morning they would all depart to seek an end to the war. The thought that either they or a God would fall the next day was a sobering one. Kristof held his wives tight that night as they lay together, all too anxious to sleep. Instead they just basked in the love of their union, armoring themselves in that love for the coming battle.

  They instinctively knew that the last battle between them would come down to love versus hate. Hate had consumed Azrael in the Underworld following Cassandra’s rejection of him and his banishment by the Father. Azrael had earned every punishment he’d received, but he had not been able to grow and repent. Instead he had cloaked himself in his anger and rage until it had consumed him, leaving behind a hate-filled dark God bent on revenge.

  Kristof would need the love of his wives to sustain him as he faced that darkness which now had taken up residence in Kristof’s own sister, Karina. In a way it was fitting, he thought, since he and his sister had been at war in a way all of their lives. Their lives would now come full circle just as the tale of Cassandra, Pyreus, and Azrael would come to an end.

  I just hope the cost is not too high, Kristof thought to himself.

  ~Final Interlude~

  Max found himself wandering around the house for hours. His home, they had said. The concept was alien to him, androids did not own property, but many things had happened this day that did not happen to androids. It was a wonder his processors had not overloaded from the flood of emotions he had experienced throughout the day.


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