Promised Box Set

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by James Kipling

  His nephew knew it would not go down well with Melissa, but there was nothing he could do about it. His uncle held the purse strings and although he was generous, past experience had taught Jasper that to challenge him would make things worse. He smiled at his uncle. “What about starting a car and driver hire business?”

  Julian Conroy, for once, took him seriously and answered. “Bring me some serious figures and how, where, and how many cars to start with.”

  “Thanks Uncle Jules. I’ll do it properly, and we have many contacts with people who would use a top of the line car service. I don’t mind doing the driving for weddings. In fact, I’d enjoy it.”

  His uncle held out a hand. “Give me a hand up, Jasper. I find it hard to get out of chairs these days.” His nephew did as asked and gave his uncle a quick hug. “Your cousin, Annabel, is coming over tomorrow. She’ll probably give you a call.” The old man finished.

  “Haven’t seen her for ages. Take care.” Jasper said and set off for the front door. The old man watched him go and wondered if he should have told him about his illness.

  Jasper drove back to his marina apartment and found Melissa dressed to go out. “A spot of shopping.” She smiled and pecked him on the cheek. “How was your uncle?” Jasper said that he thought the old man was not too well, but he had said he was okay. “Bit shaky getting in and out of chairs, but otherwise okay.”

  “What about our plans?” Melissa asked and ran her fingers up his arm as she spoke. Jasper shook his head. “Sorry. Uncle Jules refuses to shell out for weddings at all. Says he had two himself and two divorces. They cost him an arm and a leg. He thinks a house would cost too much as well.” He felt the girl stiffen and her fingers paused in their little journey up his arm. She stepped back and the mask of sweetness slipped. “So what do we do? How do we pay for the wedding? Where will we live? This place is far too small for entertaining.” Jasper sighed and held out his hands.

  “I’m sorry, Babe. There is nothing I can do at the moment.”

  “Do.” She shouted. “Do. You do nothing at all, ever. Maybe you don’t want to get married and maybe I should get out now. You can have your wonderful apartment all to yourself.” She stamped her way across the floor and started to pick up her things angrily.

  “He did say he would look at my plans to start a business.” Jasper added tentatively. “Maybe I will make lots of money.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Melissa stormed. “You’ll never have a business and why bother when he has all that cash sitting doing nothing. You are so stupid. I’ll go to my own place.” She picked up her enormous designer handbag and flounced out of the door. She meant it to slam with a great bang, but the door was built not to do that. She left without the last gesture she had wanted. Jasper sank onto a sofa and ran his hand through his hair. After a few minutes, he thought he would start on the figures for the business as he already had some of it underway. Melissa usually got over her little outbursts and came back after some retail therapy. After an hour, he realised he was sleeping over the figures and fell into bed.

  He woke to his phone ringing and the intercom for the door bleeping madly. He looked at his watch and with a shock, saw that he had slept for ten hours straight. He stumbled out of bed and clicked the intercom. His cousin’s voice shouted. “Jazz are you okay in there?” He answered. “Yes” and pressed to open the door. Annabel Welsh burst into the apartment. “Oh God. That is an awful feeling when you cannot get somebody to answer.” She flung her arms around her cousin and he saw that her best friend Brandy had arrived as well. “Hi Brandy.” He said through the hair of his cousin. “Give it a rest, Anna.” He complained. “I need a coffee.” He saw that Brandy had foreseen his need and was already firing up the coffee maker.

  Annabel released him and he sank onto the sofa. “Ye gods, I must have been really jet lagged.” He said and Brandy offered him a coffee. “Thanks. I’ll be human again in a minute.” The girls took drinks and sat down as well. “On your own?” Annabel asked pointedly and Jasper smiled.

  “She took a hissy fit and left last night.” Jasper admitted.

  “Hmmph. She’ll come back.” Annabel answered sceptically. “More’s the pity. How ‘s Uncle Jules?” Jasper said he thought his uncle was not too well but nothing specific.

  “We’re going over there to just give him a call.” Brandy added. “You can join the party.” Jasper took in Brandy’s appearance and nodded. “I’ll join you.” Brandy Driver always stood out from the crowd. She favoured the hippy version of today’s fashions. She was sporting a maxi dress of a bright lime green that made a great contrast to her hair that was a much brighter orange than her natural ginger tones. Her many bracelets jangled happily on both wrists. “Like the dress.” Jasper told her. She smiled. “Thanks.”

  “I’m here as well.” His cousin gave him a friendly push, and he told her that she looked fabulous. “Mmmm. You’ve redeemed yourself.” She said. Annabel managed to look fashionable and well turned out without seeming to have spent hours on the effect. She was wearing a trouser suit, high heels, and chunky jewellery that were all in tones of peach and nude. The girls had attended the same expensive school and both were self-confident enough to express their personalities without worrying. Jasper knew these two so well and said he would love to go with them. “I’ve got some figures for Uncle J to maybe start a car hire business.”

  “Sounds like your thing.” Annabel told him. “We could be extra drivers.” Jasper laughed aloud.

  “We would want the cars in one piece, Anna.”

  “He’s right.” Brandy agreed. “You would frighten the wits out of the passengers.” Jasper said he would need ten minutes to get dressed and the girls sat and chattered whilst they waited. “You do scrub up quite well.” Annabel admitted when he came back in casual trousers and shirt. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 3

  Julian Conroy was delighted to see all three of the visitors. His housekeeper let them in and hurried off to the kitchen to find refreshments. “Oh Annabel and Brandy. What a pleasant sight you are for an old man.” Jasper smiled and took a seat whilst the girls cheered up his uncle. “Did you bring me those figures, Jazz?” He asked and took the offered folder. “Tell me what you plan.”

  Jasper outlined that the scheme was initially for three cars and himself as driver. If he needed all three at once, he could employ others temporarily. “I would need one stretch limo- you can pick them up second hand and rejuvenate them, one high end, top quality vehicle and one middle of the road. People book for travel to big engagements, stag parties, and nowadays all the schools have proms like the Americans.”

  “We’ve all used this type of service, so you would know what they would expect.” Brandy joined in and Julian Conroy nodded. “I gave it some thought over-night, and I think it’s the best idea you’ve had.” Annabel gave a little clap.

  “So you think it will work?” She asked and Julian Conroy smiled.

  “As long as you don’t drive, Anna, I do indeed.”

  “Wow.” Jasper said. “I’m staggered.” Julian held up his hand, and they all looked at him.

  “I want to know everything is in hand because my bad news is that I am not well and – I might not have a lot longer left to see things in place.” Annabel’s hand flew to her mouth and Brandy reached out and touched her friend’s arm. Jasper half got out of his chair and then sank back.

  “What is wrong?” He asked “And why can we not get specialist help?” His uncle told them that his friend had explored all the possibilities and it was not possible.

  “I will make the best of the time I have and hope you are all looked after.” The housekeeper brought in a tray and a box of tissues that she handed to Annabel. “I told them.” Julian said to her.

  “I can tell.” The woman answered and discreetly withdrew. Brandy handed out cups to give herself something to do. Julian patiently answered their questions about his health.

  Eventually Juli
an Conroy came to what he had been putting off saying. He cleared his throat. “My will has always left almost everything to Jazz with a sum to you, Annabel and something to my old friend, Henry.” They waited. “I am going to put Jasper’s into a trust until he makes his business work. Ten years. The allowance will continue.”

  Jasper’s heart sank and he said nothing. Annabel flew to his defence. “Uncle you cannot do that. It’s just not fair. Jazz really wants to do this car thing, but he is like your son. You know that.” Brandy sat back and kept out of what was obviously a family matter.

  “I know that, Anna, but I want to look after the long term.”

  “You mean.” His niece stormed. “That because his dad was a fool, you think Jasper might be. It’s just not fair.” She got up. “I’ll give him my share.” She paused. “Come on, Brandy. We can come back when he sees some sense.” Brandy went and kissed the old man on the cheek.

  “She’ll come back and apologise.” She whispered and followed her friend out. Jasper sat still.

  “I don’t know what to say.” He said. “It’s your money, so it’s up to you what you do with it. If you need a hand with anything, let me know.” He left the old man sitting in his chair and drove back to his apartment.

  He found the well-polished Melissa watching television in his living area. She switched off and stood to meet him. “I am sorry, Honeybun. We can work things out no matter what.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her lips lightly across his mouth. He held onto her and was glad that she had returned. “What’s wrong, Sweetie?” She asked, “Are you mad at me?” He shook his head and sat down.

  “My uncle is putting the money he leaves me in trust for ten years, so that I can’t waste it. He doesn’t trust me. That is an awful feeling.”

  “We can work on him and change his mind, Hun. Cheer up.” She encouraged. Jasper shook his head again. “No we can’t, because he is ill and might not live for all that much longer.” Melissa held herself away from him, and they both sat down. Jasper rested his head on his hands. “It is cruel to say he will back me to start a business on one hand, and then tell me he doesn’t trust me on the other.” Melissa leaned her head on his shoulder. They sat for a few moments in silence.

  Then she said tentatively “Maybe he will die before he has the chance to change the will. Maybe it will all work out alright.”

  Jasper was despondent. “My uncle is a wonderful man, but when he decides to do something, he usually carries it through.”

  Melissa took a breath. “I know a man who helps people along for a living.”

  Jasper looked at her.

  “You mean kills people?” He was horrified and fascinated at the same time. “You know somebody who kills people?” Melissa told him that her brother knew the man well, and she could get in touch with him. Jasper shook his head. “Oh no. I could never do that. Not even for six million pounds.”

  “Six million. Is that what you would inherit?” He nodded and told her that the old friend, Dr. Henry, would get five hundred thousand and Annabel would get a million. Melissa sat back. It was a staggering amount of money. Her mind was working in overdrive, but she didn’t want Jasper to see that. “Let’s go out and get something to eat.” She suggested. “Everything will work out in the end.”

  He allowed himself to be dragged out to the marina restaurant. Gradually, his mind started to work on the car business, but she had sown a seed and it lurked there at the back of his mind.

  After lunch, Melissa said she had things to do and would leave him in peace. He booted up his laptop and started searching for second-hand stretch limos.

  Melissa went in search of her brother. She found him in his usual haunt at the local pub and ignored the eyes that followed her very beautiful body as she crossed the room. Col was surprised to see his sister.

  “Things must be bad for you to turn up here.” Was his greeting as she came over and slid into the booth beside him.

  “You on your own?”

  Col said that he was and what did she want.

  “An intro to that Bart guy.”

  “Vinnie Bart? Why on earth do you want that creep?” Col queried.

  She told him to come and talk in the car. “Too many flappy ears in places like this.”

  A man called out “You clicked then, Col? Got lucky?”

  “It’s my sister you prick.”

  “She dresses better than you do.” The guy retorted and there was a slight ripple of laughter.

  The two sat in the car and she outlined the situation. She knew Col would expect a cut in the end, but that was okay. A couple of hundred thousand would be a small price to pay.

  Col James could see some money in it for himself at some stage and it was no great hardship to make an introduction.

  Melissa arranged to meet Vinnie Bart at a busy café in the city. It would look as if they were simply a couple out for the day.

  “You might treat me to a drink for the intro.” Her brother said. She handed him twenty pounds.

  “We’ll be okay when I marry the Conroy millions.” She told him and he climbed out of the car.

  Julian Conroy was being visited by his friend and doctor, Henry de Lando. The two were relaxing in the garden after the doctor gave Julian the injections and medication he needed. “What did you decide about the will?” Henry queried. “But just say if it’s none of my business.”

  Julian sighed and said, “I do worry about Jasper. I will finance his car hire business because I think that might work, but I will alter the will. I will make more over to you because I do appreciate everything you do and we’ve been friends for a very long time. Jasper’s share will go into a trust fund. He won’t like it, but it will be better in the end.”

  De Lando protested that friendship did not need to be paid for. Conroy was adamant. ”Don’t argue, Henry. The lawyer is visiting tomorrow. I am going to tell him two million to you and the rest to Jasper in trust. Annabel will still inherit a million. That seems a fair share to my mind.”

  “But not to mine. I am not family and Jasper is a decent man.”

  “And I want to keep him that way. My mind’s made up, so you might as well give in.”

  The two men talked about other things and Henry de Lando had an appointment to keep so he left. Julian sat in the garden for a while ruminating over what was the best thing to do. He rang his lawyer, Marlon Corbett, and asked him to come over.

  Chapter 4

  Melissa met Vinnie Bart in the busy restaurant. He wore the black leather jacket as arranged. She wore a denim jacket and white jeans. This was dressed way down for Melissa, but she did not want to be someone that people remembered. That in itself must have been a first.

  They met as if a normal couple and sat at a table in the corner. Introductions over, Melissa got down to business and told him she wanted Julian Conroy removed and immediately, If possible, to prevent him from changing his will.

  Vinnie Bart modelled himself on characters seen in movies and had little idea about actually being a hit man. His jobs in the past had been to frighten people a little bit when they owed money to the bookie, but he acted the part. In fact, his name was stolen from the actor in Two Smoking Barrels. His real name was Jack Cartwright. Vinnie had tattoos and wore heavy silver jewellery in the style of a Hell’s Angel biker. The black leather jacket and combat trousers did not go together, and he was a bit clumsy.

  In fact, he dropped his spoon twice as he stirred his coffee- paid for by Melissa, of course. He blustered and tried to bargain, but the girl was much smarter than he was and in the end, he agreed to break in and kill the old man that very night.

  She negotiated a paltry sum, but he seemed satisfied. Melissa gave him precise instructions about the best way to gain entrance to the garden and then the house. She wrote out the address for him. She showed him a photo of Julian Conroy on her phone so that he would actually kill the right person. She appeared to have covered all the points ne
eded and said she would meet him at the same place the next day and give him the money when the job was done.

  Vinnie felt important with being entrusted with this mission. The fact that the person employing him was absolutely gorgeous and had flirted with him added to the effect. He stood up and fell over the next table on his way out.

  Melissa closed her eyes and hoped he was up to the job. Then she rang Col and set herself up with an alibi for the time she had just spent. She checked to see if she was on any cameras and did some shopping to cover her time away from Jasper.

  Her upbringing, along with Col, had prepared her for this sort of work. She was pleased the thing was set in motion. The night she planned to spend with Jasper would give them both an alibi.

  When she arrived back at the marina apartment it was to find Annabel and Brandy having a drink with Jasper and all of them laughing at some in-joke that excluded her. It did not please her, but she acted the part and accepted a drink. “Had some retail therapy.” She said. “High diamante heels and sexy underwear.” She flickered her eyelashes at Jasper. Annabel gaged on a finger behind her back.

  “Annabel has been back and apologised to Uncle Jules for walking out on him yesterday.” Jasper said.

  “How was he?” Melissa asked to be polite, but was a bit shocked to be told that he was expecting the lawyer to arrive, and they had left to give him time to see to his visitor.

  “Why did he need a lawyer?” Melissa asked with an attempt at innocence.

  “Not my business.” Annabel said, “So I didn’t ask.” Even though she knew it was about the will.

  Jasper told her that Brandy had a relative in the car trade and she was helping him find the vehicles he needed. “It’s a cousin of mine.” Brandy added. “We are going to meet him tonight.”

  “Me as well because I’m nosy.” Annabel said “And we can go for a meal afterwards.”


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