Promised Box Set

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Promised Box Set Page 4

by James Kipling

  “I was away at uncle’s last night because he had an intruder. The girl stopped in mid movement and looked at him. “Apparently a burglar. The man had a knife and uncle shot him to protect himself.” Melissa put the bag down carefully. “Shot him?”

  “And he’s dead.” Jasper added. “So we have been tied up with police, forensics, and Uncle Julian’s doctor for some time. Brandy stayed as well, because Annabel is away with her work. I’m going back over there shortly.”

  Melissa never said she was sorry about what had happened to his uncle or asked any more questions. She did not offer any help and she simply took the information and picked up her bag.

  “So this is the end, Melissa. Don’t come back.” Julian moved towards the door and held it open for her. She walked through without a second look and he closed the door behind her and sank to the floor. It had taken a lot of courage to end the affair even though he knew it was the right thing to do. He had known all along she was a gold digger, but fallen for her act just the same. He felt a bit of a fool, but at least it was over. His phone rang. Brandy’s voice asked if the coast was clear and he smiled into the device. “Yes she’s gone.”

  “I’m outside in the car, so I’ll be straight up.” He clicked the mobile off and stood up to use the remote that would let Brandy into the complex.

  She came straight over to him and wrapped her arms around him and held on. “It’s always a hard thing to do.” She said when she finally let him go. “I’ll make you a coffee.”

  “You’re a star, Brandy.” Jasper said and sat while she made the drink and brought two mugs over.

  She sat beside him on the sofa and asked hesitantly. “Do you think we should try and find out if she did know this burglar that was shot or should we leave well alone and be glad she’s gone?”

  Jasper drank from his coffee and glanced across at the girl. “The same thought had crossed my mind.” They thought about it and Jasper went on “It would be dangerous for you and her family would recognise me.”

  Brandy said that she knew of a private detective in Birmingham who was trustworthy and not expensive. “He traced someone for a friend of mine and was very helpful. All we need to do is prove a link between Melissa and the man who was shot.”

  “Then what?” Jasper said. “Go to the police? Confront Melissa? Tell Uncle Julian? It might be best left alone and it might upset him when he’s not well anyway.”

  Brandy nodded and agreed with him, but she still thought that if Melissa had set the thing in motion she had intended to kill Uncle Julian. “We can think about it for a while.” She said.

  “I’ll treat you to lunch before we go to collect him.” Jasper said. “Let’s get out of here.” They both stood up to take the empty mugs to the kitchen and found themselves in very close proximity as both tried to negotiate the doorway together. That frisson of electricity happened again as their bodies touched by chance. Jasper slipped the cup he was carrying on the nearest surface and took her lips with his own. He held one hand behind her head and found that Brandy responded by returning the kiss and folding her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened and became more than a simple touching of lips. His tongue found a way of playing with her mouth and the electricity became a bolt of lightning that shot through her body from the top of her head to her toes. His hands slid down her arms and reached for a breast. Brandy moaned and pressed against him. She knew that she should pull away, but the feeling was overpowering and all she wanted to do was rip his clothes off and feel his flesh against hers. Jasper made himself pull back and felt a little bit dazed. “I’m sorry, Brandy. What was I thinking?”

  “I don’t know, but I liked it.” She replied and pulled his head down to kiss him again. She was the one who pulled back this time and said. “We’re even. We need some time to try it out again.”

  “Wow.” Jasper told her. “That was a bit of a surprise.” He grinned and took her hand. “We can try it again later. Come on. Cars to see.”

  They arrived at ‘Carte Blanche’ about ten minutes later and found Uncle Julian ready and waiting on the step. He was looking quite lively and they were both relieved to see that. Brandy gave him a quick kiss and took his arm to the car. She slipped into the rear seat behind him. The car slid away smoothly under Jasper’s expert driving and he looked across at his uncle. “I’m glad you’re coming to see these cars. The limo came from Ireland apparently when the business there went bankrupt. This garage has refurbished it and it looks smart. Haven’t driven it yet though. It has to be smooth and feel expensive.”

  Brandy joined in. “When you’ve had a couple of those crazy hen parties it will need another refurbishment.”

  Uncle Julian remarked, “That is a very strange fashion. All those girls with fluffy wings on their backs- why I ask?”

  “Goodness knows.” Brandy answered. “I cannot understand why they get so drunk they throw up in their handbags.” Uncle Julian looked around at her.

  “Do they really?” She told him that yes they did and probably in the limo as well.

  Jasper added that the costs of cleaning had to be built into the hire fees as they drove into the garage forecourt.

  Martin Berryman came out to meet them and shook hands with Julian. “Come and see the two cars before we sit down.” He said and continued walking through the office and into the garage.

  The limo had been polished to a gleaming shine, but Jasper’s eyes were on the Bentley. It was superb and looked what it was- a piece of classy engineering with that air of superiority that went with the brand. He opened the door and the interior was immaculate.

  “It’s been well looked after and only has forty thousand on the clock.” Berryman told them. “It was only used for official business- hence the low mileage.”

  Uncle Julian slid into the rear seat and patted the leather appreciatively. “It is in excellent condition.” He said.

  Brandy slipped in beside him and wriggled on the upholstery. “I don’t get the chance often to sit in a Bentley, so might as well enjoy it.” They looked at the limo as well and Uncle Julian expressed his satisfaction with both vehicles.

  Jasper said he would still be on the look-out for another more regular vehicle. “Maybe a four wheel drive. You never know where people will ask to go. They can take lots of luggage as well.”

  Berryman asked when he planned to start and Jasper told them that he was already working on a website. “I think we could be up and running next month.” Julian asked about the price of the cars and did a little haggling out of principle, but the price was fair. He offered the man a gold credit card recognised the world over. “It’s a deal.” He said. “But put the cars in my nephew’s name.”

  Jasper let out a huge breath. “Wow, Uncle Jules. I didn’t expect that.”

  “Well we have some talking to do when we get home, but the cars are right so we might as well secure them.” Julian told him.

  “Thanks very much.” Jasper replied and then the business of sorting ownership and paperwork took over.

  On the way back Brandy said, “I don’t know if this is any use, but I already work software for hotel bookings when I work online. If it is helpful, I can set up the ordering side for you and look after it.”

  “Things are going well, boy.” Julian said with a smile and Jasper had to agree.

  He called back over his shoulder. “Thanks, Bran. All help gratefully accepted. I have not thought of what to call it yet though. Any ideas?” They all thought about that one and went through all the combinations of luxury, taxis, car hire and so on, but nothing seemed right. By the time they reached ’Carte Blanche’ again, they were no further forward.

  “Something will spring to mind.” Brandy said as they went inside. Knowing that Mrs. Cooper would have left, Brandy headed for the kitchen and started to make tea and coffee. When she came back to the living room, the two men were deep into the details of the business and she heard Julian say. “Can I ask you, Jazz? Would you min
d if I was a sleeping partner. I won’t interfere and it will be all yours to do as you want with it, but it would give me a new interest. The two vehicles were exactly right. They sparked my enthusiasm.” Jasper Conroy did not even think about it. He simply said, “I would love it.” And held out a hand to shake on the deal.

  Brandy brought a tray with cups and said, “This is going to be a great success. I can feel it. Let’s toast the new company- What about Conroy’s Classy Cars?” Jasper laughed and held out his hand for the mug of coffee.

  “To Conroy’s Classy Cars. God bless her and all who sail in her.” All three of them clinked cups and drank the toast.

  Chapter 7

  Julian had an appointment with his lawyer the next morning, said he felt perfectly safe by himself and waved the two youngsters off with a smile. He had enjoyed himself immensely and was looking forward to watching his nephew be successful. “I am feeling a great deal better.” He thought to himself and went to bring out the papers he would need for Marlon Corbett. Then he settled with a glass of his favourite malt and switched on the money channel.

  Marlon Bartlett arrived at ten and was given coffee by Mrs. Cooper who discreetly withdrew back to the kitchen. “You are looking well, Julian.” He said accepting a piece of shortbread and a coffee.

  Julian told him that the meds he was taking all the time must be doing him good, and then went on to say he had several things he would like Marlon to deal with.

  “The will first.” He started “This is what I would like to change.” and he outlined his thoughts. Marlon made notes and nodded. “Then” Julian went on “I have three letters. In the event of my death, please give one to my nephew, one to the police, and one to yourself. Open the one to yourself first please.” He knew that he could trust this man implicitly and those letters would go into a safe deposit until needed.

  That done he asked Marlon to organise a format that would make him a sleeping partner in Jasper’s new business and set up a fund to provide money for the business to make it a viable proposition. The lawyer nodded and kept on writing his notes. He asked a few pertinent questions and said it would all be done in a couple of days.

  Then he said, “The next is a strange one.” Marlon sipped his coffee and waited. He was a man of few words but a great lawyer. “I need a good and discreet private investigator.”

  “Can I ask why?” Marlon asked and Julian told him that he wanted to trace someone. “Not a difficult job and shouldn’t take more than a few days, but I would like it done.” The lawyer could tell he would get no more, so he wrote a name and number down on a card and handed it over.

  “Now.” Marlon said “The elephant in the room. I need to know about this burglary. You need to know you have legal backing.” Julian smiled and told him the story. “Would have been better if I’d just wounded him and then he could be questioned, but unfortunately I shot and it killed him. He did have a rather large knife and the police seem happy that he was coming to rob the place.”

  “But you don’t think so?” The lawyer queried and Julian said that was so. He pulled up the bag with the rat poison and showed it to the lawyer.

  “I found this before the police came. I think he was sent to kill me. I think I know who and why, but for the moment, I’m not saying anything. Are you prepared to take it and hide it somewhere in case it’s needed?” The lawyer took the bag and nodded. “Is that everything?” He asked and Julian told him thanks and that it was all for now.

  “What if they send someone else to have a go at you?” Marlon asked seriously and Julian shook his head.

  “I think that has gone now and I’m going to ask Jasper to keep checking in with me, for the time being anyway. Thanks for the concern.”

  The two men talked about other things for a short time and then Bartlett collected his papers and made his farewells. “I hope the car hire does well for Jasper.” Marlon said as he moved to the door.

  “I finally gave in and let him work with cars. Maybe I should have done that a long time ago.” Julian answered. “This time it looks interesting- and the Bentley is magnificent.” He grinned at the lawyer. “I’m not so old that I can’t still enjoy being a bit of a petrol head myself.” The lawyer waved a hand and climbed into his own rather smart auto.

  Jasper woke in the morning with a feeling of looking forward to the day. It was something he hadn’t felt for a long time. The garage premises he had in mind was the next thing for his attention. It was not too far away and was a simple set up with a large garage space and small office. He rang his uncle. It was partly to check on his health and partly to say thank you again. He also wanted to talk about how he could set up the garage and get things moving. Julian sounded well and enthusiastic. Jasper agreed to drive over there.

  The two men found that having the new business to talk about made them both relax and Julian told his nephew that he had asked Marlon to draw up a plan to make him a sleeping partner with no say in the running of the company. “He is also setting up a fund to supply money for the car business. You need to start a bank account and transfer some money into it.” Jasper was stunned.

  “You’re sure you want to do this, Uncle?” Jasper asked. “We don’t know if it will work.” His uncle shook his head.

  “I should have let you follow what you wanted to do a long time ago. I also think it is a good idea or I wouldn’t be investing in it.” He smiled “I loved the Bentley. Maybe I can go out in it when it’s not in use.” Jasper smiled back.

  “Do you want to go when I collect the cars?” His uncle nodded but asked about premises. Jasper had brought his tablet and showed his uncle the property he had in mind. They discussed the pros and cons and agreed it looked promising and was not too far away. “I’ve got an appointment to view this afternoon. I think maybe we can be underway in about a month. Also do you think I should ask Brandy to be a part of it and pay her for the office work? She works as a freelance online secretary anyway.”

  “I think that is an excellent idea, Jazz. We can trust her completely.” Julian answered. “What about looking after the cars?” Julian said he planned to do that himself and he knew a good garage that would deal with anything technical. Uncle and nephew looked at each other and both felt happier than they had for some time.

  Jasper jumped up and said he would come back later. Julian asked one more thing. “Before you go Jazz, would you mind popping in each day to see me please? I know things are going to get worse and it would help if I knew you were going to check on things.”

  Jasper told him that it would be no problem at all and felt a tug inside himself that he had forgotten for the moment that his uncle was so ill. He sat back down.

  “Uncle Jules, why don’t I move back in for a while? I might get rid of that apartment anyway.”

  Julian accepted the offer with alacrity and the two them sat and did some family organising.

  Julian said that the doctor would be back shortly. “I’ll let him fuss and do his thing.” Jasper waved goodbye.

  He rang Brandy as he went on his hands free and asked her if she was prepared to do the secretarial and computer work for the new business. “We can pay you.” He told her and she laughed into the phone. “I’ll do it free to start with and see how it goes.” She told him and agreed that she would come and view the prospective garage.

  He stopped and bought some take away food and drove back to the apartment to look over all the figures and write down his next move. Brandy arrived about an hour later and looked at the advert for the garage.

  The estate agent met them at the property and opened up. There was a showroom of sorts that wasn’t really necessary for a hire business, but the limo would look good on display. The window could be shuttered for safety when closed and the garage behind was quite spacious. The small office would be enough and Brandy checked phone lines and broadband access. It seemed to be what was needed and Jasper took a breath, glanced at Brandy and said he would take it for a year.

  The agent told them the paperwork would be started immediately and with one month’s rent paid they could start to use the property. It was organised. He had a garage, two cars, a secretary, and a business. He could have jumped up and down for joy.

  They drove back to the apartment and allowed themselves to shout out loud and jump up and down like a couple of kids. “I cannot believe this is happening.” Jasper said.

  “It is.” Brandy answered and flung her arms around his neck. “It’s wonderful.” As soon as he found her body against his own, Jasper responded by wrapping his arms around to hold her close. He took her mouth with his own and this time there was no friendly peck, but a ravaging desire that wanted her to respond in the same way. The feeling was mutual and when his tongue traced her lips the feelings of desire flooded through both of them.

  He ran his hand under her sweater and found a breast. One finger traced inside her flimsy bra and found the nipple. Brandy moaned aloud. “Take me to bed, Jazz.” She whispered and he carried her to the bedroom. They struggled out of clothes and Brandy held out her arms for him. He traced her neck, cheeks, lips, and ears with his tongue, travelled down to her breast and fund his way to her centre. She was ready, waiting, and shot to a climax at the touch.

  “Now, Jazz. Now.” She pleaded and he moved up to see her face as he slid inside. The need drove them both faster and faster, flesh against flesh and beat by heartbeat until there was nothing else in the universe, but the race to that summit and they tumbled over the other side and collapsed together in a breathless tangle.

  “Wow. What have we done?” Jasper asked “And why did we not do it before?” Brandy turned over and ran a hand over his cheek.

  “Who cares? It was great.” She laughed, “I just slept with the boss.”

  Jasper held her close. “It feels right. “ He kissed her hair and they lay contentedly for some time. Brandy ran a hand down his body and found that he was ready to start again. He smiled and slid on top of her. “Let’s take it a bit more slowly this time.”


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