Promised Box Set

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Promised Box Set Page 106

by James Kipling

  Brad bumped into Sherriff Riley at the grocery store. They exchanged greetings and the Sherriff asked how Shelley was doing.

  “She’s holding up,” said Brad. “But, we met Matt yesterday while I was driving Shelley to the clinic. He said a few nasty things at the traffic lights near Dr. Johnson’s clinic and then drove off.”

  “Is that so?” asked Sherriff Riley. “I am getting concerned about his behavior. There have been a few rumors about his character. I did some checking myself but couldn’t tie him to some of the break-ins that have occurred in the area. I also spotted him with some rich young lady, Charlene. They seemed to be a bit cozy.”

  “I think that proves that he never really cared about Shelley.”

  “Shelley’s a nice gal. She needs a man that deserves her. You look like a nice kind of person. Perhaps you should consider.”

  Brad laughed. They parted ways and Brad finished shopping for groceries. He was back at Shelley’s house within thirty minutes.

  “I bumped into Sherriff Riley at the grocery store. He said that there have been some negative rumors about Matt. Even mentioned that Matt is involved with Charlene.”

  “I don’t care about Charlene. I’m only interested in justice. I want him to pay for what he’s done. Has Sherriff Riley made any more progress?”

  “Other than that, no,” said Brad. “He’s still working the case. At least he’s making some effort.”

  “I guess so.”

  Shelley finished preparing the food for the picnic. Brad lent her a hand. By two o’ clock, they were on their way and headed in the direction of Jackson. The drive took thirty minutes. They arrived there to find the picnic site full of visitors. However, Brad and Shelley were able to identify a secluded spot in the shade a hundred meters from the entrance, and they made themselves comfortable. Shelley had brought her portable CD player along. She was lucky to have left it in her bedroom the morning there was a burglary in her house. It had all of her favorite songs – mainly romantic. Brad was not a music buff, but enjoyed the music all the same. Considering their morning lovemaking, it was just the right kind of music for the picnic.

  The picnic was what they needed after a long and eventful week. The shade kept on moving about as the sun began to set, so they were partially in the shade and in the sun as well. The couple reviewed the activities and happenings of the week as they soaked in the afternoon sun. It was becoming clear that Matt was not what Shelley had thought him to be. He seemed to be a shady character, according to the information that Brad and Sherriff Riley had gathered. It was only a matter of time before the law caught up with him.

  The conversation changed to their relationship. Brad and Shelley had entered a new phase and they were happy about it. Shelley asked Brad, “Do you think you can cope with this relationship, considering the fact that I’m carrying Matt’s baby?”

  “The baby is innocent. I love you Shelley,” said Brad. “By now, you should know that. Even though we’ve only known each other for a week, a lot of things have happened. I know you love me too, and that’s all that matters. We can take it one step at a time, but I have no regrets.”

  “I know you love me, Brad, and I love you too, but until we stop Matt from threatening and harassing me, we won’t be able to have a normal relationship. I hope we can stop him soon, because there’s a lot to do and I can’t spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.”

  “I agree, Shelley. Matt won’t stop until he’s caused you harm, unless he gets arrested first.”

  Brad knew that his boss would be calling to follow up on Shelley’s story in a few days’ time. He had to find some new evidence so that they could find closure and move on with their lives. Perhaps it would be better to keep sleuthing around, even though there were risks involved now that Matt was aware about Brad’s investigations.

  No one knew when or how Matt would strike. It was like playing a game of hide and seek and Shelley was the sitting duck. Matt had also threatened Brad, and it was now apparent that Brad would be another target.

  Brad and Shelley left the picnic spot at six o’clock in the evening. It had been a thoroughly enjoyable day. The tension of the week had been relieved, and they looked forward to starting the new week on a more positive note. As they drove back into town, they sat in silence. Shelley brushed Brad’s hair with her fingers, and he enjoyed it quietly.

  Just before getting to the house, Brad stopped at the local provisions store. He was a little thirsty and wanted a drink, if not a strong one. Since it was the weekend and they both had days off, Brad decided to buy some whisky and get Shelley some more mild wine. He parked a few yards from the store.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he told Shelley. “I just feel like a stronger drink, and I’ll get you some mild wine if you like?”

  “Whoa. Go easy on the booze, dear. But, I wouldn’t mind some fresh fruit juice myself.”

  “Not to worry. I won’t drink too much. It’s the weekend and I don’t mind getting a little mellow. It’s been a lovely day,” he said.

  “Anything you say, dear.”

  Brad stepped into the provisions store and started looking for some fresh fruit juice and his drink.

  Brad took less than ten minutes. He didn’t want to keep Shelley waiting, as he knew she was a little exhausted from all the lovemaking and picnicking they’d had. He paid quickly for the drinks and went back to the car.

  On reaching the car, he found that Shelley was not inside. He wondered where she could have gone. Brad waited for a quarter of an hour while trying to call her on the phone. She couldn’t be reached. Her phone was off and there was no way he could tell which direction she had gone in.

  Shelley had voluntarily left the car unless she was abducted under gunpoint or any other kind of threat. It meant that she had no chance to struggle, especially because she was pregnant and did not want to risk any harm to the baby.

  Brad panicked. He drove straight to Sherriff Riley’s office and reported the matter. Sherriff Riley was equally baffled and radioed his officers to be on the lookout for Shelley. These were exceptional circumstances, considering what Matt had done to Shelley over the last weekend and during the week.

  Brad cursed himself for insisting on buying a drink. He was angry and bitter and swore to himself that if he found that Matt was involved with Shelley’s disappearance, given the chance, he would kill him. Brad left the Sherriff’s office and started searching for Shelley all over Savannah. He drove the length and breadth of the whole town a dozen times, but Shelley was nowhere to be found. He was beginning to worry that Shelley and her baby had been harmed, and he felt helpless. Brad could not help them because he did not know where Shelley was and did not know where to go next.

  It was going to be the longest night of Brad’s life. He drove back to the house hurriedly and sat down to think. Brad pulled out all the materials he had compiled on Matt, because it was only a person of such character who could have abducted Shelley under such circumstances. Shelley had no enemies and avoided confrontation with anybody at all costs; it was her nature.

  Brad looked at the files on his laptop as well, searching for any clue that could lead him to Shelley. The only thing he was certain about at this point is that Matt had something to do with it. The last encounter with Matt made Brad realize that Matt was also jealous of the companionship he shared with Shelley. It was possible that Matt had been watching and perhaps even trailing their movements. It did not occur to Brad that they had been in more danger than initially thought. It was time to start looking for Matt directly, because Brad believed that finding Matt would lead him to Shelley’s whereabouts.

  He decided to go and see Jim first thing in the morning and ask him if he knew any of Matt’s hideouts or places where Matt frequented over the weekend. There was no time to waste because Brad knew for sure that Shelley was in danger and that given the chance, Matt would kill her.

  Chapter 9

sat in the car and waited for Brad to get the drinks. It had been a while since she had enjoyed herself so much. She put on some music on the radio and reclined on the seat. Shelley pondered what lay ahead. She was in and out of relationships at breakneck speed. It seemed amusing to her. Only a week ago, Shelley was deeply in love with another man, Matt. Now she had met a different one who, in comparison before the tragedy, was even more caring and romantic than Matt.

  All the memories of the week flashed through her mind. Just as she was on the verge of self-pity and helplessness, Brad had walked into her life. Instead of falling into the abyss, Brad held her by the hand and guided her back to normality. Meanwhile, Matt was still determined to make her life living hell. Shelley was glad that she survived the ordeal at Lake Ferguson. It gave her the chance to know what kind of a person Matt really was. Even though she was expecting Matt’s baby, Brad would make the better father. Fortunately, she was secure in her job and would have enough to take care of the baby even without Matt. After all, once the long arm of the law caught up with him, Matt would be in no position to offer any form of child support. Shelley would not take the baby to see the real father because it made no sense. Matt did not want Shelley or the baby. In his delusional mind, both were a stumbling block to his progress and ambition in the world.

  As Shelley enjoyed the music, someone came knocking on the window. She opened it only to find that it was the last person she ever wanted to see alive. Matt was there smiling, knife in hand and already opening the car door. Shelley knew better than to scream because Matt could have made short work of her. Shelley unfastened her seat belt and got out.

  “Silent and easy or I’ll cut you and the baby up right now. Start walking and don’t even think of running.”

  Shelley responded accordingly. They walked a short distance and got into a car that Matt had parked a few yards away.

  “The last thing I’m going to do is take your life, because that’s what you’ll do to me if you have that baby.”

  Shelley was stunned. She did not say a word because she feared for her life. She let Matt do all the talking as she tried to memorize the route they were taking. Matt made sure to turn off her phone and throw it out of the window along the way. There was no way it would be tracked if it did not have a signal. The signal could only be active when the phone was on.

  “You must be wondering how I found you. Well… I’ve been watching you and your investigative reporter boyfriend for a while. He thinks he’s a hotshot, but I’ll show him. I hope you liked my artwork.”

  Matt let out a weird laugh and continued, “You see, Shelley, whenever I start something, I like to finish it off. Do you think I was going to let you live after you talked to the Sherriff? I am not ready to lose everything because of a small-town girl like you. I told you I’m in love with Charlene, dammit! You are not going to make me lose her, and I was just passing time with you. I didn’t ask you to get pregnant, you bimbo!”

  Shelley broke down into tears. Matt hurt her feelings and she could not hide her emotions anymore. Shelley cursed herself for getting involved with Matt. He had turned her life upside down and was intent on killing her. Shelley was helpless.

  Matt drove for about an hour. The tinted windows of the car they were in ensured that no one could recognize them along the street. Shelley realized that they were on the way to the subdivision. Matt had always wanted to own a house there and that was where he was taking her. Shelley was terrified because she knew where Matt intended to leave her body.

  On reaching the location, Matt stopped and broke the padlock at the gate. Just before doing so, he warned Shelley. “Don’t even think of trying to escape. There’s nowhere to hide and I can run faster than you!”

  Shelley spoke feebly, “I will not try to… honest.”

  “You’d better not.”

  Matt broke the padlock and managed to open the large steel gate. He got back into the car. He drove for another fifteen minutes to the far end of the development where the houses were nearly complete. Matt got out of the car and went around to Shelley’s side.

  “This is where it all ends,” he said. “Time’s up, Hun. No escape. This is where I’m going to live with Charlene and where you’re going to die.”

  A badly shaken Shelley stepped out of the car. Matt grabbed her by the arm and led her inside the house upstairs to one of the bedrooms. At first, Shelley thought Matt was going to rape her and then kill her. Instead, he pulled out a rope from his jacket pocket, cut it into two parts with his knife, and bound Shelley’s arms and legs.

  Shelley began to plead for mercy. She cried until there were no more tears to shed. Shelley resigned herself to her fate. She knew Brad did not know where to find her and only hoped that the Sherriff would be able to. Matt gagged her mouth with masking tape and left her there in the dark and cold of the night. He was gone.

  Shelley could not move. She tried to calm herself and think rationally. Trying to loosen the rope only made it tighter and more uncomfortable. In the distance, she heard Matt leave. She was completely alone in the middle of a deserted development that would only resume activity on Monday. Shelley stopped moving and tried to rest. Perhaps there would be a ray of hope in the morning if only Brad could remember what she had mentioned to him regarding the subdivision where Matt wanted to buy a home one day.

  The following morning, at seven o’clock, Matt came back to the subdivision. He made sure that he had not been followed and parked half a kilometer from the location covering the rest of the distance on foot. Shelley heard him climbing the stairs of the house and steadied herself. He had brought her some coffee and doughnuts from the highway café that was located just two miles from the subdivision. Matt untied her hands and removed the masking tape from her mouth:

  “I hope you had a cozy night. Too bad your boyfriend couldn’t join you,” he remarked sarcastically.

  Shelley did not say a word. Instead, she drank the coffee and ate the doughnuts with a relish. She was hungry and more so because of her pregnancy. After finishing the meal, Matt tied her hands and put the tape back on her mouth again:

  “I want you to suffer a little before I kill you. Then you’ll know what it feels like.”

  Matt laughed and walked away. On his way out he added, “Say your last prayers because this evening, you die!”

  Shelley knew he meant what he said. She wondered if he would shoot her or cut her up. Would Shelley’s body ever be found?

  Meanwhile, Brad was already up and about. It felt like a nightmare not to have Shelley beside him. What started off as the best day of their lives had ended up in a tragedy. Brad made some coffee and sat in the living room pondering what to do. He was out of ideas and did not know where to start. He tried to recollect the discussion that Shelley and he had about Matt – his habits, tendencies, areas of interest, and where he frequented the most. Brad even considered the ambitions that Matt had in his delusional mind. There was nothing of significance he could remember at that moment, nothing that would give him a clue about the whereabouts of Matt or where he may have taken Shelley.

  Brad went to see Sherriff Riley again. He got there and found that the search for Shelley was in full swing. The Sherriff had just gone home to freshen up. The entire department had been up the whole night and they had no answers. The officers had tried to contact Matt to ask him a few questions, but they could not locate him either.

  Brad waited for Sherriff Riley to get back to the office. The Sherriff arrived an hour later. Brad went straight to him and asked if he had heard anything while he was out.

  “I am sorry to let you know that while I was driving home and back to the office, I found no leads,” said Sherriff Riley. “Matt and Shelley seem to have vanished into the thin air.”

  Brad felt a sickness in the pit of his stomach. “Can we at least go and check on Matt again, Sherriff?”

  “Yes. In fact, I was told you were here waiting and thought you might want to accompany me on my
way there.”

  “Thank you,” Brad said. “I would be glad to.”

  The Sherriff knew where Matt lived. He drove to the house and asked Brad to wait inside the patrol car. Sherriff Riley knew that Matt did not like Brad and did not want to risk a confrontation between the two. Sherriff Riley knocked on Matt’s door. To his surprise, he answered and opened it. “Sherriff Riley? What brings you calling this early in the morning?” Matt asked.

  Matt acted like he was surprised to see the Sherriff. His voice was level and showed no signs of guilt, considering his actions the previous night and earlier in the morning.

  “I’d like to know where you were last night, Matt. Shelley seems to have disappeared in what looks like a possible abduction at about seven o’clock yesterday evening.”

  “I was out and about in town. You can ask Jim. I fuelled there about that time.”

  “Sure about that?” asked the Sherriff.

  “Why would I lie to you?”

  “I wanted to confirm because I have heard enough negative stories about you and was trying to clear my doubts.”

  “Well if Shelley’s disappeared, why don’t you ask that hotshot investigative reporter boyfriend of hers?”

  “I thought you and Shelley were an item,” Sherriff Riley persisted. “What happened?”

  “Nothing much,” answered Matt. “It just didn’t work out.”

  “Didn’t work out?”

  “What is this, an investigation as to why we broke up?”

  “Like I said, I’ve heard some nasty things about you and you’ve already been in custody just a week ago regarding Shelley,” warned Sherriff Riley. “If I find out that you had anything to do with her disappearance, I’ll be back again. Only this time, with the full arm of the law.”

  The Sherriff turned around and left. Matt protested but to no avail. Once in the car, Sherriff Riley called the department and told them to post an officer to watch Matt’s movements. Something just wasn’t right.


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