Vanished (A Born Bayou Novella)

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Vanished (A Born Bayou Novella) Page 5

by Suzanne Steele

  “I can’t even begin to fathom that whole being family and never seeing each other thing—my family’s thick as thieves. You and I definitely come from two different worlds. Back to your question on the sugar—In my neck of the woods, the moonshine trade is alive and well, and my daddy rules it in the bayou—hence the theft of that load.

  “That boss of yours owes my daddy fifty thousand dollars in gambling debts. He gave us information on that load to pay off part of it.”

  “And now he’s trying to gather information on your family to set you up for hijacking that rig.”

  “Yes. If we go to jail, he doesn’t have to pay up.”

  “So he turned on your dad?” Her question is more of a statement.

  “I believe so. I need to know what’s in those files and how much he knows. For all I know, that son of a bitch could have proof we hijacked that load.”

  “Are you going to kill him?”

  “I can’t kill him until I find out how much he knows. That’s where you come in.”

  I can tell by the look on her face she’s getting ready to give me an ultimatum—I don’t like ultimatums. I cut my eyes at her to let her know I know exactly what she’s doing.

  “Hey… don’t look at me like that.” She picks the heavy chain up and says nothing. We’re both just glaring at each other like we’re having some standoff to see who’s going to look away first. When she finally becomes uncomfortable with the silence, she speaks first.

  “I have no clothes and I’m chained to a bed by a killer. I can’t help very well when I’m in those dire straits.”

  She’s cocking her head and giving me that cute ass smug look she gets when she’s trying to make a point. It’d be a hell of a lot easier to resist her is she wasn’t so adorable, but adorable or not, I’m not letting her out of my sight. I don’t trust her or anyone else in this situation. Crazy or not… the only people I trust are my kin folk.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose to ward off the headache I feel her bringing on. This woman…

  “You’ve got clothes. The chain… damn it, girl, you better not make me regret this. The chain comes off during the day and goes back on at night. I hope you know if you’re stupid enough to try and escape up here in these woods, and you get stuck out there at night, you’re prey. You do know there’s black bears out there, right?”

  “Nooooooooo. I did not.”

  “Well you know now. Compared to the predators out there”—I nod my head towards the door—“I’m the least of your worries.”

  Chapter Nine


  There’s a whole lot more to helping this guy than looking over the files and deciphering them for him. No matter how hard I try to push the fearful thoughts out of my head, I know I could be charged with being an accessory—that doesn’t even factor in I could be charged with aiding and abetting after he kills the man.

  If I don’t help him, and his family gets set up for a job my ex-boss gave them, then they could go to jail. I can’t believe I don’t want him to. I feel like we’ve opened up telling each other our secrets, and in some crazy way it’s connected us. The only other person I’ve ever opened to as much as I have him is my best friend. It amazes me how fate can throw two people together and force them to be in a relationship. What kind of relationship this is, I don’t know, and right now, I don’t have the energy to try and figure it out.

  I’m glad I’ve got the job of going through those files to keep my mind off of him.

  I look up when he makes his way over with the key to the collar around my neck. One quick turn of it and it’s like it never existed—other than the mental aspect of it itching. My hands immediately go to my neck rubbing and scratching the area that’s been intruded on.

  “Go get in the shower and I’ll get you some clothes so we can get to work.”

  I jump up before he can change his mind. “I can’t believe you brought my stuff.” I take a minute to turn around and look over my shoulder. “You do realize there’s something wrong with you, right?”

  “Lock the door and I’ll fucking break it down.” His low monotone voice would trick me into thinking he didn’t just say what he said, if I didn’t know any better. I’ve been around him long enough to know he doesn’t need to shout to get his point across. I don’t think he’s lying about anything he’s told me, and I’m pretty good judge of character.

  I let the water run over me washing away the incidences of the last few days. I wanted a story, but nothing could have prepared for all of this. I hate that it’s putting my career in danger if I get caught in illegal activities, but I don’t think I have a choice. I honestly don’t believe this guy would let me go. My curiosity has put me in a position of knowing too much.

  From the information I’ve gathered, I’m not just dealing with a crazy family, I’m dealing with a family who has mob ties. I don’t need Bo to come right out and tell me that. Anytime there’s gambling, prostitution, and moonshine, then there’s organized crime. If it’s true Bo has those kind of connections I couldn’t run far enough, or fast enough, to ever escape the mess I’m in.

  I have to admit, having my own shampoo and conditioner makes a difference. It’s odd how the comforts of home can make you feel at ease no matter where you are.

  “What the fuck!?!” I jump when the shower curtain’s ripped open.

  I wipe the soap from my eyes and open them to see Bo standing there twirling a tiny pink G-string of mine on his finger.

  “Your clothes are out here. You can wear these so I can tear them off of you later on.” With that, he shuts the curtain and I hear the bathroom door close.

  Yeah… there’s definitely something wrong with this guy. I squeeze my legs together warding off the tingle between them, because the truth is, there’s something wrong with me too—it just took meeting Bo to bring that dormant part of me out.

  I’ve never had a man affect me the way he does, and I’d be willing to bet there will never be another one who can. As different as we are culturally, there’s a primal part of us that’s exactly the same.

  “Get out here, girl!”

  “I’m coming bossy ass.” I yell out as I dry myself off. I slip into the white tee-shirt and jeans he gave me to put on—oh, and let’s not forget the pink G-string, I think to myself.


  I can’t help but stare as she makes her way into the room. I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful to me as she is. She’s standing there with wet hair, no makeup, a simple tee-shirt and jeans, and she’s fucking gorgeous. I can feel my lip turning up in a snarl when I eye her pert nipples beneath the tightness of the white shirt. I purposely didn’t give her a bra.

  “Hey buddy, eyes up here.” She points to her baby blues. “I know you did that on purpose. Don’t you ever get enough?” Now her hand’s on her hip and she’s too cute for words.

  “Not when it comes to you. One of these days I’m going to fuck you out in public, where you have the excitement of possibly getting caught.”

  “I don’t do public sex.”

  “You didn’t do a lot of things before you met me. It’s a new day, baby girl. Now sit down and help me with these files.”

  “Damn, you’re bossy.”

  “We’ve already established that—now get busy.”

  “Aren’t you going to stop me from going for my gun?” she asks as she digs through her purse. I wait until she removes her glasses and puts them on before I take a picture of her with my cell phone.

  “Can’t pass on that too cute look. And as far as the purse is concerned, I went through that and everything else before I ever brought it here.”

  “Is there nothing sacred?” she mutters from where she’s poring over the files already.

  “No. By the time I’m finished, every inch of you and your belongings will be defiled.”

  “Somehow, I don’t have a hard time believing that.”

  It hits me how easy the banter back and forth between us flows.

get along pretty good. Usually I just fuck a girl and shoo her out the door.”

  “Yeah, me too. I use men for sex then tell them to get out of my house.”

  “You’re such a liar. You haven’t had sex in a year—until me.”

  “I’m impressed with your stalking abilities. You’re just a wealth of knowledge when it comes to me.”

  I blow on the tips of my fingers rubbing them over my shirt in triumph. Her only response is to look up and roll her eyes at me. “I don’t have time to slam you down on the bed and take advantage of you right now, but I’ll take a raincheck. Oh, and by the way, fuck around with any other guy and you can be impressed with my murdering skills.” Though I’m giving her my most endearing smile, I’m dead serious about what I’m saying.

  Is that what you Bayou boys do, just stake claim on the women you want?”

  “Like my daddy before me and his before him. It’s all I know—not much for dating.” I smile at her in an effort to make myself irresistible.

  “Look”—she cuts her eyes at me—“do you want to go over these files or not?”

  “Look who’s being bossy now.” I grab one of the files and begin going through it. Don’t know what I’m looking for, but I guess I will when I see it. She knows the ins and outs of the business that goes on in that office where she worked. It’s why I need her. When it comes to the operations we run in the Bayou, I know every detail. This is different because it’s supposedly a legit news station, and they deal with other people’s business. Dirty little secrets and dirty little lies can cause normally passive people to become very aggressive. I make a mental note that it will make my job easier. I’m certain this guy has his share of enemies. It’s more potential suspects for the police, if I do have to kill him.

  “I bet you get to see all kinds of dirt on people, Ashleigh. How do you keep from being jaded?” She’s so into the documents she ignores the question.

  “I didn’t count on getting his financials, but I was able to get some of them. According to this, it looks like he’s been writing off gambling debts that he has with your father as travel expenses. I’m assuming Bayou Deux is the strip joint your dad owns. Why is it called that? Are there two clubs?”

  “No. There are two wives.”


  I can’t help but laugh. “My father has two wives.”

  “You guys believe in having more than one woman?”

  “Don’t put me in that ball of wax. I’m a one woman man. I don’t share. Ever. Not even with another woman. What’s mine is mine!” Is that relief I’m reading on her face?

  I cut my eyes at her and tilt my head a little to the side trying to get a read on her. Her bright red blush tells me all I need to know. I’ve pegged her right—it’s relief.

  “You’re relieved. I can see it in your face.”

  “Well… I’m damn sure curious. How did it happen?”

  “He had Claudia and we caught Beth, his second wife, snooping around our still, so we caged her.”

  “What!?! Is this another one of your shock and awe jokes?”

  “Nope. We caged her and then poked her with a stick until she got so mad she lunged at us like a wild animal. You have to realize we were young. My brother Bubba and I were just having fun with her. My daddy came down to see what all the racket was about, and she begged him to let her go with him. I was gonna keep her at first—but now… I’m glad I didn’t.”

  “I’m flattered. You chained me instead of caging me, and now you want to keep me. You’re right… we are from two completely different worlds.”

  “Well don’t ever get it twisted, sweetie. You’re world might appear to be more civilized, but the predators who reside there are just as animalistic. You can put a suit and a Rolex on it, but a dog’s still a dog. At least with my people, you know what you’re getting. In your world, you never know who is going to stab you in the back. If a born Bayou boy is comin’ for ya, you know it long before it ever happens. I don’t like fake. I don’t do fake. And I don’t tolerate fake. You keep it real with me, and we’ll stay cool.”

  “Same goes for you. Don’t lie to me, and don’t set me up to take the fall for you or your people.” If looks could kill—I’d be dead right now, because this girl has got a fire in her eyes I’ve never seen before. It’s damn sexy too.

  “You want the truth—truth is, you’re mine now. You’ve got no choice. I have no intention of ever letting go of you. I just hope you can deal with that level of truth—if not, you’ll adjust.” Her mouth drops open like she can’t believe I’m bold enough to say what I just said. She wanted the truth… she got it.

  Chapter Ten


  I can tell by the anger in my belly that I care more about this guy fucking me over than I want to admit. As dysfunctional as this little arrangement we have may be, I don’t like being lied to. I sure don’t like the prospect of getting in trouble for something Donald Marks, my ex-boss, did. I didn’t ask to be in this mess, and it’s affected my life more than enough already.

  “I’m not a liar or a backstabber, Ashleigh. It may not seem like I have a heart but I’m not some dirt bag who’s going to use you or set you up.”

  “Alright,” I answer, looking directly in his face. I believe him. I hope I don’t end up regretting it. I’m shocked by his next statement.

  “That goes for sex too. I’m not using you. Whatever’s happened between us is real. For me. I don’t know what it is, but I do know what it isn’t, and it isn’t fake.”

  “It has been real for me too—too fast—but real nonetheless. Let’s just get through this. I’ll be honest with you, I’m concerned about how we’re going to nail this guy and get away with it.”

  “Me too. Now what has he been doing financially? If we can catch him in illegal activities, it opens a whole world of possibility.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, if he goes to the penitentiary and gets shanked, nobody will think anything of it—just another day in Big Sandy, baby.”

  “True. The problem is, he’s been cooking the books and it could lead back to your father. If the authorities look into his financials, and see he’s been putting his visits to Deux Bayou down as travel expenses, it’s going to raise questions on why he chose to use your dad’s club to hide the fact that he’s embezzling money.”

  “Do you think he is embezzling?”

  “Anytime you manipulate dome logs for your own benefit, it’s theft. The fact that he’s in a position of trust and doing it, could very well be seen as embezzling money. It really depends on how the district attorney and prosecutor want to spin it. Like I said: I could care less what happens to him, I just don’t want it leading back to you and your family. It’s evident up until now you guys have been able to fly under the radar. The last thing you need is a spotlight being put on your operations. I can only assume your dad is paying off officials in the Bayou—but this isn’t the Bayou. Louisville’s a city, and you can’t pay everyone off because there are too many squeaky clean officials.” For the first time since I’ve met him, I see something in his eyes I’ve never seen… anxiety—maybe even fear. I watch him as he runs his hand through his tousled hair and it pulls on my heartstrings. I guess I never imagined a criminal being a family man, but that’s exactly what he is.

  How ironic that society views Donald Marks as being respectable. The man sitting before me has more character in his little finger than my ex-boss ever thought about having. I make up my mind I’m going to do anything I can to get him out of this. It’s the first time I’ve realized that Bo has been forced into this situation as much as I have. Donald Marks has been the undoing of enough people. He’s not going to get away with it this time—not if I have anything to do with it.

  Chapter Eleven


  “My head’s starting to hurt dealing with this shit.” I rub my temples in an effort to loosen the imaginary vice grip I feel tightening around my skull.

ome to my world. This is what I do for a living.”

  “What? Dig up dirt on unsuspecting victims?”

  “You make it sound so ruthless. Are you really in a position to judge me?”

  “Calm down. I don’t mean it like that. All I’m saying is there are enough problems in a person’s own life. I can’t imagine having to deal with my problems and everybody else’s too.”

  “It’s actually kind of fun exploring things people try to hide.”

  “Sounds like somebody may have a bit of voyeurism in them.”

  “Seriously!?! Who’s been stalking whom?”

  “I’ve been up front about all my sexual preferences.”

  “Don’t you mean your kink?”

  “C’mon, let’s go.”


  “For a walk—while we talk about our kinky sexual preferences.”

  I pull her up out of the chair running out the door like two kids on their next adventure.

  “Aren’t you scared I’ll run?” She yells out from where she’s scrambling to keep up with me, even though I’m pulling her by her arm.

  “And leave all this?” I stop in a clearing where we’re surrounded by woods and a mountain view. I watch as she turns in a slow circle—mesmerized by the view. I have to admit the view is breathtaking, but watching her turn in a circle with that amazed look on her face is epic.

  “You have a point.” Her voice is barely above an audible whisper. Seeing her childlike awe stirs something in me that makes me want to keep her safe. I take out my cell phone and begin taking pictures of her to capture the moment, just in case…


  I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as what I’m witnessing right now. The woods surround the small clearing where the cabin sits. The vibrant shades of leaves changing color with the backdrop of mountains is something that is so stirring I can literally feel it.


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