Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4) Page 6

by Perkins, Crystal

  “Good. Because I want to be your boyfriend.”

  “We’re exclusive, right? I mean, if not, I-I just need to know.”

  “You know we are, Ollie. I told you I haven’t been with another girl for a while now. And the thought of you even kissing another guy makes me want to commit murder.”

  “You’d really be jealous of some other guy?”

  “Fuck yeah. You don’t think I would?”

  “Not really, no. I mean, you’ve been with a bunch of girls, and I’m sure you’ve seen them with guys after. It would be hard if you were jealous, I think.”

  “I’ve had sex with a bunch of girls, honey. I haven’t had a girlfriend since I was fourteen. I didn’t care who or what the girls I had sex with did after we were done. You’re different. You’re mine, and I’ll never be willing to share you.”

  Oh God. That’s hot. Like really hot. I’m feeling hot and needy. I’m not ready to go all the way, but I want to have my hands and mouth on my man. And not out here in public. “Can you come over for a little while?”

  “You don’t have to even ask. I’ll be right behind you.” He kisses me once more and then opens my car door for me. I watch him walk to his car, and then I pull out of my parking space and drive home with Luke following me in that sexy car of his.

  Chapter 6


  Olivia’s my girlfriend. And it doesn’t scare me. At all. Maybe it’s because she gets me, the real me that I don’t let anyone see. Or because she’s seen me at my worst, so she doesn’t have any crazy expectations. Whatever the reason is, I’m incredibly happy as I get out of my car and walk to hers where she’s waiting for me. I open her door and hold her hand as we walk to her apartment.

  Once we’re inside, she looks at me a little nervously, and I feel an overwhelming need to reassure her and protect her. Even if it’s me I’m protecting her from. “Ollie, we aren’t going to do anything you don’t want to do. You know that, right?”

  “I do know that. It’s just that I want a little more than last time, and I don’t know if that’s fair to you.”

  “I’m more than happy to go farther. Stop worrying about me. It’s natural for guys to get themselves off sometimes. The more stuff we do the more I have to think about while I’m stroking myself later.”

  Her eyes widen a little, and then she gets a look I can only describe as hungry. She wants me. I’m sure of it, but I still won’t push. This is her show. For now. Once we actually have sex, which we will, I’m running that performance.

  “I-I think about you, too.” She’s biting her lip, and I want to be the one doing that, so I move closer to her.

  “What do you do when you think about me, Ollie?”

  “You know.”

  Oh dear God. Maybe I can’t handle this. Just those words coming out of her mouth have me twitching in my pants. I have to stop myself from thrusting my hips. Yet I continue torturing myself. “You touch yourself when you think of me?”


  “Do you imagine it’s me touching you?” I’m right in front of her now,and she’s looking up at me.

  “Yes.” She’s breathing heavily as I reach out and caress her cheek.

  “Is that all I do? Just touch you?”


  She’s going to make me drag it out of her, but I need to know, so I play along. “What else do you think of me doing? Tell me, and I’ll do it.”

  “Really? You’d do whatever I want?”

  “Hell yeah, I would. Anything. Tell me.”

  She straightens her spine, and I see in her eyes that she feels empowered and brave. Good. I want her to feel those things with me. “I imagine your mouth on me. I’ve never had a guy’s mouth on me, but I know I want yours there, so I imagine that. Your soft lips kissing me and your tongue licking me.”

  There is a God, and he just answered my prayers. “I’ve thought about it, too. I want to suck your clit and lick your pussy more than you can imagine.” I drop to my knees in front of her and put my hands on the button of her jeans. “Can I taste you now?”


  I look up at her in surprise as I lean back on my heels. Wasn’t expecting that answer. “No?”

  “Oh God. I’m so sorry. I swear. I didn’t mean to lead you on. I shouldn’t have said that. I do want it, but I can’t yet. I’m not ready.” She looks like she’s about to cry as she covers her face with her hands.

  I jump to my feet and pull her into my arms. I tilt her face up so I can look her in the eye. “Don’t apologize for telling me what you want, even if we can’t do it yet. And never, never, apologize for saying no to me. Just tell me what we can do, please.”

  She steps away and lifts her sweatshirt over her head. My heart starts hammering in my chest as I see her tits spilling out of a black and pink lace bra that has all kinds of ribbons and bows. Oh shit. “Ollie?”

  “I want you to take your shirt off, so it’s only fair that I take mine off too.”

  I unbutton my shirt and pull it off, along with the t-shirt under it, as fast as possible. Olivia’s eyes widen, and she bites her lip again as I stand before her. “Jesus, Luke. I mean, I knew you had muscles, but…Oh. My. God. You are just…wow.”

  “You’re pretty wow yourself. That bra should be illegal.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Candi took me out shopping when I started working for her. I haven’t worn the lingerie before, but after last night, I wanted to look sexy for you.”

  “You’re incredibly sexy with your clothes on or off, but I do appreciate this.” I reach out and trace the edges as she shivers under my touch. I see her nipples straining against the bra, but I stop myself from touching them. She’ll tell me when I can, and then I’m going to devour those beauties.

  “I want to touch and kiss you all over your chest and abs, but I know you said it would be hard for my mouth to be so close to...umm…your…”

  “Cock. I know you’re shy about it, but one day I want to hear that word come out of your mouth, Ollie.”

  “Maybe one day.”

  I nod at her and then sit on the couch, spreading my arms wide. “Have your way with me.”

  She steps over to me and sits on my lap, making sure she’s straddling my knees and not my crotch. It’s really sweet and hot that she’s so careful and really trying not to make me uncomfortable. But it’s way too late for that. There’s a very good chance I’m coming in my jeans tonight, and I’m actually not even a little bit concerned about it.

  Olivia leans forwards and puts her hands in my hair as she leans down to kiss me. She skips all sweetness and slides her tongue inside my mouth as soon as I take a breath. Damn. We kiss like this for several minutes, and I hold onto her hips as she tugs on my hair. I never thought kissing could be such an awesome thing, but with my girl, it definitely is. I still want more, but somehow, this feels like enough right now.

  “Touch me please, Luke,” she says as she kisses along my jaw and down my neck. “I want your hands on me.”

  I don’t hesitate as I slide my hands up her ribs and cup her tits. She arches into my hands as I caress her, and she starts kissing and sucking harder on my neck and down to my pecs. She takes a nipple in her mouth and bites down as I move my fingers to pinch hers. She bucks a little on my lap as we both moan. I decide that even if I can’t get into her panties, I’m going to make her come tonight. With her biting and licking across my chest and now sliding down to play with my abs, it’s a sure bet I’ll be coming with her. She’s stretched out over my knees as she nibbles on me. I let go of her tits to hold her ass as she devours me.

  I let her play for as long as I can take it, and then I haul her up and place her on my cock. She squeals in surprise. “I need to taste your tits now, Ollie.”

  She nods, and I undo her bra, throwing it to the ground. I close my mouth over one perfect nipple and suck it hard, rolling my tongue in swirls around it. I use my other hand to knead and pinch her other nipple. She’s bucking against my cock, and it fe
els so fucking good. I switch sides while holding her down against me as I thrust and grind up into her. It doesn’t matter that our jeans are on. We’re both going wild.

  It only takes a few minutes until she freezes and then starts shaking and screaming. “Luke. Oh my God. Luke. I-I…”

  I move my lips from her to watch her come undone. It’s so beautiful and hot. Watching her triggers my own orgasm, and I’m yelling her name as I shudder under her. We both finally come down, and I pull her close to me. “Damn. That was amazing.”

  “It was. I mean, I didn’t know we could do that with our clothes on.”

  “It’s alright, though…I mean, it wasn’t too much, was it?” I didn’t think about how it might have crossed a line. All I thought about was making her feel good.

  She puts her hands on my cheeks and kisses me sweetly. “It’s more than alright, Luke. That was so hot. Thank you for making me come while still respecting my boundaries.”

  “Don’t thank me. I came as hard as you did.” I actually feel a little embarrassed now. “Um, do you think I could clean up, though? I have my workout bag in my car. I can just go home like this, but it’s a little uncomfortable.”

  “Of course you can clean up. Do you want to take a shower?”

  “That would be great. Let me go grab my bag.”

  “I’ll do that. Just give me your keys and get in the shower. Sorry, I only have girl’s shower gel and stuff though.”

  “Thanks. I mean it, and smelling like you is not something I’d complain about.”

  I give her my keys and get in the shower while she goes to grab my stuff. I lather up with her soap, getting hard just smelling the fruity gel she uses. Mixed with the musky perfume she wears, it’s the perfect combination, and I loved it last night when some rubbed off on me. I’ll be smelling it as I go to bed tonight, and I like the thought of that.

  When I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and open the door, knowing Olivia would’ve left my things outside it. In my fantasies, she would’ve joined me, but I know we’re not there yet. I get dressed and then walk out to the living room.

  “Is that hot chocolate?”

  “Oh. Hi. Yeah, it is. I thought maybe you’d want something to drink.”

  “Thanks. I love hot chocolate.” I drop onto the couch next to her and kiss her lightly before picking up the mug to take a drink. “It’s really good.”

  We stay on the couch, cuddling and kissing while drinking our hot chocolate and watching hockey highlights. She put the sports channel on while I was showering. She may be the perfect girlfriend. Around midnight, I tell her I should probably go. She walks me to the door, and we kiss goodbye for several more minutes.

  As I drive back to my apartment, I realize that Olivia’s always buying me drinks or giving me drinks. I like it. No one’s every taken care of me before, except for my mom. I need to figure out something cool to do for her.

  * * *


  It’s been a couple weeks since Luke and I came with our clothes on in my apartment. It’s happened a couple more times, although between his hockey practices and my job, we don’t see each other every night. I’ve started doing well enough on my essays that I don’t really need tutoring anymore. But I’ve gone to all of his games, and we text and talk on the phone when we can’t get together. We’ve even had phone sex once. It was really hot although I was a little embarrassed to be saying hot things to him. I like when he talks to me like that, and I think I did okay on my end since we both came. It’s something I need to get used to, I guess.

  I’m at work waiting for Candi to get done with her shoot so I can help her clean up. My work is done already since she’s been doing less shoots. She’s so cute with her big belly, but I know she’s tired. Despite working less she won’t cut my hours. I’d be fine if she did. She pays me a crazy generous salary that has allowed me to not only get my own apartment, but to also put money in savings, and to buy some great clothes, including a few designer pieces. I love working for her. She’s only a little older than me, but she’s had so many experiences in her life, and she’s like the big sister I always wanted. Plus, she accepts me for me. I honestly love Candi and would do anything for her.

  Owen, on the other hand, is another matter. I’ve always gotten along great with him, but now that I know how he’s hurt Luke, I really do want to punch him. He’s been out of town working on some art for one of the Griffin buildings but should be here any minute. I hate to ruin their reunion, but I need to speak my mind.

  “Hey, Olivia. You look deep in thought. What’s got you thinking so hard?” Speak of the green-eyed devil. I look up, and Owen’s smiling at me like he doesn’t have a care in the world. I hate to burst his bubble. No actually, I don’t.

  “I was actually thinking about you, Owen.”

  “Me? Oh, okay. What’s up?”

  I stand up and go over to him. I look him in the eye and then slap him across the face. I decided that since I don’t really know how to punch, I might hurt myself if I try. But I can sure as hell slap.

  “What the fuck is going on here? Why did you just slap my man, Olivia?”

  “I’d like to know that, too,” Owen says as he rubs his jaw.

  “That was for Luke. How dare you date some girl who belittled him and broke his heart in high school! And then make him feel inferior just because he doesn’t work for the company. I want to do more than slap you, but I don’t want to hurt myself.”

  “Hold up. High school? The only girl I dated after him in high school was some hot little cheerleader who told me he didn’t care if we went out since they were over. And I don’t make him feel inferior.”

  “So you just took her word for it and didn’t ask Luke? And you do make him feel that way.”

  “What would Luke have said? Why would he have cared about some chick who wanted to sleep with us both?”

  I probably shouldn’t tell him, but I’ve gone too far, so I have to. “He would’ve told you that he did care about her. And that at the Homecoming Dance, he heard her telling her friends that he was a waste of the Griffin genes because he didn’t start at the football game, and couldn’t help her with her science homework. She said she was going after you because you were fun and seemed interested. It broke his heart, and that’s why he’s never had a relationship since then.”

  “Motherfucking little bitch. She said that shit about my little brother? If she was here now, I’d be tempted to forget she’s a girl and kick her ass.”

  “I’d do it. Pregnant and all, I’d wipe the floor with her.” Candi reaches over and smacks him on the head. “And you’re an idiot.”

  “Yeah. I’ve figured that out. But we still need to talk about you saying I make him feel bad now.”

  “You do. You got mad about him using money to get those idiots he hung out with to leave people alone. You said the rest of you worked hard for it. You also didn’t stand up for him when my parents attacked him. No one in your family did.”

  “Shit. I didn’t mean it. I was just mad about him hanging out with those assholes. Luke supports us all in his own way. He’s helped us all. And at the party, I just wanted to protect Candi. I don’t think anyone realized that we didn’t stand up for him. He’s never seemed to need it. Your parents are pretty fucked up, by the way.”

  “He does need it, Owen. And yeah, believe me, I know how bad my parents can be.”

  “She’s right, Owe. I didn’t want to ever say anything because it was said to me in confidence, but Luke told me once that he feels like a failure because the company isn’t his dream.”

  Owen drops onto a couch and runs his hands over his face. “God. We’ve all just taken him for granted, knowing he’d be there to help us when we needed. And all this time, he’s been hurting, and we were too busy worrying about ourselves to see it.” He turns to me. “Thanks for telling me, Olivia, and I guess for slapping me, too. Tutoring must be going well for my brother to have confided in you.”

sp; “Oh, umm, well, it’s…umm…we’re…umm…he’s my boyfriend now.” That shouldn’t have been so hard to say, but it was. Luke hasn’t told his family, and I don’t know that I should’ve said it, but I’m on a roll today.

  “Really? And you didn’t tell me? I thought we were tight, Liv!”

  “We are, Candi. I was waiting for him to tell his family, but then I was so mad at Owen I just blurted it out. I hope Luke doesn’t get mad at me.”

  “What would I be mad about?” I didn’t hear or see Luke walk in. I turn to look at him and he smiles at me.

  “Your girlfriend literally slapped some sense into me about how I’ve treated you over the years and also, well, told us she’s your girlfriend.”

  “What exactly did you say, Olivia.” I was afraid of this. The smile is gone, andhe looks mad. Like really mad. Plus, he called me Olivia. He rarely does that.

  “I-I told him he shouldn’t have dated that girl in high school, and that he shouldn’t say things about you not working for your family’s company.”

  “Seriously? I told you those things in confidence. What gave you the right to spill my secrets?”

  “I wanted him to treat you better.”

  “I don’t need my brother’s pity. I thought you were on my side. I can’t believe I thought you actually liked me for me. I should’ve known it was just the Griffin name.”

  “I am on your side, Luke.” I walk towards him, but he backs away. “And you know I don’t care about your last name or who your family is.”

  “Don’t come near me. I’ve wasted enough time on you and your lies. Find someone else to play games with and cock tease, because I’m over it. And I’m over you.”

  My heart just stops. I swear it does. I sway on my feet andthink I would’ve fallen over if Owen didn’t reach out and hold me steady. “Easy, Olivia. Come sit down.”

  “Get the fuck out, Luke.”

  “It’s nice to know where your loyalties lie, Candi.”

  “Don’t start that shit with me, Luke. I’ve always had your back, but you won’t disrespect Olivia in front of me. She obviously cares about you and wanted to try to bridge the gap between you and Owen. You should be thanking her and not purposely saying things you know will hurt her.”


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