Essence Of The Heart (The Royal Tutor)

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Essence Of The Heart (The Royal Tutor) Page 8

by Daris Howard

  Alexander stiffened and looked at her. His eyes showed his concern. She had not asked him about this, for she knew he would have tried to talk her out of it.

  "What kind of a ride?" the king asked.

  "I would like you to ride with us to a village in the mountains and meet some people - just the three of us."

  The king looked at his daughter thoughtfully. She glanced at Alexander and could see him shaking his head. She glanced at Lady Margaret, Duke Reginald, and her mother. All had the same expression, an expression of concern as to what she was up to.

  "Would it be safe?" the king asked.

  She turned back to her father. "Yes, Father. Perfectly safe."

  "All right, then. I think it might be nice to see what you've been up to all summer."

  She smiled. "Thank you. I'll talk to you more about it later."

  They had no sooner finished the banquet than she took her father aside. She convinced him to go with them as a friend, not as king, so he could see what the people here were really like. In her heart she knew what she really wanted was for him to see Alexander as she saw him.

  As she approached her living quarters, she could see Alexander nervously pacing back and forth. When he saw her, he ran to her. "Your Highness, what are you doing?"

  Louise felt a chill run down her back as he addressed her so. "Your Highness?"

  Alexander looked down, but not before she could see the same hurt look in his eyes she had seen the night of her birthday ball.

  "You know I must call you that."

  She agreed he must - for now. But she knew she couldn't let him forever, though she didn't say that to him. He looked at her and, again, his eyes had that hurt in them that tore at her heart. "Princess, why did you ask your father to go riding with us?"

  She took his hand and looked directly at him. "I want my father to know the Alexander I know."

  "But what am I to do?" he asked.

  She smiled encouragingly at him. "Just do what you always do. Visit with the people, trade plants and knowledge, give the children candy."

  "But he'll think I'm stupid - that I'm being less than noble. I mean, he already feels I'm not worthy of..." He stopped, as if saying it was too painful, and he looked away.

  She squeezed his hand. "He won't think you're stupid or less noble, and we can work to change his feelings."

  Alexander still said nothing. She squeezed his hand tighter. "For me. Won't you do it for me? Take us to the village in the mountains. Let's do just like the time you took me."

  Alexander swallowed hard and smiled a weak smile. "Minus the chicken?"

  She grinned at him. "Minus the chicken."

  Alexander took a deep breath, but finally nodded. She smiled. "I told Father we would leave just before dawn, so we better get some rest. We will want to be up to join him for breakfast."

  Alexander nodded, and, as he turned to leave, she called after him. "And don't forget the lunch and the candy."

  Everything was ready before they even sat down to breakfast. Louise chatted happily with her father at breakfast. Alexander ate quietly. Alexander's horse was heavy-laden as they left. He decided to take some corn seed as gifts to find out how it would grow on the mountain.

  Once they were on their way, Louise was afraid Alexander's silence would be misunderstood by her father. In an effort to get Alexander to open up she asked him questions about different mountains, rivers, and streams - the many things she knew he knew so much about. Soon he was sharing insights on different places and events. Even though he was still slightly reserved, he was more like the Alexander she wanted her father to know.

  As they had on that first ill-fated trip, they stopped for lunch by the beautiful lake, bringing back mixed memories for her. This time the trees were ablaze with fall shades of orange, yellow, and brown. The air was cool, but not unpleasant. The briskness of it even added an exuberance to the day. Alexander pulled out breads, cheeses, and meats, and they shared a wonderful lunch.

  When they reached the village, everyone ran out to meet them. She introduced her father as a friend. It worked just like she had hoped. The people gathered around and wanted to shake his hand and visit, noting that any friends of Alexander's were friends of theirs.

  At first her father was reserved about shaking their hands, but soon he was visiting warmly with them. Alexander pulled out the seed corn and shared it with the farmers in the village, describing how to plant it, how to harvest it, etc. He made them promise to save half of their harvest and to share half of that. He said he would really appreciate knowing if it would grow up there.

  Many people had to tell him how well their strawberries were doing. Louise didn't even know he had taken strawberries up there, but it seems he had done it the previous year. He was very pleased to find out they produced quite abundantly in their second summer.

  Louise's concerns about Alexander vanished as, here in the element to which he was accustomed, he forgot all else and became Alexander. When they brought some late season strawberries, Louise watched her father as he sampled them. She smiled at the pleasure his face showed. Nell's grandmother had to tell them that the chicken they brought was giving an abundance of eggs. Alexander was very pleased to hear that, and smiled at Louise as she blushed.

  All too soon it was time to leave, even though the people begged them to stay and offered them rooms for the night. Alexander assured them that they needed to return. They were just preparing to mount when, right on cue, the children gathered around Alexander. The king looked curiously at Louise. She just smiled. Nell tugged on Alexander's coat and pointed at his saddlebag. Alexander pulled out the leather bag and looked at Louise and then at her father, questioningly. Louise nodded. Alexander knelt, gestured toward Louise and the king, putting his arms across his chest. Nell nodded and went to Louise, who knelt down to accept Nell's hug and kiss. Louise hugged her back and said, "I love you, Nell."

  Nell then went to the king. He paused for a moment, but knelt, allowing this sweet display of affection. Nell returned to Alexander and gave him a hug and a kiss as well. He gave her the biggest piece of honey candy. She smiled and scampered to her grandmother. Soon every child had a piece.

  Alexander had five pieces left. He knew of Louise's desire to keep her father's identity secret, so he bowed discreetly to the king and spoke quietly so the villagers would not hear him. "Would you like to try some, Your Majesty?"

  The king nodded and took one. Alexander then turned and bowed to Louise. "And you, Your Highness?"

  "Yes, thank you, Alexander."

  The king watched Louise to see what to do. Louise took her piece and licked it. The king did likewise. Both Alexander and Louise watched the king. A smile crept across his face. "My goodness, that is good. What do you call it?"

  Alexander expected Louise to answer, but she turned to him to force him to reply.

  "It's called honey candy, Your Majesty."

  Louise turned to her father. "Alexander learned how to make it from a trader, and he taught the cook."

  "My compliments, young man. You will have to teach my cook how to make it sometime."

  Alexander smiled. "I'd be glad to, Your Majesty."

  Alexander offered them each another piece for their ride home, and they gladly accepted. He kept only the smallest piece for himself. The villagers waved farewell. Even the king waved back and smiled.

  They rode for some time in silence, enjoying their candy. Soon, however, the candy was gone. Louise hoped her father would reveal some of his feelings about the experiences of the day, but he seemed deep in his own thoughts. The silence was almost frightening to her. Could the whole day have done for her father what she had hoped, or could she have made things worse? Alexander, too, seemed hesitant to speak, apparently nervous about what the king thought of him. Finally, Louise had to say something to break the silence.

  "It sure is beautiful up here this time of year."

  Trying to dispel Alexander's apprehensions, and his fear of spea
king unless he was spoken to, she addressed him directly. "Alexander, what is your favorite season on the mountain?"

  "I don't know, Your Highness. They are all so wonderful. The fall colors are so beautiful. The winter sunrises and sunsets are incomparable. The new life in the forest in the spring warms my heart. And the summer sun makes me happy."

  Finally, the king spoke. "I enjoyed our visit to the village, and the candy, and those things you call strawberries are really good, Alexander."

  Louise was happy to hear her father call Alexander by name. It was the first time he hadn't called him "young man". As they rode along, Louise found herself carrying most of the conversation. At times they just rode in silence, and yet the beautiful scenery made the vacant moments less noticeable.

  It was late when they finally arrived at Denville. While Alexander saw to the horses, Louise and the king went to the dining hall. Everyone else had eaten, but the cook soon had them some warm stew, and at the king's request, some corn sticks. They were just sitting down to eat when Alexander came in. He seemed reluctant to join them.

  The king motioned to him to be seated. He bowed and took his seat. Louise was quiet as the king expressed his pleasure over the corn, as well as the strawberries at the mountain village. Alexander bowed. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  "Father," Louise said, "we have some special treats for you for dessert."

  The king seemed pleased at the prospect of something else. Louise informed the servants that she wanted them to bring her father a bowl of raspberries in milk, and strawberries on cake, both sprinkled with honey candy.

  When the bowls were set before the king, he knew all eyes were upon him. He tried the raspberries first. His eyebrows went up slightly. "That is very good." He then took a bite of the strawberries on cake. He exclaimed. "That is heavenly!"

  Louise grinned. "Alexander made them up himself. The first time I tried it was that night after my birthday ball."

  The minute she said it, she wished she hadn't. She saw a look come over Alexander's face, as if the memory of it was taking him back to something he would rather forget. Her father also seemed to get a slightly more solemn expression on his face.

  When the king finished the desserts, he pushed the bowls away. "My compliments, Alexander."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  The air in the room was slightly tense, as the king did not indicate an end to the meal. It was clear he had something on his mind. Finally, he leaned back and looked at Alexander.

  "Alexander, I want to thank you for the wonderful time my daughter has had here this summer."

  "It has been my pleasure, Your Majesty."

  "She has written of the things she has learned. This was her last chance to have an opportunity like this before she is expected to take on more weighty responsibilities, like marriage to a man worthy of her title."

  The king looked back and forth at Louise and Alexander. "Do you understand what I am saying?"

  Alexander nodded. "Yes, your Majesty."

  "That will be all," the king said.

  Alexander rose and bowed. "Good night, Your Majesty." He then turned to Louise. Louise could see that same hurt that she had seen those many months before, yet he still had a smile for her as he bowed. "Goodnight, Your Highness."

  "Goodnight, Alexander," she replied.

  Alexander left, and Louise felt anger building in her. She knew that her father was implying Alexander was not worthy of her, and she knew Alexander understood as well. But she knew she had to restrain herself. She had learned from her months of watching Alexander that getting upset was not the best way to deal with anything. She turned to her father.

  "Father, may I have a word with both you and Mother?"

  The king was cautious in how he answered. Louise knew he was well aware how her mother felt about Alexander, and that it would put him one against two.

  "Why do you want your mother?" he asked.

  "Because I want to talk to you as your daughter and not as a princess."

  The king could hardly refuse that, and he seemed somewhat taken off guard by her civility, as if he expected her to get angry. They retired to the royal quarters to speak.

  Louise hurried ahead, and by the time the king arrived, she could see by the look on his face that he knew she had already talked to her mother, and they were waiting for him. He entered cautiously.

  "All right, Louise," he said. "We are both here. What's on your mind?"

  "Father, I think you know what's on my mind. I am sure it has not slipped past you why I wanted you to go with us today."

  The king nodded. "It is very obvious. You apparently care for Alexander, and you wanted me to see in him what you have seen."

  Louise was taken aback by her father's bluntness, and she could see her mother was too. Louise didn't feel it was time to hide her feelings for Alexander any further. She looked directly at her father. "And?"

  The king went over and looked out the window as if trying to gather his thoughts. After a moment, he turned. "Louise, I would be lying if I said I was not impressed with him. At first I thought it might be some show - some pretense. Your letters contained such glowing reports that it seemed almost impossible for any man to be like that. However, as we arrived in the mountain village, I perceived he is truly as you said. As I saw him with the children, I could see why your heart is drawn to him, but..."

  The king paused. Louise's heart was pounding within her. "But what, Father?"

  "You can do so much better than him, Louise."

  Louise could feel a whole gamut of emotions welling up in her heart. There was anger and sadness, and even shame and guilt that her father could think it.

  "Do your really think so, Father? Do you really think I can find a better man than Alexander?"

  "What about Sir Phillip?" he asked.

  "What about Sir Phillip?" she asked in return.

  "He's rich with a high title," the king replied.

  "Father, in my mind, he isn't half the man that Alexander is."

  "But what about your position? I'm not sure what people would think having their queen married to a Bernodian."

  Louise almost choked trying to keep her composure. She lowered her voice to hold back the emotions that were tearing at it. "I don't care what other people think. As you saw, these people love Alexander."

  The king looked at her quite sternly. "Is it so great to have common people love you?"

  Louise met his glance with her own. "Is it so great to have them fear you? Duke Reginald and Lady Margaret rule with kindness. Alexander is just like them. I would much prefer they love me." She was quiet for a moment as her father looked at her. Then she spoke quietly, but strongly. "I hope, as my father, you understand that I would rather be happy than be queen. If you, yourself, feel it is inappropriate for me to marry him and still be queen, I will renounce my title."

  The king looked at her in shock. "You would renounce your title in order to marry Alexander?"

  "Father, I have learned a lot of things while I have been up here. I have learned how much I love you and Mother. I have learned how much I love these people. And I have learned how much I love Alexander. But there is one other very important thing I have learned. I have learned from Alexander that what is in a person's heart defines the essence of who he truly is. True character shows in the way a person lives his life, not in how he is born. It is not in the nobility of his birth, but in how nobly he lives his life that makes him great or common. In that way, I know of no one I respect more than you, Mother, Lady Margaret, Duke Reginald, and Alexander. If you feel it inappropriate for me to be queen, you can let my cousin, Tobias, be king, and I will be happy being Lady Louise of Bernodia."

  The king looked away and spoke almost as if to himself. "I would die before I would allow that power-hungry brat to rule over my people." He then turned back to Louise. "Does Alexander share your feelings?"

  Louise nodded. "I know he does, even though he has tried to hide his feelings because he kn
ows you don't approve of him."

  The king let out a deep sigh. "I must admit that the changes I have seen in you make me marvel. We could never have talked with each other like this six months ago. I know I owe much of that to his good spirit." He paused for some time, then turned and looked at the queen. She had tears streaming down her face. "You knew this would happened when you sent her up here, didn't you?"

  The queen nodded. "I hoped it would."

  The king went to the window and gazed out for the longest time. He finally turned and looked at Louise. "I think Alexander would make a fine husband for a queen."

  Louise squealed and ran to him and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Oh, Father, thank you! Thank you!"

  The king laughed. "Now, don't get all soft on me. You and your mother have a lot of wedding planning to do. But, perhaps, you might need to break the news to a certain young man."

  Louise's heart felt so light she nearly skipped from the room. Just as she was leaving, her father called after her. "Oh, and Louise? When you do marry him, I will expect him to make sure we have raspberries with milk and honey candy." They grinned at each other as she shut the door behind her, and turned to run down the hall to Alexander's quarters.

  She knocked on his door, but received no answer. That wing of the castle was still; too still. Something told her all was not well, but in her euphoric state, she shook it off. Thinking he might have gone to visit her, she hurried back to her own room.

  As she entered her living quarters, Elizabeth and Marina stood there with long faces, waiting for her. She looked at them and knew immediately that something was wrong. Marina held out a small envelope. It had Louise's name on it in Alexander's handwriting.

  She opened it and began to read.

  My Dearest Louise,

  I always knew this day would come, and I dreaded it. I have tried to put it out of my mind all summer so that I might enjoy the time we had together. But what I felt I could not say then, I feel I now must, as I know this is goodbye, and realize our lives will likely never cross again. The man whom you do marry will be the luckiest man in the world. I will always count you as my dearest friend, and I will always love you. I know you will make a wonderful queen.


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