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Psychological Damage (Gray Spear Society)

Page 29

by Siegel, Alex

  "I called Father Wulfram and asked him to come over," Norbert said. "He'll be there with his two attendants. They are serviceable bodyguards, but you won't have much trouble dealing with them. Edward is in a chamber towards the back on the first floor. He'll be guarded by four monks, but two will be asleep this late at night. Dr. Ishii should be somewhere nearby. He's the psychiatrist we hired to break Edward. That's it."

  "Is the entire Brotherhood here?"

  "All that remains of it. If I may, sir, I'd like to talk to Father Wulfram one last time."

  "You'll do more than that," the legate said. "You're going to kill him. This is a test of your loyalty. Don't fail."

  Norbert grimaced. "Yes, sir."

  "Marina, go with our new friend. Make sure he does his duty."

  "Yes, sir," Marina said.

  "Which brings us to the final item on the agenda." The legate lowered his shoulders. "Edward."

  Ethel took a deep breath. "I'm his commander, sir," she said, "and I've known him the longest. I will deal with his betrayal personally."

  "Very well," the legate said. "Bring Aaron along to watch your back, and take care of Dr. Ishii while you're there. He deserves something special. The rest of us will stay and guard Wesley. He can tell us about his exciting trip."

  Ethel and Aaron started working their way around the building. Tall weeds and sticks made it hard to move quietly, but he tried hard anyway. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his boss.

  "I wanted to hear the trip report," Ethel whispered. "Can you quickly summarize?"

  "Yes, ma'am," Aaron said.

  Following her in the darkness was a task requiring total focus. She was a silent shadow, gliding through the night. Even though she was only a few feet away from him, he kept losing sight of her.

  "Wesley healed Marina and Yvonne," he said. "They're completely rational and calm."

  "That's very hard to imagine."

  "He's a walking, talking miracle. It didn't take him long, either, but there were some very tough moments."

  "What was the source of Marina's problems?" Ethel said.

  "Her uncle was sexual predator of the sickest variety. He also murdered her parents. It wasn't easy, but we caught the bastard."

  "Marina must've had fun killing him," she said.

  He shook his head. "That's the craziest part. She didn't lift a finger. She had her chance and let him walk away. She wanted to prove once and for all that she was in control. He died a few minutes later anyway."

  "That's amazing. And Yvonne is back in the game?"

  "And then some," he said. "She took down twenty guys with her bare hands all at once."

  "That's great news. We can certainly use her unique talents."

  "As long as I don't have to watch her eat. Yuck."

  She sighed. "Agreed."

  They reached the back of the building. There was no electricity inside, but a couple of windows had light. Aaron heard the hum of a portable generator.

  Ethel pointed at a dark window on the first floor. "Enter there."

  He padded over to the window. When he tried to push it open, he found it was locked. He spat at the glass. A hole formed, allowing him to reach through and wiggle the lock mechanism, but it was rusted solid. Piece of junk, he thought. Breaking the window would make too much noise, so he used his saliva to widen the hole enough to crawl through. It took a few minutes, and by the time he was done, his mouth was bone dry.

  He and Ethel entered. The room was very dark but he didn't let it bother him. With his hands out, he took slow, careful steps. The few glimmers of light guided him.

  Somehow Ethel got ahead of Aaron. He walked into a hallway just in time to see her enter another room. She was carrying her famous, gleaming machetes in both hands. She reappeared a few seconds later, and the edges of her blades dripped with blood. She hadn't made the slightest noise.

  There was better light up ahead. Aaron drew his gun and pushed forward.

  He spotted two men with assault rifles sitting in some kind of waiting room. Aaron was hidden by the shadows. He shot both men in the eyes, one bullet per eye for a total of four perfect shots. A suppressor kept the noise to a minimum.

  "You're getting good." Ethel's voice came from the darkness.

  "Lots of practice," he said, "and I think when God me acid saliva, he also gave me better aim."

  They proceeded into the room.

  An open steel door led to some kind of air-tight chamber. Edward was sitting in the chamber with his arms strapped to a wooden chair. He had lost weight, and his eyes drooped from exhaustion or drugs. The right half of his face kept twitching.

  A Japanese man in a white lab coat stood facing Edward. His spiky black hair badly needed a good brushing.

  "Don't kill him yet," Ethel said.

  Aaron sprinted forward. He attacked the doctor just as he was turning around. A moment later, Ishii was lying on the floor of the waiting room. His arms were dislocated at the shoulders, and his knees were broken.

  Ethel nodded. "Perfect."

  She entered the chamber. Edward's glazed eyes barely responded to her presence. She caressed the stubble on his chin.

  "You have a noble spirit," she said softly. "You were a great asset to the Society, and I will value the time we spent together. You didn't deserve this end. When your official epitaph is written, I'll make sure the words are very kind."

  Her machetes flashed. His head rolled back and landed on the floor with a thud.

  She walked over to Ishii. With a series of lightning fast cuts, she sliced the main tendons in his arms and legs, effectively paralyzing him. He cried out in pain.

  "You must be the interrogator," she said.

  "I'm a doctor," he moaned. "A psychiatrist."

  "I'm Ethel. Perhaps Edward told you about me."

  His eyes widened. "Yes."

  "I know a thing or two about interrogation," she said. "If I thought you had information worth extracting, I'd demonstrate my techniques on you. As it is, I'm simply going to kill you, slowly. Aaron, surround him with the dead bodies. He needs company."

  Aaron gathered the dead monks and placed them in a circle around Ishii. Finally, at Ethel's direction, he laid Edward's headless corpse across Ishii's chest.

  "Excellent," Ethel said. "Soon the meat will start to rot. Countless insects and small animals will come from outside for a free meal. When they're done feasting on the flesh of the dead, you will be next, Dr. Ishii. You should survive for three or four days. Five if you're stronger than you look. That will give you plenty of time to think. I suggest you start by reviewing your Hippocratic Oath. Don't bother praying though because God has already forsaken you."

  She led Aaron out of the room.

  * * *

  Norbert shuffled slowly toward the front door of the Avanessian Center. Sadness and regret made his feet seem heavy. Marina walked with him, her footsteps much quieter.

  "Edward told me you and Aaron are in love," he said.

  "Yes," she said, "we are very close."

  "Is that typical in the Society? Do Spears date each other?"

  "No. It's unusual and dangerous. Ethel isn't happy about our relationship."

  "Dangerous?" Norbert said. "How?"

  "Our missions sometimes require the ultimate sacrifice. When members love each other, it can make hard decisions even harder."

  He nodded. "The Brotherhood didn't have that issue. We were all men."

  "Are you gay?" Marina glanced at him and raised her eyebrows. "Not that it matters. I'm just asking."

  "No, not gay, but I haven't slept with a woman in so long I feel like a virgin."

  They reached the front door. Norbert hesitated before actually grabbing the handle. He wasn't looking forward to the task ahead, but he had no choice. He opened the door and went in. A string of low wattage lights on a wire guided them down the moldy, dusty hallway. The place smelled like freshly turned earth.

  "Father Wulfram is a great man," he said soft
ly. "He fed starving villagers in Africa. He fought communist repression in Asia. His writings are part of the standard curriculum in all Catholic seminaries."

  "Which made him the perfect stooge for God's enemies," Marina said. "Nobody would question his motives."

  "He's not evil."

  "I hope you're not having second thoughts. The legate gave you an order. Don't expect me to cut you any slack, either. I'm in more than enough trouble with him already, and he is the last guy you want mad at you. Now be a good Spear and kill Wulfram."

  Norbert was still uncomfortable with the idea of membership in the Society. Nobody had asked his opinion on the matter, and it was clear nobody cared. Apparently, the entire recruitment process had started and finished in the bathroom of the Chapel of Eternal Salvation and Hope. The only way out was death.

  Even though Norbert's membership was official, he didn't feel he belonged. Everybody else was so much more skilled than him. Many even had "gifts" bestowed by the Almighty. Aaron had explained that these supernatural abilities were rewards for extraordinary service in the Society. Norbert doubted he would ever rise to anywhere near that level of accomplishment. He felt like a child playing with grownups.

  The line of lights led to the room up ahead where Father was waiting. Norbert stopped.

  "I served him for eight years," he said. "He was my spiritual guide and mentor. Now I'm betraying him in the worst possible way. What do I say to him?"

  "You have a gun," Marina said. "Just walk in there and use it. There is no reason to talk at all."

  He looked down. "I don't know if I can."

  "Father Wulfram aided the enemies of God. The mandatory punishment is death, even if there was no evil intent. It's your job to carry out the sentence."

  "Why me? Maybe Wesley picked the wrong guy. I shouldn't be a Spear at all."

  She put her hand on his shoulder, and her brilliant green eyes looked into his. "Why did you join the Brotherhood?"

  "To kill the Antichrist."

  "No." She shook her head. "You wanted to protect the world from evil. You wanted to fight in the biggest battle for the highest stakes against the toughest opponent. You wanted to do so much good that God would personally pin a medal on you. And you've wanted that your whole life. Am I right?"

  His eyes opened wide. "How did you know?"

  She raised her index finger, and a drop of liquid formed at the tip of her pointed, black fingernail. "This is one of those medals. You were born to be a Spear. The Brotherhood was just a training exercise for you. And there is one other piece of evidence." She sniffed the air.


  "You stink of death, just like me. Now let's get this over with."

  With a deep sigh, he faced the lighted doorway. "There are two bodyguards. Do you mind taking care of them for me?"

  "Sure, rookie."

  She drew two knives from inside her sleeves and boldly walked through the doorway. He heard a hissing sound followed by two thumps.

  "Done," she said.

  He entered the room. Father sat in his wheelchair with a horrified expression. His two attendants lay on the floor with knives stuck in their throats.

  "Brother Norbert!" Father said. "What is the meaning of this? Who is this woman?"

  "This is Marina," Norbert said, "of the Gray Spear Society."

  Marina smiled at the priest. His mouth opened wide.

  "Yes," Norbert said, "I've betrayed you. I joined the Society. I also have the sad duty to inform you that you are the last survivor of the Brotherhood. Your mission failed."

  Father shook his head. "I don't believe it. You were the best of us! The strongest. The most devoted. What happened?"

  "I learned the truth."

  "The Luciferian Child tricked you!"

  Norbert shook his head slowly. "It is you who were tricked. Out of respect, I will give you one last chance to pray. You deserve to die with dignity."

  "Then I will pray for your immortal soul, although I fear it is too late."

  Marina rolled her eyes. She retrieved her knives and wiped off the blood using the clothes of her victims.

  "Go ahead," Norbert said.

  "In the Name of Jesus Christ," Father intoned, "our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the saints, we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the devil..."

  Norbert recognized the exorcism prayer. He should've felt some kind of strong emotion, but instead the words sounded hollow. He realized he was just wasting everybody's time. He had better things to do than listen to a confused, old man make a fool of himself. There was a whole world outside that needed his protection, and Norbert was eager to get started.

  He sniffed the air. He actually did stink of death, but he didn't mind the smell.

  He shot Father in the chest.

  "Finally!" Marina said. "Let's get out of this horrible place."

  * * *

  The legate had gathered everybody in the building that would soon serve as the temporary headquarters for the Chicago cell. The entire staff was present, including Jack, Kamal, and Nancy. Atalanta and Wesley were also in the audience.

  This was the first time Aaron had seen the new building. Voices echoed from cinderblock and sheet metal walls. Oil stains marked the concrete floor. A regular grid of steel support posts broke up the huge, empty space. He wondered if it would feel just as big once it was full of stuff.

  "I have several important announcements," the legate said in a loud voice. "Please pay attention. The first item is a permanent solution to Wesley's security." He smiled at Wesley. "His parents had the right idea. He'll continue to be an anonymous traveler on a perpetual tour of the continent. Mobility and unpredictability should keep him safe. He'll also need a very capable team around him as bodyguards and surrogate parents." The legate put his hand on Wesley's shoulder. "I will lead that team personally. I can't delegate such a crucial task to anybody else."

  The audience looked at each other with expressions of surprise.

  "Atalanta has graciously agreed to join me," the legate said. "She'll be Wesley's bodyguard now, not mine. Wesley specifically asked for Yvonne, so she'll also come with us. I was told her talents and skills have been fully restored, and I look forward to seeing her in action again. However, a team of three isn't sufficient. I wanted a fourth member, the best available, so I made a personal plea to an old friend. He is here now."

  A figure detached from the ceiling and dropped silently to the floor. It was huge man wearing a dark, gray cloak. A shaggy mane of black hair surrounded his round head. He wore black sunglasses even though the room had poor light. Until he had moved, Aaron hadn't realized he was even present.

  Marina took an abrupt step back. "Holy shit," she muttered.

  Atalanta assumed a defensive stance. For the first time Aaron saw surprise and anxiety on her face.

  "Who is that?" he said.

  "Carlos," Marina whispered. "Number one in the world. I can't believe he's actually here. I thought he was in Mexico."

  The legate patted Carlos on the back. "Few of you have met this man, but many know him by reputation. This is Carlos. With him rounding out the team, Wesley's safety is almost assured."

  The crowd drifted back a few paces. Even Ethel appeared concerned.

  "The second announcement pertains to the leadership of the North American division of the Gray Spear Society," the legate said. "I cannot fulfill my duties as legate and be responsible for Wesley at the same time. Both jobs require total commitment. Therefore, I must retire from my former role. Another will have to take my place."

  Aaron looked at Marina. She shrugged.

  "We are very fortunate that a perfect candidate is immediately available," the legate said. "She has decades of experience in the Society. Her infallible instincts and wise leadership have made her the crown jewel of all my commanders. Best of all, she has a un
iquely personal relationship with the Almighty. Of course I'm talking about Ethel."

  Ethel stared at him with her mouth open. Aaron had never seen her so surprised.

  "May I be the first to congratulate you on your promotion," the legate said with a broad smile. "You are now the legatus legionis of North America, ma'am. May your courage and wisdom shine like a beacon on this great continent. All of it is your responsibility now." He bowed deeply to her.

  One by one, everybody else followed his example. Aaron didn't know what to think. It was impossible to imagine Chicago without Ethel.

  "Moving on," the former legate said. "Ethel's promotion leaves yet another vacancy in the chain of command. In this case the choice didn't require any debate. His service record is short, but it is sterling. His leadership potential is apparent to all. Aaron, you are now the decurion of the Chicago cell. The team is yours. Congratulations." He clapped softly.

  Marina gave Aaron a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Well done," she said.

  He was too stunned to respond.

  "Finally, I have a less savory topic to discuss." The former legate walked over to Marina and stared down at her. "You flagrantly ignored my orders and as a result brought the enemy to Wesley. Your astounding lapse in judgment almost created a disaster for the entire world. If he had died..." He shook his head slowly. "I can't imagine the consequences. Obviously, the only fair punishment is death."

  She lowered her head. "I understand, sir," she said softly. "I can't argue with you."

  "However, these are unusual times. Wesley spoke forcefully on your behalf and seems to think you're a hero. Frankly, I didn't understand his explanation at all. Somehow it involved you not killing your uncle. Nonetheless, out of deference to him, I will show leniency in this one special case. Don't expect it again."

  "Thank you, sir!" She sniffed and looked up at him with tears on her cheeks. "Thank you!"

  "I'm not done." He narrowed his eyes. "Aaron is your commander now. You may be his lover, but you will never be his equal again. If he orders you to scrub the toilet in high heels, you will do it without complaint. He will have the final say on everything. Considering your personality, this arrangement will be difficult for you. Eventually, you may hate him. This is the punishment fate has dealt you."


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